The Godwink Series
The Godwink Series (6 book series) Kindle Edition
The Godwink Series (6 book series)
Kindle Edition
SQuire Rushnell teaches you how to use the power of “Godwinks”—divine coincidences—to seize certainty in uncertain times, and enrich your career and relationships.

Whether you call it synchronicity or coincidence, it is not an accident that you just picked up When God Winks. In fact, you may have suspected all along that there is more to coincidence than meets the eye. These seemingly random events are actually signposts that can help you successfully navigate your career, relationships, and interests. By recognizing the “Godwinks” our Creator has placed in our paths, we can understand—and embrace—the journey God has laid out for us.

Read the incredible “Godwinks” experienced by everyday people and celebrities including Barbra Streisand, Charles Schulz, Oprah Winfrey, Kevin Costner, Mark Twain, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson.

After reading When God Winks, you’ll learn to recognize coincidences in your life for what they truly are: an act of God’s enduring love.
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Books in this series (6 books)
4.7 4.7 out of 5 stars 2,241 4.0 on Goodreads 1,627 ratings
SQuire Rushnell teaches you how to use the power of “Godwinks”—divine coincidences—to seize certainty in uncertain times, and enrich your career and relationships.

Whether you call it synchronicity or coincidence, it is not an accident that you just picked up
When God Winks. In fact, you may have suspected all along that there is more to coincidence than meets the eye. These seemingly random events are actually signposts that can help you successfully navigate your career, relationships, and interests. By recognizing the “Godwinks” our Creator has placed in our paths, we can understand—and embrace—the journey God has laid out for us.

Read the incredible “Godwinks” experienced by everyday people and celebrities including Barbra Streisand, Charles Schulz, Oprah Winfrey, Kevin Costner, Mark Twain, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson.

After reading
When God Winks, you’ll learn to recognize coincidences in your life for what they truly are: an act of God’s enduring love.

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More formats: Spiral-bound , Audio, Cassette
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4.7 4.7 out of 5 stars 426 4.2 on Goodreads 313 ratings
You are destined to have a soul mate. If you have faith in the outcome, the picture of love you have in your mind can be yours. So trust...and learn to read the godwinks.

Like a jigsaw puzzle in which you know that all the pieces will fit precisely together, the blueprint for your life was written with an exact-fitting piece just for you and your soul mate. Yes, within that jigsaw puzzle called "Your Life," there is a perfect love.

Sure, sometimes you feel as if all the pieces have been dumped out on the dining room table and there's no way to get them to fit together. We all do. That's why you must have confidence in the big picture. And that's why you must learn to read the godwinks...those remarkable little coincidences that happen to us all.

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$2.99 $17.99 Price was $17.99. Current price is $2.99.

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4.8 4.8 out of 5 stars 703 4.4 on Goodreads 230 ratings
Building on the themes in his popular book When God Winks, SQuire Rushnell shares real-life stories that are certain to uplift and encourage you.

The stories in this book reaffirm that godwinks happen to
everyone. We just need to learn how to see them, allow them to unfold, and accept them as direct, person-to-person communications from God to each of us.

As you’ll see, those so-called coincidences that you’d been dismissing so easily really do mean something. And you need to pay attention. They are like unopened
gifts that have been placed upon your doorstep.

You will be amazed to read how every joy, every hurt, and every worry that happens to you has already been written about in the Bible.
Godwink Stories simply draws upon the parallel between the stories of real people and God’s wisdom in the scriptures.

Godwink Stories can be read in various ways. You can read the book cover to cover. Or follow along each week for a year. It’s also perfect to read for a pick-me-up story that fits your need of the day.

Whether you’re looking for encouragement in a time of need or a story that speaks of joy, there’s a godwink story just for you.


Godwink Stories offers weekly readings of godwinks and miracles to encourage and inspire you in every situation. These true stories— from ordinary people—provide

Messages of “don’t give up”

Heartfelt need for love and guidance

Hope in the midst of medical crises

“Just in time” moments

Peace in times of sorrow

Tender love stories

Amazing answers to prayer

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More formats: MP3 CD
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4.7 4.7 out of 5 stars 598 4.2 on Goodreads 322 ratings
It’s happened to you.

You received a phone call out of the blue; or you bumped into someone who led you to a new job, a new relationship, or opportunity that totally changed your life. You probably even said, “Wow, what a coincidence I met so and so.” But did you ever stop to ask what caused that person to be right there, at that exact moment, in your path? It was Divine Alignment: the arrangement of coincidences into a pattern of alignment so astonishing they could have come only from a higher source.

