Rules & FAQ – Stonemaier Games

Rules & FAQ

The Wingspan rulebooks are available for download. You can also jump to any applicable rule category using Wingspan’s Rulepop or search for specific bird powers on Wingsearch. There is also a full rules video by Watch It Played and a great resource in the Wingsplain site. Here’s a helpful article about Wingspan setup and rules.

The European Expansion rulebook is here. Find the FAQ for that expansion on this page.

The Oceania Expansion rulebook is here and the additional Automa rulebook is here. Find the FAQ for that expansion on this page.

If you have rule questions, please post them in the comments on this page, create a thread on BoardGameGeek, or ask them in the Wingspan Facebook group.

The free scoring app for Wingspan is available on iOS and Android.

If you find any bugs in the digital version of Wingspan, please send them to or the Wingspan Discord server, where they have a bug reporting channel (

Rule Questions: Game Mechanisms

These “frequently asked questions” only contain answers to general questions. Be sure to also look at the Appendices for more detail on each bird and bonus card. A more advanced list of clarifications for each bird or power can be found here, compiled and maintained by Travis Willse.

When I gain food from the birdfeeder, do I choose all of the dice at once, or one by one?

Choose dice one at a time. This creates the potential for you to reroll in between dice selections.

What about when drawing multiple cards? Can I draw a card from the deck, look at it, and then decide where to continue drawing birds?

Yes, when drawing multiple cards, you can draw a card from the deck, look at it, and then decide to continue drawing from the deck or draw from the face-up cards.

Can I activate pink (“Once Between Turns”) powers after my final turn?

Yes, your pink power can activate once after your last turn.

Can you discard birds from your player mat?

No, once you play a bird, it’s permanent.

Can I choose to lay fewer eggs, gain fewer food, or draw fewer eggs?

Yes, you can always decline a benefit (though you can never decline a cost). This applies to the basic actions as well as bird powers. But remember, activating a particular bird power is optional, so you can avoid a cost associated with a bird power by skipping that power entirely.

When do we choose the first player? Before or after players choose cards and food?

The rules say the first player is chosen (randomly) after all players have chosen which bird cards, bonus card, and food to keep. But in more competitive environments (like digital adaptations or tournaments), it is an official variant to have the turn order determined before everyone chooses which cards and food to keep.

Rule Questions: Bird Powers and Bonus Cards

What are the birds with the grey triangles in the corners?

These birds are part of the Swift-Start Pack which is included in all current printings of Wingspan. This Swift-Start Pack helps new players learn how to play the game with the 10 bird cards marked with grey corners and 4 player guides. The birds can be shuffled into the deck to be used as regular cards and can quickly be recognized and pulled out of the deck to use with the player guides when teaching new players.

When a bird says that I can “repeat” another bird’s ability in the same habitat, how does that work?

You can choose any other “when activated” bird in that habitat and perform its power. The bird can be to the left or to the right of the “repeat” bird. The “repeat” bird does not copy the power for itself, but allows another bird to activate twice this turn. So if Bird A says, “Lay 1 egg on this bird,” and I activate a bird (Bird B) that repeats Bird A’s ability, I lay 1 egg on Bird A.

When activating “migrating” birds that can move from one habitat to another, does the action token move with them? Can they move even if they’re the only bird in the original habitat?

The action token stays in the original row, as that is the action you chose for this turn. And yes, they can move if they’re the only bird in the row. These birds can migrate as long as there is no other card to their right.

Can I reroll the dice in the birdfeeder if gaining food from a bird’s power? What about when there are qualifying terms such as “if available” or “if there is one?”

Yes. Regular reroll rules apply whenever you have the opportunity to gain food from the birdfeeder.

Rule Questions: Automa

Automa: Who goes first each round, you or the Automa?

For each of the 4 rounds, you always go first and the Automa always takes the last turn.

General Questions

What will future expansions for Wingspan cover?

As of now (February 2024), Wingspan and its 3 expansions have covered birds in North America, Europe, Oceania, and Asia. The remaining 3 expansions–in no particular order–will feature Antarctica, South America, and Africa. There is also the possibility of promo packs showcasing birds we missed from previously covered regions or extinct birds. Feel free to share any birds you’d like to see in Wingspan on this form!

How do I assemble the birdfeeder dice tower? The top doesn’t seem to fit.

These videos should help:

Is my copy of Wingspan a counterfeit?

Hopefully not, but it’s possible! All official copies of Wingspan have the Stonemaier Games logo at the upper right corner of the box; if it isn’t there, it’s a counterfeit game. Also be aware of “too good to be true” pricing from vendors; while you may find Wingspan at a discount from it $65 MSRP, if you see it sold for $30 or less, you’re likely looking at an illegal, unethical counterfeit.

What are the 4 plastic containers for? [update: More recent printings of Wingspan have eco-friendly trays instead of plastic containers.]

Two of the containers are for the food tokens; the other two are for eggs (see the diagram on the side of the box bottom). When playing Wingspan, you can use both the tops and bottoms of each container, creating 8 separate piles of tokens so players can reach them easily.

We offer more plastic containers for order on our webstore. As shown on the side of the box (the box bottom, not the top), 2 of the containers are for food and two are for eggs. That’s just for storage. When you take the tops off of the containers, you have a total of 8 trays in which you can sort components during the game.

These containers are being phased out of the game and replaced with pulp cardboard trays (for eco-friendliness).

Are there any promo packs?

There are so many amazing birds in the world, and our hope is to include as many as possible as we cover 1 continent per expansion (4 more to go). However, along the way we may consider making some small promo packs of birds and other winged creatures. If, how, and when we make these is entirely up to Elizabeth, but you’re welcome to share your preferences on this form.

What are the card sizes and quantities?

There are 212 cards in the game, each at the 57x87mm size.

Does the insert fit sleeved cards? Does it have room for expansions?

Yes, the insert fits sleeved cards (that’s a standard feature for all Game Trayz inserts). The one exception may be if you buy really thick, premium sleeves, as the height of all sleeved cards may be too tall. The tray will be full of sleeved bird cards, so expansion cards will need to be kept in plastic bags (they’ll still fit in the box).

Is it language independent?

No, quite the opposite: Wingspan is heavily language dependent.

Does Wingspan only include birds from North America?

Most of the birds found in the core game are predominantly found in North America. However, each expansion will feature a different region: We’re hoping to explore Europe, Africa, Asia, South America, and Australia/NZ.

Why isn’t there any player interaction in Wingspan?

Wingspan actually has quite a bit of interaction: The dice you choose from the dice tower (and when you choose to reroll them), the bird cards you choose (if you take a face up card, you’re taking it away from your opponents), the end-of-round goals (when playing on the green side of the goal mat), and quite a few bird cards that result in other players gaining food, drawing cards, etc.

An easy test for player interaction is to ask yourself, “Could all actions be taken simultaneously, scaled to any player count?” If the answer is no, there’s at least some player interaction in the game.

What I think you’re asking for–and what most people seem to mean when they ask for “more player interaction”–is more *direct conflict*. That simply isn’t what Wingspan is about; it is, after all, a game about managing a bird sanctuary. :)

Will the game be released in other languages?

Yes! The game has been printed in many different languages, including but not limited to, these publishers: Feuerland (German), Matagot (French), Maldito (Spanish), 999 Games (Dutch), and Delta Vision (Hungarian).

Are there any unofficial Wingspan accessories or digital products?

Errata and Early Printings Info

A vast majority of these issues only exist in very old copies of Wingspan (the first two printings from 2019). If you purchase a new copy today, none of these are present.

How do I know which printing I have?

There’s not much reason to know the exact printing unless you have a very old copy of Wingspan. So this is not an exhaustive list, but look at the number to the left of the panda icon near the bar code on the bottom of your box (English printings only). If you have an English first or second printing, there is an update pack available if you fill out our replacement parts form.

This is what the first printing code is 1712-1764 and looks like this:

The second printing code is 1812-2078.
The third printing code is 19003.
The fourth printing code is 19014.
The fifth printing code is 19019.

You know you have the 7th printing or later (which include the swift-start pack in the box) if you see this at the upper right of the box bottom:

Is the percentage on the Omnivore Expert bonus card correct?

No, it should be 16%, not 10%.

Does “prairie” count as a term for the Cartographer bonus card?

Yes, it counts.

What does the Photographer score for 4-5 birds with colors in their names?

This is a typo. Instead of 2-3, it should say 4-5.

Should the Spotted Sandpiper be worth 5 points, not 4?

Yes, 5 is correct.

Is there a list of all bonus cards in the base game?

  • Omnivore Expert
  • Viticulturalist
  • Fishery Manager
  • Rodentologist
  • Bird Feeder
  • Food Web Expert
  • Visionary Leader
  • Ecologist
  • Historian
  • Forester
  • Prairie Manager
  • Wetland Scientist
  • Oologist
  • Breeding Manager
  • Wildlife Gardener
  • Nest Box Builder
  • Enclosure Builder
  • Platform Builder
  • Falconer
  • Bird Counter
  • Anatomist
  • Photographer
  • Cartographer
  • Large Bird Specialist
  • Passerine Specialist
  • Backyard Birder

1,901 Comments on “Rules & FAQ

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  1. Question regarding Cartographer bonus card:

    Birds with “wood” (as in, the Hundred Acre Wood) in the name, synonym of “forest”. Do they count? If not, why? Examples would be “Woodswallow” and “Wood Stork”.

    Thank you!

    1. Thanks for your question, Grace. While I could say, “I’m going to the woods to find some herbs,” “wood” (singular) has a different meaning (I can’t go to the wood), so it does not count.

  2. I am confused about the far right area of the board. Can you explain in more detail how to use it? It looks like there is no egg cost?

    1. Definitely! If you have a full row of bird cards, when you activate that row, you start by gaining the benefit on the far right. There’s never any egg cost to use a row (you only pay the egg cost when playing a bird).

  3. I wanted to give a new bird color ability, a new idea for a when played bird power, and for an end of round goal!

    We could say the new card color is black, (though the color doesn’t matter). The idea behind this color is to gain a benefit from activating on your turn. I think it would be beneficial to have the bird in a different habitat from the main benefit, but balance should be taken into consideration. A few examples, “if you gained two worms (grain, any food type) this turn from activating bird(s) ability, then gain a food of your choice from the supply (from the feeder).” Another example, “if you gained two eggs from activating bird(s) ability this turn, then lay an egg (on this bird, on another bird).” Another example, “If you had two successful hunts this turn, then gain a food from the bird feeder (cache a fish/rat on this bird).” Another example, “if you tucked two (three) cards this turn, then draw a card.” You could also mix and match according to balance!

    My other thought is for a white power bird that gets progressively stronger based upon which column it is placed in. Forest example, “WHEN PLAYED: if you spent 0/1/2+ eggs to play this bird, then you may re-roll the bird feeder and gain 1/2/3 food from the bird feeder.” Grassland example, “WHEN PLAYED: if you spent 0/1/2+ eggs to play this bird, then you may lay 1/2/3 eggs on this bird.” Wetland example, “WHEN PLAYED: if you spent 0/1/2+ eggs to play this bird, then draw 5 cards from the deck and keep 1/2/3 of those cards.” A fun combo would be with the Short-Toed Treecreeper because it costs an egg to activate the ability, then an egg or two for the bird you play down. That means you could get the biggest benefit for a column 2 or 3 bird. However, if you have a bird that gives the chance for a double play with an egg discount, this would weaken the benefit of this type of bird.

    An end of round goal idea I have is, “Number of birds with the same point value.” This could vary between each player for the round, so, if one person has three 4 pointer birds, while another player has two 8 pointer birds, the first player would win.

    Thanks for taking these thoughts into consideration :) I love the strategy and how variable the game is and I look forward to future releases for Wingspan!!

    1. Thank you, Keith! These are really clever ideas. I like the idea of conditional benefits on your turn and escalating benefits on “when played” birds. :)

  4. Hello! Been playing for a couple years! ❤️❤️❤️. But….always a new ?! Last night my husband bought 3 eggs…however had only room left in his many nests for 2 of them. Does he just forfeit the homeless egg? Thanks for the fun! Judy

    1. Hello. Does predetory birds count as a tucking power for the secret mission birds with a tucking power?

  5. The rule in the appendix: Ecologist Birds in your habitat with the
    fewest birds
    Count the number of birds you played, in the habitat where you
    played the fewest birds. If you have two habitats tied for fewest birds,
    you may still score this bonus. For example, if all of your habitats have
    3 birds in them, your habitat with the fewest birds has 3 birds in it.
    The question: if you haven’t played any birds in one habitat, but three resp. five birds in the other two. How do you count the points? Is it 6 points for three birds or zero points where no birds have been played?

  6. The idea of birds with fact information is pretty fun concept that’s surprisingly rare? So I would like to request for dinosaur theme next with Dino fact and everything! Will that be possible to request?

  7. In Wingspan Asia there is the Great Cormorant bird with following power: ” WHEN ACTIVATED: You may move 1 [fish] from this bird to your supply. Then, roll any 2 [dice]. If any are [fish], cache 1 [fish] on this bird from the supply”
    How do you get a [fish] on this bird in the first place? After this bird is played there is no power or any way I know to cache a [fish] on this bird. Or am i understanding this the wrong way?

    1. Thanks for your question! Here’s what we say in the FAQ on Wingspan Asia (

      “How do you get the first fish on the Great Cormorant?

      The Great Cormorant’s ability reads, “You may move 1 fish from this bird to your supply. Then, roll any 2 dice. If any are fish, cache 1 fish on this bird from the supply.” So how do you get the first fish on this bird? The first time you use the Cormorant, you ignore the first clause and skip right to rolling 2 dice (that clause doesn’t apply to you until you have a fish on the bird). After that, hopefully you’ll have a fish on the bird to consider moving to your supply; if not, continue to skip to rolling 2 dice when activated.”

  8. 1. Can I use cached food on a bird card on the board to pay the food cost for a new bird I want to play? 2. When playing Wingspan Asia in Duet mode, I am unclear where on the game-end score card to add points each player scored from the End of Round goal cards. I see the “Duet Tokens in Larges Contiguous Group” category on the game-end pad, but no category for the points scored on the goal card at the end of each round. Thanks!

    1. 1. You can only spend food in your supply, not cached food.
      2. The “End-of-Round Goals” category is the third row on the scorepad (directly under “Bonus Cards”).

      Thanks for playing Wingspan Asia!

  9. The bonus card anatomist states cap is a body part, yet other names like horned and belted are not. Is this correct?

    1. The official list are the words on the card, but if your group decides to include other parts, they’re fair game.

  10. In the iOS app, there’s the “Attempted murder” achievement which requires playing three crows or ravens into the same habitat. Which birds count for this, is it only the ones that have “crow” or “raven” in their name, or do other corvids like the Blue Jay count? I ask because I’ve tried to get this achievement dozens of times, stacking my wetlands so I can draw ~10 cards per turn, doing this turn after turn to end up with dozens, maybe over 100, cards in my hand, and often only seeing one raven/crow the whole game. I’m just wondering if I’m missing something.

    1. That’s a great question, though we’re the tabletop publisher–we don’t have achievements in the tabletop game, so my guess is as good as yours (my guess, for the record, is that they need to have crow or raven in the name).

