Jackie J. Riley - ForeverMissed.com Online Memorials ForeverMissed
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Services honoring Jackie will be held on August 17, 2023

St. Matthew's Catholic Church
2140 W. Ontario Avenue
Corona, CA

St. Matthew's Catholic Church

Memorial Reception:
St. Matthew's Catholic Church - Reception Hall

Graveside Service:

Sunnyslope Cemetery
1125 Rimpau Avenue
Corona, CA

Since Jackie loved flowers, the family requests that any flowers be sent to St. Matthew’s Catholic Church for her funeral service.
If you need hotel accommodations, these options are convenient: 
Holiday Inn Express and Suites Corona
1550 Circle City Drive, Corona, CA 92879
SpringHill Suites by Mariott Corona Riverside
2025 Compton Avenue, Corona, CA 92881

September 9, 2023
September 9, 2023
Eulogy For Jackie Riley

My name is Michael Greene.
To many, my mom introduced me as her favorite son and even though I was the only son I wore that moniker with pride much to the chagrin of my three sisters, Chris, Brenda, and Valerie.

Today, we are gathered to honor and say our final goodbye to an amazing woman who has left an indelible mark on our lives, a woman who is not just our mother but our mentor, our hero, our confidant - Jackie Riley.

My mother was a woman of few words, but when she spoke, her words held the weight of the world. Her advice was always clear and honest, even when the truth was tough to hear. See didn’t sugarcoat life, she equipped us to deal with it. She valued honesty, perseverance and dedication to your work and family.

Growing up, my mom was a pillar of strength. She taught us that it’s okay to fall, but what matters is that we pick ourselves up and keep going. She showed this through her actions, living out her days with a determination that was nothing short of inspiring.

She took pride in even the smallest achievements; this was evident in the many scrapbooks she made for many of her many life achievements and those of her four children and luckily for me she counted the even the small achievements as well or my scrapbook would have been both small and underwhelming. It was ironic that a few months ago she was there to see her Grandson Jake graduate high school as she beamed with pride.

Growing up with her sister in an unstable household, she endured constant moves, school changes and verbal abuse from her parents. She endured the never-ending alcohol fueled fights between her parents until they separated in her teens.

At the young age of 18 she married my father Jere Greene and started a family to include Chris and myself and the twins, unfortunately due to the stresses of life they divorced after seven years but through life remained good friends till the end.
Interested in law enforcement went on to school to study criminal justice and in 1968 joined the Corona Police department as a reserve police officer, one of the first women to enter the ranks at the time. She also worked for Security Pacific bank in many capacities, growing her skills from a teller to that of an auditor and fraud investigator. As the years went on, she continued her career in banking and fraud investigations as she became an executive at Bank of America and then Sanwa Bank until she retired at the young age of fifty-eight. During her career she investigated many high-profile bank robberies, embezzlement, theft, and fraud cases. With sheer tenacity, she worked every case and investigation to ensure the justice would prevail. 

It was ironic that on December 23rd, 2006, my mom and Bob experienced a home invasion robbery. The armed gunman, holding them hostage, forced them to go to the bank and withdraw money.

True to form my mom’s first call from the police station was to me, keep in mind this is Christmas weekend and plans were in place for a large gathering at my house the following day. As I answered the phone my mom’s words were very matter of fact,
“I won’t be able to bring the deviled eggs tomorrow, we had a home invasion, everyone is okay, the gunman is dead. You can tell your sisters and I will tell you more when we get out of the police station.”

Most people that had just been in that situation would be a complete mess, not my mom she was unshaken by the recent event. Unlike the 100,000 plus Corona residents and commuters that endured the untimely Christmas weekend shutdown of the 215 and 91 freeways as well as most of the surrounding streets for many hours on that not so enjoyable Christmas weekend. 

Cancer, the insatiable foe with no conscience, remorse, or feelings for what it takes. 
In 1981, mom fought an intense battle with breast cancer and survived, she later lost her husband Jerry Riley to cancer and her dear friend Bob Portick to cancer as well. Through these firsthand experiences mom knew too well the rath of cancer and the unending treatments for eradication and the toll taken on the mind body.  It was a shock to the family when we were informed of the fast-moving Glioblastoma “Brain Cancer” and the bleak prognoses for any treatment. I think this was the first battle my mom decided not to fight as she knew it was a losing battle no matter the outcome, as she was already having problems with memory and speaking which was very frustrating for her.  

The pain of losing her is profound, and the void her absence leaves feels impossible to fill. But in the silence, I feel her guiding light, her words of encouragement, and I feel her love surrounding us.

