Numerology Chart Calculator | World Numerology .

Numerology Chart Calculator


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A standard chart listing all your numbers.
The Proportional chart showing your numbers based on their strength and presence.
The Decoz® Chart; easy-to-oversee and used by many professionals.

Three Different Numerology Charts are included.


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Based on Pythagorean numerology
Double-digit numbers, Karmic Debt numbers, and Master numbers included wherever appropriate

Enter your full name at birth exactly as it appears on your birth certificate; do not include Jr, III, or other suffix.
Do not use spaces, hyphens, on non-English characters.

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First Name(s)

Middle Name(s)

Last Name(s)

Date Of Birth

Enter your current name, the way you introduce yourself in a social setting, including your last name (even if you don't always say it).

First Name(s)

Last Name(s)

Middle Name(s)

The chart includes 25 years of cycles. Set your starting age to cover several years in the future. For example, if you are 45, you may want to set the starting age at 35.

Start the cycles at Age



The meaning of the single digit numbers

Meaning of Number 1Leadership, independence, individuality, determination, and ambition. More about the number 1.

Meaning of Number 2Harmony, peace-maker, cooperation, tact, and sensitivity. More about the number 2.

Meaning of Number 3Creativity, self-expression, optimism, light-hearted, and communication. More about the number 3.

Meaning of Number 4racticality, stability, organization, detail-oriented, persistence, hard work. More about the number 4.

Meaning of Number 5Freedom, adaptability, adventure, dynamic, and curiosity. More about the number 5.

Meaning of Number 6Caring, service, responsibility, family-oriented, and nurturing. More about the number 6.

Meaning of Number 7Introspection, spirituality, analysis, logical, and intuition. More about the number 7.

Meaning of Number 8Power, success, material abundance, authoritive, and achievement. More about the number 8.

Meaning of Number 9Humanitarianism, compassion, selflessness, tolerant, and universal love. More about the number 9.



The meaning of the Master numbers

Meaning of Master Number 11The 11 is the most intuitive of all numbers. More about the Master number 11.

Meaning of Master Number 22This is potentially the most successful and powerful of all numbers and often called the Master Builder. More about the Master number 22.

Meaning of Master Number 33The 33 is considered the Master teacher and the most spiritually evolved of all numbers. More about the Master number 33.


instant access to all your readings


Includes a free 8-page reading, free daily forecast, and three free charting programs.

Numerology App for PC-Windows by DecozWorld Numerology Collection II app for MAC Numerology App for Android by Decoz Numerology App for iPhone by Decoz Numerology App for iPad by Decoz

Numbers included in our Chart Calculator

Shown here in the order in which they appear in our personal readings.