      If you have questions about the digital version of Wingspan, please send them to or the Wingspan Discord server,

  11. I just unboxed the high-vis base game cards I purchased from this website. Super excited! But I have a criticism about waste in shipping. I believe I read about your company being more eco by reducing plastic wraps in boxed games. But I only ordered the base game cards, which one could hold in just 1 hand using that ziplock they came in. But the box it was shipped in was almost the size of the actual box of the game, and could probably fit 2 gameboxes stacked, that’s how deep it was. So the void was all filled with those air pocket plastic fillers. I think my parcel has enough plastic to negate the plastic you guys didn’t use for 20 people’s standard games. A+ on shipping as the cards didn’t even move, but I think you could have just wrapped the cards with cardboard and stuck the shipping label on that, heheh.

    1. I appreciate the feedback for us to share with our fulfillment center in your region! Can you please share a photo of the packaging and the order number so we can talk to the correct fulfillment center about this mistake? (We work with 4 different fulfillment centers.)

  12. If I played a card with a pink power stating that I can lay an egg when another player takes an ‘egg laying’ action, can I lay an egg when the other player activates a brown power that allowed them to ‘lay egg on any bird’. Is that considered an ‘egg laying’ action?

    1. Colleen: Thanks for your question. That’s an egg-laying power, but not the “lay an egg” action.

      Just so I can make sure I’m answering 100% accurately, can you let me know the name of the bird and/or the exact text (full text, verbatim) on the card? Thanks!

  13. Please help solve a friendly disagreement! When looking at the end of round goal tiles for example does the bird card icon refer to any bird card or to only those birds with the tuck bird or flocking power (bird card icon superimposed over a reversed bird card icon)? So as an example scoring total birds vs scoring only birds with the flocking power?

    1. Thanks Ruth! I’m looking at the goal tiles in Wingspan, and I don’t see any tucking icons among them–the icon I see just means “birds”. The only tile I see with the tucked icon is one that specifically says, “Birds with tucked cards”.

  14. When a card asks you to reset the bird feeder (like European honey buzzard), do you then reroll all 5 food dices regardless of if they are in the feeder or not, or do you only reroll the ones that arent allready in the bird feeder.

    Lets say there are 3 dices in the feeder and 2 are allready taken by players. The round ends and one player had the buzzard. Do you then reroll the 2 dices through the feeder down to the 3 allready there, or do you Pick up all 5 dices regardless of where they were and reroll all 5?

    1. Thanks for your question! You reroll all 5 dice (just like when all dice show the same face in the birdfeeder and you choose to reset the birdfeeder–those dice are included in the reset).

  15. When determining the number of birds with colour in their names for the bonus card can the colour be part of a name, ie. silvereye?

  16. When activating the “all players draw from the deck” action, I have always interpreted this to mean the deck specifically, and not the face up cards, however the rest of the people I play regularly with are certain the power includes the face up cards. The Wingspan app sides with me (though we’ve noticed a few rule details that differ between the board game and the app), and elsewhere in the rules it differentiates between the deck and face up cards. However, my friends all point out that the rules don’t differentiate anywhere, relative to that specific mechanic. I think this makes it too easy to grab a face up card you really want without having to use a turn to get it.

    Anyone got an official take on this?

  17. We have played our English version with Norwegian friends, but they struggled with the rules. Where can I find the rules in other languages?

  18. We have interpreted the “Ecologist” Bonus Card that states, the habitat with fewest birds scores 2 points per bird and ties count, to mean that ties count and we score 2 points for each bird in 2 or even 3 habitats if you are savvy enough to have ties in habitats. Does anyone have any input on this?

  19. The Eurasian Magpie says to choose a player and cache 1 food on the card for every action cube they played in their grasslands at the end of the round; how does that work when you’re playing against the automa? Or, thinking broader, how do any teal powers dependent on the amount of birds/cubes/etc. another player has (i.e. Carrion Crow) work with automa? Thanks! (really love this game!)

    1. Hi Hazel. In Wingspan, for teal powers you count how many Automa cubes are on the current end-of-round goal tile. That number equates whatever the teal power is asking you to compare. If you are playing Wingspan Asia, where Automa doesn’t place cubes on the tiles, you instead look at the Automa card and count the number of cube icons on the card, using that number to compare.
      Have fun,

  20. When playing with Automa, end-of-round goals, if Automa has no cubes on the end-of-round goal card, and the Automa end-of-round goal is say 5 points, how many points does the Automa have?

    1. Hi Clarissa. You start with the base value, 5 in your example. Then, add any cubes, 0 in your example. So 5 + 0 = 5. I hope that clears it up for you. Have fun.

    1. You only ever pay eggs when you play cards. So when you play a bird into the 5th column, you pay 2 eggs. You do not pay egg costs on columns when activating any of the three rows.

      1. Does that mean if i have 5 cards in a row on gain food and i want to get more dice food, i don’t need to pay 2 eggs anymore? Or do i still have to pay 2 eggs to get food? Or did i play it the wrong way.

        1. You played it the wrong way. You only ever pay the egg costs at the top of the columns when playing a bird into those columns. That is the only time you pay those costs.

  21. Jamey, please help me solve this issue. Reroll at the end of round. Rulebook doesn’t say to do it so I don’t. But buddy says steam version rerolls them. So yay or nay to reroll at end of round?

    1. You do not refresh the dice tower at the end of the round (and I’m pretty sure the digital version does not do this).

  22. The northern harrier card in my version of Wing Span shows a ‘platform’ symbol for the type of nest. However, the northern
    harrier builds nests on the ground. Do you have a list of game
    errata accessible online?

  23. This is our favorite game and we play it up to 3 times every day for the past 13 months.
    Question: if I play a Great Indian Bustard and score a bonus card by caching wheat, it states to score the bonus card it again at the end of the game. If I play Red Crowned Crane, that states to cache food equal to a bonus card, then discard that bonus card to draw a new bonus card, can I still score the first bonus card at the end of the game?

    1. Thanks Ann! As long as you haven’t discarded a bonus card, you’ll score it at the end of the game.

      1. Jamey, the Great Indian Bustard card states: “…Also score it normally at game end.” Does this mean I can’t actually score it at game end if I discard that bonus card?

        1. That’s correct. The card is just clarifying that even though you score the card immediately, you still get to score it at end of game as normal (if you still have the card).

  24. Do pink powers reset at the start of a new round? For example in a three player game player A triggered players C pink powered bird. Then the round ended and player C was skipped in the turn order as they started the round. In the new round, Player A’s first turn triggered players C pink powered bird. Can player C user the power or do they need to wait until the end of their next turn?

    1. No, pink powers do not reset at the start of a new round. An individual player’s pink powers only reset each time they take a turn. So if turn order changes during a new round and player C has already triggered their pink power, their pink powers are not reset until after they take their turn during that round.

    1. Everyone must have a copy of Wingspan Digital to play it. However, on Board Game Arena, only 1 player needs an paid account, and anyone else with an unpaid account can join them for a game of Wingspan.

  25. Hello! The Galah card says to choose another player then they reset the bird feeder and gain a wheat, if there is one. Period. You tuck two cards from the deck. Is that two separate actions? Do you get to tuck the cards whether the other player gains the wheat or not? It’s a sensitive subject in our family so I was hoping to you could clear it up for us.

    1. Hello! Let’s take a look. Here’s the exact text on the Galah: “When activated: Choose 1 other player. They reset the birdfeeder and gain a wheat, if there is one. You tuck 2 bird cards from the deck behind this bird.”

      The second clause is not dependent on the first–it’s just order of operations. So even if the player doesn’t find a wheat, you still get to tuck 2 cards.

  26. Hey Jamey,

    Have you given any thought to the possibility of producing a comprehensive rule book for Wingspan, similar to the one that you made for Scythe? Now that there are several expansions out, it seems like it would be helpful to have the complete rule set consolidated in once place.

    1. Indeed, we considered that while creating Wingspan Asia…and we made it! The comprehensive rulebook is included in every copy of Wingspan Asia.

  27. This is a question from the Asia version of Wingspan. When playing a duet token on the map and the icon has a bonus of choosing a food, does the food get chosen from the birdfeeder or the supply?

    1. The only food selected from the birdfeeder in Wingspan are shown on the dice icon (like in the forest habitat) or if a card specifically says birdfeeder. Otherwise, gain food from the supply.

  28. We have a question about the Spotted Dove in the Asia version of Wingspan. The card reads ” If this bird has no birds to the right of it, you may movie it (only the card) to the player mat of the player on your right (you choose its habitat). If you do, draw three cards.” If you are only moving the card, what happens to any eggs that may be on the card? Do they get discarded or do you move them to another bird in the habitat?

    1. Great question! I wasn’t sure about the answer, so I looked it up on page 9 of the Wingspan Asia appendix, and here’s what it says: “Any cached food, eggs, or tucked cards
      are discarded when you move it.”

  29. If one person has the superb lyrebird, which allows “copy a brown power on one bird in the forest of the player to your right”, and the power of your neighbor in the forest is the northern mockingbird “repeat a brown power on a bird in this habitat, then does the lyrebird owner get to copy a power in their own habitat, or are they out of luck, since their neighbor has no brown powers to repeat?

    1. The copy powers act as if the copied text is printed on the text of your card, so you would then copy one of your brown power birds in your habitat. Thanks!

  30. Quick question : if I can discard bird card to gain additional food, can I discard bonus card instead of bird card?

    1. There are two types of card in Wingspan: bird and bonus cards. They are not the same card type and cannot be used interchangeably. If an ability asks you discard a bird card, a bird card it must be.

      1. Sorry for bothering. I have another question.
        If i tuck cards or discard cards(for bird ability or additioinal food. including when starting game) from my hand, should I reveal my tucked(or discarded) card to other players?

        Thanks :)

  31. Quick question: when playing online, why is it that the computer can take 2 food resources when there is no bird in the forest area?

  32. Do birds get activated if a new bird is placed in the same habitat, or only when collecting food, eggs, cards?

    1. When you play a bird, the only ability that is activated is that bird’s “when played” ability (if they have one). Otherwise, you’ll only activate “when activated” birds when you choose their row to use for your turn (e.g., gather food).

  33. Thanks in advance. At the end of your turn, If all the dice in the birdfeeder show the same food, do you automatically roll all five? Or does it only get re-rolled if the person about to gain food doesnt want wants available?

    1. “Or does it only get re-rolled if the person about to gain food doesnt want wants available?” That’s correct–it is only automatic if the birdfeeder is empty.

  34. Once eggs are laid and placed on bird cards, can they be relocated to other bird cards at any time later in the game?

  35. In Player 1 Swift Start “Turn 5 and Beyond”, it states that “You only have one card [remaining], so you may want to…”, but having followed the turn instructions, the player has zero cards left. Did we do something wrong, or is there an error?

    1. Thanks Thomas! You appear to be correct, but I’m having an extra set of eyes look at it to make sure.

    2. Thomas: We figured it out! In the swift start guides, Player 2 has a Canvasback that gives all players a card, which causes Player 1 to have a 3rd card after playing their two start cards.

  36. When playing wingspan flocking mode and two players in the same group want to gain food, can one person wait to see if they can reroll or vise versa?

    1. Maybe I’m misunderstanding, but if they’re in the same group, it should be the same as non-flock Wingspan: Unless stated otherwise on a card, the active player is the one choosing to reroll, not other players (unless the active player triggers a once between turns power).

  37. The black vulture card has a once between turns power that says “when another players (skull and cross bones) succeeds, gain one food supply from the birdfeeder.” How does a predator succeed?

    1. Thanks for playing Wingspan! Predator cards have an element of chance (e.g., look at the top card of the deck and tuck it if it’s a certain wingspan). If the predator finds what they’re looking for, that’s considered a success.

  38. Hello,

    Is there a simplified/traditional chinese version of the rulebook avaliable for download? On our English version of the rulebook it says we can find it on the website but the dropbox only has Spanish/Italian.. Please let me know thanks!


    1. Thanks for asking about this. We mostly only have access to the English rules; our localization partners independently decide if they want to share those files. Feel free to check with Surfin Meeple!

    1. The wingspan length for flightless birds is anything you want it to be. See the note about this on page 3 of the Oceania rulebook.

  39. I’m new to this game, when starting the next round do you continue as you ended the last round or reset as per start of the game, can’t locate the answer in the rules. Thanks

    1. Thanks for playing Wingspan! At the end of the round, only follow the end-of-round steps. They’re noted on a tile you can put on the table and page 11 of the rules. After you complete those steps, start the next round (a player takes their turn).

      1. Hello, I’ve got a question regarding the “push your luck” brown powers introduced with Wingspan Asia and their interaction with pink powers that activate when another player’s hunt succeeds (i.e. Turkey Vulture).
        When does a hunt count as successful for the purpose of these pink powers? If I use the brown power of a bird like White-Throated Kingfisher, does Turkey Vulture activate after one successful roll or only after I have completed rolling and didn’t have to discard all stored food?

        1. Those conditional hunt powers activate after you’ve completed rolling and gained at least something from the hunt.

  40. Hi, after reading the basic rulebook and the Q&A about the rules of card drawing, I consider the drawing rules as “when drawing a card, you can only choose from the three cards already displayed, and after choosing the remaining cards, you have to discard them and take out the three cards on the top of the table again, whereas when drawing more than one card, you can check the corresponding number of cards in the library before choosing whether you want to take the three cards that have already been displayed or to keep the ones that you have drawn and you don’t have to change the cards on the top of the three displays”. Is this correct?

    1. Thanks for your question! That is not correct.

      When drawing a card, unless otherwise stated, choose 1 of the 3 face-up cards or the top card of the deck. At the end of your turn, refill any empty spaces on the card display with a card from the top of the deck.

      1. Hi, If need to draw more cards, thanks a bird power, but I just token the 3 face-up cards can I refill the empty spaces or I’ll lose the activated power?
        Thank you for answering!

        1. Whenever you draw a card, unless it specifically says you can only choose from the face-up cards, you can instead choose the top card of the deck. So if you’ve already selected the 3 face-up cards and you need to draw more, you would draw the top card of the deck (you still don’t refill face-up cards until the end of your turn).

  41. I just bought Wingspan, and have so far only unboxed it, punched, counted, and sorted components. I feel like I’m missing two trays?

    I’m confused about how to put things back in the box, particularly the food tokens and the eggs. The diagram on the side of the box indicates that I should put food and eggs in the bottom right corner with two containers for food and two for eggs. I assumed that I needed to fold the two trays in half and that they would then form the ovals seen in the diagram, but they aren’t folding over easily and with only two trays they won’t fill up enough space to help keep each other closed with compression.

    I also found mention here that there should be 8 storage spots, which again makes me think I’m missing two trays because right now with two trays I only have 4 storage depressions. It all seems so very well thought out with a diagram of how to put everything back, but my components don’t seem to match said diagram. I’ve tried looking up YouTube videos of people putting the game away but I’m only finding unboxings and how to plays. Please help!

    1. Thanks for your question! The diagram is a little outdated, as we’ve since updated some of the components to make them more eco-friendly. I do not recommend folding the 2 trays–just keep the tokens in bags and pour them into the trays when setting up the game.

  42. Can cards tucked behind others be used when tallying points for end of round or for your bonus card at the end of the game?

    1. Tucked cards are essentially blank cards. Their only purpose is to score 1 point at the end of the game for the “tucked cards” scoring category.

  43. I have a question about choosing to activate pink powers when triggered between turns. In the digital version, pink powers that are triggered are activated (or not activated) from top to bottom row and from left to right within each row (contrary to brown powers, which are activated from right to left in the row). Thus, in the digital version, you don’t get to choose the order to activate pink powers when they are triggered by another player and if you skip it, you can’t come back to it until it is triggered again on another player’s turn.

