
  • Macbeth's history with Demona drives his relentless pursuit, showcasing the consequences of betrayal and revenge in Gargoyles.
  • Hudson's wisdom and adaptability make him an essential mentor figure in the clan, highlighting the importance of stability and patience.
  • From his technological prowess to emotional growth, Lexington's intelligence and maturity set him apart as a key problem-solver in the Gargoyles universe.

The classic animated television show Gargoyles has introduced numerous characters, but these ten stand out as the best in the series. Set in modern-day New York City, the show follows a clan of gargoyles who awaken from a centuries-long magical slumber and take it upon themselves to protect their new home. Gargoyles captivated viewers with its mature storytelling, complex characters, and rich world-building, setting it apart from other animated series of its time. With a Gargoyles live action reboot in the works, the original animated show has found a new generation of fans through its availability on Disney+.

Among the many elements that make Gargoyles a timeless classic, its diverse cast of characters stands out as a key strength. From noble leaders like Goliath to cunning adversaries like David Xanatos, the show's characters are imbued with depth, nuance, and believable motivations that evolve over the course of the series. These multifaceted characters, combined with engaging story arcs that span multiple seasons, have solidified Gargoyles' place as a groundbreaking animated series. Exploring the ten best characters from this beloved show will highlight the qualities that make them so memorable and integral to the enduring legacy of Gargoyles.

10 Macbeth

An interesting character motivated by revenge

Macbeth's centuries-long quest to hunt down Demona is driven by a complex history that intertwines their fates. The magical bond forged between them, granting eternal life, arose from a desperate alliance against common enemies. However, the partnership was shattered by Demona's mistrust, leading to Macbeth's downfall and the loss of his kingdom and family. This tragic turn of events transformed Macbeth into a formidable adversary, his skills honed over generations of pursuing Demona.

His intimate knowledge of gargoyle vulnerabilities and his unwavering determination make him a persistent threat to the Manhattan clan. Macbeth's character arc is a compelling exploration of the consequences of betrayal and the consuming nature of revenge. Macbeth’s presence adds depth to the series' narrative, highlighting the long-reaching impact of past actions and the cyclical nature of conflict. While not the most iconic or frequently featured antagonist, Macbeth's unique history and personal stakes elevate his role in the Gargoyles universe.

9 Hudson

A strong and loyal character

With his wealth of knowledge accumulated over countless years, Hudson serves as a sage advisor to the younger gargoyles. His presence brings stability and grounding to the clan, proving this canceled animated TV show needs a revival. Though no longer the physical powerhouse he once was, Hudson's strategic mind and unflappable composure in the face of adversity remain invaluable assets.

His ability to adapt to the modern world, finding simple pleasures in television and the comforts of home, showcases a character who embraces change while maintaining his core values. Hudson's role as a mentor extends beyond simply dispensing advice; he leads by example, demonstrating the importance of patience, resilience, and the wisdom to know when to fight and when to stand guard. Hudson doesn’t have as central of a plot as Goliath, and he’s not as dynamic as the younger gargoyles, but his quiet strength and loyalty make him an essential pillar of the clan.

8 Broadway

The passionate foodie