The Ultimate Horror Movie Quiz | HowStuffWorks

The Ultimate Horror Movie Quiz

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4 min
The Ultimate Horror Movie Quiz
Image: New Line Cinema / Lin Pictures / RatPac-Dune Entertainment / Vertigo Entertainment / KatzSmith Productions

About This Quiz

For as long as movies have existed, there have been film makers who want to sent audiences home terrified. The earliest horror movies were silent black and white offerings, evolving into Alfred Hitchcock thrillers, then '80s slasher flicks, and more recently the "torture porn" trend that gave us films likes Saw and Hostel.The genre of horror movies continues to grow. Films like Get Out even attracted major Oscar consideration, a rarity for most scary movies. Do you consider yourself a horror movie expert? Do you know your Freddys from you Jasons, your Pinheads from your Leatherfaces? If so, test your knowledge with Goliath's Ultimate Horror Movie Quiz!

What is the name of the killer clown in Stephen King’s IT?
Captain Spaulding
Mr. Mime
Correct Answer
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Technically, the IT monster is more than just a clown, as it can shapeshift to represent your greatest fear.

What is the name of the main villain in the original 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre'?
Slicey McStabby
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Leatherface, who we later learn is named Jedidiah Sawyer, wears gruesome masks made out of the skin of his previous victims.

Here’s Johnny! What is the name of the hotel where 'The Shining' takes place?
The Grand Frontier
Overwatch Hotel
Glacier Peak
Overlook Hotel
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The famed Overlook Hotel in the movie is actually the Timberline Lodge in Oregon.


What was the name of the infamous fishing boat used in the climatic shark hunt at the end of 'JAWS'?
High Tide
Buoy O Buoy
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The Orca was no match for Jaws, which promptly sank. It appears in the sequel though, as divers explore its wreckage.

How does the (mostly) unseen monster from 'It Follows' decide who to target?
Sexual partners
Females Only
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The movie is a metaphor for an STD -- you can only remove (postpone?) the curse by passing it on to someone else.

Who was the main protagonist in the 'Scream' series?
Dewey Riley
Sidney Prescott
Casey Becker
Cotton Weary
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Played by Neeve Campbell, Sidney is terrorized by a number of different killers, most of them donning the now iconic Ghostface mask.


Before he was caught and burned to death by angry townspeople, Freddy Krueger was a serial killer known as the _________________ ?
Elm Street Murderer
Ohio State Stabber
Springwood Slasher
Kiddy Killer
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Wrong Answer

While alive, Krueger escaped jail on a technicality. Angry citizens formed a mob and burned him to death.

What is the name of the mysterious hypnotic location that Chris finds himself in during 'Get Out'?
The tea cup
The sunken place
The apple orchard
The alternate world
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The sunken place is a metaphor for all those who are marginalized, no matter how loud they scream about it.

The Purge is about a 24-hour period where all crime is legal in America. How often does this happen?
Once every six months
Once a month
Once every five years
Once a year
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The oppressive government dubbed The New Founding Fathers uses this event to push the crime rate under 1% for the rest of the calendar year.


The bad guy in 'Don’t Breathe' might be old and blind, but he’s hiding a big secret in the basement. What is it?
A million dollars
A secret drug operation
A kidnapped woman
Stolen government documents
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After his daughter is killed in a car accident, he kidnaps the guilty driver and plans to force her into providing a replacement child.

Michael Myers’ mask is actually a mask for what 'Star Trek' character?
Mr. Spock
Leonard McCoy
Jean Luc-Picard
James T. Kirk
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The production crew purchased the mask for $2, and then painted it white and modified it slightly.

Which film is typically credited as “creating” the genre of found footage horror movies?
The Blair Witch Project
Cannibal Holocaust
Paranormal Activity
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Released way back in 1980, this film was so graphic and realistic that the director had to prove he hadn’t actually murdered the actors.


If you are unlucky enough to watch the cursed videotape in 'The Ring', you get a phone call. What does the voice on the other end say?
“You’re doomed.”
“Thank you for watching.”
“Seven days.”
“Help me.”
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Presumably, it was that creepy girl who crawls out of televisions and murders everyone.

Dr. Hannibal Lecter, an imprisoned cannibalistic serial killer, helps the FBI track down which fictional criminal in 'Silence of the Lambs'?
Tennessee Ted
Kentucky Kyle
Florida Fred
Buffalo Bill
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“It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again” is a terrifying movie quote.