    However, I didn’t see anything in the rules about this issue, so I had always played pink powers like teal powers which allows the player to choose the order of activation (such as if they had multiple pink powers that were triggered at the same time).

    This matters at times when 2 birds with pink powers both allow you to gain food from the birdfeeder when another player chooses to gain food. In my case, one pink power let me gain a fish and the other pink power let me gain an invertebrate and were both triggered at the same time. The order I chose to activate them mattered as the birdfeeder had a fish and rodent but no invertebrates. So, by activating the pink power of gaining the fish from the birdfeeder first, I was able to reroll the birdfeeder when activating the pink power of gaining the invertebrate.

    If I were to play by the way that the digital version, I wouldn’t have had that option as I would’ve been forced to choose based on bird location on my mat rather than based on strategy…which is especially interesting in a 2 player game where pink powers can be less likely to be triggered.

    Hopefully that made sense and someone can guide me for how I’m supposed to pick the order of activating triggered pink powers! :)

    1. Thanks, Kayla! You’re correct that if you have multiple pink powers that trigger at the same time, you choose the order in which to activate them. It’s possible that this caused some difficulty in the code for Wingspan Digital developer Monster Couch.

  44. Hi, could i have some clarification please and sorry if this has been asked before.

    Oceania expansion, Galah: when activated, choose another player they reset bird feeder and gain a grain if there is one. You tuck 2 cards from the deck behind this bird.

    My question is do i always tuck two cards or
    can i only tuck two cards if they successfully get grain?


    1. Great question! You tuck 2 cards from the deck regardless of whether or not the other player you select is successful in gaining a grain.

    1. Seems like you can’t. Bottom of page 6 of the manual says “your player mat limits you to a maximum of 5 birds in each habitat.”
      I will change my question to
      Can the Automa go above 5 birds in a habitat for the purposes of an end of round objective like birds in the wetland? Of so, the Automa is going to end round 4 with 7 birds in the wetland… FYI I’m playing only with the base game.

    2. Bottom of page six of the manual answered my question! And page 4 of the Automa answered my next question! Thanks for writing great manuals!

  45. Hi! Would a player playing the rose-ringed parakeet (the power of which allows you to copy a neighbours when played power) be able to gain something from copying e.g. the eastern imperial eagle whose power is: ¨For each rat in this bird’s cost you may pay 1 card from you hand instead. If you do, tuck the paid card behind this bird.¨?

    The parakeet doesn’t eat any rats so wouldn’t it be useless to copy this ability?

    1. You’re correct that because the parakeet doesn’t eat rats, a copied version of that ability wouldn’t do anything.

  46. I have a question about bird cards with the word “may” in the original Wingspan game. Is “may” just telling you to do the particular action on the card or that you have the freedom to take another action? 

    For example, the Common Crackle said to tuck one from my hand if I do I MAY also lay an egg on this bird. 
    The obvious alternative would be that I don’t lay an egg on this bird (perhaps because it’s full), but does “may” mean I could choose to lay the egg on a different bird?

    Another example is the Steller’s Blue Jay. It says to gain a wheat from the bird feeder and that I MAY cache it on this bird. 
    Again, the obvious alternative is that there wasn’t a wheat in the birdfeeder and, therefore, I may not cache the wheat on the bird. However, since it says, “may” does that give me the freedom to keep the wheat for my supply if available in the birdfeeder?

    Lastly, the Pileated Woodpecker tells all players to lay an egg on a cavity nest and that I MAY lay an additional egg on a cavity nest bird. 
    The obvious alternative is that I may not lay an egg on another cavity nest, perhaps because they’re already full or because I don’t have one. However, since it says “may” could choose to I lay an egg on a bird with a different type of nest instead?

    To me, interpreting the “may” as an opportunity to perform an alternative action to what is explicitly written on the card seems inconsistent with the other brown power commands. It also feels like cheating and makes the game less challenging.

    I’d appreciate some clarity on the “may” cards as there are varying opinions in my playing circle. Sorry this is so long.

    1. Thanks for your question. “May” indicates a binary option: You may do as instructed, or you may not do it at all. So, in order, you may lay an egg on this bird (or you may not lay an egg on this bird—you would typically only do this if egg capacity for the bird is full); you may cache the wheat (or you may keep it in your supply, as you’ve already gained it per the first clause); you may lay an egg on a cavity next bird (or lay no extra egg at all).

      1. I also elect not to lay an egg when the end of round goal is the number of birds without eggs on and im trying to get my count up.

  47. Does a gray lag goose double food cost goal, I have seen online it doesent but I see no where In the rules why it shouldn’t because it has nothing to do with eggs

    1. I’m guessing there is a goal that looks at the total cost of played birds? If so, the Greylag Goose counts as 6 food (not 3).

      For questions like this, please list the exact text on the bird (including the exact name of the bird as it’s spelled on the card) and the exact text on the goal tile so we can properly help.

      1. It says “This birds counts double towards end of round goals that it qualifies for” greylag goose, online people say this power doesent count towards the food cost end of round goal but i don’t see it conflicting with the rule book so I’m confused

        1. Hi Bruno! There was a small misunderstanding. The Greylag goose only counts double for end-round goals that count birds. So you can interpret the text of the bird’s power literally: “This *bird* counts double.” The end-round goal you’re talking about doesn’t count birds. I hope this info helps!

          1. Yes, when counting birds in a habitat for an end-round goal, if you have a bird that counts double, you could have 6.

  48. With the common tailorbird at game end you add eggs to contuous nest types. Do these extra eggs count toward the Round 4 End goals?

      1. Thanks. Tokens must be in the Duet game? We don’t play that. It says contiguous nests on the bird cards… and do stars count?
        Can you give me an example please?

        1. If you’re not playing Duet, do not include the Duet round-end goal tiles (they’re marked with red corners).

          If you’re talking a bird’s game-end (yellow) power, please let me know the name of the bird and the exact text on that bird.

          1. It is the common tailorbird.
            GAME END: Find a contiguous group of birds in your
            preserve that al have the same nest type. lay1 O
            on each of them.
            nests count as any nest type.

          2. Here’s what the Wingspan Asia appendix entry for the Common Tailorbird says (page 6, top entry under Egg-Laying Powers): ““Contiguous” is defined by being orthogonally adjacent. In other words: directly to the left, right, top, or bottom (not diagonal). The group may zig-zag across rows and columns, as long as each bird in the group is orthogonally adjacent to at least one other bird in the group.

  49. If you have to define a star nest in a game end card, does that also carryover to the bonus cards or can the star nest be two different nests?

  50. Some birds, such as the American Redstart, when activated say “Gain 1 [die] from the birdfeeder.”

    Does gaining the die count as gaining food — so that if all the dice in the birdfeeder have the same face, you can first reroll the dice?

    Also, some birds, such as the Great Crested Flycatcher, say “Gain 1 [food type] from the birdfeeder, if available.” We’ve presumed that if the food type is _not_ available, you’re not gaining food — and therefore even if all the dice show the same face, you can’t reroll so that that food type might become available. For example, “Gain 1 worm from the birdfeeder if available” in the face of a birdfeeder full of only grains means no reroll, and no food gained. Do we have that correct?

    1. Thanks for your question! When you gain a food die (or have a conditional power that wants to gain food), you are gaining food and are eligible to reset the birdfeeder (if all dice are showing the same face).

      1. I’m glad I asked. Thank you for responding.

        Not sure all companies behind wildly popular games would respond at all, let alone in three minutes!

      2. Found this clarified in the original Wingspan Appendix booklet — “When a bird power allows you to gain a type of food from the birdfeeder ‘if available,’ these reroll rules still apply. When activating a power that says ‘if available,’ if the dice in the tray are showing all the same face, you may reroll the dice and then complete the bird’s power.”

  51. We are in an argument about the rose-ringed parakeet power (A) when a player attempted to copy the ‘when played’ power of the stubble quail (OE). The stubble quail allows the player to discard 6 resources to place 6 eggs on the quail, but the rose-winged parakeet can only technically hold 2 eggs. Would the combo allow the parakeet to actually hold 6 eggs?

    1. Stubble quail (4 points, clutch nest, 6 egg capacity): when played, discard up to 6 wild resources. Lay 1 egg on this bird for each discarded food. (4 points, clutch nest, 6 egg capacity)

      Rose ringed parakeet (2 points, cavity nest, 2 egg capacity): when played, copy a when played ability on 1 of your neighbors birds

    2. Birds can only hold the amount of eggs as it is specified in this case 2, so the other four would be “discarded”.

        1. It does not work well for localization, as different birds have different names in various languages. Also, as recently announced, a number of birds will have their official names changed (removing human names).

      1. This is the only thing wrong with Wingspan. Some of the vague “named” birds. Its no ones fault but it bothers me. When played I say “Some Haole’s bird” or some white dudes bird, never their name.

  52. Can you use the nectar at the end of round 4 for the game end action, like placing another bird food costs? Or is the nectar discarded before game end bird actions?

    1. Great question! Check out the reference tile for order of operations: Nectar is discarded in step 2 at the end of the round, while game-end powers are used in step 6 (well after your nectar is gone).

  53. Hi!
    We were wondering about the “activate brown effects” part of the plauer boards (it says it in each area). When is this suppose to happen?
    Like, it says: “Grab food from the feeder” and then further down in that field it says “and activate all brown effects in this row” (we play with Oceania, and that text is beneath the used nectar spot in each area).
    So when does this “and then activate etc…” actually activate?

    1. For each card in that row with a brown power (“when activated”), you will activate those abilities from right to left.

  54. Should the Oceania expansion cards get mixed with the standard Wingspan bird deck, or do we have to buy something else before we can use the expansion? Will the game make sense with the different mixed cards? We love the original game but your expansion might be fun to add.

  55. I have a handful of questions:

    1. If two different players’ (A and B) “one between turns” power are activated by a third player (C), and that allows A and B to take from the bird feeder, how should we decide between A and B who gets to take from the feeder first?

    2. Let’s say one player did the Lay Eggs action (for example) and will then activate two birds, first one with a predator power, next one that allows them to take from the bird feeder. Let’s say there’s another player with “once between turns” that’s triggered by predator powers. If the first player’s predator activation succeeds, who goes to go to the bird feeder first: the first player who’s activating birds in their Lay Eggs row or the second player whose pink bird was triggered by the first activated predator bird?

    3.(a) If a player activated a bird that lets them cache wheat from bird feeder if available, and all cubes in the feeder are the same, can this player re-roll? (b) What if the option is to take instead of cache? (c) In case the answers to a and b are different, what if the power lets the player decide to take OR cache?

    1. 1. Go in turn order, starting with the player after the active player.

      2. It’s always better to say specifically which bird power you’re looking at. Sometimes wordings differ in important ways. But I see 3 pink powers reliant on the success of a predator power (Black Vulture, Black-Billed Magpie, and Turkey Vulture). All three of these pink powers are triggered and activated when the successful predator finishes its power and before the active player continues to their next bird. In your example, the pink power would go to the feeder first.

      3 (a) Yes. (b). Yes, you may reroll. Whenever you go to the birdfeeder to gain food for any reason (cacheing included) and the all the dice show the same face, you may reroll.

      1. Perfect, thanks so much Joe! I’m grateful for the fast response and the beautiful board game and iPhone game y’all have created!

  56. Question: It’s a 2 player game. One player (player 1) has the turkey vulture, the other player has 2 predator cards in his grasslands. Once (player 2) takes the action of laying eggs, he then gets to each predator card which says to look at a card in the deck, if under 100cm, tuck a card. My question is: If player 2 succeeds with both predator cards, does the player 1 (who has the turkey vulture) get to take a food for each predator card?

  57. Regarding the pink power of the “garrot d’Islande”(Bucephalus islandica). This bird lays an egg when another player plays the action of laying eggs. My question is: what if the other player lays an egg thank to a brown activation of a bird (like from the Sturnella neglecta)and not as a definite action? Can I benefit from this pink power an lay an egg myself?

  58. The Budgerigar has a brown power: WHEN ACTIVATED: Tuck the smallest bird in the tray behind this bird

    If there is a bird with a wingspan of * in the tray when you activate the Budgerigar, do you have to tuck that card, treating it as 1 cm, do you tuck the card with the lowest Wingspan of the remaining cards, treating it as arbitrarily large, or can you choose what wingspan to treat it as for this purpose and then tuck accordingly?

  59. Hi Jamey, I’m wondering whether this question should be reconsidered as it seems to me that the response either doesn’t properly address the issue or is potentially at odds with the rule book and general play within the game or leads to unintended consequences. In particular I note that an interpretation of what you’ve said here – as I understand is carried from here into the official online version of the game – is to allow certain birds to tuck from “the deck” even when that deck has already been completely used up by all the players. I undertook a bit of an exposition on the online wingspan discord server Oceania beta testing section if you want to see further discussion. To sum it up though the main issue is that that interpretation from this q&a comments page leads to the scenario that there are essentially two different types of “decks” (or meanings for “tuck from the deck”) at different stages of the game for cards like the European Goldfinch that tuck without seeing the card (“flocking ONCE BETWEEN TURNS: When another player tucks a card for any reason, tuck 1 card from the deck behind this bird.”). While there are cards remaining in the “deck” it takes from that deck and removes cards that could potentially be in play/available to players, but following your comment above, once that pile is all used up and reshuffled as the rule book says to do but then used up again till nothing is left, it then means the Goldfinch type power cards begin taking from an “imaginary deck” to tuck “counters”. This seems to be an unintended consequence and contrary to a simple reading of the rule book that would just simply be … if there are no cards left to reshuffle to make a new deck then there is simply no deck left and you cannot tuck from the deck, just like if there are no cards in your hand then you cannot tuck from your hand. To me it seems that there is really no issue at all, like any game there are numerous limitations in the game and this one is simply one of a limited resource that actually adds to the need for strategic consideration and use of finite resources. I’m hoping this can be reviewed and reconsidered or discussed further. Cheers anyway, thanks for the game and all your work!

    1. I think both answers are true. If you somehow run out of the entire deck of cards, you can shuffle the discard pile into a new deck. At the same time, tucked cards are, for all intents and purposes, counters. There’s nothing on the other side of a tucked card for any gameplay purpose.

      1. I think at least two outstanding issues remain following that:
        1a) What do you do after you have shuffled the discard pile in to a new deck, taken cards from and exhausted that new deck, and then reshuffled any new discarded cards into a new deck etc until there are none left and there is no longer any deck at all and all the cards are in player’s hands or on the board? I and others have encountered this scenario when undertaking very large tucks and it is an issue for how to code a digital version of the game.
        1b) In one sense, 1a) it is not even a necessary question at all and the current rule book already completely covers this scenario, as it seems the logical and simple answer is that what you do at that stage is precisely nothing at all, there is no need to respond other than to acknowledge that there are simply no cards left thus no deck and powers or tasks that depend on the deck can not be completed. But this is not the current solution implemented digitally, potentially because of the partial consideration of these cards as counters, when in fact they are more than that. i.e. it is only the practice of introducing “counters” to this question that makes this an issue at all.
        2a) The tucked cards once they are under the tucking card may be simply understood as counters at that stage (at least for the purposes of scoring at the end of the game). But importantly, it is the fact that they were not simply counters (tokens/non wingspan player card objects) before they were tucked that has a meaningful impact on the gameplay in two ways. Before they are tucked they are actual specific playing cards and importantly potential cards that players can draw in another draw and tuck or non-tucking way. Whether they were powerful cards of significance to a game or not, or beneficial to have removed or not to one player or another is another way that this process meaningfully effects the gameplay. Further, they act as cards to fill the tray (or not fill it if there are none) midround or even at the start of round 4 if this occurs earlier. Another meaningful impact on gameplay from considering them as counters relates to the relative weight of the powers on cards that can access them as “mere counters” versus those that can not, examples of the latter include cards that require you to draw, look at the card and tuck or not depending on its features or your decision to keep it. There could also be other ways.
        2b) If you consider the tucked cards as only counters then there are more issues to deal with, for example why is the card that says “tuck from the deck” not limited to tucking from the deck, for the cards that say “tuck from your hand” can we just use tokens from another hand equally as artificial as the source of the cards for the “tuck from deck” powers?, are there other cards whose plain English meaning is not to be interpreted or limited in this way?
        It is in cases of very large tucks where people run out of the deck, and then they say “hey can I have more cards to tuck?” and the answer is yes, use a counter. But if the other player says, “hey you tucked all the cards and now there are none to refill the tray”, what is the answer for them?

