Jason Momoa's HUGE Mistake | The Graham Norton Show | That must have been FREEZING! | By The Graham Norton Show | That's that's Iceland. That's that's cold. Yeah, that was cold. It doesn't look like it but it was it was cold. No, you do look very relaxed but uh but apparently you're wearing, were you wearing a thermally thing? Yeah, you know, cuz I was out there for a while so they have like a very thin wet suit that you put on so you don't. Freeze to death. Okay. Well, that's good. Yes. Yeah. And uh it's funny cuz I actually went out. They had a nice crane shot. They went out there in front of me and I was walking out but you know, if you have a wet suit on, the area gets kinda trapped in there and you just walk out and the bubbles start coming up and right when it gets to the level where it's at, all these bubbles come out. Like you fart, you know? And the camera's right there and I'm like, I start giggling cuz of the film go up too and then I open it up to let the air out and then all the cold went in. So, my reaction was all like, holy many emotions went through me. And not to dwell on this picture too much but Em. Some of these tattoos are real. So. Well, yeah. It was uh Zach had the idea he wanted to put my tattoos in my family like my family crust and uh he wanted to, you know, put it everywhere. Okay. So, these are just what are they? Yeah, they're uh they're like stickers. It takes quite a bit. I mean, it's about an hour and a half makeup in the morning just to put them all on but it's like twenty odd pieces that they have to put on and it takes about. It takes a long time to get them off. It was the same in sense and sense of it. Recently you celebrated your birthday on the set of so there's an you've already finished the stand-alone Aquaman. Yeah we just 2 weeks ago I just finished Aquaman. Yeah. Wow. In Australia. As that's in Australia and here you all are celebrating your birthday. So this is your family. I mean not all of them. Just I think the ones at the front of your family. Yes. My babies. Yeah. That's Wolf and Lola and. But no because you live on a you live is it a ranch or? Yeah yeah we got uh around five acres five six acres up in the in the in in California and bunch of animals and yeah. Nice. It's kinda nice out there too cuz there's no service so we don't have, fortunately, we don't have a lot of TV so I don't get to see much but they just, they gotta see the movie lately which was phenomenal cuz I I've never been able to show my kid, they've never seen Wizard of Oz. So, I was a little worried like coming into it to show them Justice League and uh but it was it was amazing cuz can't watch anything that I'm in. I mean, my grandmother can't watch anything. I mean, my family. I'm like, don't watch you're gonna wanna skip that one. Eventually, I'll be able to do something you can watch and it was really amazing to be able to watch. But at least they could if they wanted to. I mean, if they might want to but mine don't even want to watch me. Sitting there watching dino trucks. I said, no. What am I-1 of daddy's film?