Jaya Bachchan Age, Caste, Husband, Children, Family, Biography & More » StarsUnfolded

Jaya Bachchan Age, Caste, Husband, Children, Family, Biography & More

Quick Info→
Caste: Brahmin
Age: 76 Years
Hometown: West Bengal

Jaya Bachchan

Maiden nameJaya Bhaduri
Full NameJaya Bhaduri Bachchan (After Marriage)
NicknameDidibhai [1]Jansatta
Profession(s)Actor and Politician
Physical Stats & More
Height (approx.)in centimeters- 158 cm
in meters- 1.58 m
in feet & inches- 5’ 2”
Eye ColourBlack
Hair ColourSalt & Pepper
Film Career
DebutFilm, Bengali (Child Actor): Mahanagar (1963)
Jaya Bachchan in Mahanagar
Film, Hindi (Actor): Guddi (1971)
Jaya Bachchan in Guddi
Awards, Honours, Achievements Padma Shri
1992: In the field of Art
Jaya Bachchan Receiving Padma Shri from the Former President of India R Venkataraman
Filmfare Awards
1972: Special Award for Uphaar
1974: Best Actress Award for Abhimaan
1975: Best Actress Award for Kora Kagaz
1980: Best Actress Award for Nauker
1998: Special Award for Hazaar Chaurasi Ki Maa
2001: Best Supporting Actress Award for Fiza
2002: Best Supporting Actress Award for Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham...
2004: Best Supporting Actress Award for Kal Ho Naa Ho
2007: Lifetime Achievement Award
Jaya Bachchan Posing with Her Filmfare Award
International Indian Film Academy Awards (IIFA)
2001: Best Supporting Actress Award for Fiza
2002: Best Supporting Actress Award for Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham...
2004: Best Supporting Actress Award for Kal Ho Naa Ho
Honours & Recognitions
1994: Yash Bharti Award, UP state's highest award
2013: Master Deenanath Mangeshkar (Vishesh Puraskar) Award for her dedicated services to Indian theatre and cinema
2017: Best Parliamentarian Award by Lokmat
Jaya Bachchan Receiving Parliamentarian Award
Note: She has many more accolades to her name.
Political Career
PartySamajwadi Party
Samajwadi Party Flag
Political Journey2004: Elected as the Member of Parliament
Samajwadi Party Candidate Jaya Bachchan Filing Nomination Papers for the Rajya Sabha Election 2004
• 2004-2006: Represented Uttar Pradesh in the Rajya Sabha
• 2006: Disqualified as a member of the Rajya Sabha
• June 2006 - July 2010: Second term
• 2012: Third term
• 2018: Re-elected for the fourth time in the Rajya Sabha
• 2024: Submitted nomination for the fifth term in the Rajya Sabha
Personal Life
Date of Birth9 April 1948 (Friday)
Age (as of 2024) 76 Years
BirthplaceJabalpur, Madhya Pradesh
Zodiac signAries
SignatureJaya Bachchan's Signature
HometownKolkatta [2]Deccan Chronicle
SchoolSt. Joseph's Convent School, Bhopal
College/UniversityFilm and Television Institute of India (FTII), Pune
Educational QualificationDiploma in Acting [3]Man's World India
CasteBengali Brahmin [4]Wikipedia
Food HabitNon-Vegetarian [5]India Forums
AddressJalsa, B/2, Kapol Housing Society, VL Mehta Road, Juhu, Mumbai – 400049, Maharashtra, India
Jaya's House 'Jalsa' in Mumbai
HobbiesListening to Music, Reading, and Cooking
Controversies• She has been seen lashing out at paparazzi for clicking her photos and asking irrelevant questions from her on various occasions. [6]India Today

• Her controversial remarks on the use of English language at the music launch of the film Drona (2008) made a huge controversy, she said,
Hum UP ke log hain, isliye Hindi mein baat karenge, Maharashtra ke log maaf kijiye" (she was from Uttar Pradesh and people of Maharashtra should excuse her for speaking in Hindi). Later, Amitabh Bachchan apologised on her behalf. [7]Rediff