        It is simpler to just stay within the rule book, and like with our finite earth, when you run out, you run out. Luckily the game is still perfectly playable and there is no issue.

        1. Sure, if you have absolutely no remaining cards in the game (I’m surprised this is possible, but I believe that you have found a way), then there’s nothing to tuck, and you can’t tuck anything, at least in the analog game. In the digital game you can go either way (just like how in a digital game you can track the score as you play instead of waiting until the end of the game. The correct answers for a digital game aren’t always the same for the analog game).

          I’m not saying tucked cards are literally counters. I’m saying they’re “effectively” counters. You are correct that these are actual bird cards removed from the deck, preventing people from using what’s on the other side of those cards.

  60. I’m playing solo with the duet mode with all the expansions mixed together. I don’t remember which bird it was but it’s power was that the player with the lowest number of cards in the wetland habitat could draw a card. How do you resolve those types of cards in duet mode since you aren’t supposed to use the cubes on the round tiles?

    1. Hi Ralph. On p. 4 of the Asia Automa rulebook it has the Interactive Bird Powers section. Use the first one: ‘Check if another player has something’
      Have fun!

  61. I have a Eurasian Nuthatch and a Northern Mockingbird next to each other.

    I used the Mockingbird to repeat the Nuthatch’s power, so my Mockingbird has a seed cahced on it. Can I use this seed at any time like the Nuthatch says? Or does that not apply since it’s only copying the power when activating?

    1. It’s only copying the power when activated, so that seed just becomes a cached food (for 1 VP at end of game).

    1. For any “when activated” ability, it’s your choice to activate it or not activate it. If you don’t activate it, the bird doesn’t move.

  62. On the Ruby-Throated Hummingbird it states when activated: each player gains 1 food from the bird feeder, starting with the player of choice. Can you choose yourself as the player if you’re only playing with two people?

  63. On the Ruby-Throated Mockingbird card it states that each player gets one food dice of your choice, starting with the player of choice. Can you choose yourself as the player of choice if you’re playing with two people?

  64. My husband and I love playing this game together! We have a disagreement though! The greylag goose blue power was count this card as double towards end of round goal if it qualifies for the goal. If the end of round goal is most bird cards in hand at the end of the round, and the greylag goose was in hand, could you count that card as double in your hand?

    Thank you so much for hours and hours of fun!

  65. When I played card with the pinc power “Once Between Turnes:When another player tucks a card for any reason, …”, do it effect only in another players turns? or also in round end process?

  66. Hi, guys! First, thank you so much for the game! Our family has all the expansions, and we play Wingspan for more than a year almost every week! It’s pure pleasure!

    Suggestion made by my little son: they need to make an expansion “Extinct birds”! This would be epic! I agree)) Will u do it?


    1. Thanks Dan! An extinct birds promo pack is our most requested non-standard Wingspan product, and I’m absolutely happy to publish it if Elizabeth designs it someday. :)

    2. Thank you.
      So, if I played the card as a last action of a round, the effect never activated? or effects at from start of next round till my turn?

        1. Huh. This is not how I’ve interpreted it in my games previously. I thought the “once between turns” language for pink powers spanned round ends/beginnings. So if another player took an action that triggered my pink power, even if it happened in a new round before I’d taken my first turn in that round, my power would activate, as long as it hadn’t been activated since my last turn of the previous round.

          It sounds like you’re saying that is not the case, though, and pink powers can only activate between my turns _within a single round_. That seems weird to me. So if I’ve taken my last turn in a round, and another player then plays _their_ last turn in that round, taking an action that satisfies my pink power condition, are you saying my power would not activate in that case?

          That seems like a serious limitation of pink powers. Does the online game work like that? I thought it worked the way I’ve previously believed the rule worked, where it activates before my first turn of a round or after my last tuen of a round, as long as it hasn’t activated already since my most recent turn.

          1. Yeah, I just double-checked the printed rule books, and I think they support my interpretation. In the base game rule book it talks about “once between turns”, but it doesn’t specify that the turns need to be within the same round. The European expansion rule book explicitly exempts between-round teal powers from triggering pink powers, but to my mind this supports my interpretation, since if the game worked the way I believe Jamey was implying, that explicit exemption wouldn’t be needed, since between-rounds teal powers would already be excluded by the only-between-turns-within-the-same-round limitation on pink powers.

            I’m pretty sure the online game works the way I’ve interpreted the rule. I know I’ve received pink power benefits when another player takes an action after my last turn at the end of round 4.

            I dunno. Maybe I’m misinterpreting what Jamey meant.

          2. Hi John! Jamey just misunderstood. While the original question was whether pink powers can be triggered during round-end (they can’t), the followup question wasn’t super clear.

            You are correct. Your pink powers can activate after your final turn. Theoretically, if you play a pink power bird for the final turn of the game (no other players after you), there would be no opportunity for it to activate. But if there are other players’ turns after yours, it can activate even if you don’t have any turns after that.

  67. A player chooses to activate their bird’s brown power which says “All players lay an egg”. Can the other players choose to accept or reject the egg or are they required to take the egg?

    1. First you choose to activate the ability, and if you do, you must lay an egg, and it’s a choice for the other players to follow.

    2. The House Wren power says “When played: Play a second bird in your grasslands or forest. Pay its normal cost” If you play the wren in the forest do you have a choice of placing the second bird in the grassland or does it need to go in the forest too? It seems to me the way it is worded you would have a choice.

      1. Great question. The key words here are “a second bird”; if you played the first bird (the House Wren) in the grasslands, the second bird must follow them to the grasslands.

    3. The blue power on the Eurasian Collared-Dove says: Discard up to 5 food from your supply. For each, tuck 1 card from the deck behind this bird.” Our question is if you are discarding nectar for this round end power, does it go back into the supply or on the bird card? Thanks

      1. Round-end powers happen first at the end of the round, so the nectar would go on the left side of your player mat (where it would remain until the end of the game).

  68. When drawing a bird card from the deck, is it revealed for all players to see or just to the player drawing the card?

  69. When playing the common blackbird during the duet phase in the Asia expansion: When played it states, “Place this bird sideways, so that it covers 2 forest spaces. Pay the lower egg cost.” Do you get to lay both duet tokens on the duet board?

    1. Sorry I just saw that this question was answered below! Sounds like it is just one duet token per bird card so only one. Thanks!

  70. The Carrion Crow bird power is:

    “ROUND END: Choose any 1 (including yourself). Cache 1 Rat from the supply on this bird for each Predator that player has.”

    Does this mean any Predator the player has picked up or only Predator birds that have been played?

    1. For this and other abilities that look at types of birds, they’re always referring to played birds, not birds in hand.

    1. If you have anything other than printing code 1712-1764 or 1812-2078, your copy does not have the early typos.

        1. We’ve gone through dozens of printings of Wingspan–only a few of the codes are printed above. Is there something about the component quality that makes you think your copy is counterfeit?

          1. I’ve never held a real copy so I don’t know what to look out for. I’ve just read online there are lots of counterfeit copies so now it’s got me worried as I bought this on Facebook marketplace.

            Can you confirm if that’s a real printing code please?

          2. Oh yes, it’s definitely a real printing code. In the future, if you ever want to be 100% sure that the product you’re buying is real–it sounds like this is important to you–I’d recommend buying directly from the publisher’s webstore.

          3. I’ve never held a real copy so I’m not sure what one looks like. I’ve recently read lots of stuff online about games getting copied including Wingspan so now I’m just a bit worried about the copy I’ve bought on Facebook Marketplace. Would you be able to confirm I’ve got a real print code please? Or if there’s anything else I should look for please? Thank you!

          4. Yes, I just confirmed that a few seconds after your previous comment. Most of the counterfeits we’ve seen do not have the Stonemaier Games logo on the front of the box (upper right corner). If you see that logo, you’re fine.

  71. When playing a bird card do you still go through the brown powers in your cards to the left or just after the other 3 actions?

    1. When you use your turn to play a bird, that’s the only thing you do. It’s only when you activate a habitat that you can activate the brown powers in one habitat (as well as the benefit printed in that habitat on the player mat).

  72. Still thinking of new questions after playing this game for three years.

    Bit of an odd one here, but the Hooded Merganser says “copy one predator power in this habitat.” Does this only copy brown powers? Is there any way for it copy an other power color?

    It seems like just brown but just checking.

    Thank you as always.

    1. We’re always happy to help with questions! :) Since you’re activating this as a brown power, it can only copy other brown powers (in this case, specifically a predator power).

  73. Does automa count egg icons from player grassland category or from birds played on player mat when taking eggs for its turn?

    1. Hi Kyle. When taking eggs on it’s turn, Automa only uses the icons on the Automa cards. If there are three egg icons on the Automa card, give Automa three eggs. Have fun?

  74. If playing Duet Mode and if a “place this bird sideways” card is played, would that allow the player to take 2 duet tokens?

  75. My opponent has played the Spangled Drongo in her Woodlands. I have played the Mistletoebird in my Woodlands. I take my turn and “Gain Food”, I take a cherry and a seed. I then activate my Mistletoebird and exchange my cherry for a nectar. Does my opponent use her Spangled Drongo pink “once between turns” power to also gain a nectar?

    1. Since you have those cards handy, can you share the exact text on them (especially the Spangled Drongo) to help facilitate the answer? Thanks!

      1. Spangled Drongo: Once between turns: When another player gains a nectar, gain 1 nectar from the supply.
        Mistletoebird: When activated: Gain 1 fruit from the supply, or discard 1 fruit to gain 1 nectar from the supply.

    1. Cetti’s Warbler is the bird that counts double towards qualifying end-of-round goals. It’s the card itself that qualifies, not the duet token–a single duet token is placed when you play Cetti’s Warbler, just like any bird.

  76. Hi! Sorry for perhaps a very easy answer. BIRDS in a row (Goal Tiles) means that you have to complete the row, or the player with most birds in a single row wins? If one player has 4 birds in the yellow habitat, and another has 2 birds in 2 different habitats, who gets first and second? Thanks!

    1. The player with the 4 birds would get first place as they have the most birds in a row(habitat) the player with two birds would get second. If the goal/card was asking for most birds for an specific location, let’s say forest area then the player with the 4 birds in the wetlands would get no points, and the player with 2 birds in the forest area would get the first place, as they have the most birds in the area requested. Hope it makes sense and didn’t complicate it more.

  77. Can a bird with a larger wingspan be tucked under a bird with a smaller wingspan (assuming there are no rules about this explicitly written on the card)?

  78. I tried searching the page but got no hits, so here goes. Apologies if redundant. The Oceania Data Analyst bonus cards explanation is explicit that same wingspans don’t break your run. The Asia Ranger cards description doesn’t have a similar line about birds of the same score. So, if you have Forest Ranger and your bird scores, in order, are 6,5,5,4,3, how would you score the bonus card?

    1. Because there are no further explanations (like with the Data Analyst card), the Ranger bonus cards follow the strict definitions of ascending or descending. That means repeated values would not count for the series when measuring the outcome of Ranger bonus cards. With 6,5,5,4,3, you would only score your longest series that is ascending or descending, which would be 5,4,3.

  79. Does the nectar symbol found on birds from Oceania Expansion work on bonus cards like “Viticulturalist”, which state only berry symbols, no wilds. Nectar seems to me to be an exception to this. Am I wrong? Help @jameystegmaier

    1. Thanks for playing Wingspan, David! Cards like the Viticulturalist each show a very specific icon, and it is only that icon–berry in this case–that apply to the corresponding bonus card (no wilds or nectars).

  80. I dont understand this sentence from the Asia rulebook “you do not pay eggs when going to benefits from the three habitats “ from page. Is this a error?
    I never see it from the original game and the extensions. Thanks

    1. When placing a new bird in one of your habitats, you pay the egg cost at the top of the column where placing the new bird. When activating a habitat (by moving your cube from right to left in a row), you do not pay the egg costs at the top of the column.

      So the rulebook here is clearing up a frequent (incorrect) assumption that you must pay an egg cost to activate a habitat. That egg cost is only when playing a bird.

    1. I’m happy to help! Please share the full text on the card and which part of it isn’t making sense.

    2. Also, in case this is your question, the Great Cormorant has an entry on the Wingspan Asia FAQ (

      How do you get the first fish on the Great Cormorant?

      The Great Cormorant’s ability reads, “You may move 1 fish from this bird to your supply. Then, roll any 2 dice. If any are fish, cache 1 fish on this bird from the supply.” So how do you get the first fish on this bird? The first time you use the Cormorant, you ignore the first clause and skip right to rolling 2 dice (that clause doesn’t apply to you until you have a fish on the bird). After that, hopefully you’ll have a fish on the bird to consider moving to your supply; if not, continue to skip to rolling 2 dice when activated.

      1. Which 2 dice do you roll? 2 dice in the bird feeder? 2 outside? If from the bird feeder are they considered out until the bird feeder is refreshed?

        1. Whenever a card says “roll any 2 dice”, you choose where they come from, and they go out of the birdfeeder. If you need to reference this in the future, it’s at the top of page 4 in the Wingspan Asia appendix.

  81. When playing with the Oceania expansion, can the food exchange on the Green Heron card be for a nectar? Or anything but a nectar?

    1. Anything but nectar. :) [Update: I was wrong about this; the correct answer is that nectar is eligible for this specific “any food” power.]

      1. Hi Jamey, are you saying here we can’t use the Green Heron’s power to get nectar? I’ve always understood it as you can trade any food with the Green Heron into a nectar. And there are other threads here where people are asking about the interaction between Spangled Drongo and Green Heron that indicate to me that you can indeed use Green Heron to get nectar. Thanks as always!

        1. Brendan: Thanks for your question. The Green Heron’s “when activated” power says, “Trade 1 [any food] for any other type from the supply.” Looking through the nectar rules, it does appear that nectar is eligible to gain from bird powers with the “any food” icon–my previous answer is incorrect.

    1. Hi Rick. Based on the difficulty level you are playing, the bonus card shows your three values. For example, at Eagle difficulty: 5, 6, or 7 points. Take all birds from the display that are worth one of those values. FROM THOSE, Automa gets the one which is the LOWEST VALUE, and the others are discarded. If there was more than one with the same lowest value, give her either; it makes no difference which.
      Have fun,

  82. Question on the Baya Weaver. Does it qualify as a color for the Photographer (color) bonus card which lists Bay as a color.

    1. Good question, but the photographer is looking for colors as words are colors as part of compound words. “Baya” is its own word, not a compound of “bay” and “a”.

