33 Facts about the movie The Worst Person in the World - Facts.net
Pippy Moy

Written by Pippy Moy

Modified & Updated: 27 May 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Lumiere.nl

The Worst Person in the World is a highly acclaimed movie that has captivated audiences worldwide. Directed by the talented filmmaker, Joachim Trier, this thought-provoking film takes viewers on a deep exploration of love, identity, and the complexities of adulthood. Released in 2021, The Worst Person in the World has already made waves in the film industry, receiving rave reviews for its compelling storytelling and outstanding performances. In this article, we will delve into 33 intriguing facts about this remarkable movie, shedding light on its production, cast, and the behind-the-scenes details that make it a must-watch for any movie enthusiast. So, sit back, relax, and join us on this journey as we uncover fascinating insights about The Worst Person in the World.

Key Takeaways:

  • “The Worst Person in the World” is a captivating Norwegian film that explores love, relationships, and self-discovery, earning critical acclaim for its exceptional storytelling and standout performances.
  • “The Worst Person in the World” offers a fresh take on romantic comedy, blending humor and drama to create a rich and engaging narrative that resonates with audiences worldwide.
Table of Contents

The Worst Person in the World is directed by Joachim Trier.

The Worst Person in the World is a highly acclaimed Norwegian film directed by Joachim Trier.

The movie was released in 2021.

The Worst Person in the World had its world premiere at the 2021 Cannes Film Festival.

The film stars Renate Reinsve in the lead role.

Renate Reinsve delivers an outstanding performance as the protagonist in The Worst Person in the World.

It is a romantic comedy-drama film.

The Worst Person in the World combines elements of romance, comedy, and drama to create a unique cinematic experience.

The movie explores themes of love, relationships, and self-discovery.

The Worst Person in the World delves into the complexities of modern relationships, portraying the ups and downs of love and the journey of self-discovery.

The film received critical praise for its screenplay.

The screenplay of The Worst Person in the World has been highly praised for its depth and authenticity.

The Worst Person in the World won several awards at international film festivals.

The movie has received numerous accolades including Best Screenplay and Best Actress awards at prestigious film festivals around the world.

The film showcases the beautiful city of Oslo, Norway.

The Worst Person in the World captures the charm and allure of Oslo, providing a stunning backdrop for the story.

The movie’s soundtrack features a diverse range of music.

The soundtrack of The Worst Person in the World includes a mix of contemporary songs and original compositions that enhance the overall viewing experience.

The Worst Person in the World is a coming-of-age story.

The movie follows the journey of a young woman as she navigates through life, making difficult choices and experiencing personal growth along the way.

The film explores the dilemmas faced by millennials in today’s society.

The Worst Person in the World delves into the challenges and dilemmas faced by the younger generation, offering a relatable and thought-provoking narrative.

The movie received widespread critical acclaim.

The Worst Person in the World has been hailed by critics as one of the best films of the year, praised for its exceptional storytelling and performances.

The Worst Person in the World is a character-driven film.

The movie prioritizes the development of its characters, showcasing their emotions, flaws, and growth throughout the narrative.

The film incorporates elements of humor to lighten the mood.

The Worst Person in the World cleverly infuses humor into its storytelling, providing moments of levity amidst the emotional journey.

The movie tackles societal issues such as gender roles and expectations.

The Worst Person in the World delves into the complexities of societal expectations, challenging traditional gender roles and exploring the freedom to define oneself.

The film’s cinematography is visually stunning.

The Worst Person in the World showcases breathtaking cinematography, capturing the beauty of nature, urban landscapes, and intimate moments with precision and artistry.

The Worst Person in the World has been praised for its realistic portrayal of relationships.

The movie depicts relationships with authenticity, portraying the complexities, joys, and challenges that come with being in love.

The movie presents a nuanced and multi-dimensional portrayal of its characters.

The Worst Person in the World portrays its characters in a way that makes them feel real and relatable, with depth and complexity that goes beyond stereotypes.

The film’s screenplay is filled with memorable dialogue.

The Worst Person in the World is renowned for its sharp and witty dialogue, which adds depth and entertainment value to the story.

The movie’s pacing keeps the audience engaged throughout.

The Worst Person in the World maintains a perfect balance between slow and fast-paced moments, keeping the audience captivated from start to finish.

The Worst Person in the World tackles the complexities of love and relationships.

