Vocal Remover Online | Tunebat

Vocal Remover

Separate audio files into vocal and instrumental tracks. Our AI-powered vocal remover can also remove drums, bass, and more. Use it to create high quality samples, stems, and karaoke tracks.

Remove Vocals

Browse or drag & drop an audio file here.

How to Remove Vocals From a Song

It's a simple process to remove vocals and other instrumentals.


Upload File

Use the box above to select an audio file from your computer. Click to browse, or drag & drop your file into the file dropzone.


Wait for Processing

The file will be uploaded and then processed on our backend. If there's a queue, there may be a short wait before processing.


Preview Results

After the files have completed processing and saving, you can listen to the separated result in your browser.


Download Tracks

Click the download button to save the desired tracks to your computer. Go back to step 1 to remove more vocals!

How it Works

The Tunebat vocal remover uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to deliver high quality results fast.


Cloud Based

Your files are securely processed in the cloud so you don't have to install any software.

AI + Machine Learning

Our algorithms use AI models trained with machine learning to isolate and separate vocals & instrumentals from any audio.

Hardware Acceleration

Processing occurs on GPU-enabled machines capable of handling multiple files and delivering fast results.

High Quality Encoding

Results are encoded in a variety of high bit rate formats for optimal audio quality. (Pro plans)

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get the highest audio quality?

Make sure your source audio is high quality. Preferably a lossless format like WAV or FLAC, or a high bit rate format like 320 kB/s MP3. The source audio should be in stereo with centered vocals, and it should be properly mixed. On the Pro plan you can output the highest audio quality with lossless WAV and FLAC files, or high quality 320 kB/s MP3 files. On the free plan only medium quality output files are available in 192 kB/s MP3.

What happens to the files I upload?

They are sent to our processing server which runs algorithms to separate the vocals and instrumentals. The original file is deleted and the output files are saved in our storage so that you can download them. Output files on free accounts are deleted after a couple hours. Output files on Pro accounts are stored forever as long as your subscription is active. They will be deleted 30 days after you've ended your subscription.

What file types can I upload?

MP3, WAV, FLAC, and AAC.

Why is there a queue?

There is a limit to the number of files that can be processed at once. If many files are submitted at once then a file queue is formed so that the processing machine is not overloaded. To skip the queue you can upgrade to a Pro subscription.

What can I do if there's an error?

Make sure you've disabled any adblockers. Make sure you are using one of the supported file types. If it still isn't working then send us an email at [email protected] along with a description of your computer specs, browser, and attach the audio file that can't be analyzed.

Is there a limit to the number of files I upload?

Currently there is no limit as long as you only upload 1 file at a time.

Tunebat Vocal Remover Pro

Unlimited, high quality vocal & instrumental removal.


$9.99/ mo

cancel anytime

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Best Value


$5.99/ mo

billed yearly ($71.88)

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Use all of Tunebat's Pro features for $19.99 / month.
Plan FeaturesFreePro
Vocal Removal
Drum Removal-
Bass Removal-
Other Removal-
Audio Length4 minutes30 minutes
File Size30 MB200 MB
Lossless Audio-
Skip Queue-
Unlimited File Storage-
Remove Ads-