  83. Hi,
    My question is about the french version and about the “anatomist” card : in french we have the “cochevis huppé” ( galerida cristata, maybe “crested lark” in english) can we count it with the anatomist card or not ? “huppé” is not “huppe” so does that count or not ? We’re several gamers not agreed about that…
    Thanks for your answer :)

    1. Thanks for your question! If it’s on the list (on the Anatomist card), it counts. If it’s not on the list, it doesn’t count. :)

  84. I tried to leave this comment before but I think it didn’t go through.

    Can a Rose-Winged Parakeet copy a Bonelli’s Eagle or Eastern Imperial Eagle? As in, if my opponent has Bonelli’s Eagle in play, can I play the Rose-Winged Parakeet using the alternate cost of tucking three cards?

    Alternately, if a Rose-Winged Parakeet copies a bird that draws or scores bonus cards, does the Parakeet count towards the Endangered Species bonus card that tallies how many bonus card birds you have?

    Thank you always for the responses and clarifications.

    1. In all cases, the Rose-Ringed Parakeet copies the power, exactly as it’s worded on the other bird, onto itself for the duration of that turn. At the end of the turn, it no longer has that power.

      So for Bonelli’s Eagle and Eastern Imperial Eagle, the power wouldn’t do any good because it’s looking for rodent costs and the Parakeet does not cost rodents.

      For the Endangered Species bonus card, the Parakeet no longer has the copied power after the end of the turn. So when scoring bonus cards at the end of the game, the Parakeet would not count for Endangered Species.

      1. This is a question about the Photographer bonus card (birds with colors in their names. We have a disagreement as to whether the bird cards Silvereye and Mistletoebird count towards this bonus card.

      2. Oops in my last question about the Sivereye and Mistletoebird, I meant to say the Anatomist Bonus card not Photographer

      3. Me again. I did have a question about the Photographer Bonus card after all. WE were wondering why if bronze and gold count as color words then why doesn’t Silver?

        1. The Oceania rulebook clears these up!
          Anatomist with Mistletoebird: “The “toe” in this bird’s name is etymologically
          unrelated to the anatomical part and so does not
          qualify this bird for the Anatomist bonus card.”
          Photographer: The Oceania rulebook updates the word list to include silver so the silvereye certainly counts!

        2. Here’s the rule on word-based bonus cards. If it’s on the list, it counts. If it’s not on the list, it doesn’t count. There are too many etymological debates to be had about what could or should count, so in practice, all the answers you need are on the list of qualifying words. Both “eye” and “toe” are on the list. Also, if you’ll reference the Photographer bonus card included in Wingspan Asia, all three of the words you mentioned are listed (“bronze,” “gold,” and “silver”).

  85. Regarding the Large Billed Crow, if you cache a nectar on the bird as your food choice, where do you put it? On the bird or in your nectar pile? Thanks!

  86. I think I have the 6th printing. Which means I don’t have the Swift Start cards. Should I get them? Are they different cards? I always assumed it was just a grouping for new players.

  87. Hi! about the first player selection as a variant rule of the original game, can you explain how this can be beneficial to a “more competitive environments (like digital adaptations or tournaments)”?

    IMO this variant just creates an asymmetry that gives full advantage to the first player and therefore it cause exactly the opposite effect, making in some conditions the game less competitive because the first player has easily edge on the others (expecially in a 2 player game!) just by knowing they have access to those game resouces (cards, food) first without any risk to lose them.

    (you can see people playing online and keeping specific food or specific cards just because they know some food or some cards will be for sure available for them on their first turn… expecially when you can perform your first action *without risks* in order to have it match bonus cards, end of the round goals, etc!)

    1. Exactly! That’s why we limit this variant to tournament/digital play, as it gives players more agency over the decisions they make during setup.

  88. Hi there! I have a question about Automa. We’re lucky enough to own the North America, European, Oceana, and Asia expansions. Wondering what elements from the various version(s) of Automa we have should used at this point?

    1. Hi Cathy. I hope I am understanding your question correctly. If you are just getting started with Automa, I would recommend you play using any combination of birds, but excluding those from from Oceania (because Nectar adds some extra rules). I would recommend you just use the 10 basic Automa cards; don’t add the special named Automa cards. Since you own both the base game and Asia, you have two decks of Automa cards, but they are identical. Have fun!

  89. Hello- We have a question about the Hermit Thrush bird power. “Players with fewest Forest birds gain one miscellaneous food from bird feeder”.

    Do “zero” birds in the Forest habitat count as fewest? Or do you need to have at least one played to qualify?

    1. For this bird, zero is included in the measure of “fewest.” So the player(s) with zero birds would gain the benefit.

  90. Hello! We are now playing the Oceania expansion. Would you please confirm if we do the End of Game card powers before or after scoring the Bonus Cards? Thank you in advance for your time.

    1. Here’s the order of operations (page 2 of the rulebook and on the reference tile included in Oceania):

      At the end of each round:
      1. Use “round end” bird powers, if playing with European Expansion.
      2. Discard any unused nectar (as described in next section).
      3. Score end-of-round goal.
      4. Remove all action cubes.
      5. Discard and replace all cards in the bird tray.
      6. If Round 4 is over, use game-end powers. Otherwise, pass first-player token clockwise.

      Game-end powers is the last step.

      1. Thank you for the quick response. The Bonus Card scoring is not mentioned in those steps, so would it be done after the Game-End Power cards are scored?

        1. Ah, I see what you’re saying. Yes, that’s scored during end-game scoring, after all end-of-round steps.

  91. Good afternoon, there was a dispute over the rules. Tell me how victory points are divided when goals are achieved. 4 players playing, 2 players ranked first, 1 player ranked second, 1 player ranked third? Thank you.

    1. The 2 tied first-place players add the first- and second-place points and divide by two and round down. The second-place player would get the third-place points.

      There’s a description and example of this on page 11 in the core game rulebook.

  92. Regarding the KEA, The card states to first draw one bonus card, and Then decide if you want to spend more food/foods to get extra bonus cards.

    My question is, Can you look at the first bonus card that you drew before deciding if you want more bonus cards?

    It has become a hot topic in our Wingspan group..:)

    1. Here’s how we say it in the appendix: “You first draw 1 bonus card, then decide how many additional cards you want to draw and discard the corresponding amount of food. This is a one-time decision. Among all the bonus cards drawn using this bird’s power, you keep only 1.”

      So yes, you look at the first card before deciding if you want to draw extras (at a cost).

      1. Hello there, just a quick question as I cannot find a straightforward answer.. For the “Photographer” bonus card, does the “Barrow’s Goldeneye” bird count?

  93. On cards that have powers “Gain 1 from the bird feeder, if available. You may cache it on this bird.” Does that mean I have the option of keeping it to use or do I HAVE to cache it?

      1. Thank you so much for saving my entire game, just was about to lose because of 2 rookies giving me an English grammar lesson which I just won with your reply!

  94. Black-Shouldered Kite says “WHEN ACTIVATED: Reset the birdfeeder and gain 1 mouse, if there is one. You may give it to another player; if you do, lay up to 3 eggs on this bird.” Does that mean 3 eggs at once or 1 egg 3 different times? The 3 egg limit is a little confusing.

    1. It’s essentially saying, “Lay 3 eggs on this bird if you can” (there might already be eggs on the bird that limit its remaining capacity).

  95. Hi. When you get food or cards or eggs, do you have to take the exact amount? Ex. You are laying eggs and are on 2 eggs, can I just take 1? It made a difference of the end goal of birds with 0 eggs.
    If I activate the card that says choose one player to lay an egg so I can tuck cards, do I have to pick a player that has room to do that or can I choose someone with no cards or no capacity?
    Lastly, if I reset the feeder to gain 1 of each food type and there are 2 dice showing nectar/wheat, can I take 1 wheat and 1 nectar or do I choose one? We are a little unsure with the dice that have 2 foods on one face, when to.reset the feeder (2 worms, 1 worm/wheat can I reset) or when people are gainig food (ie gain all the worms in the feeder, can they take the dice out that have 2 food on one face as well (ie worm/wheat) ?
    Really enjoy the game and how it plays out differently every time!

    1. Those core benefits are optional, so you could take less than 2 eggs, for example.

      You could choose any other player, even if they’re unable to lay an egg.

      If you have a power that lets you take 1 of each food type and there are 2 dice showing nectar/wheat, you could take 1 wheat and 1 nectar.

      If all dice in the birdfeeder show the same face and someone is about to gain food, they can reset the birdfeeder.

  96. During our game of Wingspan this afternoon, a question arose on the Emu card (from the Oceania expansion). The Emu’s Brown Power states: “When Activated: Gain all Seeds that are in the birdfeeder. Keep half (rounded up), then choose how to distribute the remainder among the other player(s).” When this power was “activated” by the player, there was only one Fish in the birdfeeder. Two interpretations were proposed: 1) Since all the dice in the birdfeeder had the same face (i.e., one Fish), all five dice should be re-rolled before determining the number of Seeds (if any); 2) Because nobody was definitely getting food, the dice should not be re-rolled (i.e., the Emu owner would therefore not get any Seed(s), since there was only a Fish in the birdfeeder). We played Interpretation #2. Is this correct or do you ALWAYS re-roll all the dice when there is only “one face on all the dice remaining in the birdfeeder”, even if it is not a certainty that someone is going to get food from the birdfeeder?

    1. Whenever you go to the birdfeeder to gain food, for any reason, you can reroll the dice if all the faces are the same. So yes, you can reroll the birdfeeder when the Emu is activated and there’s only a single die in the birdfeeder.

      1. Thank you, Joe. Looks like my wife and I were interpreting the rule (Page 7 of the Wingspan rulebook – Managing the Birdfeeder) correctly. Unfortunately, some people think their “house rules” apply when playing a game at their house. I guess we should be more selective when choosing our opponents and / or where we play games. Thanks again.

  97. Hello! My partner and I are big fans of the game and we currently have the base game and Wingspan: Europe expansion in bulgarian. Does your team intend to issue Oceania and/or Asia in bulgarian in the near future? Thank you in advance!

    1. Thanks for your question! Please ask the Bulgarian publisher, as that’s their information to share. :)

  98. Can you play a bird that says “WHEN PLAYED: Discard a bird from your (habitat) and put this bird in it’s place…”, on top of a bird you just played that says “WHEN PLAYED: Play an additional bird in the bird’s habitat. Pay its normal cost.”?

  99. If you are out of egg slots, can you still ‘lay eggs’ to take advantage of the brown powers in your prairie?

    1. Eggs are not required to take any actions other than “play a bird”. A common mistake in Wingspan is thinking that the egg costs at the top of some columns correlates to taking actions, but that’s not the case. Those egg costs are only paid when playing a bird in those columns. So for your question, you can indeed still take the lay egg option even if you have no eggs, just as you can take the gain food action and the draw cards action.

      1. I might not have been clear! If you have no room on your birds to lay any more eggs, can you still run your prairie engine, without actually laying any eggs (because you have no birds who have room left on them). Thanks!

  100. This may have been asked previously, will there be a new card tray with lid in any of the expansions after the Asia expansion?

    1. I think it’s likely that one of the three remaining expansions will include another card tray with a lid.

  101. What’s the frequency that each of the food types are consumed? In other words, what percentage of the time would an invertebrate be consumed as opposed to seed, fruit, fish, and rodent?

    1. There is an answer to that question, but I definitely don’t know it. Feel free to count and let us know! :)

      1. Okay, I did it! After counting food costs on all bird cards in the core pack, here are my results:

        Total required food costs (including wilds): 317
        Total required plus optional (“or”) food costs (including wilds): 386

        Required plus optional (“or”) percentages of occurrence:
        Invertebrate: 33.68%
        Seed: 26.42%
        Fruit: 11.14%
        Fish: 10.10%
        Rodent: 9.07%
        Wild: 9.59%

        Worth noting are each food types’ percentages after considering the wild requirement as each food type. (This increases the sum of their probabilities above 100% since we’re considering wilds multiple times.)
        Invertebrate: 43%
        Seed: 36%
        Fruit: 21%
        Fish: 20%
        Rodent: 19%

  102. How does the scoring for the end of round goal “3 eggs in habitat” work? I play the board game and digital version and I still can’t work it out

    1. The “sets of eggs” end-round goal is explained like this in the Appendix (pg 3): “One set of eggs consists of 1 egg in the wetland row, 1 egg in the grassland row, and 1 egg in the forest row. Count the number of sets. For this goal you’re only counting th eggs in each habitat. It does not matter on which birds or columns the eggs are placed.”

      It goes on to give this example: “Natalia has 3 eggs in her forest, 2 eggs in her grassland, and 4 eggs in her wetland habitats. For this end-of-round goal, Natalia has 2 sets of eggs.”

      I think some people get hung up on trying to place their eggs on certain birds or columns, but notice the example doesn’t mention birds or columns and it has enough information to count sets. You simply need to count the number of eggs in each habitat and then count the sets (the number of times you have 1 egg in each habitat). There’s also a shortcut! After you’ve counted the number of eggs in each habitat, the habitat with the fewest number of eggs equals the number of sets you have.

  103. When you gain the last die from the feeder, do you immediately re-roll all five dice, or do the dice remain out of the feeder until someone takes a gain food action?

  104. Second question. If you have the great Indian bustard and the red-crowned crane, Bustard says to score when your bonus cards when played also score it normally at game end. Crane says score one of your bonus cards when played discard that bonus card and draw one new one. So if you play the Bustard first, score you bonus card, then you play a red crown crane and discard that bonus card; Do you still score that bonus card at the end of the game because of the great Indian bastard power. Note that is the only bonus card you had..

    1. No, you can’t score a bonus card that you’ve discarded, so the Bustard’s final statement no longer applies.

  105. In wingspan Asia, the common Taylor bird says contiguous. Does contiguous include all birds at angles and horizontal and vertical to that bird? Does it follow through for all of the same nest type? If I have a ground nest bird in the forest and column one and in the forest and column two and in the grassland and column 3 and the water and column 4 do I add two eggs or four eggs?

    1. Here’s how the Common Tailorbird’s appendix entry defines it (diagonals aren’t orthogonally adjacent):
      “Contiguous” is defined by being orthogonally adjacent. In other words: directly to the left, right, top, or bottom (not diagonal). The group may zig-zag across rows and columns, as long as each bird in the group is orthogonally adjacent to at least one other bird in the group.

  106. Hi!

    Question about the Little Egret and other birds that have a power like “all other players draw a card and keep it if… {condition}” (For Little Egret it’s that the card can live in the wetlands), using the Automa’s Hoard variant.

    Does Automa gain 2 tokens from this card because it “draws”, or {0,1} tokens dependent on whether the condition is met?

    So is the card equivalent to
    (A) “Each player, in order, reveals the top card of the deck. If the top card is {condition}, they draw it. Otherwise, discard it.” In this case, Automa gets 0 hoard tokens;

    (B) “All players draw a card. Each player reveals the card they drew. If {condition} is not met, they discard it.” In this case, Automa nets 1 hoard token (+2 for drawing, -1 for discarding); or

    (C) “All players draw a card and keeps it if…” In this case, Automa nets 2 hoard token (+2 for drawing, but since “not keeping” isn’t “discarding”, the discard loss of Hoard tokens isn’t triggered.


    1. Hi Pasquale. For Automa’s Hoard, Automa ALWAYS meets whatever condition is necessary to gain from the power. Therefore, for Automa it reads, “Automa draws a card and keeps it.” There is no ‘if’.
      I hope that helps. Have fun!