Jackie Riley, my mother, was truly a woman of tenacity and perseverance, and her legacy will live on through all of us. She lives in my heart as a beacon guiding me forward, her lessons my roadmap in life.

So today, we do not simply mourn the loss of an amazing woman, we celebrate her life and cherish the time we had with her. Today, we honor my mother by remembering her not with tears in our eyes, but love in our hearts and smiles on our faces. We remember her laughter, her wisdom, and most importantly, her unwavering love for us.

Mom, you have been my greatest inspiration. As I navigate life without you, I will hold onto the memories, the lessons, and most importantly, the love. You may not be here in person, but your spirit remains with us. Until we meet again.

I love you,
Your favorite son
August 24, 2023
August 24, 2023
Momma, the world doesn't look the same without you here. I will cherish the memories made, and hold them close to my heart. I am so very grateful for all of your guidance, support, patience and strength. You may not be here in the physical form but, I know you are watching over me and the boys.  We love and miss you so so much...Until our spirits unite......love you momma.....
Scarlett Madison DeWitt
August 22, 2023
August 22, 2023
This is from Scarlett Madison DeWitt, my granddaughter - Mom's great granddaughter who was born 4/4/2012 -

Grandma Jackie helped us learn to follow our hearts and to live in peace. She made hard times better for all of us, not just being there but just loving and caring for everyone around her and so I wish her well and to live in harmony in Heaven. I wish her to remember the good times.

We will miss you Grandma Jackie

Love you Grandma Jackie - Scarlett
August 20, 2023
August 20, 2023
We, Jackie and Jane, grew up together during and after the Second World War. More like sister and brother.
Every time I think of her, I remember that smile. Even as a small child Jackie was kind hearted and caring. 
Helen and I always enjoyed our mini family reunions. Bob was kind enough to enjoy being a part of those times. Lots of laughs and stories.
Some were even true….. 
I will not be able express how much I will miss those smiles and giggles.
August 16, 2023
August 16, 2023
Aunt Jackie had one of the slyest smiles that always made me feel like I was in on the joke or secret. When we did share a joke or laugh, it seemed like she laughed with all her gusto. She was such an incredible woman for her family, and her dedication at work was so well accomplished that she set a high bar that I hold myself accountable to. I will miss you greatly, Aunt Jackie.
August 15, 2023
August 15, 2023
Jackie was my very good friend here in Noble Canyon. Jackie was a leader in our Canyon, and I was one of her many admirers. Jackie took me under her wing and always made sure I was welcomed at all the functions. I missed Jackie when she moved to Laguna Woods, she trusted me to help her with both her moves from here to there, what an honor it was to serve her. I can still see her at the Clubhouse, representing all of us in the Sunshine Club, which represented all here in Noble Canyon, effortlessly, with her perfect organization and leadership skills. I envision her right this moment at the Holiday Boutique, where she sat at the entrance, doing the drawings for a gift card, they made a Christmas tree, with the gift cards hanging on them, a special delight for all entering the event. When Jackie smiled her genuine smile at me, she made me feel special, I love her, and I miss her. There is only one "Jackie". I am enriched to have known her. Friend and neighbor for almost 15 years. I honor her and celebrate her life.
Donna Jo Richards
August 15, 2023
August 15, 2023
Jackie was one of the first people my wife and I met when we moved to Trilogy. Bob and Jackie lived near us on the same street. She was one of the organizers of Emergency Preparedness group for our area. She was tremendously missed and her large impact on the community was especially felt when she moved out of the area. I was blessed to work with her on community events and found she was a super organized and gifted person. Richard and Sue Lewis
August 15, 2023
August 15, 2023
Jackie was truly a remarkable person. She was like a second mother to me. She will always be remembered and loved. Yes she may be gone, but her life and memories will live forever in our hearts. May she be at peace with her family in the heavens. We love you and so grateful to have known you, throughout our lives. Rest in Peace Jackie!
August 14, 2023
August 14, 2023
Our friend Jackie you may have left us, but your presence will endure forever in our hearts and souls. Rest in peace friend...You are gone but never forgotten.
August 11, 2023
August 11, 2023
As a Nobel Canyon resident I had known Jackie for almost i8 years and always thought of her as an energetic, delightful, interesting, kind and fun person. But when I really got to know her well was when we worked together on the Trilogy Boutique. My oh my , what a power house she was. I've never know someone so organized and so full of vitality. Everything she set out to do was always perfection. She was such a caring and thoughtful person. She was always ready to help where help was needed. As president of the Nobel Canyon Sunshine Club her exuberant spirit shown like sunshine. She will be missed.
Rest in Peace Jackie
Joy Kelly
August 11, 2023
August 11, 2023
Jackie was a very special lady, who never failed to brighten up all our life in Trilogy. She was our dear friend and leader of our Noble Sunshine Club.
Jackie was also my neighbor, always there to talk, or if you needed any help.
I so remember when I had my 65th Birthday Pajamas Party, Jackie came walking in with a police outfit. The hit of my party!!..
I won't say say good bye my friend, for you and I will meet again
August 10, 2023
August 10, 2023
It was always a pleasure to spend time with Jackie. She exuberantly welcomed us to family gatherings. She always put on the biggest smile when she saw us and gave us a heartfelt hug. She will be missed.