  • The Expression
    Your Expression number, calculated from your full name at birth, reveals the orientation or goal of your life. Some numerologists refer to this as your Destiny number because it represents a lifelong target at which you are aiming. Thus, the Expression number, to some extent, reveals the person you aim to be.
  • The Heart's Desire
    Your Heart's Desire reflects a deeper, inner you; it suggests an underlying urge, your true motivation, and the general intention behind many of your actions. It reveals the environment and lifestyle you prefer, as well as your likes, dislikes, and the type of people you are drawn to. Consequently, it dramatically influences the choices you make in life.
  • The Personality
    Your Personality number serves as a censoring device in terms of what you send out, as well as whom and what you allow to approach. For this reason, your Personality is usually narrower and more protective in its definition than the real you. It also gives an indication of how others perceive you.
  • The Heart's Desire - Personality Bridge
    A Bridge number is based on the numerical difference between two closely related aspects in your chart. It is the gap you need to "bridge" in order to create a more harmonious bond between the two areas. It connects your Heart's Desire and Personality numbers and suggests things you can do to help your deeper self to align more closely with your personality; the "outer" you that is apparent to others.
  • The Life Path
    Your Life Path number is considered the single most significant information available in your Personality Chart. It is derived from the total of all numbers found in your date of birth. However, it is important to keep in mind that the aspects described in the next few chapters will either complement, supplement, or sometimes weaken the attributes revealed in numbers derived from your name.
  • The Birthday
    The day you were born bears great significance in understanding who you are and where your talents lie. Your day of birth indicates special talents you possess. It gives us an indication of the approach you will take toward the goals, opportunities and obstacles you encounter on your Life's Path.
  • The Life Path - Birth Day Bridge
    Your Life Path and Birthday numbers are closely connected and influence each other. This Bridge explains how you can make the connection between them more harmonious.
  • The Challenges
    You face four specific Challenges in your lifetime. For many of us, the same challenge is repeated, while others have four distinctly different lessons to learn. These Challenges place you in situations that require you to face the particular lesson at hand. This provides an opportunity for you to learn or better integrate personal traits that will benefit you during the lesson, and throughout your life.
  • The Life Path - Expression Bridge
    This Bridge has the potential to "close the gap" between the Life Path and the Expression numbers. The chapter explains how you can make your talents, strengths, and specific abilities (your Expression number) more readily available and fitting to your goals and personal growth.
  • The Maturity
    Your Maturity number indicates an underlying wish or desire that gradually surfaces at around age 30 to 35. A direction begins to emerge as you gain a better understanding of yourself. With this self-knowledge comes a greater awareness of who you are, and the direction you want to set for your life.
  • The Rational Thought
    Your Rational Thought number comes from combining the sum of your birthday number with the sum of your first name. It reveals the style or process you use when making choices or considering a problem. Are you a structured, logical thinker or do you ponder a question in a creative, abstract manner? Do you daydream or stick to deductive reasoning?
  • The Balance
    Your Balance number provides guidance on how to best deal with difficult situations.
  • The Hidden Passion
    You have a KarmYour Hidden Passion reveals specific strengths or talents that are available to you, such as a specific field of expertise or (as the name implies) a passion. Metaphorically, this talent or passion may be seen as having a power all its own to help shape your life. ic Lesson.
  • The Karmic Lessons
    Karmic lessons are recognized by the absence of certain letters in your name and describe areas we are weak in that require recognition and effort to overcome.
  • The Cornerstone
    The first letter of your first name gives an additional indication of your character, particularly in the way you approach opportunities and obstacles. This first letter is called your Cornerstone.
  • The Subconscious Self
    Your Subconscious Self is based on how many numbers are represented in your name, and indicates your ability to make the most of your talents and opportunities, especially when you face new, challenging, or even dangerous circumstances.
  • The Planes Of Expression
    You experience life on four different levels: physical, mental, emotional, and intuitive. Your Planes of Expression indicate how you function on each of these planes.
  • The Minor Expression
    Your current name forms the basis of your Minor Expression number. The influence of your short name is minor in comparison to your full name. Interestingly, the short name often compensates in some way for letters or numbers missing in the full name.
  • The Minor Heart's Desire
    The vowels of the name you currently use to introduce yourself are the basis of your Minor Heart's Desire number.
  • The Minor Personality
    Your Minor Personality is based on the consonants of your current name and reflects, at least to some extent, how you think, or hope, others might perceive you.
  • The Pinnacles
    Although Pinnacle Cycles and Period Cycles are both derived from your date of birth, they differ in the way you experience them. Period Cycles, described above, reflect internal stages of growth. Pinnacle Cycles represent the external influences you encounter in life.
  • The Period Cycles
    Like most stories, there are three distinct stages of your life. Your First, Second, and Third Period Cycles come from your month, day, and year of birth respectively. Together they form the foundation of your Life's Path
  • The Transits
    The individual letters of your name are used to find your Transits.
  • The Essence Cycles
    Your Essence indicates the lessons you will be dealing with during that year. It says a great deal about how you will perceive your environment. It also gives clear advice on how you can be most successful during the year; which types of behavior will be supported by your milieu and which ones will be less effective
  • The Personal Years
    Your Personal Year number is a strong indication of the trends and circumstances you experience during the year ahead. Your Personal Year cycles are based on the Universal Year cycles and, therefore, run concurrently with the calendar year. (Transits and Essence cycles are based on the letters of your name and run from birth date to birth-date.)There are nine personal year numbers in a complete Epicycle.
  • The Dualities
    Your Essence and Personal Year cycles are distinctly separate energies that influence you in different ways. Your Essence reflects your mental, emotional, and spiritual state of mind at a particular time in your life and feels like an internal influence; it's a stage in your personal evolution. Your Personal Year cycle, however, feels more external. Dualities looks at how they affect each other.
  • The Personal Months
    The influence of a Personal Month gradually changes from one month to the next over approximately five days at the end and the beginning of each month.


Why am I seeing double digit numbers?

Double digit numbers show us what the single digit is based on.

For example, when it says 23/5, it means you have a 5 based on 23 (2+3).  If it says 14/5, the 5 is based on 14 (1+4). However, the single digit is often calculated without being based on a double digit number. In that case you will only see one number listed.

Numerologists always consider the individual numbers of a double-digit number, because varying number combinations add different  meanings to the single digit sum.
