Alocasia / Elephant Ear – Tree Farm & Nursery

Alocasia / Elephant Ear

S & J Nursery’s “Growing

Alocasia Elephant Ear Plants

in Northeast Florida Gardens”

Alocasia….Elephant Ear? Taro Plants? What are they?

     With new selections coming out all of the time, Alocasia plants are quickly gaining popularity and for good reason. The big bold foliage
and ease of care of these Asian natives make them the perfect addition to garden, they even make a great indoor plant! 

     Alocasia plants may be sold in garden centers under the names Elephant Ear or even Taro plants. Because Alocasia, Colocasia and Xanthosoma plants all look so similar but can be used for different purposes, I like to call them by their botanical names to avoid confusion to gardeners new to these big bold beautiful foliage plants. So here at S & J Nursery you will hopefully always find a sign in front of the grouping of plants letting you know what plant classification they belong to and how to care for them! 

     In general, but not always, Alocasia plants will have their “ears” held upright on the stem with the narrowest part of the leaf pointing to
the sky and will be attached to the stem at the notch of the leaf. They will prefer a partial sun or partial shade location in the Northeast Florida landscape and have heart shaped leaves.

      Alocasia StingrayIf your trying to figure out if the plant you have growing in the he back yard is an Alocasia, Colocasia or Xanthosoma, here is a link to the easiest explanation I have found! Although there are quite a few rule breakers among the new and older plant selections, this will hopefully help a little.

What is the Difference? Alocasia, Colocasia, and

 Where to plant your Alocasia in Northeast Florida

Alocasia elephant ear plants will require a partial sun or partial shade location (filtered light is perfect) in the Jacksonville and St. Augustine area
landscape. Be sure to amend the soil generously with compost when planting and topdress the surrounding area each spring with compost to keep your elephant ear plants looking great year after year.
Alocasia prefer soil rich in organic matter that is moist but still well draining.

 Your Alocasia Plants and Northeast Florida Winter Temperatures

When temperatures begin to drop below 32 degrees Alocasia plants will loose their water filled foliage. Don’t despair, they will quickly regrow new shoots and leaves in spring when the weather warms here in the Jacksonville and St. Augustine area landscsape.


S & J Nursery’s Alocasia Plant Selections for Northeast Florida Gardeners

Alocasia calidora in a mixed container

 Alocasia Calidora


Alocasia portora in a mixed container planting

Alocasia Portora


Alocasia regal Shields

 Alocasia Regal Shields