Bob and Zack
August 9, 2023
August 9, 2023
It is my privilege and honor to have known Jackie for over 20 years. We enjoyed many years living at Trilogy in the same canyon but it wasn't until we both moved to Laguna Woods that we got to be friends. We spent countless hours during the pandemic walking the beautiful trails and sharing all the fun details of our lives which of course included the blessings of our kids, relationships, and trips. Our "new" lives were an adventure. We navigated the tasks together finding new dentists, doctors, hair dressers, manicurists, and social events. My 75th birthday included her as one of my guests to my daughter's home in Newport Beach - a highlight for us both. I will always be thankful for those precious moments in time and getting to really know her. May God bless Michael and his sisters and their families. Most sincerely, Donna Stanfield   
August 8, 2023
August 8, 2023
My husband and I had the pleasure of meeting Jackie in January 2002 when we moved to Trilogy. We were fortunate to live across the street from Jackie and Bob. We shared many happy occasions together; barbecues, birthday celebrations, dinners, live stage plays and Trilogy events. When we moved from Trilogy in 2011, Jackie and Bob hosted a lovely going-away party for us. A special day we will remember always. Jackie's joy, enthusiasm and zest for life was absolutely contagious. We are forever grateful for her presence, love, caring and friendship. Forever Loved and Remembered, Pam and Nick
August 7, 2023
August 7, 2023
My sister, Jackie was an amazing sister and friend. She was always available to trade stories and together we thought we were able to fix the world. As children we only had one another. 
Jackie was a doting mother and loved the holidays. She was especially proud of the way her family vacationed together.
I am proud to say Jackie was my sister and friend! Loving thoughts ~ Jane
August 7, 2023
August 7, 2023
Dear Ma, I never knew there were so many tears. The firsts are hard - The first hour, the first day, then the first week that you were gone. You were a magical lady and I am forever grateful that God picked you to be my Mom. You lived and loved hard - the way it's supposed to be. Thank you for the life lessons and being there when I needed you and sometimes when I didn't know I needed you. I will forever hold our last conversations in my heart - You were tired and you wanted to go Home - And to be there with you will be something that I will treasure always. I want to call you, hug you and laugh with you everyday - but I know that one day we will be together and we will will giggle for the rest of eternity. I miss and love you you so very much ~ All my love as always, Chris (your angel) as you called me ~ Big Hugs Momma ~

August 7, 2023
August 7, 2023
I can honestly say that my mother is the most interesting person I have ever known. She was amazingly smart, super organized and immensely successful in her career. As a Police Officer in the 1960's, a investigator of bank fraud and a Chief Special Agent, she always had the most fascinating stories about work. She managed to remain calm and figure out how to best help the bank and police in order to remain alive during an armed home invasion, robbery and car chase. She traveled the world and I loved seeing her pictures and treasured mementos. She really enjoyed the holidays - she put up elaborate decorations and made wonderful costumes - she was creative, fun and engaging. She loved to be surrounded by family. She was energetic; she constantly wanted to be busy. Her home was always immaculate, so she found ways to fill her days out in the community. She loved volunteering - especially if it involved throwing a party with costumes and decorations. She was kind and a great listener. She was thoughtful and always sent sweet handwritten cards and the perfect gifts on special occasions. I miss her. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do when I can't call her on good days and bad days or when she won't be there to celebrate holidays and new achievements. She was amazing and special...she will be forever missed.

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Recent Tributes
September 9, 2023
September 9, 2023
Eulogy For Jackie Riley

My name is Michael Greene.
To many, my mom introduced me as her favorite son and even though I was the only son I wore that moniker with pride much to the chagrin of my three sisters, Chris, Brenda, and Valerie.

Today, we are gathered to honor and say our final goodbye to an amazing woman who has left an indelible mark on our lives, a woman who is not just our mother but our mentor, our hero, our confidant - Jackie Riley.

