The Meaning Behind The Song: Mermaid by Train - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Mermaid by Train

The Meaning Behind The Song: Mermaid by Train

Train, the American rock band consisting of lead vocalist Patrick Monahan, guitarist Luis Maldonado, and drummer Jerry Becker, released their sixth studio album, titled “California 37,” in 2012. One of the songs on this album is “Mermaid,” a track that has been described as a unique, poetic tribute to both life and love. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the meaning of the song and explore the behind-the-scenes details that went into its creation.

The Creation of “Mermaid”

“Mermaid” was written by Pat Monahan, as well as Espen Lind and Amund Bjorklund, two songwriters from Norway. According to an interview with PopCrush, Monahan said that he was inspired to write the song after hearing a track by Lind:

“I heard a song of his called ‘Lucky For You’ and was blown away by the melody. I got my hands on some more of his work and loved it, so I reached out to him and Amund. They were both in Norway and we Skyped for an hour or so, talking about whatever, and they sent me ‘Mermaid’ soon after.”

The song was produced by Espionage, a Grammy-nominated production duo consisting of Espen Lind and Amund Bjorklund. In addition to “Mermaid,” Espen Lind and Amund Bjorklund have worked with several artists such as Beyonce, Train, Pink, and Keane.

The Lyrics of “Mermaid”

The song’s lyrics describe a man’s infatuation with a mermaid, a mythical creature that is half-human and half-fish. The main character in the song is dreaming about this mermaid and imagining what it would be like to swim with her in the moonlight. The melody uses ocean sounds, such as surf guitar and rolling drums, to further create the feeling of being by the water’s edge.

As the chorus states, “She’ll never know the way I feel, the love that I’ve imagined, the endless dream I have in me is too good to be forgotten.” These lyrics suggest that the speaker knows that his love for the mermaid can never be realized, but it’s too powerful for him to let go of.

The verses of the song describe different scenes that the speaker is dreaming about. In one stanza, he imagines himself struggling to keep up with the mermaid’s graceful movements as she takes him underwater. In another, he paints a picture of the two of them lying on a rock together, talking and holding hands. Throughout the song, the lyrics evoke the idyllic and romantic nature of the relationship between a man and his impossible dream.

The Music of “Mermaid”

Train’s frontman, Pat Monahan, told Billboard that he was influenced by the music of the Beach Boys when he wrote “Mermaid.” “It’s a throwback to that Brian Wilson-inspired sound that we love so much,” Monahan said. “We took the chords you’d expect to hear in a Beach Boys song and mixed them with a Train sound. We wrote the song to make people happy.”

In addition to its Beach Boys-inspired sound, “Mermaid” also features a warm and upbeat melody that is both catchy and romantic. The song starts with a simple, yet powerful, acoustic guitar riff, accompanied by a repeating drumbeat. From there, the song builds into a lush and layered soundscape, featuring everything from falsetto vocals to swirling organs to a horn section.

Ultimately, the music of “Mermaid” adds to its dreamlike quality and helps to transport listeners to a world of romance and fantasy.

The Inspiration Behind “Mermaid”

In several interviews, Monahan has given different answers to the question of what inspired him to write “Mermaid.” In one interview with Soundspike, Monahan said that he was inspired by a segment that Karl Stefanovic, an Australian television host, had done on mermaids:

“The whole thing where he went to investigate whether mermaids were real, I think that was the first spark of inspiration. I thought, ‘Wow, that’s really cool. There’s something really beautiful in that.'”

In another interview with the Examiner, Monahan spoke about his lifelong fascination with mermaids:

“I’m obsessed with mermaids. I would be in the ocean, and I would pretend I was being swept out to sea by them. I’ve always loved it. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because they’re the epitome of romance for a lonely man.”

Regardless of the specific inspiration behind “Mermaid,” it’s clear that the song is a tribute to the beauty and power of love, even when it’s something impossible to attain.


1. What does “Mermaid” mean?

“Mermaid” is a song that describes a man’s infatuation with a mermaid, a mythical creature that is half-human and half-fish. The song’s lyrics suggest that the speaker knows that his love for the mermaid can never be realized, but it’s too powerful for him to let go of.

2. Who wrote “Mermaid”?

“Mermaid” was written by Pat Monahan, as well as Espen Lind and Amund Bjorklund, two songwriters from Norway. The song was produced by Espionage, a Grammy-nominated production duo consisting of Espen Lind and Amund Bjorklund.

3. What is the music of “Mermaid” like?

“Mermaid” features a warm and upbeat melody that is both catchy and romantic. The song starts with a simple, yet powerful, acoustic guitar riff, accompanied by a repeating drumbeat. From there, the song builds into a lush and layered soundscape, featuring everything from falsetto vocals to swirling organs to a horn section.

4. What inspired Pat Monahan to write “Mermaid”?

In several interviews, Monahan has given different answers to the question of what inspired him to write “Mermaid.” In one interview with Soundspike, Monahan said that he was inspired by a segment that Karl Stefanovic, an Australian television host, had done on mermaids. In another interview with the Examiner, Monahan spoke about his lifelong fascination with mermaids.

5. What is the meaning behind the lyrics of “Mermaid”?

The lyrics of “Mermaid” describe a man’s infatuation with a mermaid, a mythical creature that is half-human and half-fish. Throughout the song, the lyrics evoke the idyllic and romantic nature of the relationship between a man and his impossible dream.

6. What is the sound of “Mermaid” influenced by?

Train’s frontman, Pat Monahan, has said that he was influenced by the music of the Beach Boys when he wrote “Mermaid.” “It’s a throwback to that Brian Wilson-inspired sound that we love so much,” Monahan said.

7. What album is “Mermaid” on?

“Mermaid” is a song on Train’s sixth studio album, titled “California 37,” which was released in 2012.

8. Who produced “Mermaid”?

“Mermaid” was produced by Espionage, a Grammy-nominated production duo consisting of Espen Lind and Amund Bjorklund.

9. What instruments are used in “Mermaid”?

“Mermaid” features instruments such as acoustic guitar, drums, bass, organ, and horn section.

10. What genre is “Mermaid”?

“Mermaid” is a pop rock song.

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