What is Noel Charles's full name?

Noel Charles

Noel Charles date of birth:


How old was Noel Charles when died?


Where was Noel Charles born?

Port of Spain, Trinidad

When did Noel Charles die?

March 10, 2013

Why did Noel Charles die?


Noel Charles body shape:


What color are Noel Charles's eyes?


What color is Noel Charles's hair?


Is Noel Charles gay or straight?


What is Noel Charles's ethnicity?


What is Noel Charles nationality?


What is Noel Charles's occupation?

Nightclub owner

Noel Charles claim to fame:

Fourth Husband of Cynthia Lennon

Short Biography

Noel Charles was born in 1940 in Port of Spain, Trinidad. Noel Charles left the Caribbean in the 1950s with thousands of others, crossing the Atlantic to seek their fortunes in the ‘motherland’. In the 1970s he set up and ran Alexandra’s – two of the most successful nightclubs of the era. He spent a decade living the high life, first in Stockholm and then in Barbados, wining and dining with the world’s greatest entertainers – including the Rolling Stones, David Bowie, Elton John, George Harrison, David Bailey, Sidney Poitier, Jack Nicholson.But his success came at a price, both to his health and to his relationships, and in a few years the dream had come and gone. Noel fell on hard times. In 1998 Noel’s friend, Julian Lennon, introduced him to his mother Cynthia. Four years later they were married and in 2012 celebrated ten years of happiness. Sadly, early March 2013 Noel passed away due to a cancer he was fighting for nearly 2 years.