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Percy is a little green saddle tank engine who was brought to Sodor to help run the railway during Gordon, Henry and James' strike. He is the youngest member of the Steam Team, and he is also Thomas' best friend and is quite cheeky, often getting himself into trouble with his attempts to play tricks on the other engines. Percy works on Thomas' Branch Line as a goods engine, but his favourite job is delivering the mail.


The Railway Series[]

Percy was built sometime after the turn of the 20th Century, by the Avonside Engine Company, and had a subsequent rebuild in the period before he was sold second or third hand to the North Western Railway by a factory on the Mainland. He is said to have been found to contain Hunslet parts, among others, according to workers at Crovan's Gate.

Sometime Between 1925-1935, when Gordon, James and Henry went on strike in protest of fetching their own coaches following Thomas' departure to run his branch line, the Fat Controller decided the railway needed another tank engine. At the engine workshop, the Fat Controller saw a green saddle tank. When the engine said that he was willing to work hard, the Fat Controller bought him and named him Percy. Bringing him back to Sodor, Percy was charged with running the branch line while Thomas ran the Main Line with Edward and was allowed to stay after the big engines surrendered and returned to work. At first, Percy liked to annoy the big engines. Percy was later waiting at Knapford, but forgot to whistle to the signalman and thus was startled when Gordon came running towards him with the express. Gordon managed to stop in time, but Percy was so frightened, he ran away and ended up stuck in a sandbank. He was rescued by Gordon and took up the duty of station pilot at Tidmouth.

Percy was still a cheeky engine and often liked to play jokes on Gordon and James, only for the two engines to have their revenge when Percy failed to recognize a "backing signal". After this, Percy was subject to bullying from the big engines until Duck arrived and helped Percy to put the big engines in their place, although Percy still received a reprimand from the Fat Controller for it.

With Duck's arrival, Percy was sent to Thomas' Branch Line to help build Knapford Harbour and has stayed there ever since as a goods engine. He met a self-centered white helicopter named Harold who said that railways were "slow and out-of-date", so Percy decided to race him and won. When Percy had to take the Sunday School children home, he came across a flooded paddock which swashed away his fire. Thankfully, he got some help from Harold (who dropped supplies of hot drinks for his crew and the passengers) and was able to get the children home.

Despite being really useful, Percy was prone to having accidents were due to him sometimes acting naughty or being careless. He was naughty when he asked the trucks to push him past a danger notice, only to end up in the water until he could be lifted out and taken to the works by Henry. When a diesel railcar named Daisy came to look after Thomas' Branch Line, she constantly kept leaving behind the milk van every time Percy shunted it for her. Fed up with taking the milk for her, Percy offered to take Toby's trucks for him while he took the milk. However, the trucks were unfamiliar with Percy and when he ordered them about, they decided to seek revenge by pushing him onto a line of stone trucks that caused an awkward predicament.

Thomas & Friends[]

One winter, the cold was severely getting to Percy, so he tried to think about warm things.As a result, his workday led to Percy obsessing over scarves and seeing everyone around him wearing them. Henry remarked on the silliness of an engine wanting a scarf, but Percy bit back with a comment about Henry's funnel size. The cold did not affect Percy's cheekiness however, as he planned on startling the coaches by coming in quietly. However, the porters did not hear him either and Percy crashed into their luggage trolley, ending up covered in jam with the Fat Controller's hat on Percy's lamp iron and his best trousers wrapped around Percy's funnel. James joked that Percy found a 'scarf' after all and ran off to tell Henry. That night, Thomas and a clean Percy prepared to go to sleep happy that the firelighter had agreed to arrive earlier the next day. Henry and Percy made up and Henry assured Percy that the weather would be warmer the following day.

Percy has still been bullied a lot by others (including by Cranky, the Horrid Lorries, 'Arry and Bert), only for his tormentors to later get their just desserts. Percy also believes the things are real to himself when they're not true. Once, he arrived late at Brendam Docks, leading the Dock Manager to speak with the Fat Controller. When Percy got back to the sheds, he heard the Fat Controller talking to his driver, and Percy thought the Fat Controller wanted to scrap him when he told the driver "He [had to] go to the scrap yards". Thomas tried to tell his friend that he is really useful, which made Percy better, until he noticed the time. Percy was so impatient for Cranky to finish loading the pipes, he rushed off before they were tied down. As Percy rounded the bend, the Pipes fell on the tracks. He also rushed to deliver the tar, causing the tar wagons to crash into Gordon. Percy thought he would be scrapped now. When Thomas told the Fat Controller that Percy thought he was going to be scrapped, the Fat Controller sent everyone to look for Percy. But they could not find him, until Thomas knew where he was hiding. When they arrived at the Sheds, The Fat Controller told Percy what he really said; he told Percy's Driver that he was late because he was working too hard. And the Fat Controller said he was going to take scrap to the smelters and carry the mail all week, which made Percy happy and Thomas was happy his friend felt better. Percy also loves his home, the Island of Sodor. He once had to show a famous painter round the island in an attempt to get him an idea of what to paint as the "Spirit of Sodor", only for the painter to realise that was Percy was the "Spirit of Sodor" and painted him. After the Fat Controller lost his voice, Percy was told to give Gordon, James and Toby their jobs for the day. Unfortunately, he accidentally got them mixed up until Thomas helped him put them right.

