The Meaning Behind The Song: Opposites Attract by Paula Abdul - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Opposites Attract by Paula Abdul

The Chemistry and Message Behind Paula Abdul’s Hit Song “Opposites Attract”

The Making of “Opposites Attract”

Released in 1989, “Opposites Attract” became one of Paula Abdul’s signature hits. The song, written by Oliver Leiber, was inspired by Abdul’s relationship with then-boyfriend Arsenio Hall. The idea behind the song was to create a duet that would showcase Abdul’s dancing skills.

The song features MC Skat Kat, a cartoon cat character created by the song’s music video director, Michael Patterson. The video, which won a Grammy for Best Short Form Music Video, is known for its groundbreaking use of animation and choreography.

The Lyrics and Message

“Opposites Attract” is a song about two people who are different from each other but are still drawn to each other. The song’s catchy chorus, “Opposites attract, and you know it’s true,” has become a popular phrase to describe romantic relationships where two very different people come together.

The song’s lyrics highlight the differences between the two characters. Abdul sings about staying up late while her partner sleeps, and how she likes to talk while he likes to listen. She also sings about how she likes to dress up while he likes to dress down.

Despite their differences, the song’s message is ultimately about the power of love to overcome those differences. The lyrics of the bridge, “I take-two-steps-forward, I take-two-steps-back, we come together ’cause opposites attract,” emphasize the idea that sometimes in a relationship, you have to compromise and meet in the middle.

The Chemistry Between Paula Abdul and MC Skat Kat

One of the most memorable aspects of “Opposites Attract” is the chemistry between Abdul and MC Skat Kat. The song is a duet between Abdul and the animated cat character, and the two trade verses and sing the chorus together.

The chemistry between Abdul and MC Skat Kat is a testament to the skill of the song’s video creators. Michael Patterson has said that the character was designed to complement Abdul’s style of dance, and that the goal was to create a character that would interact with Abdul in a way that felt real.

The video for “Opposites Attract” features a mix of live-action and animation, with Abdul performing choreography with the animated character. The video was groundbreaking for its time, and it helped cement Abdul’s status as one of the most innovative and creative artists of the late 1980s and early 1990s.

The Legacy of “Opposites Attract”

“Opposites Attract” remains one of Paula Abdul’s most beloved and iconic songs. The song has been covered by a number of different artists over the years, and it continues to resonate with listeners of all ages.

The song’s message about the power of love to overcome differences is a timeless one. At a time when society feels divided in so many ways, the message of “Opposites Attract” feels more relevant than ever. The song reminds us that true love knows no boundaries and that sometimes, it’s our differences that make us stronger.

In conclusion, “Opposites Attract” is a masterpiece that has stood the test of time. From the song’s catchy chorus to its groundbreaking video, this is a song that continues to captivate and inspire audiences all over the world. More than two decades after its initial release, “Opposites Attract” remains a shining example of Paula Abdul’s incredible talent and creativity.

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