VISION OF DISORDER: 'Dead In New York' DVD Track Listing Revealed - BLABBERMOUTH.NET

VISION OF DISORDER: 'Dead In New York' DVD Track Listing Revealed

September 10, 2008

VISION OF DISORDER, the Long Island-based hardcore band that merged traditional east coast hardcore alongside thrash metal before disbanding in 2002, is set to release "Dead In New York", a posthumous DVD showcasing the band's frenetic live shows as well as backstage footage. The band, which only recently reunited for a handful of shows, will play a concert at The Fillmore NY @ Irving Plaza in New York City on November 16 to commemorate the release of the DVD.

"The one thing we always knew when playing hundreds of shows around the world was that our live experience was always a special bond between the band and our fans. It always seemed like a big community at V.O.D. shows," explains Matthew Baumbach. "What's amazing about 'Dead in New York' is that we were able to capture that exact aspect. It shows everything from the mayhem of the material with people getting knocked out during the crazy breakdowns along with insane crowd sing-a-longs."

Filmed by Bill Yukich, the DVD includes shows from Long Island and Worcester, Massachusetts in 2006. Yukich was granted full access to the band, both on stage and off stage, capturing behind the scenes moments that encapsulate a historic part of the hardcore scene. V.O.D. dug deep into their personal archives to provide rarely seen and sometimes never-before-seen footage dating back to 1994.

"Dead In New York" DVD track listing:

01. Intro
02. Choke
03. Element
04. Imprint
05. Viola
06. Ways To Destroy Ones Amibtion
07. For The Breeders
08. Suffer
09. What You Are
10. Adelaide
11. Beneath The Green
12. Jada Bloom
13. Through My Eyes
14. D.T.O.
15. Jam
16. 7/13
17. Formula For Failure

A two-and-a-half-minute promotional clip for "Dead in NY" can be viewed below.

VISION OF DISORDER's last studio effort was the southern rock-influenced album, "From Bliss to Devastation", released on TVT Records in 2001. Apparently frustrated by a lack of record company support from both Roadrunner (the band's former label) and TVT Records, VISION OF DISORDER went on an extended hiatus in 2002, and eventually disbanded, as singer Tim Williams and guitarist Mike Kennedy formed the currently active project BLOODSIMPLE.

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