Margaret chose cremation to be near her father

by RICHARD KAY, Daily Mail

Princess Margaret asked to be cremated so that her ashes could be laid to rest alongside her beloved father.

King George VI is buried at St George's Chapel, Windsor, but there is no more room in the royal vault.

The only way his younger daughter could be close to him in death was to be cremated rather than buried.

Her decision is a break with Royal tradition. No senior royal in living memory - and certainly not the daughter of a King and sister of a Queen - has been cremated.

Buckingham Palace is expected to announce the decision later today or tomorrow. Last night a spokesman would only say: 'Cremation is an option.'

However, senior royal sources indicated that it was the Princess's own wish. Margaret, who died on Saturday, left precise instructions about the kind of funeral she wants.

It is understood that she told her family she did not want to be buried because it would mean being interred in a royal burial ground at Frogmore in Windsor Great Park, where Queen Victoria and Prince Albert are buried.

And she recently told one of her old friends: 'I don't want to be buried at Frogmore. It's an awful damp place.'

Her private funeral service will be held at St George's Chapel on Friday, the congregation consisting of only the Royal Family, the Princess's friends and staff.

There is space for one further internment in the Royal Crypt at the Chapel next to the King and it is where the Queen Mother wishes to be buried.

Princess Margaret, who was a favourite of her father, came up with the unusual plan as the way to be reunited with her 'papa'.

She was 21 when he died in 1952. Her funeral will be exactly 50 years to the day he was buried in the chapel. As the King's second daughter, who was always going to be spared the burden of the throne, she was an indulged child.

Her father, however, died before the crisis over her lover Group Captain Peter Townsend that was to shape her life.

Margaret's wishes are thought to have been left with the Lord Chamberlain, Lord Luce, who will be organising her funeral. She has made some choices about the music and scriptures she wishes to be heard.

Yesterday the Queen Mother was said to be 'bearing up' after the loss of her daughter. She is determined to attend the funeral, on the 50th anniversary of the burial of her husband.

She is not expected to leave Sandringham, the Queen's Norfolk estate, before Wednesday. A royal source said: 'We won't know anything for a day or two on how she will travel. She is a remarkable lady and is doing extraordinarily well.'

Prince Philip was the first member of the Royal Family to attend a public engagement since Margaret's death.

Wearing black tie, a grey suit and a green overcoat, he was in Ely, Cambridgeshire, to open a new £280,000 park built to mark the Queen's Golden Jubilee. He made no reference to his sisterinlaw's death during the visit.