  107. Can’t believe I’m still asking rules questions three years later, and I checked to make sure this hasn’t been answered yet, but here we go:

    I have two water birds next to each other: a Common Grackle and Wilson’s Storm Petrel. Can I tuck one of the cards I drew from Wilson’s Storm Petrel under the Grackle, effectively saving myself one card instead of discarding it? Like if I draw three cards off the Storm Petrel, can I keep one, tuck one under the Grackle, then only have to discard one? Or if I draw two, can I just tuck one under the Grackle and keep the other from the Storm Petrel?

    Thank you.

    1. Thanks Brendan! I’ll look up those birds to see what they do. The Wilson’s Storm Petrel says, “Draw 1 card for each empty card slot in this row. At the end of your turn, keep 1 and discard the rest.”

      The key is that you get to end the turn with at least 1 card from those that you drew. So in the situations you described, you wouldn’t need to discard anything.

    2. If there is a the bird that says copy a brown power of the player to your left. Then the brown power says as long as it is to the right of all other birds if may move, this bird has all 3 habits on it. But the bird that says copy a brown power can only live in 1 habitat. Is that bird able to move to any habitat?

      1. When you copy a power, it’s as if the text is on the bird that’s doing the copying. So if your bird doesn’t meet the condition, it wouldn’t be able to move.

  108. For Wingspan’s Rulepop some setup information is missing when the Oceania Expansion (OE) is selected. On page 1 of the OE rulebook under Setup step 3 part d it says that after selecting 5 cards/food from the starting 5 cards and 5 standard food that players get 1 nectar, “then, all players gain 1 nectar.”
    The getting nectar part is missing and should probably be added at the end of the second step for player setup in the Wingspan Rulepop.

    1. Thanks Wes! Rulepop is independent of us, and they have a “feedback” link at the bottom of their page. Can you submit this feedback there?

  109. The bonus cards Endangered species states you get 3 points for each bird that sclres for another bonus card.

    Does this work with Visionary leader where you get points for 8+ birds in your hand?

    I.e. if I have both and 8 cards i hand ill get 8×3 for Endangered? Or will it not work as these cards are not in play? If they do count can you do more than 8 cards?

    1. Good question! Endangered Species intent (like any other card that refers to bird cards, unless otherwise stated) is to only look at birds you’ve played, not birds in hand.

  110. If I put the southern cassowary down and decide to use it’s when played power (When Played: discard a bird from your forest habitat and put this bird in its place (do not pay an egg cost). If you do, lay 4 eggs on this bird and gain to berries from the supply), does cached food transfer or not?

  111. In the Asian game can you explain the meaning of the Red Wattled Lapwing power. Also there is another bird that says take a fish off the card and use it to gain something. Sorry I can’t remember what bird but I can’t figure out how you get a fish on that card in the first place. We just love this game and play it often. In fact we have a friend come over and we play it all day almost weekly. Best game ever!

    1. The Red Wattled Lapwing allows a player to clear out the bird tray (perhaps to see new options) while possibly getting an additional benefit. If any of the cards discarded are predators (indicated by the skull and crossbones symbol), then lay one egg on the Red Wattled Lapwing.

      The Great Cormorant says: “You may move 1 fish from this bird to your supply. Then, roll any 2 die. If any are fish, cache 1 fish on this bird from the supply.” The first sentence can be skipped if you don’t have a fish already cached on this bird. It’s most likely you’ll only ever have a fish cached on this bird on subsequent activations, because you can cache a fish with the second sentence. So later activations will give you an opportunity to utilize the first sentence.

      I’m glad you’re enjoying the game!

  112. Hi! For the duet mode of Asia, can you clear up what contiguous means for the end of round goal? Should it be duet tokens in a single mass (but not necessarily a line, kind of a blob) or in a snake/line like Longest Road in Catan?

    1. Absolutely! Contiguous just means one continuous connection. This actually applies to both a snake, line, and blob–the key is just that each token is touching at least 1 other token.

  113. Hi, the rules linked me here where I could find rules and guides in “dozens” of languages, but I’ve only found 3 so far besides English. In particular I was looking for a Chinese translation for a friend. He’s learning English but some Mandarin to compare it with would be a great help. Any idea where I might find it? I know there was a Chinese printing of the game.

    1. Bradley: Sorry for that misleading note in the rulebook. Our localization partners prefer to control their translated files, so look on the Surfin’ Meeple website to see if they provide the rules in Chinese.

  114. If I have a card that says, birds that eat a certain type of food, such as the rodentologist ,viticulturalist,bird feeder, or fishery manager, Does the wild food symbol count for these cards? What does it mean when they say this bird may also eat other kinds of food? Thank You. Pat

    1. Hello there! For those card you need to have birds, that have that specific symbol in their diet. So the wild food does not count. What it menas when it days it can eat any other food, it means that if you are looking for wheat and the bird also eats worms, it still counts as it has a sweat symbol in it’s diet. Hope that helps

  115. Question about Great Indian Bustard(GIB) with Visionary leader bonus card.
    GIB – when played, score 1 of your bonus cards now by caching 1 wheat from the supply on this bird for each point. Also score it normally at game end.
    Visionary Leader – bird cards in hand at end of game; 5-7 birds: 4pts, 8plus birds – 7pts.

    How I read this and please tell me if I’m wrong and how to score correctly; but assuming if this was my bonus card and I had currently 6 birds in my hand (not counting GIB played) I would be able to cache 4 wheat on this bird. If I had 9 birds in hand; I would cache 7 wheat. Then at very end of game those pts would go on cache food.
    And at the very end of the game if I still had that many cards (5-6) in hand it would be 4pts added in bonus Column or 7pts (if 8plus)

    Sorry for the long example but would love to know if I did this correctly
    Love the game and keep up the amazing games and customer support Jamie!!

    1. Thanks for your question, Matthew!

      Using your example, you would cache 4 wheat now (effectively 4 points, scored as cached food at end of game), and at the end of the game you would score the Visionary Leader as a bonus cards based on cards in hand at end of game (4 points).

      1. Thank you for the quick reply Jamey (and my apologies for the incorrect spelling of your name :( ) as always best customer service I’ve ever had. Sounds like I did score it right. It was someone else who had a question about it on FB and that’s how I broke it down (and someone differed than me) :)

  116. How many birds can you play in one turn normally? If you place a bird card in the second colum, can you then place a bird in thr first colum as the token moves left

    1. If you use your turn to take the “play a bird” action, by default your entire turn is playing exactly one bird, and that bird must be placed in the leftmost available slot in a row. The purpose of the token on a “play a bird” turn is to help you remember to pay the egg cost noted at the top of the column (if any).

      1. Sorry so just to clarify unless you get bird card that states play another bird. You can only play one bird card on your board per turn?

        1. Definitely, a specific bird power like that is the exception to the rule of playing a bird. If you play a bird that says you can then play another bird, you can certainly do so. But each bird must still be played in the leftmost available slot in a row.

          I’d recommend watching this section of the Watch It Played video about playing birds:

  117. Just wondering about re-rolling dice in the bird feeder.

    Can I re-roll dice if they are all the same, but all the dice are worm/wheat dice (or all berries/nectar)?

    The rules state these dice are unique.

  118. “Tuck a card from your hand, if you do, lay an egg on this bird”

    If its egg capacity is at max, can I still tuck a card but not lay the egg?

    This question has been addressed decisively in forums, but the official rules remain open to interpretation. Can we have an official ruling please?

    1. Yes, you can still tuck a card in that situation (you just can’t lay an egg if the capacity is full).

  119. I received wingspan for my birthday in late October, and since then my wife and I have played 200+ games. That said, I received the EE pack for Christmas.

    In the EE, you can “spend” cached food on cards when you activate some brown powers. In the original, you can discard foods to tuck cards.

    The EE rules state that you can’t count those cached food in your supply “even though they can be used to play more birds”.

    Does that mean “spending” is limited to playing more birds, or can they be spent to to tuck birds?

    Thank you!

    1. You’re correct that cached food is not in your supply. You can only spend food from your supply unless using a specific power that states otherwise.

  120. Hi, My family and I are really enjoying this game…thanks so much! Quick question. At end of round bonus-can a player place 2nd, 3rd, or 4th without actually hitting minimum requirement? Ex ( 3 player game and End of round bonus is: # played bird cubes. Player 1 has 3 cubes, player 2 and 3 don’t place any cubes…does player 2 and 3 actually qualify for 2/3 place because they haven’t laid at least one cube or do they just receive 0 points?) hope that makes sense. .thanks!

    1. Thanks Clayton! You must have at least 1 to qualify, so in the example you gave, those players would get 0 points.

  121. Hi, i have just added oceania to european and the base and i would like clarification/ confirmation on korimako which can only live in woodland so is only activated on a get food action.

    When activated: discard any number of rats to gain that many nectar from the supply.

    Im assuming that this is rats from the birdfeeder rather than any you have in your personal supply but the wording isnt quite as specific as with other birds and there is no further detail in the rule book.


    1. Fraser: Thanks for your question. The Korimako reads, “When activated: Discard any number of rats to gain that many nectar from the supply.”

      You must pay the rats from your own supply. The term “discard” is used in reference to paying food from your supply throughout the rulebook.

  122. When gaining food with two or more die, and there are two feed types in the feeder, can you pick up one and reroll the die in the feeder with the same face before picking your second food type?

  123. Question:
    Some of the birds in the Asia expansion (Great Cormorant, Forest Owlet, Desert Wheatear, etc) have powers that allow you to roll dice and choose 1 or 2. Should those dice come out of the bird feeder? Should those dice go back into the bird feeder, or be placed out of play until the bird feeder is replenished?

    1. It depends on the exact wording of the card. If they say “any dice,” you can choose where the dice come from. Either way, the dice you roll stay out of the birdfeeder.

  124. Is the Duet Mode in the new Asian expansion meant to only be played with the Asian expansion cards, and not something that can be incorporated into a game that includes the base game and the previous expansions?

    The score pad for the Asian expansion doesn’t have a section for nectar, and of course the older score pads don’t have a section for Duet.

    If you’re not meant to play Duet with all Wingspan expansions included, but wanted to try to incorporate it, how would the end of round goals work? It seems like all of the end of round goals from previous expansions/base game would be excluded due to the nature of the Duet mat.

    Should the old end of round goal mat be used in tandem with the Duet mat, or would it be better to only use the Duet mat but shuffle all end of round goal tiles together, so that the goals are a mixture of Duet and non-Duet?

    1. Jonathan: You can play the Duet mode with any bird and bonus cards, but not end-of-round goals (the Duet mode has its own goal tiles). You do not use regular end-of-round goals in Duet mode.

      1. Thanks for the response, Jamey! How about the scoring for nectar if the Oceania expansion cards are included when playing Duet? Do we just need to make room for nectar on the Asian expansion score sheet, or do we use the play mat with no nectar and not accrue/tally a nectar score at the end of the game?

          1. We have several questions about the Duet mode Asian game. 1) When placing a marker on the duet map that has a food bonus, do you take food from the birdfeeder or from the supply?
            2) If the bird being played on the duet mode has a wild food symbol, can you choose a place on the duet map with a food symbol of the wild food played. For example, if I played a berry to play the Golden Pheasant can I choose to play my token on a cherry spot on the duet map?
            3) Can played birds with a star nest be played on any nest type on the Duet map?
            Thank you for your attention to these questions. We love the new twists to the game.

          2. Karmen: Thanks for your questions!

            1) When placing a marker on the duet map that has a food bonus, do you take food from the birdfeeder or from the supply?

            –It’s the same icon as on your player mat (a food die), so you take it from the birdfeeder.

            2) If the bird being played on the duet mode has a wild food symbol, can you choose a place on the duet map with a food symbol of the wild food played. For example, if I played a berry to play the Golden Pheasant can I choose to play my token on a cherry spot on the duet map?

            –What matters is the actual food you pay (in relation to the space you claim on the duet map).

            3) Can played birds with a star nest be played on any nest type on the Duet map?

            –Yes. :)

  125. Hi, I just got my new and beautiful Wingspan game for Christmas, and I can’t wait to play it :) On the backside of my rulebook it says that if you want rules in another language, they can be downloaded in dozen of languages on this webpage (, but I can only find the English rulebook, which I already have. Can you help?

    1. Thanks Pia! Sorry about that confusion. For rules in another language, please refer to the localization partner who prints the game in that language. Which language are you looking for?

      1. Hi Jamey, thank you for replying so fast :) I am danish. I wanted the game on purpose in English since I am mostly playing with international friends :) I just saw on the backside of the rulebook that it should be possible to download the rulebook in different languages. Even that I understan English it is sometimes easier to “chew” rules in your own language, so I just got happy to see this. I know that the game comes in a Danish version as well, so I was thinking that the Danish rules should be available.

        1. Thanks Pia! The Danish version is published by Asmodee Nordics, so if you contact them, they will hopefully share a link to the Danish PDF.

  126. We have played 3 games so far with the Asian Expansion cards and components added to the Wingspan game plus previous two expansions. Since we are now somewhat familiar with the new Asian expansion cards, our next step is to try the Duet Mode of play. After reading the Rule Book (which is always a good idea before playing a game) for the Duet rules, we request two clarifications:

    1) On Page 10 for the Duet Mode Gameplay rules, it states, “Some birds in other expansions allow you to play a bird on top of another bird. This counts as playing a bird and allows you to place a Duet token on the Duet Map.” In almost every case, playing the original bird on that space would have resulted in removing the Duet token and placing it on the Duet Map. The only exception we can think of is moving a bird to that space via a Brown Power (e.g., Song Sparrow – WHEN ACTIVATED: If this bird is to the right of all other birds in its habitat, you may move it to another habitat), which does not remove the Duet token from that habitat. The question is, if a bird is played on top of another bird that had originally resulted in the Duet token being removed, are there any limitations as to where on my Player Mat I may remove a Duet token for the bird placed atop the originally played bird?

    2) On Page 14, EUROPE:, the rule identifies 3 birds “have the power that they count double toward end-of-round goals.” Therefore, after playing one of these birds, I may place 2 Duet tokens on the Duet Map. Are there any limitations as to where on my Player Mat I may remove the second Duet token? I’m assuming I must remove the token from the same Habitat onto which I played the bird card (e.g., Eurasian Green Woodpecker played in the Forest).

    I tried to be brief and concise with my scenarios but may have not succeeded. Thank you for any information you can provide.

    1. The key here is that the duet tokens are only on your mat as a reminder (see the bullet point starting with “Remember” on page 10). In that way, there are no limitations as to where you remove the Duet token from your player mat, as the tokens are on your player mat only as a reminder.

      1. Thank you for the clarification. However, it seems that removing a Duet token from anywhere on your Player Mat (no matter where you play a bird) could lead to confusion when placing the token on the Duet Map (i.e., in the correct habitat).

        1. Perhaps. Though, again, the focus isn’t on where the token was on your player mat–the focus is on where you played the bird, which hopefully should be fresh on your mind, having just happened. :)

          1. One reason I asked for clarifications was in anticipation of teaching the Duet Mode of play to an elderly relative with short term memory issues. Therefore, in order to make the experience pleasant (and less confusing) for her, I plan to explain that she should remove the Duet token from her Player Mat where she played the bird. This will help her “focus / remember” which habitat her played bird was in. I will also explain that there are exceptions to removing Duet tokens from her Player Mat, but not to worry unless an exception occurs during our game. 🙂🙂

  127. What happens if I have the European Roller in play and decide to play the Montagu’s Harrier by playing it on top of the Roller? Is the Harrier placed sideways like the Roller was?