• On 21 December 2021, the Rajya Sabha was disrupted and adjourned after Jaya Bachchan, a member of Samajwadi Party in Rajya Sabha, said the bad days of the government were here. It all started when Ms. Bachchan rose to speak on the Narcotics and Drugs Psychotropic Substances (Amendment) Bill, 2021 and objected to a “personal remark” made by one of the members of the treasury benches against her. She also accused Bhubaneswar Kalita, who was in the chair of being partisan. She said, “I don’t want to thank you. I don’t know if I should recall the days when you used to sit here (Opposition bench) and troop into the well shouting slogans against the government or now when you are sitting in that chair." Ms. Bachchan signed off her speech by saying - “You don’t have any empathy for your colleagues sitting outside, your bad days will be here, I curse you." [8]The Hindu
Relationships & More
Marital StatusMarried
Affairs/BoyfriendsAmitabh Bachchan (Actor)
Marriage Date3 June 1973
Jaya Bachchan and Amitabh Bachchan's Marriage Picture
Husband/SpouseAmitabh Bachchan
Jaya Bachchan with Amitabh Bachchan
ChildrenSon- Abhishek Bachchan (Actor)
Daughter- Shweta Bachchan Nanda (Indian author)
Jaya Bachchan with Her Family
ParentsFather- Taroon Coomar Bhaduri (Author and Poet)
Mother- Indira Bhaduri
Jaya Bachchan's Parents
SiblingsSister(s)- 2 [9]Times of India
• Rita Verma
• She has one more sister.
Jaya Bachchan's Sister with Amitabh Bachchan
Actor(s)Dilip Kumar and Dharmendra
Actress(es)Nargis Dutt and Hema Malini
Travel Destination(s)London and Switzerland
Colour(s)Blue and White
Money Factor
Salary (as a Member of Parliament)Rs. 1 Lakh + other allowances [10]Times of India
Assets/PropertiesMovable Assets
• Cash: Rs. 2,33,973
• Bank Deposits: Rs. 6,84,16,412
• Bonds, Debentures, and Shares in Companies: Rs. 4,29,79,224
• Personal Loans/ Advances Given: Rs. 28,58,06,315
• Motor Vehicles: Rs. 8,85,612
• Jewellery: Rs. 26,10,69,543
• Other Assets: Rs. 1,85,10,467

Immovable Assets
• Agricultural Land: Rs. 5,75,00,000
• Non-Agricultural Land: Rs. 6,00,00,000
• Residential Buildings: Rs. 1,15,55,00,000
• Others: Rs. 3,00,00,000

Note: The given estimates of movable and immovable assets are according to the financial year 2016-2017. It excludes the assets owned by her husband and dependents. [11]MyNeta
Net Worth (approx.)Rs. 1,10,74,39,461

Note: The net worth was for the financial year 2016-2017. It excludes the net worth of her husband and dependents. [12]MyNeta

Jaya Bachchan

Some Lesser Known Facts About Jaya Bachchan

  • Does Jaya Bachchan drink alcohol?: Yes [13]Daily Hunt
  • Jaya Bachchan is a popular Indian actress and politician.
  • Jaya Bachchan was an NCC cadet in her school and was the head of her NCC batch. In 1966, she was awarded the best All India NCC Cadet on the Republic Day celebrations.
  • At the age of 15, she started her career as an actor in the Bengali films, out of which one was directed by Satyajit Ray.

    Jaya Bachchan with Satyajit Ray in a Film

    Jaya Bachchan with Satyajit Ray in a Film

  • After acting in three Bengali films, she joined Film and Television Institute of India (FTII), Pune. She is one of the students of FTII who has graduated with a gold medal.
  • She has acted in various Bollywood films including Uphaar (1971), Koshish (1972), and Kora Kagaz (1974).

    A Still From Uphaar (1971)

    A Still From Uphaar (1971)

  • In 1970, Jaya saw Amitabh at FTII, Pune. At that time, Amitabh was a struggling actor while Jaya was already a star.
  • Reportedly, Jaya was featured on the cover of a magazine, Amitabh came across this cover and realised that she was the lady of his dreams. Later, Jaya and Amitabh met officially on the sets of Hrishikesh Mukherjee’s film ‘Guddi’ (1971).
  • She acted opposite Amitabh Bachchan as the female lead for the first time in Prakash Verma’s film ‘Bansi Birju’ (1972).

    Poster Look of Bansi Birju

    Poster Look of Bansi Birju

  • Sharing her first meeting with Amitabh, Jaya said in an interview,

I was introduced to him on the sets of Guddi. I was impressed by him and somewhat in awe as he was Harivanshrai Bachchan’s son. I felt he was different, though people laughed at me when I said that. I expressed my feelings and said he’s going to make it big, even though I was aware he wasn’t the usual stereotype hero. I fell in love with him very soon.”

  • As per the sources, the legendary actor Rajesh Khanna, who was a very close friends with Jaya, was not happy with her friendship with Amitabh Bachchan.
  • Jaya and Amitabh fell in love while they were shooting for ‘Ek Nazar’ (1972) and got married after the release of Zanjeer (1973). In an interview, Amitabh shared their marriage story, he said,

While shooting for Zanjeer, I promised Jaya that we will go together on a trip abroad if the movie becomes a hit. The movie was a hit. In an attempt to keep the promise, I decided to take Jaya on a trip. This idea was opposed by my father, he was against the idea of Jaya and me making a trip as friends. To keep my promise to Jaya along with making sure I did it with his father’s will, I got married to Jaya.”

