9 Screenplays to Study: How to Improve Your Writing by Reading Screenplays - 2024 - MasterClass

9 Screenplays to Study: How to Improve Your Writing by Reading Screenplays

Written by MasterClass

Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 • 4 min read

If you dream of seeing your screenplays turned into motion pictures, you know full well you have your work cut out for you. Whether you aspire to write a rom-com movie script or a sci-fi blockbuster, you’ll have to work many angles in the world of Hollywood. The most obvious task is to actually sit down and write. Beyond this, aspiring screenwriters need to network to get their original screenplays in the hands of agents, managers, producers, and studio execs. This can sound daunting, but an immediately worthwhile way for aspiring screenwriters to improve their writing is to make a habit of reading screenplays.