Mightys Note Book - Liverpool FC

Mighty's Note Book

Read all about my fun and exciting adventures!!

Merseyside Derby Incoming

16th October 2020


It has been the international break for the First Team over the past week. As much as I love watching the Reds, I do like to see how they do on international duty.

Seeing how well Diogo Jota played for Portugal got me really excited to see him playing for the Reds. He was boss, scoring two goals and getting an assist, he didn’t stop running all night. Last weekend England took on Belgium with the skipper Jordan Henderson making a return, it was great seeing him back and running the midfield and an even better result winning the match 2-1.

Neco Williams again played an important part in helping Wales get the win against Bulgaria his late assist for Jonny Williams helped them take all three points.

I cannot wait for the weekend it is the big one, Red vs Blue, it’s the first Merseyside Derby of the season, and it promises to be a good one. Everton are in good form and at the top of the table and the Reds will be wanting to bounce back from the Aston Villa game. One thing is for certain it will have plenty of action like it always does.

A big final shoutout to Rachel Furness who this week picked up the F.A Women’s Championship player of the month for September. What a season she is having so far. She just cannot seem to stop scoring goals at the minute, 6 goals in 6 games is some record.

Have a great week Reds.



From Doubters to Believers

9th October 2020

What a busy few weeks it has been – plenty of football, healthy eating week and who could forget that we celebrated Jürgen Klopp being the manager of the Reds for five years.

Last week was Healthy Eating week. I couldn’t wait to be involved. The coaches at Liverpool FC are always telling us how important it is to eat healthy, and how all the players eat as healthy as they can to keep winning trophies. I have been trying different fruits and vegetables, and with some help from Rylee Foster from the LFC Women I made my very own healthy smoothie.

Speaking of the LFC Women, they have been in incredible form recently first they beat Charlton 4-0 then they beat Coventry 2-1 to send them top of the league. The big game came on Wednesday in the Conti Cup against a very strong Manchester United. It was a tough game, United took an early lead. But the Reds began to play some incredible football, battling for everything. The game finished incredibly 3-1 to the Reds with Rachel Furness grabbing another 2 goals, she just can’t stop scoring. What an unbelievable team performance and well-deserved victory.

On Thursday it had been 5 years since Jürgen Klopp became the manager of the Reds. And what a five years it has been, he really has created something so special to bring the glory back to Anfield once again. Like the Boss said ‘We have to change from doubters to believers’ and I think we can all say we are Champions of England, Champions of the World and very much believers.

Thank you for everything Boss

Jürgen Klopp in Numbers:

Matches: 272

Points: 404

Goals Scored: 565

#ThiagoFriday x #JotaSaturday

23rd September 2020


What a week it has been Reds!

It was the news we had been waiting for, what seemed like forever. ‘Are we getting him?’, ‘Is he coming?’. Then on Friday we got the answer to all our questions. Thiago Alacantara is finally a Red! What a signing he is. Seeing all the videos and the pictures of him got me so excited to see him play.

My Dad was telling me all about him, but I remembered seeing him play for Bayern Munich so I already knew he was boss. I especially like his new song I haven’t stopped singing, I think everyone in my house is starting to get annoyed now.

On Saturday I was getting ready to go to football practice when it started happening again, it looked like we were signing another player. I was in shock, surely it couldn’t be two signings in two days? But sure enough, it was! Diogo Jota signed from Wolverhampton Wanderers, I didn’t need to watch many videos of Jota, I have seen how good he is on the Premier League highlights shows.