The movie explores the various facets of love, showcasing the joys, heartbreaks, and challenges that come with being in a relationship.

The film’s lead actress, Renate Reinsve, delivers a standout performance.

Renate Reinsve’s portrayal of the lead character in The Worst Person in the World has been lauded by critics and audiences alike.

The movie’s director, Joachim Trier, is known for his unique storytelling style.

Joachim Trier’s directorial vision shines through in The Worst Person in the World, with his distinct cinematic style and ability to evoke raw emotions from the audience.

The Worst Person in the World is a captivating and emotionally resonant film.

The movie grips the audience from the beginning and takes them on an emotional rollercoaster, leaving a lasting impact long after the credits roll.

The film’s screenplay seamlessly blends humor and drama.

The Worst Person in the World masterfully combines moments of humor with poignant and emotional scenes, creating a rich and engaging narrative.

The movie’s performances are universally praised.

The cast of The Worst Person in the World delivers exceptional performances, bringing the characters to life with depth and authenticity.

The Worst Person in the World offers a fresh take on the romantic comedy genre.

The movie defies conventions and offers a refreshing perspective on love and relationships, avoiding clichés and delivering an original and compelling story.

The film’s soundtrack complements the narrative perfectly.

The musical selections in The Worst Person in the World enhance the emotional impact of the story, creating a seamless blend between visuals and sound.

The Worst Person in the World is a must-watch for fans of arthouse cinema.

The movie’s artistic merit and thought-provoking themes make it a must-see for lovers of arthouse films and those seeking a cinematic experience beyond mainstream offerings.

The movie’s title reflects the complexity of its characters.

The Worst Person in the World explores the flawed nature of its characters, showcasing their growth and development over time.

The Worst Person in the World is a testament to the power of storytelling.

The movie demonstrates the impact that carefully crafted narratives can have, immersing the audience in a rich and meaningful experience.

The film’s ending leaves room for interpretation and reflection.

The Worst Person in the World concludes with an open-ended finale, allowing viewers to reflect on the characters’ journeys and draw their conclusions.

The Worst Person in the World is a cinematic gem that should not be missed.

With its compelling story, exceptional performances, and thought-provoking themes, The Worst Person in the World stands out as a true gem in the world of cinema.


The Worst Person in the World is a compelling and thought-provoking movie that has captivated audiences with its raw storytelling and exceptional performances. With its seamless blend of drama, romance, and existential introspection, this film offers a truly immersive cinematic experience. From the brilliant direction to the mesmerizing cinematography, every aspect of The Worst Person in the World contributes to its success. Whether you’re a fan of character-driven narratives or simply appreciate great filmmaking, this movie is a must-watch.


1. What is the plot of The Worst Person in the World?

The Worst Person in the World follows the life of a young woman named Julie, who is in search of true love and meaningful experiences. The film chronicles her journey as she navigates relationships, career choices, and personal growth.

2. Who are the main actors in the movie?

The movie features an impressive cast, including Renate Reinsve as Julie, Anders Danielsen Lie as Axel, and Herbert Nordrum as Eivind. Each actor delivers a captivating and nuanced performance, contributing to the film’s immersive storytelling.

3. Is The Worst Person in the World based on a true story?

No, the movie is not based on a true story. It is a fictional narrative created by director Joachim Trier and screenwriter Eskil Vogt.

4. What genre does The Worst Person in the World fall into?

The movie can be classified as a romantic drama with elements of comedy and existential exploration. It offers a unique perspective on love, relationships, and the complexities of navigating adulthood.

5. Has The Worst Person in the World received any awards or recognition?

Yes, the film has garnered critical acclaim and received numerous awards and nominations. It won the prestigious Grand Prix at the 2021 Cannes Film Festival and has been praised for its exceptional writing, direction, and performances.

Exploring the depths of human emotions, relationships, and self-discovery, "The Worst Person in the World" is a cinematic masterpiece that resonates with audiences worldwide. If you enjoyed this film's thought-provoking narrative, you might also appreciate the existential themes in "It's Such A Beautiful Day," a poignant animated film that delves into life's complexities. For those captivated by the stunning visuals of Oslo in "The Worst Person in the World," our article "32 Facts About OSLO" offers fascinating insights into this vibrant city. Lastly, fans of the romantic comedy genre should check out "41 Facts About The Movie It Happened One Night," a timeless classic that paved the way for countless love stories on the silver screen.

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