In Tale of the Brave, Thomas told Percy about some mysterious footprints that he saw at the China Clay Pits. Percy thought that the footprints were that of a monster that was roaming Sodor. Continuing to be anxious for a few days, he caused lots of confusion and delay such as: mistakenly referring to Gator (a new engine) as a monster, failing to deliver his mail on-time and running off before the Fat Controller finished talking to him. After talking with his new friend Gator, he understood what being brave is like and later used this courage to save James from a huge landslide. He later learned that the monster was really a dinosaur a long, long time ago, which had now become a fossil. He also understood that the footprints Thomas saw were also only fossils left from the dinosaur. Percy later said goodbye to Gator, who had to return to the mainland, but the two friends were certain they would meet again someday.

In the eighteenth series, Percy was starting to miss Gator and tried to forget him by working hard and not think about him. When he had to deliver trucks full of precious sculptures and paintings for a special exhibition, he did not stop to be coupled and the Troublesome Trucks went rolling into the old mine. He thought about Gator and his advice of how to be brave. Percy went into the mine and rescued the trucks. Percy soon reunited with Gator at Christmas.

In the nineteenth series, he was to transport Farmer McColl's ewes to a fair at Maithwaite. However, he was late delivering that night's mail. Rushing to get back on time, he bashed his livestock wagon into a flatbed and unknowingly created a hole in it. He collected the sheep from McColl Farm, but every time he stopped some of the sheep escaped. By the time he had reached the fair, all the sheep had escaped. Fortunately, Thomas, Annie and Clarabel arrived shortly afterwards with the sheep, much to Percy's relief. Once, he saw some men at Knapford, talking about the Fat Controller "leaving". After he told Thomas and the other engines, they came to the conclusion he was leaving Sodor because of them, so they decided to create no confusion and delay until he decided to stay. By the end of the day, it appeared their plan was successful, though Percy still had his doubts. His suspicions were seemingly confirmed when he saw the men clearing out the Fat Controller's office. Now believing the Fat Controller was being forced to leave, the engines decided to go on strike until he was allowed to stay. After much confusion and delay, the Fat Controller explained to the engines that he was just moving to a temporary office while his was being redecorated. With the misunderstanding cleared up, Percy and the other engines worked hard to get the railway back on schedule. Percy was once given the job of taking the Mayor of Sodor to the Sodor Search and Rescue Centre to present a new alarm bell to celebrate their one thousandth rescue. Diesel overheard Percy talking about it at Brendam Docks and he played a trick on him, sending Percy to the Old Quarry which resulted him ending up on a badly flooded railway line. After Diesel unsuccessfully attempted to pull him out of the flood, he too also ended up getting stuck in the water after it badly damaged his generator. The rescue of Diesel and Percy marked the Sodor Search and Rescue Centre Crew's one thousand and first rescue.

In the twentieth series, Percy had the job of taking the Christmas Mail to Vicarstown for Hiro to take to the Mainland and onwards to the North Pole. Harold offered to help, but Percy refused, determined complete the job on his own. After he left a bag of letters behind at Dryaw, Harold chased after him, but Percy believed Harold was mocking his speed and refused to stop which led to him crashing into a snowdrift at a tunnel. Stuck, he reluctantly agreed to let Harold deliver the Mail. The following day, he heard from Toby that Harold had not returned to Sodor that night, so he raced off to the Mainland to find him. He found Harold stuck in a field and out of fuel. Not wanting Harold to spend Christmas stranded and alone, he fetched his fuel and the two returned to Sodor. Later, Percy was taking the Mail Train at night, when he came across the Watermill bridge and heard a moaning sound which gave him a fright. Percy later told Thomas and Toby about it and remembering the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff, he thought it was a troll that was living under the bridge. The three engines reluctantly crossed the bridge and discovered it was only a lost cow. He was also the only engine to be nice to Hugo, who was being shunned as the others thought he had come to replace them. He would then see a Zeppelin in the sky and question how Hugo could be in the sky as well as on the rails.

In The Great Race, Percy took Thomas' place in the shunting competition of the Great Railway Show after Thomas had an accident and was left on Sodor. However, Thomas managed to make it to the Mainland after all and Percy dropped out of the competition so his best friend could compete and because he did not want to compete in the first place.

In the twenty-first series, Percy became confused because of the new P.A. system which was not working properly. Because of this, he ended up taking a delivery of pigs to Lord Callan at Callan Castle. He was also told by Dowager Hatt to pull Gordon's Express instead of Gordon doing so, but because he was not strong enough to pull it, he got stuck on Gordon's Hill and ended up severely delayed.

In the twenty-second series, when Merlin first came to Sodor, Percy thought everyone was talking about how Merlin is an invisible engine, so that was why Percy had not seen him. He looked everywhere for the invisible engine until he met up with Merlin (who did not get a chance to introduce himself) and heard what he believed was the invisible engine's whistle (which was actually Trevor's whistle) and rushed off to tell Thomas about hearing what he thought was Merlin's whistle.

In the twenty-third series, Thomas began to miss Percy while in China, though with prompting, he decided to send a postcard. Percy later began worrying about Thomas when snow came, and he got himself into an accident looking for Thomas when he became late. His friends soon found him in his current predicament, and Percy felt foolish when he learned that Thomas was only late due to a salt delivery.

In the twenty-fourth series, Percy overheard some talk about a railway show at Ulfstead Castle for little engines, though when the Thin Clergyman found out, he clarified it was a model engine show. Percy felt foolish for the misunderstanding, having wanted a moment for himself to shine, but he felt proud that after the confusion was cleared up, the winning model was one of himself.
