Capricorn Daily Horoscope for June 07, 2024 -

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

June 7, 2024

Give yourself a break from mental and social burdens early this morning, darling Sea-goat, as the Gemini moon aligns with Mars and Neptune. Rather than reaching for your phone first thing, awaken slowly while connecting with the breath. The stars send sweetness in your direction once the moon enters Cancer, offering romance and harmony throughout the next two days. You'll find yourself in a generous mood when Luna aspects Pluto, but should avoid overspending, especially on other people. Instead, find ways to show how much you care through kind words and gestures, cultivating emotional stability without breaking the bank.

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Don't let people sell you on wacky dinner choices like pheasant under glass today. You much prefer basic fare like lasagna, fried chicken, meat loaf or anything that doesn't have to be put under glass, set on fire or come in a clay pot.

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Your African violet was flowering so beautifully when you bought it at the nursery, but since that first batch of blooms, nothing. Call an expert and come to your plant's rescue!

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Is that nagging voice in your head or in your stomach? Don't eat any old trash today. If it tastes just like chicken, it's not chicken. On the other hand, if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck --

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Things aren't what you thought they were. Everyone was talking about one thing, and then all of a sudden, they switched languages (or you just stopped listening). How ridiculous is that? Ask them to slow down so you can get back on track.

Daily Cat Horoscope

You've got to share space -- and maybe your stuff -- with someone else, which isn't usually the feline way. Today might make you a bit grumpier than usual about that, but you can cope.

Daily Bonus Horoscope

Tackle a task with many details today. You're focused enough to get it done right.