48 Facts about Joseph Gordon Levitt - Facts.net
Fleurette Mohan

Written by Fleurette Mohan

Modified & Updated: 21 May 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Gettyimages.com

Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a well-known name in the entertainment industry. From his early days as a child actor to his successful career as an adult, he has captivated audiences with his talent and versatility. With a charming smile and undeniable charisma, Levitt has become a favorite among fans around the world.

In this article, we will explore 48 interesting facts about Joseph Gordon-Levitt that you may not know. From his humble beginnings to his rise to stardom, we will delve into his personal life, his achievements in the industry, and some lesser-known aspects of his career.

Prepare to be amazed as we take a closer look at the life and career of this talented actor, director, and producer. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or simply curious about this remarkable artist, these facts are sure to entertain and inform.

Key Takeaways:

  • Joseph Gordon Levitt is a multitalented actor, director, and philanthropist who has made a significant impact in the entertainment industry through his diverse skills and commitment to storytelling.
  • With a passion for creativity, collaboration, and advocacy, Joseph Gordon Levitt continues to inspire and influence aspiring artists while using his platform to promote inclusivity and positive change.
Table of Contents

Joseph Gordon Levitt started his acting career at a young age.

Joseph Gordon Levitt, known for his incredible talents, began his acting journey early on in his life.

He was born on February 17, 1981, in Los Angeles, California.

Joseph Gordon Levitt was born and raised in the entertainment capital, Los Angeles.

He rose to fame with his role in the hit television sitcom “3rd Rock from the Sun.”

One of Joseph Gordon Levitt’s breakthrough roles was in the popular TV show “3rd Rock from the Sun,” where he played the character Tommy Solomon.

Joseph Gordon Levitt is multilingual.

Fluency in multiple languages is an impressive skill possessed by Joseph Gordon Levitt.

He is the founder of the online production company, hitRECord.

As an entrepreneur, Joseph Gordon Levitt founded the innovative online platform known as hitRECord, which allows artists from around the world to collaborate on various creative projects.

Joseph Gordon Levitt has starred in numerous critically acclaimed films.

Throughout his career, Joseph Gordon Levitt has been a part of several highly praised movies, demonstrating his versatility as an actor.

He portrayed the character of Robert Lincoln in the film “Lincoln.”

In the historical drama “Lincoln,” Joseph Gordon Levitt portrayed the son of President Abraham Lincoln, showcasing his ability to tackle complex roles.

He has worked with renowned directors such as Christopher Nolan and Steven Spielberg.

Joseph Gordon Levitt has had the privilege of collaborating with esteemed directors, including Christopher Nolan and Steven Spielberg, who are known for their exceptional filmmaking talent.

He is also a writer and director.

In addition to acting, Joseph Gordon Levitt has proven his skills as a writer and director, showcasing his creative abilities beyond the screen.

Joseph Gordon Levitt has won several awards for his acting.

His exceptional performances have earned Joseph Gordon Levitt recognition in the form of prestigious awards.

He has portrayed a wide range of characters throughout his career.

Joseph Gordon Levitt has shown his versatility by taking on diverse roles, ranging from romantic leads to complex and troubled individuals.

He played the role of Arthur in the science fiction thriller “Inception.”

In Christopher Nolan’s mind-bending film “Inception,” Joseph Gordon Levitt impressed audiences with his portrayal of Arthur, a skilled and resourceful member of a heist team.

Joseph Gordon Levitt has a passion for music.

Aside from his acting and creative pursuits, Joseph Gordon Levitt is also known to have a deep love for music.

He has showcased his musical skills through various projects.

Joseph Gordon Levitt has collaborated with musicians and artists to create unique and captivating musical performances.

Joseph Gordon Levitt is a philanthropist.

He is actively involved in several charitable endeavors, using his platform to make a positive impact on society.

He has a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

In addition to his artistic talents, Joseph Gordon Levitt is also highly skilled in the martial art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Joseph Gordon Levitt has a strong presence on social media.

He actively engages with his fans and shares updates about his projects through various social media platforms.

He is known for his down-to-earth personality.

Despite his fame, Joseph Gordon Levitt is known for being humble and approachable.

Joseph Gordon Levitt is committed to environmental causes.

He is a strong advocate for environmental conservation and sustainability.

He has a love for literature.

Joseph Gordon Levitt is an avid reader and has expressed his passion for literature on multiple occasions.

Joseph Gordon Levitt has performed as a voice actor in animated films.

His vocal talents have been showcased in animated movies, adding depth and personality to various characters.

He has appeared in music videos.

Joseph Gordon Levitt has made appearances in music videos, collaborating with musicians to create visually captivating experiences.

He has hosted his own television show, “HitRecord on TV.”

Joseph Gordon Levitt brought his creative talents to the small screen as the host of the show “HitRecord on TV,” where artists from all disciplines collaborated to create unique content.

Joseph Gordon Levitt played a charming romantic lead in the film “500 Days of Summer.”

In the romantic comedy-drama “500 Days of Summer,” Joseph Gordon Levitt portrayed the charismatic yet vulnerable character, Tom Hansen.

He has a passion for technology and innovation.

Joseph Gordon Levitt embraces the advancements of technology and consistently seeks innovative ways to express his creativity.

Joseph Gordon Levitt has performed on stage.

His talents extend to the theater, where he has showcased his acting skills in various stage productions.

He has a production company named hitRECord.

Joseph Gordon Levitt established the production company hitRECord, where artists collaborate to produce unique and multimedia projects.

Joseph Gordon Levitt has collaborated with his brother, Dan Gordon Levitt, on creative projects.

The Gordon Levitt brothers have joined forces on numerous occasions, contributing to each other’s artistic endeavors.

