The Meaning Behind The Song: Runnin' With The Devil by Van Halen - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Runnin’ With The Devil by Van Halen

The Raw Power of Van Halen’s “Runnin’ With The Devil”


Do you remember the first time you heard Van Halen’s “Runnin’ With The Devil”? This iconic song, released in 1978, has stood the test of time, becoming a classic rock anthem that’s still regularly played on radio stations around the world today. For many fans, hearing those first few notes of Eddie Van Halen’s guitar intro is enough to take them back to a time when rock music was raw, powerful, and unapologetically rebellious.

But, what does this song really mean? What message is Van Halen trying to convey through its lyrics? In this article, we’ll explore the hidden meanings behind “Runnin’ With The Devil” and what makes it such a timeless masterpiece.

The Lyrics

Let’s start by examining the lyrics of “Runnin’ With The Devil.” At first glance, they seem straightforward enough. The song tells the story of someone who’s living life on the edge, leaving behind their troubles and obligations to run wild and free. Here’s the first verse:

“I live my life like there’s no tomorrow
And all I’ve got, I had to steal
Least I don’t need to beg or borrow
Yes, I’m living at a pace that kills”

It’s clear from these lines that the narrator is no stranger to danger. He’s willing to do whatever it takes to live life on his own terms, even if that means breaking a few rules along the way. And, it seems that he’s not alone. The chorus of the song features the classic line:

“Runnin’ with the devil”

This phrase, repeated throughout the song, has become synonymous with living life on the edge, breaking free from society’s constraints, and embracing your inner rebel.

The Music

Of course, what makes “Runnin’ With The Devil” truly unforgettable isn’t just its lyrics, but its music as well. Eddie Van Halen’s guitar riffs are instantly recognizable, as are David Lee Roth’s soaring vocals. But what’s truly impressive about this song is how it seamlessly blends different genres of music.

For example, the song’s intro features a distinctive drumbeat that draws heavily from funk music. This beat, played by Alex Van Halen, quickly gives way to Eddie’s iconic guitar riff, which draws more from heavy metal and hard rock traditions. Meanwhile, David Lee Roth’s vocals blend effortlessly with the music, showcasing his range and power as a vocalist.

Together, all these elements create a song that’s as versatile as it is powerful. It’s no wonder that “Runnin’ With The Devil” has become such a fan favorite over the years.

The Deeper Meaning

But, as we’ve seen, there’s more to “Runnin’ With The Devil” than meets the eye. While the song’s lyrics and music are certainly impressive, they also convey a deeper message about the human experience.

At its core, “Runnin’ With The Devil” is about embracing our inner demons, facing our fears, and taking risks. It’s about acknowledging that life is short, and we need to live it to the fullest. Yes, this may involve breaking some rules and taking some risks, but it’s ultimately worth it.

This message has resonated with countless fans over the years, who have found inspiration in the song’s rebellious spirit. In many ways, “Runnin’ With The Devil” has become an anthem for anyone who’s ever felt trapped or constrained by society’s expectations.

The Legacy

It’s no exaggeration to say that “Runnin’ With The Devil” is a song that’s helped to shape the course of rock music history. Its raw power and rebellious spirit have inspired countless bands and musicians over the years, from Guns N’ Roses to Metallica. And, of course, it’s helped to establish Van Halen as one of the most iconic bands in rock history.

But, perhaps more importantly, “Runnin’ With The Devil” has become a song that fans of all ages and backgrounds can relate to. Its message of self-empowerment and living life on your own terms is timeless, resonating just as strongly today as it did back in 1978.


So, what does “Runnin’ With The Devil” really mean? At its simplest, it’s a song about embracing your inner rebel and living life to the fullest. But, its deeper meaning encompasses so much more than that – it’s about taking risks, facing your fears, and acknowledging that life is short. It’s no wonder that “Runnin’ With The Devil” has stood the test of time, becoming a classic rock anthem that continues to inspire fans around the world.

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