    1. Here’s how we explain it in the European FAQ:

      How do I play a bird on top of a sideways bird?

      Some birds like the European Roller allow you to place the card sideways on your player mat, filling two spots. If you then play a bird like the Common Buzzard on top of a sideways bird, the Common Buzzard would also be placed sideways, completely covering the sideways bird.

  128. Hi,
    Quick question: in the Asia duet mode, do duet tokens placed in the lower left part of the map (next to the end of round goals) count towards the end of round goal ‘total (duet tokens) on map’. Thanks!

  129. If you have a Superb Lyrebird in the rightmost slot of your Forest, could you use it to copy the brown power of a migratory bird (for example, the Chimney Swift) to move it to Grasslands/Wetlands?

  130. In the duet game, can you confirm which spaces on the map count towards the “on edge of map” round goal? We are debating if the indented ones (e.g. rat in grasslands) count as the edge or not. Thanks!

  131. On the Forest Ranger card in the Asia expansion, are repeating cards of the same score counted as in sequence? Example: 1-2-2-3-5 as my bird points in that row. Is this a sequence of 5 or 3?

  132. The Asia Expansion version of the Anatomist card went from 7 points down to to 6 points. The bird percentage remained the same, so I was wondering if this is an error, or did the point total just go down? Thanks for the AE, loving the new birds and Duet Mode (which we just tried today!).

    1. It’s something we didn’t intend, but it happened, and we’re saying that’s the official version of the card now.

  133. Jamey,
    Can you please give clarification on using the Blue Grosbeak card? It reads: “When activated: If this bird is to the right of all other birds in its habitat, move it to another habitat”. It’s power is to move from habitat to habitat. Can you you use it a second time? If so, how? Once you play a card to the right of it, it renders its powers useless. How do you activate it again?

    1. Martina: This type of bird can move around each time you choose its row and activate the bird (if, as you noted, there’s no bird to the right of it). Players typically use this to improve the row they want to activate next. For example, if this bird is in the wetlands and on your next turn you want to gain food from the birdfeeder, you might activate it and move the bird to the forest. Then on your next turn you might activate the bird again to move it to one of the other habitats to use soon afterwards.

      1. Can i just comment that we found this power very useful on the original board and with the european expansion but since having moved to the oceania boards, while this power still has a place, the change in design has meant that this power has become less important than previously.

  134. Can end of round (teal) powers that provide a benefit be just partially accepted?
    (I know you can not decline the cost part.)

    There’s a card that says “In a habitat with no eggs, lay one egg on each bird.”
    If I have a habitat with four birds, none of which have any eggs, this power would let me play four eggs, one on each bird. But could I opt to just take less, say two, instead of four?

    I know there’s a general rule that says you can always turn down a benefit, but does that also mean you may turn down just part of a benefit? Or is that an “all or nothing” choice?

    You may ask, Why would you want to do that? Because the end of round goal is “birds with no eggs”, and taking all four under the teal power would knock you out of first place.

    1. Bill: Generally benefits are all-or-nothing (i.e., if you choose to use the ability, you must use it in full).

  135. Happy Christmas! We’ve just unboxed Wingspan and have the following basic question: We understand that during the 4 rounds, each player takes 1 of 4 options: (1) play a bird, (2) gain food and activate forest bird powers, (3) lay eggs and activate grassland bird powers, and (4) draw bird cards and activate wetland bird powers. Our question: Does each player have to proceed through the options sequentially; i.e. 1 through 4 in order? Or could a player in Round 1 go straight to Option 2 (gain food), for example, even if that player has not yet taken Option 1 (play a bird)? Thank you very much for clarifying this!

    1. Thanks Barbara! Just to clarify, each player takes 1 turn at a time, during which they choose any one of those four options. A “round” of the game consists of a number of turns (i.e., the first round is 8 turns per player, the second round is 7 turns per player, etc).

      I would recommend watching this video to get a feel for how the game plays:

    2. For the card Red-Crowned Crane:
      When played : score 1 of your bonus cards now by caching 1 [rainbow symbol] from the supply on this bird for each point. Discard that bonus card and draw 1 new one.
      How does this work with the bonus card Winter Feeder:
      Food remaining in your supply at game end.
      4 to 6 food: 4points
      7+ food: 7 points.
      Having problems with the fact that Winter Feeder says “at end of game”.

    1. Can you explain the situation in which you’d have no options on your turn in Wingspan? On your turn, you always have the option to gain food, lay eggs, or draw bird cards, and none of those actions have a cost.

  136. Hi! I noticed in the Asia rules it says something about “if you play more than 15 birds.” Can you play more than 15?

    1. Nicole: Thanks for asking! It’s very rare that you can do this–by default, it isn’t possible. But there are a few birds you can play on top of other birds, which still brings your total at any given time to 15 (but overall they could have you eclipse 15 for the game).

  137. Red-bellied Woodpecker

    WHEN ACTIVATED: Gain 1 from the birdfeeder (if available). You may cache it on this card.”

    My opponent says the word “May” means that you are free to add it to your food supply OR cache it on the card.

  138. In duet mode, one of the end of round bonuses is “duet mode tokens on pairs of matching symbols”

    If I have duet tokens on 3 separate invertebrate symbols, does that count as 1 pair? Or can I count it as 3 separate pairs?

    Also in duet mode, if you play a duet token and get an egg, can you put the egg on any bird? Or only the bird you played?

    1. If I have duet tokens on 3 separate invertebrate symbols, does that count as 1 pair? Or can I count it as 3 separate pairs?

      –That’s 1 pair.

      Also in duet mode, if you play a duet token and get an egg, can you put the egg on any bird? Or only the bird you played?

      –Any bird. :)

  139. (Wingspan Asia)

    The Spoon-Billed Sandpiper says, “WHEN PLAYED: draw 2 new bonus cards and keep 1. Other players may discard any 2 resources ( food, egg, or card) to do the same.”

    Is cached food an eligible resource to discard?

  140. Question about the plumbeous redstart – does the other player have to show me their card to prove it has a worm or grain in the cost? Or can they keep the bird a secret?

      1. Plumbeous Redstart:

        Draw 1 card from the deck and add it to your hand. All other players draw 1 card from the deck and add it to their hand if the bird has a worm or wheat in its food cost.

  141. how does nectar work when playing a duet token on the duet map? is it like a star nest and you can play it on any food? didn’t see anything really stating otherwise

    1. It may not be located where you expect, but here’s how nectar is explained on page 14 under “Interactions with other expansions”:

      “If you spend nectar as a wild, you may treat it as the food you spent it as. If you spent it as nectar (for a bird that requires a nectar), you may treat it as any food on the Duet map.”

  142. I have a question about the birds in Wingspan Asia with “choose any X dice” powers. For example, the Great Cormorant has this brown power:

    “You may move 1 fish from this bird to your supply. Then, roll any 2 dice. If any are fish, cache 1 fish on this bird from the supply”

    My question is, if you choose to remove any of the dice from the birdfeeder, what happens after you complete your turn? Do the dice return to the feeder, showing the same face? Are they rerolled into the birdfeeder? Or removed altogether?

    1. Thanks Caroline! Dice removed from the birdfeeder remain out of the birdfeeder until the birdfeeder is refreshed.

      1. Just to add to this, if I may: I can, in this case, use either dices that are outside the bird feeder /or/ in the bird feeder (and /if/ I choose dices in the bird feeder, remove them after rolling them), correct? Thank you for taking the time to reply to all the questions!

  143. Question about the Plumbeous Restart. If I activate the card, do the other players get to draw cards if the card I drew had a worm or wheat in the cost, or do they keep the cards they drew if they have a worm or wheat in its cost. The wording is distinct from the Little Egret wording.

      1. Plumbeous Redstart:

        Draw 1 card from the deck and add it to your hand. All other players draw 1 card from the deck and add it to their hand if the bird has a worm or wheat in its food cost.

        Little Egret:

        Draw 1 card from the deck and add it to your hand. All other players draw 1 card from the deck and keep it if it can live in water.

    1. With the great cormorant, when activated “You may move one fish from this bird to your supply. Then roll any 2 dice. If any are fish, cache 1 fish on this bird from the supply.”

      How do you get the first fish on this card?

      1. You get the first fish by using the Cormorant the first time. The second time, you (hopefully) have the fish.

  144. two quick questions pertaining to the new duet map.
    1. correct me if I’m wrong, but cards like bonelli’s eagle, where you can tuck cards as food cost, u will not be able to take up that food space on the map because u did not use a corresponding food token to play the bird right?
    2. if I use a duet token on a space on the map that nets a food reward, is it a food from the feeder or any food that u want? just kinda confused because it shows a die symbol and assumed the feeder.
    thank u : )

    1. Thanks for your questions! You are correct that you must actually spend the food to claim that food’s duet token.

      The die icon universally means to remove a die from the birdfeeder and claim a food shown on its face.

    2. What if i use 1 rodent and two tucked cards to play boneli eagle. Can i put te yinyang token on top of rodent symbols?

  145. I’ve been playing for a while with all bonus cards (so far only base game and EE), but I’ve recently learned that a few have been updated or retired and I have a few questions.

    1. Which cards have been retired and/or updated?
    2. Historian: what’s the issue?
    3. Anatomist, Cartographer, Photographer (and possible others): where can I find the updates?

    1. Still waiting for my copy of Asia expansion, but the following are the “issues” with the retired or changed cards as I understand them.

      In the Asia expansion, there are no birds included that would satisfy the apostrophe-s Historian card. That changes the percentages, and is why it is recommended to leave Historian out when playing with Asia. Otherwise, I don’t see any problem with it, and we might opt to leave it in since Asia only adds 90 cards.

      New versions of the Anatomist, Cartographer, and Photographer are included in Asia to replace the old version. These cards had gotten kind of unwieldy because if you were playing with Base + Europe + Oceania, you sometimes had to look in the book to see whether your bird matched one of these cards. Presumably the new versions in Asia have all of the related words from all of the existing expansions.

      1. As a follow-up to this, we have now played 4 or 5 games of Wingspan since adding Asia to our base + EE + OE set. We opted to leave the Historian card in the bonus card deck, and players have chosen to keep the Historian card and have scored with it at least twice in those 4 or 5 games.

        So, I would say that as long as you are aware that Asia changes the percentages on the Historian card, there is no reason you need to remove it if you are using all of the expansions to date. If you were mixing all of the Asia cards with fewer other cards, dropping the card makes more sense.

        I really love having the updated Photographer, Cartographer, and Anatomist cards, because it is much easier than referring to the book for the expanded list of terms. Thank you SM! I hope that SM will continue to provide updated cards in the rest of the expansions, where needed.

    2. Hi Gilia! Looks like Scott answered you questions. But I’ll just reiterate. The only updated cards are Anatomist, Cartographer, and Photographer. This is because they each have new words on them. Every other card in Wingspan Asia is 100% new.

      Here’s what we say in the Wingspan Asia FAQ about the Historian bonus card:
      “What’s up with the Historian bonus card and no birds with the names of people in their names?

      If you mix this expansion with the base game, you’ll probably want to leave out the base game’s Historian card: There are no birds named after people in this expansion.

      There is a growing movement to change English common bird names that are based on people’s names—the birds that would qualify for the Historian card. The collectors, explorers, funders, and friends memorialized in birds’ common names are almost always North Americans and Europeans, no matter where the birds are from. Worse, some of those people had unsavory histories in addition to (or as part of) their ornithological exploits. As I was putting this expansion together, I wasn’t excited about many of my options for birds named after people. I decided not to force them to be included just to make the distribution of cards work for the Historian card. —Elizabeth Hargrave.”

  146. need a clarification. previously here it is posted above that:

    —Can I choose to lay fewer eggs, gain fewer food, or draw fewer eggs?

    Yes, you can always decline a benefit (though you can never decline a cost). This applies to the basic actions as well as bird powers. But remember, activating a particular bird power is optional, so you can avoid a cost associated with a bird power by skipping that power entirely.—-

    My question is regarding the ‘non-active’ players. We have seen previously that a player may choose to take/refuse a food die from a brown power hummingbird. Can the non-active player refuse to take any ‘benefit’ from another’s brown activation; such as a card or food from supply?
    It’s more noticed in 2p games in very niche situations….

    1. Hi Robert! If you provide a specific bird or situation it’s much easier to give you a definitive answer (sometimes key details can be overlooked in general explanations). But yes, in general, any player can decline a benefit.

      1. Can a player decline a benefit chosen for them by another player? This happened last night. I had a Brolga (Choose a player. That player lays an egg and you draw two [CARD]”.)

        We were competing for a round end goal of “Most birds with No Eggs”. My son and I each had ten birds with no eggs, so I activated my Brolga to draw cards and gave him the egg. He said “I wondered if you were going to do that.” This was the last action before the end of the round, so he had no time to spend the egg.

        By my reading of the rules, he had no choice but to accept the egg. This was not due to a Pink or Brown power of his own that he could choose whether to activate. In my view of the rules, he could no more decline the egg than he could decline to have a food stolen by a food-thief bird.

        1. It’s not a common situation, so I understand your confusion. But they can decline the benefit. It doesn’t matter if it was their power or someone else’s power, the benefit is a choice. Do note, if they decline the power you still draw two cards. Also, declining a food stolen is not declining a benefit, so that’s not a similar situation (and so the player being stolen from doesn’t have a choice).

  147. In Asia Expansion, appendix says “No power allows you to lay more eggs on a bird than it’s limited allows.” Then immediately below it, for 2 birds it says you can go over the egg limit. Which is it?

    1. It’s both. The first sentence is referring to powers in general–it’s saying that egg limits are universal. The exception is if if a power *specifically* states that you can exceed an egg limit.

  148. We have had a dilemma when playing! At the end of the game, we ran out of eggs. Is the ruling that once eggs are finished that no more to take(we would’ve given hypothetical eggs otherwise)?

    1. As Jamey said, eggs are not limited. Neither are food tokens, which we have sometimes run out of. If you are running out of eggs, I would ask whether you are obeying the egg limit per bird. The egg limit per bird makes it less likely that you will run out of egg tokens. (Of course, we loved the base game so much that we bought the European expansion almost immediately, and we also love the speckled eggs. We have stored away some of the colors we don’t love as much.)

      Our solution for “not enough food tokens” is glass beads (flat on one side) that we use to represent 5 food stored on a bird. We also use these to represent 5 nectar played in a row. The only times we run low on food are spent nectar and a few birds that can cache a LOT of food on themselves. We are looking forward to the arrival of Asia with a few more food tokens.

  149. We are completely addicted to Wingspan. There is a debate that comes up each time we play – If the last play of a round is to draw birds should we replace the missing birds in the tray from the deck and then discard the 3 birds as per round end/new round actions? We haven’t been able to find clarification on this in the rule books. We have been refilling and then discarding which works until someone’s favourite bird ends up being trashed! 😂

    1. I’m glad you’re having fun with it! :) You should always refill the bird tray at the end of each turn (though if someone’s favorite bird appears in the refill, only to be immediately discarded due to the new round, I think a friendly way to play is to keep it on the bird tray).

  150. Hello, please, does the count of the different elements concerned by the end of round objective include only the elements laid during the round that has just ended or also those of the previous rounds? For example: round 3: number of eggs laid in the forest. Are all the eggs in the forest on the board counted even if they were laid in rounds 1 and 2 ?

    1. Sandra: They’re looking at the accumulation of everything that’s happened so far in the game–you don’t need to remember when the eggs were laid.