He has hosted the variety show “Saturday Night Live.”

Joseph Gordon Levitt took on the role of the host for the legendary television show “Saturday Night Live,” displaying his comedic timing and versatility.

He actively supports the LGBTQ+ community.

Joseph Gordon Levitt is an advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and has used his platform to promote inclusivity.

Joseph Gordon Levitt has a passion for photography.

His creative pursuits include photography, where he captures captivating moments through his lens.

He has starred in the film adaptation of “The Dark Knight Rises.”

In Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy, Joseph Gordon Levitt played the character John Blake, adding depth to the storyline.

He is known for his work in independent films.

Joseph Gordon Levitt has been praised for his performances in independent films, which often explore unconventional and thought-provoking narratives.

He has received accolades for his portrayal of a young Bruce Willis in “Looper.”

Joseph Gordon Levitt’s transformative performance in “Looper” earned him acclaim for his ability to capture the essence of a young version of the iconic actor.

He has a passion for collaborative storytelling.

Joseph Gordon Levitt encourages collaboration and storytelling through his platform, hitRECord, fostering a sense of community among artists.

He has lent his voice to video games.

Joseph Gordon Levitt’s vocal talents have been featured in video games, bringing characters to life through his expressive voice work.

He is an advocate for mental health awareness.

Joseph Gordon Levitt uses his platform to raise awareness about mental health issues and promote conversations surrounding mental well-being.

He has portrayed real-life figures in biographical films.

Joseph Gordon Levitt has taken on the challenge of bringing real-life individuals to the screen, capturing their essence and spirit with authenticity.

He co-starred with Leonardo DiCaprio in “Inception.”

Joseph Gordon Levitt shared the screen with fellow acclaimed actor Leonardo DiCaprio in the mind-bending film “Inception.”

He has appeared in the drama film “50/50.”

In the film “50/50,” Joseph Gordon Levitt portrayed a man diagnosed with cancer, delivering a heartfelt and powerful performance.

He has explored various genres throughout his career.

Joseph Gordon Levitt has delved into different film genres, showcasing his adaptability and range as an actor.

He has a passion for dance.

Joseph Gordon Levitt is known for his impressive dance skills, which he has demonstrated in films and various public appearances.

He has collaborated with his wife, Tasha McCauley, on various projects.

Joseph Gordon Levitt and his wife, Tasha McCauley, have joined forces to create meaningful and innovative projects.

He has performed as a host on the popular podcast “WTF with Marc Maron.”

Joseph Gordon Levitt showcased his conversational skills as a guest host on the acclaimed podcast “WTF with Marc Maron.

He is known for his dedication and commitment to his craft.

Joseph Gordon Levitt is recognized for his unwavering commitment to perfecting his performances and continuously challenging himself as an actor.

He has a passion for storytelling.

Joseph Gordon Levitt believes in the power of storytelling and frequently explores different mediums to tell compelling and thought-provoking narratives.

He is known for his charismatic on-screen presence.

Joseph Gordon Levitt’s magnetic presence on screen captivates audiences and adds depth to his characters.

He continues to inspire and influence aspiring artists.

Joseph Gordon Levitt’s journey and success serve as an inspiration for aspiring artists around the world, encouraging them to pursue their creative passions with dedication and determination.


Joseph Gordon Levitt is a multi-talented actor, director, and entrepreneur who has captivated audiences around the world with his diverse range of roles. From his early career as a child actor in movies like “Angels in the Outfield” to his breakout performances in films such as “500 Days of Summer” and “Inception,” Levitt has proven himself to be a versatile and highly-skilled performer.

Throughout his career, Levitt has received critical acclaim for his acting abilities and has been nominated for various awards, including a Golden Globe. He has also ventured into directing, with his directorial debut “Don Jon” receiving positive reviews.

Off-screen, Levitt is also known for his entrepreneurial endeavors, including the creation of his online collaborative production company, hitRECord.

With his talent, intelligence, and charisma, Joseph Gordon Levitt continues to be a celebrated figure in the entertainment industry, and his future projects are eagerly anticipated by fans and critics alike.


1. What is Joseph Gordon Levitt’s most famous role?

Joseph Gordon Levitt is known for his role as Tom Hansen in the romantic comedy-drama “500 Days of Summer.” The film gained him widespread recognition and established him as a leading man in Hollywood.

2. Has Joseph Gordon Levitt ever won any awards?

While Joseph Gordon Levitt has not won any major acting awards, he has been nominated for several prestigious awards, including a Golden Globe for his performance in “50/50.”

3. What other talents does Joseph Gordon Levitt have besides acting?

In addition to acting, Joseph Gordon Levitt is also a talented director, writer, and musician. He has directed and starred in films such as “Don Jon,” and has released several musical projects through his collaborative online platform, hitRECord.

4. Is Joseph Gordon Levitt involved in any philanthropic work?

Yes, Joseph Gordon Levitt is actively involved in various charitable causes. He is a supporter of organizations like the ACLU and has used his platform to raise awareness and funds for important social issues.

5. What is Joseph Gordon Levitt’s latest project?

As of the latest information available, Joseph Gordon Levitt’s latest project is the science fiction thriller film, “Project Power,” where he stars alongside Jamie Foxx and Dominique Fishback.

Captivated by Joseph Gordon Levitt's incredible talent and versatility? Uncover even more mindblowing facts about this remarkable actor, delve into the secrets behind his captivating performance in the movie "The Night Before," and explore the hidden depths of his breakout role in the gripping film "Brick." Each article offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of this Hollywood icon, revealing the untold stories and surprising trivia that will leave you craving more. Don't miss out on these compelling reads that showcase the many facets of Joseph Gordon Levitt's extraordinary career!

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