  • Some of her movies with her husband are Zanjeer (1973), Abhimaan (1973), Chupke Chupke (1975), Mili (1975), and Sholay (1975).
    Image result for amitabh jaya in sholay gif
  • Jaya was three months pregnant with her first child, Shweta, while she was shooting for the movie ‘Sholay’ (1975).
  • Jaya used to call Amitabh ‘Lambuji’ until their daughter, Shweta, started calling him by the same name.

    An Old Picture of Jaya And Her Family

    An Old Picture of Jaya And Her Family

  • The trouble in their happy married life started within three years of marriage when rumours of Amitabh and Rekha’s affair heated up.

    Amitabh Bachchan and Rekha

    Amitabh Bachchan and Rekha

  • Jaya said in an interview,

    I totally trust my husband and I know this industry. I have never been threatened or felt insecure about anything he did. I am associated with a family who believes in having a relationship. You should not be very positive about anything. Especially in this profession, where you know that nothing is easy here. If he really left me and then he never belonged to me.

  • Reportedly, she once called Rekha for dinner and said that she would never leave her husband whatever the truth was.

    An Old Picture of Jaya And Rekha

    An Old Picture of Jaya And Rekha

  • There were rumours that at one point in time, Jaya had stopped Amitabh from working with Rekha in films.
  • In 1981, Jaya appeared as the ‘lead actress’ for the last time in the Bollywood film Silsila (1981). It is said that this film is based on the real-life love triangle of Amitabh, Jaya, and Rekha, directed by Yash Chopra.

  • After this movie, Jaya took a break of 14 years from the film industry to raise her kids.
  • Later, she wrote the story of the superhit Bollywood film Shahenshah (1988), which turned out to be a big hit.
  • In 1995, she made a comeback in the Marathi film ‘Akka’ alongside Amitabh Bachchan.

    Jaya Bachchan and Amitabh Bachchan in Akka

    Jaya Bachchan and Amitabh Bachchan in Akka

  • Later, Jaya appeared in many Bollywood and Bengali films including Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham… (2001), Desh (2002), Kal Ho Naa Ho (2003), and Laaga Chunari Mein Daag (2007). Jaya also appeared in the 2011 Bangladeshi film Meherjaan.
    Image result for jaya bachchan kabhi khushi kabhie gham gif
  • On 16 February 1997, her daughter Shweta Bachchan got married to the businessman Nikhil Nanda, and the couple is blessed with two children, daughter Navya Naveli Nanda and son Agastya Nanda.

    Shweta Bachchan Nanda with Her Husband and Kids

    Shweta Bachchan Nanda with Her Husband and Kids

  • In 2004, Jaya was elected as the Member of Parliament from the ‘Samajwadi Party,’ representing Uttar Pradesh in the Rajya Sabha till March 2006. Her second term was from June 2006 till July 2010. In 2012, she was re-elected for the third term, as in 2018, she was elected for the fourth term in the Rajya Sabha.

    Jaya Bachchan in an Event of the Samajwadi Party

    Jaya Bachchan in an Event of the Samajwadi Party

  • Jaya Bachchan’s real sister, Rita Bhaduri is married to Rajeev Verma who played the character of Salman Khan’s father in Maine Pyar Kiya (1989).
  • In an episode of KBC 11, Amitabh Bachchan revealed that he was attracted to Jaya Bachchan’s long hair.

    An Old Picture of Jaya

    An Old Picture of Jaya

  • In another episode of KBC 11, Amitabh revealed that he had saved Jaya’s contact number as ‘JB.’
  • Jaya has appeared in various TV commercials along with her husband.

    A Still From Jaya and Amitabh's TV Commercial

    A Still From Jaya and Amitabh’s TV Commercial

  • When asked about the Nepotism in Bollywood, she said,

Nepotism charges are not true. My son is still struggling. The first film you can get maybe if you are from the film industry, but lots of sons of lots of film people are still waiting.”

  • In an interview, Jaya said that she has to take care of Amitabh just like her child.

    Candid Moment of Jaya Bachchan and Amitabh Bachchan

    Candid Moment of Jaya Bachchan and Amitabh Bachchan

  • In 2012, Jaya moved to tears while she was talking about the Delhi Nirbhaya rape case.
  • After submitting her affidavit in the 2018 Rajya Sabha elections, she became one of the richest MPs in India.

People now want the Government to give a definite answer. Such people (the accused in a rape case) need to be brought out in public and lynched.”