Christopher Crawford Cause of Death: The Tragic Story of Joan Crawford’s Son

Christopher Crawford Cause of Death: The Tragic Story of Joan Crawford’s Son

Christopher Crawford was the adopted son of Joan Crawford, one of the most famous and influential actresses of Hollywood’s golden age. He had a turbulent and troubled life, marked by estrangement from his mother, rebellious behavior, and a mysterious death. In this article, we will explore the facts and details of Christopher Crawford’s cause of death, as well as his relationship with his adoptive mother and siblings.

Early Life and Adoption

Christopher Crawford was born on October 15, 1942, in Oklahoma, USA. His biological parents are unknown, as he was adopted by Joan Crawford and her third husband, Phillip Terry, when he was a few months old. He was originally named Phillip Terry Jr., but his name was changed to Christopher after his parents divorced in 1946.

Joan Crawford was a famous actress who starred in many classic films, such as Mildred Pierce, The Women, and What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? She was known for her glamorous image, her strong-willed personality, and her dedication to her career. She adopted five children in total: Christina, Christopher, Cathy, Cindy, and another Christopher (who was returned to his birth mother shortly after adoption).

According to Celebrity Raid, Joan Crawford was afraid that Christopher might be taken away from her by his biological parents, so she changed his birth date to October 15th and kept him away from the public eye. She also claimed that he had Native American ancestry, which was later proven to be false.

Troubled Childhood and Adolescence

Christopher Crawford had a difficult and unhappy childhood. He was often neglected and abused by his mother, who had high expectations and strict rules for her children. He rebelled against her authority and ran away from home several times. He also had problems with school and the law. He was expelled from many military schools for his disruptive behavior and he even stole a car at one point.

According to Bustle, Christopher claimed that his mother was harsh and cruel to him. He said that she used to strap him to the bed, lock him in the closet, and burn his hands on the fireplace. He also said that she favored his sisters over him and that she tried to control every aspect of his life.

Christopher’s relationship with his mother worsened as he grew older. He resented her fame and fortune and accused her of being selfish and manipulative. He also clashed with her over her romantic partners, especially her fourth husband, Alfred Steele, who was the chairman of Pepsi-Cola. Christopher did not get along with Steele and felt that he was taking his mother away from him.

Adult Life and Career

Christopher Crawford moved away from his mother’s home when he was 18 years old. He tried to pursue a career as an actor, following in his mother’s footsteps. However, he did not achieve much success or recognition in the film industry. According to IMDB, he only appeared in two Australian TV shows: Skyways (1979) and Holiday Island (1981).

Christopher also had a turbulent personal life. He married twice and had four children: three from his first marriage and one from his second marriage to Gail. He struggled with alcoholism and depression and had financial difficulties. He also had health problems, such as diabetes and cancer.

Christopher had been estranged from his mother for most of his adult life. He rarely contacted her or visited her. He also did not attend her funeral when she died in May 1977. He later said that he felt no grief or remorse over her death.

Death and Legacy

Christopher Crawford died of cancer on September 22, 2006, in Greenport, New York. He was 63 years old at the time of his death. He left behind his wife Gail and his four children: Chrystal, Michaela, Kevin, and Matthew.

Christopher’s death was not widely reported or mourned by the public or the media. His obituary was brief and did not mention his mother or his siblings. His grave is located in Sterling Cemetery in Greenport.

Christopher’s legacy is overshadowed by his mother’s fame and controversy. His life story is mostly known through the memoirs of his sister Christina, who wrote the best-selling book Mommie Dearest in 1978. The book exposed Joan Crawford’s abusive and narcissistic behavior towards her children, especially Christina and Christopher. The book was later adapted into a film starring Faye Dunaway as Joan Crawford.

However, Christopher’s other siblings disputed Christina’s claims and defended their mother’s reputation. They said that Joan Crawford was a loving and generous mother who cared for her children and gave them a good life. They also said that Christina and Christopher were ungrateful and bitter towards their mother because they were disinherited from her will.

Christopher Crawford’s cause of death is a tragic end to a troubled life. He never found happiness or peace in his family or his career. He lived in the shadow of his mother’s fame and suffered from her abuse and neglect. He died alone and forgotten by the world. He is a sad example of how fame and fortune can ruin a person’s life and relationships.

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