Zach Galifianakis Beams in From His Car in Canada | Zach Galifianakis beams in from his car in Canada... | By Jimmy Kimmel Live | Our next guest from numerous hangovers, baskets, and ferns. His latest project is the very animated, animated movie, Ron's Gone Wrong. Hi, insert registered name. I am your your. I am my Beabot. Bebot. My best friend out of the box? I am insert registered name's best friend out of my box. Ron's Gone Raw opens in theaters a week from Friday. Please welcome from the Canadian Wilderness, Zach Galifianakis. Games. Hi, Zach. Exactly. You're in your car. Yes. I'm assuming it's your car. You could be in anybody's car right now for all I know. No, it's I'm in a I'm in a station wagon alongside the road because I couldn't do the show from my house because my internet connection is too bad. So, I'm doing it from my car where it's in the middle of a field where it's better. Wow, that's when you have to go to a field to get better WiFi, it's time to call Verizon, Zach. Zach, you you miss Billy Island first of all, she just punched me in the stomach. I know and you know, she and I have a lot a very similar bucket list of. Oh. Well, I want my hair to grow down to my butt. Uh huh. Uh that was one of my goals. Um and no, I I've actually worked with Billie Eilish's parents before cuz they're both actors and I remember her mom was telling me a few years ago that her daughter was an up and coming singer. I think my attitude was, yeah, sure she is. Right. Okay. Are you, I mean, are you Canadian now? Because I feel like we might never get you back. I'm I'm always gonna be an American but it really is nice to to be up in up in Canada. Yeah. Really is. I like it up here. I know you love it. You live in like a tiny little place up there, right? Well, I live in my car. How many, how many in the town in the car near the car where you live? How many people live in this town? Yeah. Is that what you ask? Yes, it is what I ask. Yeah. Well, it's about you only see the same 20 people but I say there's about 700 people here but you only see the same 20 people. Uh a lot of ex peyote enthusiasts in here. It's alright and are they all acts or is there still some peyote going around there? I wouldn't know anything about that stuff. I really wouldn't. Can you just quieten down doing a Zoom meeting? How's the family doing? Are they enjoying? Are they enjoying being out there? Um my my children are feral but other than that everything's fine. Uh huh. Uh my my main they carry, they're four and seven. No, they're four and eight and they carry knives everywhere they go and my son was complaining the other night at dinner. He goes, dad, you don't let me do anything. I mean, they carry knives everywhere and I go, what do you want me to do? What do you wanna do? He goes, you you never let me hitchhike. So, And is that true? It's like up here in the Canadian woods. You you have like farm animals and stuff like that? I've got I've got two chickens. One's named Darth Vader and the other one's Rosie and I yeah we have chickens that are kind of they're these chickens for some they let you pet them and they hop up on the table when you eat. I mean outside. They're not inside the house but I'm teaching them how to catch a frisbee with their beak. This is so much like dogs. Zach, when they are are on the table and you're eating, are you ever eating chicken? No, we make sure we don't do that. That seems, that seems weird. It does seem weird. Do you miss like doing stand up, doing going out to those clubs and doing comedy and interacting with people? No, I just, no, I really just like doing talk shows from cars now. Yeah. That's enough. I will say, I will say because of the mask, you know, you're not that identifiable which is nice and I I miss it and I find myself performing for cashiers at grocery stores and sometimes it doesn't go very well. You'll what? You'll do jokes for the cashier? Yeah, the last one I did, I tried to do a whole bit about the prices of Oreos and it just fell flat. Maybe she thought you're registering a complaint. Maybe, I did ask where the comment box was. So, okay. So, you're not doing any stand up. You're really just like you've become, I don't know, like, like if the unibomber had a family, really is what's happened to you, Zach. Well, this is the kind of stuff I do. This is what I did today. This is honestly what I did yesterday and today. I I I pick up the chicken poop in the yard and then I dry it and then I I chop it up and make it my own fertilizer and I was in the local I was in the local store here bragging that I do this and that I you know make my own fertilizer and this old farmer in line behind me goes I've been making my own fertilizer for years in my pants and Yeah. So anyway. So you're making friends. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Making friends. This movie Ron's gone wrong. Uh this I like I love the idea of this. Tell us a little bit about it since this is why you we've stopped you in your vehicle. Um Ron's gone, Ron's Gone Ron is a is a is a family movie where I play a robot who is a really sleek robot usually if you're if you usually get the right kind but I am a malfunctioning robot and I'm forced or this this boy that gets this bummer gift which is me is forced to learn the real meaning of friendship. And before we go, Zach, show us one weird thing that's in your car. Is there anything in there that would it would delight us? Anything that you've got? Yeah. What do you got? So, it's not just the kids. You're carrying a very, very safe-looking knife around too. Yeah, this is this is a mushroom foraging knife. It's not very dangerous. Oh, is it really? Are you foraging? Foraging mushrooms. What else do I have? Let's see. I have you wanna see what's in my CD player? Yes. Rolling Stones? Hey, you have a CD player. What's wrong with that? Oh, no, nothing, nothing. Eventually, the technology will get to the island. Don't worry. Do you wanna see some of my eight tracks I have in the back. Zach Galifianakis everybody. Ron's gone wrong. At the movies. We'll be back with Billy Elish. Thanks, Zach.