Shania Twain on Posing Nude for Her New Album: "I'm Fine and Comfortable With Myself"

A queen, forever.

Shania Twain performs at the Calgary Stampede at Scotiabank Saddledome on July 10, 2014 in Calgary, Canada
(Image credit: Photo by Melissa Renwick / Getty)

Country legend Shania Twain is back with a new album, titled Queen of Me.

In artwork for the record, Twain, 57, poses nude with a horse, looking radiant and happy.

But it took the star a long time and a lot of work to get to a place where she could feel comfortable taking these photos, not to mention sharing them with her audience.

"I was a very insecure woman, girl..." Twain revealed on TalkShopLive (via Prevention). "I was one of those teenagers that would never wear a bikini at the beach, for example."

"So I’m saying, well, the heck with that. I didn’t do it when I was younger, so I’m going to do it now. I’m going to feel and show that I feel comfortable in my own skin."

Cue clapping, standing ovation, whistling, etc.

The singer continued, "Trust me, this took courage because I am so not an exhibitionist.

"It was all about my own message to myself. Just saying, you know, it’s just time to feel comfortable in my own skin and share that with other people and just share those insecurities, shed that skin of insecurity."

She also explained exactly how she gathered up the courage, so take notes.

"Repeating the message to myself was the beginning, just saying, 'OK, I’m fine with the way I look. I’m fine aging. I’m fine and comfortable with myself,'" she added.

"And this was the final step of saying, 'OK, I can’t just tell people that. I can’t just say it. I’ve got to live it.'"

I think it's safe to say, man... Shania feels like a woman.

Iris Goldsztajn
Morning Editor

Iris Goldsztajn is a London-based journalist, editor and author. She is the morning editor at Marie Claire, and her work has appeared in the likes of British Vogue, InStyle, Cosmopolitan, Refinery29 and SELF. Iris writes about everything from celebrity news and relationship advice to the pitfalls of diet culture and the joys of exercise. She has many opinions on Harry Styles, and can typically be found eating her body weight in cheap chocolate.