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James Russell Lowell

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Besides thirteen volumes of poetry, during his lifetime, James Russell Lowell published ten collections of essays, most of which had already been printed in periodicals. The ten collections centered on literary criticism, arising from his scholarly duties as professor of modern languages and literature at Harvard University (1855-1886), and political theory, arising from his contact with the Republican Party and his role as American ambassador to Spain (1877-1880) and England (1880-1887). The criticism—Conversations on Some of the Old Poets (1845), Among My Books (1870), My Study Windows (1871), Among My Books: Second Series (1876), The English Poets: Lessing, Rousseau (1888), Latest Literary Essays and Addresses (1891), and The Old English Dramatists (1892)—shows a fluid, informal style grounded on few theoretical principles. The early works tend toward a vaguely Romantic approach, emphasizing the authors whom Lowell found inspirational. The later volumes are more conservative, based on more formal aesthetic principles. The same movement can be detected in Lowell’s political theory. In Fireside Travels (1864) Lowell collected informal, chatty essays on Italy, Maine, and Cambridge. His Democracy and Other Addresses (1887) and Political Essays (1888) display a much more systematic approach to cultural commentary.

Since most of the thirteen volumes of poetry and ten volumes of prose were first printed in magazines and newspapers, Lowell’s primary audience was found among periodical readers and editors. He helped to shape many of the major American magazines of the nineteenth century. He was a contributing editor to short-lived literary magazines such as The Pioneer and The Dial, to abolitionist magazines such as the Pennsylvania Freeman and the National Anti-Slavery Standard, and to major publications such as The Atlantic Monthly and the North American Review. Much of the work that he did for these publications was reprinted in Early Prose Writings of James Russell Lowell (1902) and The Anti-Slavery Papers of James Russell Lowell (1902). Lowell saved some of his best prose for his personal friends, and the two-volume edition of his Letters of James Russell Lowell (1894; Charles Eliot Norton, editor) deserves to be more widely read.


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For James Russell Lowell, writing poetry was but one of several careers that he managed to sustain successfully and simultaneously. His first volume of poetry was composed during 1840 and 1841 while he was also trying to open his own law practice. His second was written while he was helping to launch a new magazine, Pioneer: A Literary and Critical Journal. After the magazine failed in 1843, Lowell threw himself into writing propaganda for the antislavery movement, accepting the post of editorial writer for Philadelphia’s The Freeman and Anti-Slavery Standard simultaneously. From 1845 to 1848 he was also supplementing his meager income by writing literary criticism for Graham’s Magazine. Despite the demands and prestige of the three assignments, he also found time to write three of his longest and best poems—A Fable for Critics, The Biglow Papers, and The Vision of Sir Launfal—all by 1848.

Lowell sustained such division of energy and interest throughout his career. In the 1850’s, he mixed the publication of scholarly criticism, teaching at Harvard, and editing the newly founded Atlantic Monthly with his poetry. For good measure, he also started a novel. In the 1860’s, he tried to edit the North American Review , keep his post at Harvard, issue collections of his prose works, and still write poetry. In the 1870’s, he added a political career to his publishing, academic, and creative endeavors, campaigning to reform the Republican Party and accepting appointments as the nation’s ambassador to Spain in 1877 and to Great Britain in 1880. He broadened the base of his readership and reputation...

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by publishing a great deal of political commentary as well. In addition to being a poet, he was, said one of his admirers, “our acknowledged, foremost man of letters.” Diplomat, journalist, critic, academic, and poet, Lowell’s life was divided among a variety of interests, none of which seemed capable of holding his attention for very long.

This multiplicity of interests proved to be both the greatest strength and the greatest weakness of his literary career. It injected into the corpus of his poetry a fresh stream of ideas, moving them from stilted and derivative lyrics to bitter abolitionist verse, biting satire, political commentary, cultural meditation, and warmhearted regional description. The division of his energies, however, also robbed his poetry of the singularity of voice and consistency of tone that frequently mark poets of the first rank. Technically facile and frequently erudite, Lowell’s poetry too often seemed to flow or ebb with the vagaries of his employment or the shifts in popular taste. His contemporaries thought that his poetry—which eventually filled 650 double-columned pages in the memorial edition of his work—was among the best their era had produced. He was generally acknowledged to be one of the two or three major American poets of the century. Twentieth century readers have not been so receptive, branding his ideas as commonplace, his style as derivative, and his voice as inconsistent. Lowell’s poetry lacked the intensity to merit the praise it was given in the nineteenth century, but it deserves a more careful reading than it has been given by most twentieth century readers. With his range of tone, the fluidity of his cadences, the breadth of his intellect, the wit of his satire, and the accuracy of his depictions of nineteenth century American thought, Lowell’s poetry remains much more than a historical curiosity.


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Beatty, Richmond Croom. James Russell Lowell. 1942. Reprint. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1969. Beatty’s study is based on a thorough examination of Lowell’s manuscripts and heavily criticizes the poet’s political judgments at times. Includes bibliographical references.

Broaddus, Dorothy C. Genteel Rhetoric: Writing High Culture in Nineteenth-Century Boston. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1999. An analysis of the use of rhetoric by several authors, including Lowell. Broaddus delves into the creation of high culture, character, and war. Includes bibliographical references and index.

Duberman, Martin B. James Russell Lowell. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1966. This well-researched biography is based mainly on manuscript materials and refers to the poetry and criticism of Lowell throughout. It provides a historian’s evaluation of Lowell’s political writings and activities. Includes thorough notes, bibliographies, and index.

Hudson, William Henry. Lowell and His Poetry. 1914. Reprint. New York: AMS Press, 1972. Focuses on the poetry, not the life. In the course of Hudson’s discussion, he quotes the full text of nine poems, which are listed in the beginning of the book. This brief study includes “The Changeling,” “The First Snowfall,” “After the Burial,” and Ode Recited at the Harvard Commemoration, July 21, 1865.

McGlinchee, Claire. James Russell Lowell. New York: Twayne, 1967. The first chapter looks at Lowell in the context of nineteenth century American literature, and the second and third chapters offer a chronological account of Lowell’s life through 1860. The following six chapters are devoted to his early poems, his criticism, details on his careers as professor, diplomat, and editor, his political verse (The Biglow Papers), and his later poetry (The Cathedral and the odes). Contains notes, annotated bibliography, and index.

Wagenknecht, Edward. James Russell Lowell: Portrait of a Many-Sided Man. New York: Oxford University Press, 1971. This book supplements Martin B. Duberman’s more definitive biography by providing a less formal character portrait. Wagenknecht’s facts are, however, authentic. Discussions of the poetic influences on Lowell and his approach to poetry make up two chapters, “Storing the Well” and “The Creative Life.” Includes notes, selective bibliography, and index.


Critical Essays