7 reasons to date a Russian man - Russia Beyond

7 reasons to date a Russian man

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He may look a little rough around the edges but he almost certainly has a sensitive soul - you just need to coax it out of him.

1. He is a romantic (even if he doesn’t look like one)

Winter in Russia is often harsh and lasts for five months of the year - but with these stark conditions comes an opportunity to romanticize, and many Russian men love to spin a yarn about facing the elements and taking on nature.

But they have a softer side, trust us, and enjoy reciting songs, poems, movie quotes, or lines from a book that will melt any woman’s heart within earshot. Even if the expression on his face looks like he’s eaten a bear raw, he’s warm and gentle on the inside.

2. Paying the bill is a question of honor

This point isn’t about equality - even if a girl takes a man on a date and has more money than him, he will always pay. A typical Russian man will be offended if his date offers to share the bill. He’ll beg, steal, or borrow (if he’s broke) to make sure he picks up the tab at the end of a meal - otherwise he’s “not a man” (“ne muzhik”). The same goes for your opera or movie tickets, but maybe not your parking fee or eyeliner...

3. He’ll appreciate your cooking no matter what

Ever heard about Russian babushkas? Every Russian guy has/or had one, and they always make sure their grandsons are well fed, even if her cooking is no better than three-day old takeaway pizza.

So, if you’re average at cooking he will never say he doesn’t like it. The other side of the coin: He’ll expect you to cook for him everyday.

4. He’ll never whine

“Boys don’t cry,” especially in Russia. A guy is expected to conceal his feelings and always show emotional prowess and self-control. So if your Russian boyfriend is annoyed or sad at something, he’ll probably keep it holed up unless you squeeze it out of him.

There is, however, one major exception: If he catches a cold (man flu) he’ll most likely act like he’s about to die. All Russian mums can relate to this after nursing their little soldiers back to full health.

5. He won’t panic if things go wrong

Broken down car? Mortgage issues? Searched by the police? Children having a tough time at school? Banned from driving? If something like this happens, a Russian man will probably keep his chin up and motor on through life. As you may know, Russians are used to having the hot water switched off during the summer for a couple of weeks, surviving on nothing but noodles for days on end, walking to work in -20 °C, and a precarious economy. So it really takes something serious to worry a man.

6. He’ll fix it (most of the time)

In Soviet times, Russians became used to making do with what they had. Certain things just weren’t available, so if you needed a new kitchen appliance, car part, or winter coat you would simply learn how to repair your old belongings instead.

This doesn’t ring true for some of the refined and educated guys who spend more time reading than going out with their friends (mostly from the capital cities like Moscow or St. Petersburg), but most Russians will easily mend a flat tire, fix a power outlet, or assemble furniture. Just don’t stand there over his shoulder asking questions.

7. He can really find a compromise with women

Every Russian man has a strong and determined woman among his relatives - a hard-working and caring mom, a wise, tough grandmother, and so on. Women have been always revered in Russian society as keepers of the family and home values.

These days an increasing number of families struggle to stay together with around 30 percent of mothers raising kids alone. Like in many countries, when the parents do stay together the mum ends up spending more time with the kids anyway. So, a typical Russian guy is used to having a granny or his mum controlling a considerable chunk of his life - he’s therefore well versed in compromising with the opposite sex.

We encourage you to read our 7 reasons not to date a Russian woman or meet a typical Russian man. And if people wear you out, read about the most daring animal escapes from Moscow Zoo.

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