On Sunday it was matchday against Chelsea and the best thing I heard, Thiago was available to play. I could not wait to see him in action. The match started well and the Red’s looked very dominant. Fabinho who was playing at centre back was having an incredible game. The biggest moment of the first half came when Sadio Mane ran through on goal only to be rugby tackled by the Chelsea defender, the defender was shown a red card and Chelsea were down to 10 men. At halftime it was 0-0, the players came out for the second half, and it was time. Thiago time. Jordan Henderson was taken off injured and Thiago came on to replace him, and wow, what a performance. He was passing the ball here there and everywhere, across the field on the floor and in the air he looked like a midfield magician. Finally, we got the goal we deserved Sadio Mane with a quality header to make it 1-0. Sadio never stops wanting the ball he chases everything, and that’s how he grabbed the second he chased down the Chelsea goalkeeper who panicked and passed it straight to Mane who tapped home for number 2. Alisson denied Jorginho from the penalty spot late on and the game finished 2-0.

Looking back at the match stats Thiago set a new Premier League record for most passes in a completed 45 minutes with 75 passes, that is just the most incredible achievement for his first game.

That’s all for this week Reds, I am off to practice my passing



2 Games 2 Wins

18th September 2020

What a week it has been, especially if you’re a Liverpool FC fan. On Saturday it was the return of the Premier League where the Champions welcomed newly promoted Leeds United to Anfield. And on Sunday the LFC Women took on the London Bees away from home.

But before the game on Saturday I had football training with all of my friends. This week we were practicing shooting, I scored so many goals, all my mates kept calling me Salah so of course I had to do his celebration after every goal. After training it was time to get home to prepare myself for the game, my Mum made us special LFC cookies, and we all sat down to watch the pre-match build up on LFCTV.

The game was incredible, it was end to end with so many goals from both teams. It was hard to keep up at times. Leeds United looked very good and you could see they really wanted to start their first season back in the Premier League, after so many years with a bang. Salah gave us an early lead from the penalty spot, only for Leeds to equalise just a few minutes later. Van Dijk powered his way through the defence to head us 2-1 up, but again only for Leeds to equalise. The game wasn’t level for long Salah scoring with a wonder strike to make it 3-2 at half time. Midway through the second half Leeds equalised again. It was 3-3 heading into the last few minutes of the game, when Fabinho was fouled in the box. Up stepped the Egyptian King to take the penalty and just like me at football training, he scored to make it 4-3 and to grab a hat-trick and the 3 points for the Reds. What a game. Football is back!

(Mo Salah has now scored 52 Goals in 63 home games for Liverpool FC, and the Reds are unbeaten in 60 games at home)

On Sunday the LFC Women took on the London Bees in their second FA Women’s Championship game. The Reds looked fired up and keen to get their first win of the season. The Bees were well organised, but finally on the 50th minute Melissa Lawleybroke broke the deadlock and 10 minutes later Rinsola Babajide scored with a boss run and finish. and to make the day even better Rachel Furness scored to make it 3-0. What a great way to get our first win of the season.

What a week of football it has been. Speak to you all again next time, have a boss week Reds



The Champions are back

10th September 2020


What a busy couple of weeks it has been, I am back at school, the Reds are back in action this week and most importantly this week I launched my ‘Mighty Red Champion Challenge’.

I set three challenges for people to complete to be in with a chance of winning a very special ‘Mighty Red Champion Medal’. I set three completely different challenges that would help people prepare for the season like a champion.

1.      Celebrate like a champion – take a picture of your best celebration

2.      Think like a champion – unscramble the anagram ‘GMIYHT’

3.      Eat like a champion – create your very own healthy smoothie

I cannot wait to see all the entries.

IT IS BACK! Is there a better feeling than football starting again? Having the Reds back in action, but this time as the reigning champions of England, makes me very happy. Anfield is ready for the first game of the season. The freshly cut bright green grass, the lines being painted on awaiting the best team in the world to walk onto it.

Saturday cannot come soon enough I have my new shirt and boots at the ready. At school me and my mates have been talking about which players will be in the starting 11, what the score might be, and whether it will be Sadio who copies Firmino’s celebrations this year or the other way round. My Dad has added more flags and scarves to our front room so it feels even more like Anfield when we watch the games, and he has even added a ‘This is Anfield’ sign above the door before you walk in.

That’s all for this week, speak to you all again next week when I hope I will be talking about the Reds picking up the three points.