In this inspiring new work, SQuire Rushnell shows readers how they can navigate life’s thorniest hurdles, rediscover the deep meaning and impact of personal prayer, and develop the individual conviction and wherewithal it takes to reach their full potential and fulfill their most ambitious dreams by honoring the book’s seven easy-to-follow steps.

In his charmingly avuncular and wonderfully optimistic voice, SQuire shares moving stories from his own and others’ lives to show the awesome strength inherent in what he calls God’s Positioning System, or GPS. All of us, he assures readers, can use our own personal GPS to grow more closely aligned with God to become vastly more effective, successful, and fulfilled in our relationships, careers, and everything we do.


offers a comprehensive approach for living our lives in harmony with God—every minute of every day—offering a whole new paradigm for understanding the mysterious connections between people and events, challenges and solutions.

GPS STEP 1: Speak with the Navigator

GPS STEP 2: Listen to Your Own Inner Compass

GPS STEP 3: Mapping Your Destination

GPS STEP 4: Unshackle Your Baggage

GPS STEP 5: Step Out in Faith and Believe You’ll Arrive

GPS STEP 6: Read the Signs, Recalculate, and Accelerate

GPS STEP 7: Gratefully Arrive with a Full Well Within

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4.8 4.8 out of 5 stars 539 4.4 on Goodreads 139 ratings
From the authors of the popular and bestselling Godwink series comes a new and inspiring collection of true stories about people whose lives were changed by specific and extraordinary answers to their prayers.

Prayer is a universal act that anyone can participate in. Simply stated: prayer is a conversation between you and God, and oftentimes brings incredible and astonishing results. The outcomes are called “answered prayers.” Yet, with no alternative word in the English language for answered prayer, readers have begun to fill the void with
Godwink, which is now making its way into dictionaries.

The Godwink Effect, SQuire and Louise, husband and wife, make the case that Godwinks and prayer are inextricably intertwined. The first of seven secrets for more Godwinks is to pray. Moreover, when a Godwink occurs, like a pebble tossed into a pond, there are subsequent ripples that touch the lives of others.

Typical of all Godwink books, this volume will be packed with amazing real-life stories about ordinary people, as well as some well-known figures, that reinforce the power of prayer in their lives and the Godwinks that followed.

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$12.24 $17.99 Price was $17.99. Current price is $12.24.

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4.8 4.8 out of 5 stars 818 4.3 on Goodreads 221 ratings
Includes the story Rescued by Ruby—now on Netflix!

The bestselling and beloved Godwink series returns with a charming, dog-focused collection of “joyful” (The Washington Post) stories, all of which provide plenty of hope, encouragement, and laughter.

With delightfully uplifting stories and enthralling prose,
DogWinks is the perfect gift for dog lovers of all backgrounds. Featuring several never-before-published and true stories about coincidences and divine intervention, DogWinks is an inspirational and entertaining book that illustrates the overwhelming power of faith and how miracles can change our lives and those of our canine companions.

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More About the Author

SQuire Rushnell is a popular speaker and New York Times bestselling author who has coined the term "Godwink," now in mainstream usage.Within more than one and a half million books in print, SQuire's Godwink stories have been a popular monthly feature on the NBC Today Show. He has also appeared on several national television programs including Fox News Channel's Fox & Friends and CBS Sunday Morning. As a veteran ABC Television Network executive, he led Good Morning America to the number one spot and was a father of the acclaimed Schoolhouse Rock! series and the ABC Afterschool Specials. Programs under his direction have captured more than seventy-five Emmy Awards.

SQuire and his wife Louise are the Executive Producers of the Hallmark "A Godwink Christmas" Movie Series, and for Netflix's top favorite dog movie, "Rescued By Ruby", a Dogwink story.

Louise DuArt costarred with Tim Conway and Harvey Korman in sold-out performances for fifteen seasons. Clean and funny, Louise executes fast-paced conversations between herself and Bart Simpson, Judge Judy, Barbra Streisand, Hillary Clinton, and dozens more. She was a popular Women of Faith speaker and has coauthored six books with her husband, SQuire. She hosted a popular daily talk show on the ABC Family channel for eight seasons, Living the Life, and has starred in various Broadway productions, garnering rave reviews. photo credit: Gail Daman