'The Conjuring' franchise contains a possessed doll, who went on to have its own series of spin-off movies. What was the doll’s name?
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Annabelle has two solo movies already, with a third one on the way.


Everyone knows the original killer in the 'Saw' series as Jigsaw, but what was his real name?
Dr. Lawrence Gordon
Zep Hindle
David Tapp
John Kramer
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In one of horror’s great twist endings, Jigsaw was actually the “dead body” in the middle of the bathroom cell the whole time!

'Silence of the Lambs' won five different Academy Awards. Which category did it NOT win an Oscar for?
Best Supporting Actor
Best Picture
Best Actor
Best Actress
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Anthony Hopkins won Best Actor despite only appearing on screen for roughly 20 minutes of the movie!

In the classic Stephen King adaptation of 'Carrie', what do the popular students use to bully Carrie at prom?
Embarrassing photos
Sheep Blood
Pig Blood
Cow Blood
Correct Answer
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After rigging an election to have Carrie named Prom Queen, a bucket of pig’s blood is dumped on her, unleashing a vengeful telekinetic fury!


A 12-year-old boy named Oskar meets a young girl his age in 'Let The Right One In'. What supernatural creature does she end up being?
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The Swedish film was remade in English under the name 'Let Me In', but most horror fans will tell you that the original is way better.

Jason Voorhees wasn’t even the killer in the first 'Friday the 13th' movie, and didn’t don his famous hockey mask until which sequel?
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter
Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives
Friday the 13th Part II
Friday the 13th Part III
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In the second movie, Jason merely appears with a sack over his head. The hockey mask debuted in the third film.

'The Conjuring' films focuses on the careers of which real-life paranormal investigator(s)?
John Edward
Ed and Lorraine Warren
Sylvia Browne
James Van Praagh
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The couple are famous for investigating the Amityville haunting, although there's plenty of skepticism about their methods and findings.


Which horror film used the tagline “In space no one can hear you scream?”
The Predator
Jason X
Pitch Black
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This slogan was displayed right on the poster of 'Alien', which launched an entire franchise of sequels, comics, spinoffs, and video games.

Which movie is often credited as forcing the MPAA to create the PG-13 rating?
The Thing
Evil Dead II
Nightmare on Elm Street
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Before 'Gremlins' was released in 1984, there was no middle ground between PG and R ratings.

Necronomicon ex-mortis. Kandarian demons. Boomsticks. Groovy. What franchise are we talking about?
Evil Dead
The Exorcist
The Cabin in the Woods
Drag Me To Hell
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Sam Raimi's 'Evil Dead' trilogy has became a cult classic, with Bruce Campbell starring as the campy Ash Williams.


What object is used to signify the gypsy curse in 'Drag Me To Hell'?
A coin
A button
A cross
A doll
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Wrong Answer

The elderly women rips a button off Christine’s coat, and curses it. Attempts to remove the curse prove unsuccessful.

“Sometimes, dead is better.” Which horror movie is this famous quote from?
Pet Semetary
Night of the Living Dead
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The 1989 film adaptation of Stephen King’s best-selling novel teaches a hard lesson about accepting death.

John Carpenter is one of the most famous horror directors. Which movie did he NOT direct?
The Fog
The Fly
The Thing
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Wrong Answer

David Cronenberg directed 'The Fly'. Carpenter also directed 'Christine' and 'Village of the Damned'.


The crazed killer doll in 'Child’s Play' is known as Chucky, but is actually possessed by the soul of what fictional serial killer?
Ted Matthews Smith
Billy Joe Green
Robbie Thomas
Charles Lee Ray
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Ray managed to use a voodoo spell to transfer his soul into the doll right before he died in a shootout with the police.

Long before he wears the iconic white mask and jumpsuit, who does Michael Myers kill as a boy?
His sister
His mother
His brother
His childhood friend
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Wrong Answer

Dressed in a clown costume for Halloween, a six-year-old Myers stabs his older sister to death, claiming his first victim.

Which classic Alfred Hitchcock horror film featured the iconic “shower scene?”
The Birds
Rear Window
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Wrong Answer

“Mother” was not a fan of the young Marion Crane. The scene was considered highly controversial when the movie was released in 1960.


You Got:
New Line Cinema / Lin Pictures / RatPac-Dune Entertainment / Vertigo Entertainment / KatzSmith Productions