Season Ready and School Ready

28th August 2020


I love Pre-Season, it is the best! Getting to travel and meet new friends from around the world and learn all about the countries that they live in. This year things are a little different and I haven’t been able to spread my wings and travel. But I have still been enjoying seeing the Reds getting prepared for the season in Austria. They look to have been having lots of fun and training very hard. Seeing them play their two warm up games against Stuttgart and RB Salzburg has got me really excited for the start of the season, and even more excited for Saturday and the Community Shield game against Arsenal at Wembley Stadium.

As well as keeping up with how the Reds have been preparing for the new season, I have been preparing to go back to school next week. I can’t wait to see all my mates and find out what they have been doing with their Summer holidays. One of my favourite things about going back to school, is getting to choose my new lunch box and school bag. And the best place to find a new school bag and lunch box? At the LFC Retail store, it took me quite a while to choose because I wanted to look at everything including the new away shirt which looks boss. It was a tough choice, but I finally chose one……. After an hour.

This week I have also hidden 500 golden tickets in the brand new LFC Official Mighty Red Membership packs, these golden tickets are very special and if you find one in yours you could win one of so many boss prizes from player messages to signed shirts, so make sure to keep your eyes peeled in your pack to see if you were lucky enough to find one.

Have a great week Reds




Reigning Champions

14th August 2020


Another week has gone, which means we are even closer to the new season and I am already getting excited. I love the build up to the new season with the new kit being launched and new signings, and all of that happened this week. The brand-new away kit was released this week and wow does it look fresh, and I just know it will look even better on the players this season.

This week we also welcomed a new face to the LFC Family. Kostas Tsimikas is a Greek international left back who signed from Olympiacos. I watched some videos of him, and he looks boss, the perfect player for our team and I can’t wait to see him on the pitch at Anfield very soon.

This week also sees the return of the ePremier League. The ePremier League is a FIFA competition between all twenty Premier League teams to find the best club. The Reds are the reigning champions and will again be represented on Xbox by last year’s Champion Tekkz and on PS4 Ollie Hall. It was boss watching it last year and I can’t wait to get behind Tekkz and Ollie and hopefully they can bring home the title for a second year running.

Have a boss week Reds



Tell us never

6th August 2020

I have been waiting for this day for so long. New kit day! How good does the new kit look? Especially after seeing it on all the players, it has got me even more excited about the new season. I watched the ‘Tell us Never’ launch video on my tablet. Hearing Klopp say Liverpool FC are the ‘National team of scouseland’, and the scouse lady at the end telling us the proper way to say Nike, it made me laugh so much, I ran downstairs and showed my Mum and Dad. My Dad hasn’t stopped talking about the kit since then, ‘How good are the players going to look wearing this’, ‘The colours on the sleeves are fantastic’, ‘Who is buying me my shirt for my birthday?’ it went on for a while….

I think getting my shirt is one of the best parts of the season for me. I always love the excitement of seeing the postman bringing my parcel, seeing that beautiful red box, opening it up to find my fresh kit. Trying it on for the first time and looking in the mirror and thinking ‘I look boss!’ and do you know the thing that makes this kit even more special? The Premier League Champions badge on the sleeve.

Have a boss week Reds


Premier League 19/20 review

30th July 2020


The most unforgettable Premier League season is over. Ever since the first game against Norwich City last August I just knew it was going to be our year. It has been a season that has had everything. Electric performances against Manchester City at home when Fabinho smashed in that thunderbolt. Feather biting late drama against Aston Villa when Sadio scored in the last minute, and Manchester United when Lallana scored to keep the unbeaten record going. 

Winning the league with seven games to go, and of course that means seven, yes SEVEN guards of honour. The list goes on.

On Wednesday 22nd July, Liverpool FC played Chelsea in our final home game of the season. The game was the perfect match to describe how this season has been – exciting from start to finish. The game ended 5-3 to the Reds but where we really bothered about the match or was everyone like me too excited to think of what was happening after the final whistle? The game ended and you could feel the excitement, even though I was watching on my TV at home, everyone in our house was very excited my Dad couldn’t sit down, I was jumping up and down my Mum had the biggest smile I have ever seen, Ruby Red was doing cart wheels and Little Liver….. Was asleep, he is only a baby after all.