      1. Thanks a lot.
        2 more questions please.

        1) the power of birds “draw 2 cards. If you do, discard 1 card from your hand at the end of your turn.” Does “from your hand” mean that the discarded card cannot come from the 2 drawn?

        2) The bird card “American Oystercatcher – Haematopus palliatus” says: “Draw as many cards as the player + 1. Starting with you, then clockwise, each player chooses one of these cards and takes it in their hand. Keep the remaining card.”
        Are the cards exposed and chosen face down, or is this a strategic choice face up?

        1. 1. Whenever you draw cards, they enter your hand. So the 2 cards you’ve drawn are among those eligible to discard.

          2. By default “draw a card” refers to your choice of the bird tray or the deck. It’s only when you’re instructed specifically to the bird tray or the deck that you don’t have a choice.

          1. Thank you for your quick answers.
            Sorry, I didn’t understand the answer to the second question: …. cards face up or face down when choosing from the cards drawn.
            We have only played one game so far. The game was delivered yesterday (in France) but we already like it! Sorry if there are mistakes in my text, I use an online translator.
            Have a nice day and thank you for your availability for us.

          2. Whenever you draw a bird card, you may choose from either the 3 face up cards or the top card of the deck.

  151. We just received our Asia copy today, can’t wait to play with my wife! While unboxing and getting all the previous game pieces sorted out to fit into the nesting box we came across a ~5×8 inch cardboard cutout with similar markings to the bird feeder. Where does this piece fit into the mix?

    1. That’s the bird feeder for Wingspan Asia (same function, just flat instead of tall so we could keep the box small).

      1. Thanks for the quick reply. Sounds like your team thought of everything. While you’re checking messages, any idea when or if the first swift start pack will be available for purchase again? I couldn’t find it when i ordered the nesting box. Our base copy didn’t have it and it’s killing us knowing there’s birds out there that we can’t play.

        1. Most copies of Wingspan have the swift-start cards, but if you definitely don’t have the cards (they have little markings on opposite corners), you can fill out the replacement parts form with an offer to buy them. We don’t list them on our webstore because they confuse people into accidentally buying them when they already have them.

  152. End of Round Goals: please clarify the sets of 3 eggs, one in the wetland row, one in grassland and one on forest. Does a set have to be in the same column? Can you have two sets in one column if all three cards have two eggs each?

    1. No they don’t have to be in the same column. As the goal indicates you must have the required eggs on birds, in each of the areas (forest, grassland, wetlands) the column has no implication on this goal.

    1. No, it doesn’t include the player mats, enough food, the dice, the dice tower, the goal mat, and other components necessary to play. If you have the core game, you can play at lower player counts with only the European birds if you’d like, though.

    Brown Predator Power: WHEN ACTIVATED: Roll any 3 [Food Dice]. If you roll at least 1 [Rat], cache 1 [Rat] on this bird.

    QUESTION: If there are no Food Dice on the table, do you select 3 Food Dice from the Bird Feeder to roll? And, when finished, leave them on the table?

    The Eurasian Kestrel Predator Power is worded differently than those in previous expansions; if there were no Food Dice on the table (outside the Bird Feeder Dice Tower), the power could not be activiated.

    Thank you for your help. :o)

    1. Candace: Whenever you see “any” dice, you get to choose where those dice come from. The dice you roll are placed on the table.

  154. When activating the Hermit Thrush Card, can the player with that card prevent the player with the fewest forest cards from gaining a food, or does the player with the fewest forest cards get the food automatically.

      1. Hermit Thrush – standard game.
        Brown Power – WHEN ACTIVATED: Player(s) with the fewest Forest Birds get 1 food die from the bird feeder.

        If this is on my board and I gather food, can I choose NOT to activate this – i.e. prevent the player with the fewest forest birds to not get a food die.

        1. I see, thank you! Yes, it’s always your choice to activate or not activate an ability. If you do choose to activate an ability, though, the entire ability activates (i.e., you can’t pick and choose the part of the ability you like and ignore the part you dislike, which sometimes matters).

  155. Is it permissible to play up to four ‘play an additional bird…” cards in the same habitat in a single turn?

  156. Will future expansions be sold at a reduced rate without the box for those that have purchased the nesting box and are not interested in wasting an additional box?
    Trying to justify the cost of the nesting box and wondering if I can count on future savings in next editions (maybe even a components-only Asia expansion?) being sold with and without the box.

    1. Here’s a recent blog post on this topic:

      It is possible–we really have not decided–that we will align the first printing of a future expansion (the earliest next expansion would be 2024) with a printing of the Nesting Box. The primary savings would be one instead of two shipping fees.

  157. Regarding drawing food on a 2 food space that allows discarding a bird card to get an extra food…..bird feeder contains 1 rat and 2 worms. I need 3 rats……can I take one rat, discard a bird card, then re-set the bird feeder to try getting 2 additional rats? The rules seem to say that I cannot re-set when discarding bird cards for extra food. Another reference says anytime when taking food, if the dies are the same face, I can re-set before taking additional food. This is almost a daily challenge at our house. Love Wingspan, over 200 games played, but this is the most common problem ruling we have.

    1. “bird feeder contains 1 rat and 2 worms. I need 3 rats……can I take one rat, discard a bird card, then re-set the bird feeder to try getting 2 additional rats?”

      Yes, whenever you’re gaining food, if the dice in the birdfeeder all show the same face, you can reset it.

  158. Hello. Wingspan core game have versions in many languages including baltic languages (Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian). Do you planing release expansions in baltic languages as well? And the main concern for having different language games is about language dependent bonus cards.

    1. Julius: We only publish English-language products, but we’re always open to new localization partners with publishing experience. Most of our localization partners use alternative bonus cards for those that refer to specific words in bird names.

    1. It all depends to your birds. If you have birds that have end of game powers and round end powers then they get completed before the end game scoring.

      1. I have a bird with a game end power that says you can cache up to 8 wheat on this card at game end. If I have nectar, (since it’s a super food and can be used for other foods), can I cash my nectar on this card instead of wheat?

        1. Jim: I have two different answers for you. The first answer is that in general, you cannot cache nectar as if it were other food, as the rules say “when bird powers refer to a specific food type, nectar is not a wild food.” However, the second answer is that at the end of the game, the order of operations is that you discard nectar *before* end-game powers, so in your specific situation, you wouldn’t have any nectar available to cache.

          1. Jamey: Oceania Rulebook v9, page 2 states:
            “WHEN BIRD POWERS REFER TO A SPECIFIC FOOD TYPE, NECTAR IS NOT A WILD FOOD. If a bird’s power looks for mince in the birdfeeder, for example, do not also count the nectar there.”

            It does specifically say that you can use nectar to pay an “any food” cost on birds. It seems pretty clear that nectar is NOT wild when being used to pay for a bird power cost that requires a specific food. So, you could cache nectar if the ability applies to “any food”, but not if it applies specifically to wheat.

            Good catch on the order of operations at the end of the game.

          2. Thanks Scott! I’ll look into this, because the rulebook also says at the bottom of page 2, “Do not discard the nectar on your “spent nectar” spaces or cached on your birds,” indicating that you can cache nectar on bird cards. But you’re probably right, and I’ll confirm soon. :)

          3. Scott: I have confirmation that you are correct–nectar cannot replace another specific food for a bird power.

  159. I want to play wingspan automa, but don’t want to become better at playing the wingspan game than my partner. Should I not play solo games then?

    1. Gosh, that is a tough one. Gaining experience though repeated plays (solo or multiplayer) can put you at an advantage at any game. That said, I doubt that a few solo plays will give you a substantive advantage.
      Have fun,

  160. I have the Tyrannus tyrannus bird. If another player plays a bird that can live in ANY habitat, but chooses not to place it in the forrest, do i still get to take a food?
    I.e is my bonus determined on the forrest icon on the other players bird card, or by the habitat he chooses?

      1. Unless there is a new upgrade, I’ve never seen a Tyrannosaurus Bird in any of the current versions availableto the public.

          1. Thank you Ralph – I found this in my research on the bird: The eastern kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus) is a large tyrant flycatcher native to the Americas. I had not noticed bird in my cards. Perhaps one I’ve never played.

    1. Claus, you have the Eastern Kingbird, I believe. You get a worm (invertebrate) only if the other player plays the bird in their Forest.

  161. I apologize if this has question been answered but I cannot find anywhere. When an action states “When activated: roll all dice not in bird feeder.” Then you are able to cache whatever food icon it pictures from supply if there are any in the bird feeder.
    The question that came up was if there are no dice outside of the bird feeder to roll (bird feeder has all 5 die in it) are you able to take the food item from the supply if there is whatever icon shown on your card available in the bird feeder without a re-roll?
    Love the game!

    1. Megan: I might be confusing your question, but if there are no dice outside the birdfeeder and you activate this power, you would roll 0 dice and thus there are 0 food icons to choose from.

  162. Two of us were playing with the Oceania expansion and we each played a bird with the “copy a brown power on one bird in the forest of the player to your right/left”. I had no other birds with brown powers in my forest. My opponent had one other bird with a brown power in his forest. He insists that he could then copy his own other brown power. I say he can’t. Who is right?

  163. Hello. I have a question about how an Oceania brown power works vs. the automa, specifically the black-shouldered kite.
    The text reads: reset the birdfeeder and gain 1 rodent token, if there is one. You may give it to another player; if you do, lay up to 3 eggs on this bird.
    Since the automa does not benefit from bird powers are you able to discard the token and lay the eggs or does this not work since you didn’t actually give the token to another player?

    1. Hi Michael. If you are not using the Automa’s Hoard variant, you may discard the token, instead of giving it to Automa and lay up to 3 eggs.
      Have fun,

  164. Hello, Wingspan creators.

    Thank you again for making a wonderful game. We cannot wait for the Asia expansion.

    Did you ever find in playtesting that the player who goes first gains too much of an advantage due to card selection? After playing 200 or so games it feels a bit like the first player has a significant upside in getting to pick from three face-up bird cards before anyone else, and there’s nothing to balance this for the subsequent players.

    It’s mitigated a bit by rotating who goes first per round, but we’ve found that getting to pick from those three face-up ones is so much better in the first round vs the later ones.

    This isn’t totally a rules question, I’m just wondering what the people who make the game and other players have found in this regard.

    1. Brendan: Because of the rotating first player and the randomness of the cards, we’ve never found that to be a balance issue.

  165. I am a Stonemaier Champion. I wish to buy four copies of Wingspan Asia when it is available for preorder. My understanding is that I may buy two copies of Wingspan Asia in early November for preorder. When may I buy two more copies of the game (for Christmas gifts)?

      1. Oh thank you. I guess I misunderstood the preorders. Hopefully I can preorder 4 Wingspan Asia games. Amazingly quick answer to my question!

  166. Is there a way to request new birds? I was pretty upset to not see the Bearded Reedling in the European Expansion… I’m a birder in Dundee UK and it’s such a cute and special bird in a very endangered habitat. It would be so special to have them remembered in this way while they’re still here.

  167. When the rose breasted grosbeak is activated and there are no wheat or fruit in the birdfeeder to gain but there is only one food type, do I get to re-roll the dice?

    1. I don’t have that card in front of me (feel free to help me out by typing the text here), but as a global rule, if all dice in the birdfeeder are showing the same face and you’re gaining food, you can refill the birdfeeder.

      1. The text says “gain one wheat or fruit from the birdfeeder, if there is one”.
        While the rules say that when there is only one type of food showing and you are gaining food for any reason you may reroll, it seems that since there is no wheat or fruit showing then you are NOT gaining food therefore not eligible to reroll.

        1. Thanks for sharing the text! You’re right, in that case the “if there is one” text means that you’re looking at the available dice as they are–you don’t have the option to reroll.
          Edit: Correction. You can always reroll when you’re going to the birdfeed to get food and there is only one face showing.

          1. Thank you! And for further clarification, if the bird feeder is empty when I activate the card in question (rose-breasted grosbeak) would I then reroll?

          2. Yes, whenever the birdfeeder is empty, you reroll it right away (you don’t wait until someone needs to gain food to refill an empty birdfeeder).

          3. This is counter to how we have been playing since Day 1 we got it (before any expansions), and how the Digital version counts this. The digital version could have a bug, but the r23 of the official rules say the following:

            If the dice in the tray all show the same face (including if there is only one die) and you are about to gain food from the birdfeeder for any reason, you may first throw all 5 dice back into the birdfeeder.

            Emphasis in the rules is on “for any reason”.

            Then, in the Appendix r17, under “Bird Power / Food Gaining Powers” the birdfeeder, it says:

            REROLLING THE BIRDFEEDER: Whenever you take food from the birdfeeder for any reson, if the dice in the tray all show the same face (including if there is only one die), you may first throw all 5 dice back into the birdfeeder and then gain food.

            “IF AVAILABLE”: When a bird power allows you to gain a type of food from the birdfeeder “if available”, these reroll rules still apply. When activating a power that says “if available”, if the dice in the tray are all showing the same face, you may reroll the dice and then complete the bird’s power.

            THAT’S IT! Found it! That “IF AVAILABLE” section clearly spells it out. I am pretty sure that is definitive. Can you please review and reconsider your answer Jamey?

            Also, the misspelling of “reason” as “reson” is in the digital file Appendix r17.

          4. You are correct, Scott. We’ve edited Jamey’s comment above. You can always reroll when you’re going to the birdfeeder to gain food and the birdfeeder is showing only one face. This includes birds that are looking for a specific food and say “if available.”

  168. Request for rules clarification of the House Wren.

    The card:
    The House Wren can live in either the yellow or green habitat.

    “When played: Play a second bird in your or . Pay its normal cost.”

    If the House Wren is played in the YELLOW habitat, can the second bird be played in the GREEN habitat?

    If this would not be allowed, I would have expected the card to say “When played: Play a second bird in the same habitat. Pay its normal cost.”.

    Board Game Arena has implemented this card as requiring the second bird to be played in the same habitat and rejected a bug report about this behavior claiming this is the intended behavior of the card.

    1. Thanks for clarifying this. We always assumed the second card could have been played in either habitat.

    2. For some reason my previous comment got corrupted. The card states:
      “When played: Play a second bird in your YELLOW HABITAT or GREEN HABITAT. Pay its normal cost.”

    3. Alexander: Thanks for your question. Because the card is referring to a “second” bird,” it’s looking at the first bird (and thus needs to follow the same habitat as the first bird).

      1. Thanks for clarifying, and thanks for your quick reply Jamey! Certainly did not expect a response already this weekend :)

        I really appreciate how you continue to keep in touch with the board gaming community, through means like these and your youtube channel etc. Keep up the great work!

  169. Wingspan question if you have played 2 common starlings do you tuck 5 cards under each when you spend 5 food or do you need to spend 10 to put 5 cards under each

    1. I think there’s only 1 common starling in the entire game, right? What does the exact text on a common startling card say?

  170. For the Snow Bunting (when another player tucks a card for any reason, tuck 1 card from your hand behind this bird, then draw 1 card at the end of their turn), is tucking a card a benefit I can decline, but still being able to draw 1 card at the end of their turn, or is it a cost I must pay?

    It seems different, for example, from a bird like Mute Swan (Choose 1-3 birds in your “wetland”. Tuck 1 card from your hand
    behind each. If you do, draw 1 card).

  171. Does the “Eurasian Green Woodpecker” count double when evaluating the End of Round “Filled Columns” token that came with the European Expansion? Example: If I have 4 filled columns including this dbl bird, does it then count as 5 filled columns?