My mother was a woman of few words, but when she spoke, her words held the weight of the world. Her advice was always clear and honest, even when the truth was tough to hear. See didn’t sugarcoat life, she equipped us to deal with it. She valued honesty, perseverance and dedication to your work and family.

Growing up, my mom was a pillar of strength. She taught us that it’s okay to fall, but what matters is that we pick ourselves up and keep going. She showed this through her actions, living out her days with a determination that was nothing short of inspiring.

She took pride in even the smallest achievements; this was evident in the many scrapbooks she made for many of her many life achievements and those of her four children and luckily for me she counted the even the small achievements as well or my scrapbook would have been both small and underwhelming. It was ironic that a few months ago she was there to see her Grandson Jake graduate high school as she beamed with pride.

Growing up with her sister in an unstable household, she endured constant moves, school changes and verbal abuse from her parents. She endured the never-ending alcohol fueled fights between her parents until they separated in her teens.

At the young age of 18 she married my father Jere Greene and started a family to include Chris and myself and the twins, unfortunately due to the stresses of life they divorced after seven years but through life remained good friends till the end.
Interested in law enforcement went on to school to study criminal justice and in 1968 joined the Corona Police department as a reserve police officer, one of the first women to enter the ranks at the time. She also worked for Security Pacific bank in many capacities, growing her skills from a teller to that of an auditor and fraud investigator. As the years went on, she continued her career in banking and fraud investigations as she became an executive at Bank of America and then Sanwa Bank until she retired at the young age of fifty-eight. During her career she investigated many high-profile bank robberies, embezzlement, theft, and fraud cases. With sheer tenacity, she worked every case and investigation to ensure the justice would prevail. 

It was ironic that on December 23rd, 2006, my mom and Bob experienced a home invasion robbery. The armed gunman, holding them hostage, forced them to go to the bank and withdraw money.

True to form my mom’s first call from the police station was to me, keep in mind this is Christmas weekend and plans were in place for a large gathering at my house the following day. As I answered the phone my mom’s words were very matter of fact,
“I won’t be able to bring the deviled eggs tomorrow, we had a home invasion, everyone is okay, the gunman is dead. You can tell your sisters and I will tell you more when we get out of the police station.”

Most people that had just been in that situation would be a complete mess, not my mom she was unshaken by the recent event. Unlike the 100,000 plus Corona residents and commuters that endured the untimely Christmas weekend shutdown of the 215 and 91 freeways as well as most of the surrounding streets for many hours on that not so enjoyable Christmas weekend. 

Cancer, the insatiable foe with no conscience, remorse, or feelings for what it takes. 
In 1981, mom fought an intense battle with breast cancer and survived, she later lost her husband Jerry Riley to cancer and her dear friend Bob Portick to cancer as well. Through these firsthand experiences mom knew too well the rath of cancer and the unending treatments for eradication and the toll taken on the mind body.  It was a shock to the family when we were informed of the fast-moving Glioblastoma “Brain Cancer” and the bleak prognoses for any treatment. I think this was the first battle my mom decided not to fight as she knew it was a losing battle no matter the outcome, as she was already having problems with memory and speaking which was very frustrating for her.  

The pain of losing her is profound, and the void her absence leaves feels impossible to fill. But in the silence, I feel her guiding light, her words of encouragement, and I feel her love surrounding us.

Jackie Riley, my mother, was truly a woman of tenacity and perseverance, and her legacy will live on through all of us. She lives in my heart as a beacon guiding me forward, her lessons my roadmap in life.

So today, we do not simply mourn the loss of an amazing woman, we celebrate her life and cherish the time we had with her. Today, we honor my mother by remembering her not with tears in our eyes, but love in our hearts and smiles on our faces. We remember her laughter, her wisdom, and most importantly, her unwavering love for us.

Mom, you have been my greatest inspiration. As I navigate life without you, I will hold onto the memories, the lessons, and most importantly, the love. You may not be here in person, but your spirit remains with us. Until we meet again.

I love you,
Your favorite son
August 24, 2023
August 24, 2023
Momma, the world doesn't look the same without you here. I will cherish the memories made, and hold them close to my heart. I am so very grateful for all of your guidance, support, patience and strength. You may not be here in the physical form but, I know you are watching over me and the boys.  We love and miss you so so much...Until our spirits unite......love you momma.....
Scarlett Madison DeWitt
August 22, 2023
August 22, 2023
This is from Scarlett Madison DeWitt, my granddaughter - Mom's great granddaughter who was born 4/4/2012 -

Grandma Jackie helped us learn to follow our hearts and to live in peace. She made hard times better for all of us, not just being there but just loving and caring for everyone around her and so I wish her well and to live in harmony in Heaven. I wish her to remember the good times.