The players were announced one by one as they walked up the stairs and we cheered each of them. Then it was time, ‘JORDAN HENDERSON’  echoed around Anfield, he made his way up the stairs, picked up the trophy, walked to the centre and he, with I think every other Liverpool FC fan around the world, did the ‘Hendoshuffle’ and lifted the Premier League trophy above his head. Me and my family were clapping and chanting and hugging. It was the most incredible feeling I have ever felt. 

For now, we celebrate at home but soon we will celebrate together.

What a boss season – Thank you for being a part of it.



Jumping High for LFC

14th July 2020

Can anyone tell me how to stop being so excited for LFC vs Chelsea? I just can’t wait to see Liverpool FC lift the Premier League trophy at Anfield. My mum told me that If I jump high enough on the trampoline, I might reach Liverpool FC all the way at the top of the table!

Our last game against Burley was a tough game. Robertson scored an amazing header to give Liverpool FC the lead, but Burney managed to score to make it 1-1 and the points were shared.

We go again on Wednesday when we take on Arsenal away. I think it will be 3-1 to Liverpool FC with goals from Salah, Mane and Fabinho! What do you think the score will be?

The matchday programme for the last home game of the season against Chelsea looks amazing! I will be sure to get one and its going straight on my bedroom wall, next to all my player posters!

Have a good week Reds.



Dream come true

8th July 2020


Have you ever had a dream of scoring for the club you love the most!? Curtis Jones did and now his dream has come true. His first Premier League goal for Liverpool FC on Sunday at Anfield – what a goal too.

The Champions returned home on Sunday with a Guard of Honour and it was amazing to see, I just wish I was there to walk behind them, that would have been cool!

It took a while for the first goal to go in, but super Sadio scored an amazing goal past Liverpool FC Legend Pepe Reina to make it 1-0 Liverpool FC. With 10 minutes left, Curtis Jones came on and scored to make it 2-0 LFC and taking all 3 points. Boss result.

Some more amazing news this week too, Harvey Elliott signed his first professional contract. We have become such boss friends since he came to LFC. Always have a good chat and teach each other cool new skills. Congratulations Harvey.

Looking forward to watching more LFC this week and talking all about it next week!

Until then Reds.



Premier League Champions

3rd July 2020


What an amazing week last week was, Liverpool FC crowned Premier League Champions. We still haven’t stopped celebrating in our house, not sure if we ever will!  

I can’t wait to see all they boys when I can go to Anfield. I have a very special surprise for them.

But guess what? There is still more LFC games to watch this season before we get to see the boys lift the trophy, next up is Aston Villa at Anfield on Sunday. What score do you think the next game will finish? I think 2-1 to Liverpool FC.



Champions of England!

26th June 2020


Best news ever - Liverpool FC are Premier League Champions, how boss is that?

It all started back last Sunday with the Merseyside Derby; I was so happy to see the boys back in red. It was a really tough game, but it was still boss to watch them back in action.  We then got to see them walk back on to the hallowed turf on Wednesday to face Crystal Palace under the special lights, I was cheering as loud as I could from my house!

Liverpool FC came out on top to take the 3 points with a 4-0 win! Trent, Salah, Fabinho and Mane all scoring the goals. And then it was all down to Chelsea and Manchester City to see if we would be crowned Champions…. AND WE DID IT! Chelsea won 2-1 to make It impossible for Manchester City to catch us in the League. LFC are Champions of England. I celebrated as loud as I could, singing all the songs. I can’t wait to see the Premier League Trophy on the LFC Stadium Tour once we are back! Oh and I already changed the Walk of Champions at Anfield to add the Premier League (I drew it in red and stuck it on!!).

That’s all from me this week Reds!

‘’Now you’re gonna believe us...’’




