Museumsportal Berlin - Exhibition – From the Canal Grande to the Spree
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Jacopo Amigoni, Sigismund Streit im Alter von 52 Jahren, Detail, 1739, Öl auf Leinwand
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie, Leihgabe der Streitschen Stiftung / Jörg P. Anders
Giovanni Antonio Canal, genannt Canaletto, La Vigilia di San Pietro, Detail, 1759/60, Öl auf Leinwand
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie, Leihgabe der Streitschen Stiftung / Dietmar Gunne
Unbekannter Künstler, Die Regatta auf dem Canal Grande, Detail, 1759/60, Öl auf Leinwand
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie, Leihgabe der Streitschen Stiftung / Jörg P. Anders
Eduard Gaertner, Die Klosterstraße, Detail, 1830, Öl auf Leinwand
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Nationalgalerie / Jörg P. Anders
Dukat (Zecchino) 1762/63, Münzstätte Venedig, Münzherr Marco Foscarini
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Münzkabinett / Christian Stoess
Giovanni Antonio Canal, genannt Canaletto, Der Canal Grande, Detail, 1759/60, Öl auf Leinwand
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie, Leihgabe der Streitschen Stiftung / Jörg P. Anders

In the anniversary year "450 years of the Berlinisches Gymnasium zum Grauen Kloster", the Gemäldegalerie, in cooperation with the Streit Foundation, is showing a special presentation of works from the painting collection of the Berlin artist Sigismund Streit (1687-1775), who worked as a merchant in Venice. In addition to important Venetian paintings from the 18th century, such as those by Canaletto, Giuseppe Nogari and Jacopo Amigoni, historical documents and objects from the Streit Foundation will also be on display. They shed light on Streit's life and work as well as the connection between the Streit Foundation and Berlin's oldest grammar school.

After the grammar school buildings were destroyed in the Second World War, the Streit Foundation entrusted its paintings, which had been on display at the Berlinisches Gymnasium zum Grauen Kloster (founded in 1574) since the 18th century, to the Picture Gallery on loan in the post-war period. The donation goes back to the former student of the Grey Monastery Sigismund Streit, who emigrated to Venice in 1709 after completing his apprenticeship as a merchant. There he was able to establish himself as a successful merchant.

Streit set up his first foundation for his Berlin grammar school in 1752, sent books to Berlin from 1757 and his paintings in 1758. He later commissioned specific paintings in his adopted home of Venice to enrich his Berlin foundation, including four important Venice vedutas by Canaletto, a cycle of paintings depicting Venetian festivals and a cycle on education and upbringing. He wanted a gallery in the school. Later, his paintings adorned the auditorium of the Berlin Gymnasium zum Grauen Kloster. Streit also donated extensive funds to the grammar school for decades, which were used for teacher salaries, student scholarships, library expansion and grammar school buildings, among other things.

450 years of the Grey Monastery

The anniversary "450 years of the Grey Monastery" is a welcome occasion to present some of Streit's paintings again in their historical hanging in the auditorium. The special presentation is complemented by objects from the Streit Foundation and the collections of the Berlinisches Gymnasium zum Grauen Kloster as well as loans from the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation and external lenders. Objects and documents illustrate the life and work of Sigismund Streit and his foundation as part of the school's history.

Curatorial team

The special presentation is curated by guest curator Susanne Knackmuß (Streit Foundation) in collaboration with Dr. Sarah Salomon, curator for 18th century European painting and 17th century German painting, Gemäldegalerie. Curatorial assistance: Anina Gröger, Scientific Museum Assistant, Gemäldegalerie.

A special exhibition of the Gemäldegalerie of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin

Translated with DeepL

Opening hours,

  • Monday closed
  • Tuesday-Sunday 10:00 - 18:00

Please refer to the information bundled on this page to plan your visit.

The Studiengalerie is currently closed.

Some major works in the collection may be temporarily unavailable for exhibition: Collection on Tour


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