We will miss you Grandma Jackie

Love you Grandma Jackie - Scarlett
Her Life


August 4, 2023
Jackie Riley, loving wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother, died Sunday, July 30, 2023, at her home in Laguna Woods, California. Although Jackie survived a battle against breast cancer in 1981, a recent diagnosis of late-stage brain cancer exacted a heavy toll. Jackie spent her final days surrounded by her loving children.

Jackie was born Jacqualyn Jean Jensen on February 21, 1943 in Portland, Oregon to parents Irene and Cal Jensen. She attended elementary and high school in Portland, though her family moved frequently due to her father’s career as a blacksmith. Jackie was always an avid student and she enjoyed joining school clubs.

Jackie attended her final year of high school in 1961 at Downey High School in Downey, California. After high school, Jackie married and then she had a daughter, Chris, twin baby boys, Jack and Jere, who passed away hours after birth, and a son, Michael. In the late 1960’s, she moved to Corona and then she had two more daughters, Brenda and Valerie. Jackie immensely enjoyed volunteering with local organizations and residents in Corona. She helped plan and produce the Junior Miss Pageants in the early 1980’s. She also participated in the Corona Jaycees to help support the community.

Jackie began her banking career with Security Pacific Bank in 1967 as a teller. Always interested in law enforcement, she completed police training classes and became one of the first female Reserve Police Officers for the Corona Police Department from 1968-1970 while working at the bank. Over many years, she attended Criminal Justice and Banking Classes at Riverside City College and Criminal Interrogation Classes at Reid College. Jackie quickly moved up the ranks in Security Pacific to become a Vice President and Corporate Internal Fraud Investigator. She worked hard to become a Certified Fraud Examiner in 1990 and a Chief Special Agent in 1996. She was the first female to be elected as the President of the Chief Special Agents Association in 2000. During her swearing in she said, “I am extremely proud to hold the presidential position and to be a member of such a prestigious organization.” She thrived as a Corporate Security Executive for Bank of America and Sanwa Bank for twenty years before retiring in 2002. She received numerous awards and was often recognized by her employers for her exceptional management skills as well as her extraordinary investigation and loss recovery results. She was described by her employers as “extremely successful” and complimented for “the extra effort she put into each assignment.”

Jackie’s work experience with banking and law enforcement helped prepare her for a terrifying home invasion in 2006. Her ability to be calm while faced with an armed assailant – in her home, at the bank and during a car chase – allowed her to remain alive until the police ended the standoff with the gunman.

In her later years, Jackie flourished as an active member of her community in Trilogy at Glen Ivy. She was involved in the Sunshine Club, which planned events for residents and organized an annual fundraiser. She helped to raise a record breaking amount of funds for the community. She was also an enthusiastic Bunco player. Friends said “the work and dedication she put forth for Sunshine Club was unsurpassed” and described her as “thoughtful,” “kind,” and “supportive.” Many have expressed how blessed they felt to have her as a friend.

Jackie was also able to travel all over the world in her retirement. She toured Japan, China, Egypt and Europe. She sailed on cruises to the Caribbean, Greece, Tahiti and the Cook Islands. She visited distant family in Norway. She attended the Winter Olympics in Canada. She even went on an African safari. She loved to collect treasured mementos from her travels. In 2013, she also attended the Television Hall of Fame Awards as a descendent of Philo Farnsworth. He was issued a post-humus award for his invention of the television and the award was accepted by the members of the Farnsworth family.

In addition to her four children, Jackie is mourned by four grandchildren and two great grandchildren, along with her sister Jane.

Recent stories

Jackie's Police Career

August 6, 2023
Always interested in law enforcement, Jackie completed police training classes and became one of the first female Reserve Police Officers for the Corona Police Department from 1968-1970 while working at Security Pacific bank.

Attached are some mementos from Jackie's Police Career

Jackie Named as First Female President of Chief Special Agents Association

August 6, 2023
Jackie worked hard to become a Chief Special Agent in 1996. She was the first female to be elected as the President of the Chief Special Agents Association in 2000. During her swearing in she said, “I am extremely proud to hold the presidential position and to be a member of such a prestigious organization.” 

Attached is an article about her swearing in ceremony.

Jackie as One of the First Female Reserve Police Officers

August 6, 2023
The first policewoman wasn't hired on the Corona Police force until around 1962, when they slowly began to integrate women into the full-time and reserve officers. In 1970, there were 3 active reserve policewomen and 2 inactive reserve policewomen. Jackie was an inactive reserve at this time due to expecting a baby (her daughter, Brenda).

Attached is a newspaper article mentioning Jackie during this time.

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