The Meaning Behind The Song: Achy Breaky Heart by Billy Ray Cyrus - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Achy Breaky Heart by Billy Ray Cyrus

The Meaning Behind The Song: Achy Breaky Heart by Billy Ray Cyrus

Billy Ray Cyrus’ “Achy Breaky Heart” was a popular country dance tune when it first came out in the early 1990s. The song’s catchy melody and upbeat rhythm made it an instant hit worldwide. However, behind the catchy tune, there was more to “Achy Breaky Heart” than just a catchy melody.

The Inspiration Behind “Achy Breaky Heart”

Billy Ray Cyrus wrote “Achy Breaky Heart” in 1990. He was relatively unknown at the time, trying to make his way in the music industry. Cyrus was going through a tough period in his life. His wife at the time, Cindy Smith, had left him and taken their two children with her. Cyrus was feeling heartbroken. He also had financial problems and needed a hit to pay his bills.

One night, after performing at a local bar in Nashville, Cyrus started playing around with a melody on his guitar. As he played, he began to come up with some lyrics that expressed how he was feeling: “Don’t tell my heart, my achy breaky heart, I just don’t think it’d understand.”

Cyrus knew that he had struck gold with that simple, yet profound, line. He worked on the song over the next few months, refining it until it was just right.

An International Hit

When “Achy Breaky Heart” was released in 1992, it quickly became a smash hit. The song reached the top of the charts in the United States and went on to become the most played song on radio in 1992. It sold millions of copies worldwide and won a BMI Award for being one of the most played songs of the year.

The song’s success turned Billy Ray Cyrus from a struggling musician into an international star overnight. It also opened the door for other popular country artists like Garth Brooks and Shania Twain to crossover into the mainstream music scene.

The Message Behind “Achy Breaky Heart”

At first glance, “Achy Breaky Heart” might seem like a simple love song. However, the message behind the song is much deeper than that.

The lyrics of the song talk about a man who has been hurt by love and is trying to move on. He doesn’t want to fall in love again because he’s afraid of being hurt. However, he also knows that he can’t live without love.

The message behind “Achy Breaky Heart” is about the pain that comes with love and heartbreak. It’s a message that resonates with many people worldwide, regardless of their age, gender, or cultural background.

The Impact of “Achy Breaky Heart”

“Achy Breaky Heart” had a massive impact on the music industry. It was the first country song to become a dance craze, with line dancing becoming a popular pastime at bars and clubs worldwide.

The song also put Billy Ray Cyrus on the map, launching his career as a successful country and pop artist. He went on to release more hit songs and even had his own TV show, “Hannah Montana,” with his daughter, Miley Cyrus.

The song’s success also paved the way for other country acts to cross over to the mainstream music scene. Garth Brooks, Shania Twain, and Tim McGraw have credited “Achy Breaky Heart” for helping to open doors for them in the music industry.

The Legacy of “Achy Breaky Heart”

Although “Achy Breaky Heart” was released almost thirty years ago, it still remains an iconic song. It continues to be played at weddings, parties, and other events worldwide.

The song’s success and legacy can be measured in many ways. It has been covered by other artists, including Weird Al Yankovic, and it has been parodied in movies and TV shows.

In 2019, Billy Ray Cyrus teamed up with rapper Lil Nas X to release a remix of “Old Town Road,” which became the longest-running number-one hit song on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. The remix introduced “Achy Breaky Heart” to a new generation of listeners, and it once again became a mainstream hit.


“Achy Breaky Heart” is more than just a catchy tune. It’s a timeless classic that resonates with people worldwide. The message of the song about love and heartbreak is one that everyone can relate to.

The song’s success and legacy show that sometimes the most profound messages can come from the simplest of lyrics. “Achy Breaky Heart” has left a lasting impact on the music industry and is a testament to the talent and vision of Billy Ray Cyrus.

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