Mighty at Anfield

19th June 2020


It’s a big week for LFC! Football is back, it’s finally back.

We all get to watch the boys playing football again live. I have missed it so much. I have even been recreating old football matches in my back garden with my family. My favourite ones to recreate have been, 2005 UEFA Champions League final, last year’s 4-0 win against FC Barcelona and the 2019 UEFA Champions League Final. As you can see, I recreated some amazing games, it’s been so much fun.

There are a lot of LFC birthdays this week. Mo Salah celebrated on Monday, the boss on Tuesday and the skipper on Wednesday. Do you share a special birthday this week? I love birthdays! Even my pet Iguana Fred gets a party! You should see Fred in his LFC party hat. He looks like the coolest pet ever.

I spent a lot of time wrapping presents for the birthday lads this week. So, I hope they really like what they got! (All LFC things of course) But don’t tell them!

That’s all from me this week, until next week Reds.




National Best Friend Day

12th June 2020


It has been a boss week so far! Had so much fun with my family. We have been making up our own games to play around the house. It’s been so much fun setting challenges to come up with cool new games for us all to play, have you come up with any games recently? 

Guess what day it was this week? National Best Friend Day. I decided to have a think about all the good memories I have meeting up with my mates. I remember last year we all took a big photo to celebrate a boss day! Can you see any other football team mascots in the photo? I see loads!

Football is back next week and what a game to start it all off again. The Merseyside Derby! LFC vs Everton, a game that is always amazing to watch. Feather biting stuff in my house! I cannot wait to watch the boys back and doing what they do best. And I cannot wait to cheer them on from home.

Until next time Reds.



When 5 became 6!

5th June 2020


I’ve had a great week with my Mum, Dad, Sister and of course my little Brother. The weather in Liverpool has been so boss recently. I didn’t think my feathers could get any more Red, but they did!

I have been practicing my football skills from last week and I really think I am starting to get much better. Once I get back to Anfield and show the boss my new skills he will be so impressed! Have you learned any new skills this week?



It’s been one whole year since LFC won their 6th European Trophy in Madrid! It was a boss night, so Dad and I decided to celebrate (again!) by watching the replay! Salah scoring his penalty, then Origi off the bench to seal the deal with a great goal for 2-0. What a game – CHAMPIONS (again!)

Can you remember where you watched Henderson lift the trophy?

Players are doing well in training, won’t be long till we see them back on the pitch together.

Stay safe everyone.



European Memories

26th May 2020


The sun has been shining at home, so I have been in my garden practicing all my football skills and tricks.

My sister Ruby has been helping me improve for when I get back to playing football with my friends. She has even learnt a few tricks too!

This week I am learning a lot of LFC history. It is all about the times Liverpool FC won European Cups.

 If I had to pick a favourite it has to be Istanbul 2005, my dad and I re-watch the game a lot, I think I have seen it over 50 times now. The way LFC came back from 3-0 to 3-3 and win on penalties – Boss.

 2019 is the next best for me as I actually got to watch it live with my family. What a great performance, to see Liverpool FC win 2-0 and lift the trophy was incredible.

We also had a big parade party with some friends, we got to see all the players on the bus with the trophy driving past the Liver building! A moment in History I will never forget for sure.

All 6 times have been top games, so it is hard to pick favourites. What one would you choose?

 Got to go and finish off some more home-schooling worksheets now, stay safe.



Virtual 5k, Run for the 96

19th May 2020


I’m back!

Hope you have all been keeping busy recently like me. I have been super busy doing home worksheets, creating new games with my brother and sister, and trying out all the cool challenges that the LFC Foundation have set us.

I found a new hobby in word searches, mainly Liverpool FC related. It’s so fun to try and find all of the hidden words! Sometimes I make my own and challenge my family to find them.

We couldn’t all be together this year for the 5k run for the 96 but it was great to hear lots of people going out and finding new ways to complete 5k. I managed to complete this around my garden, I lost count of how many laps I did!

As I can’t do the challenges in cool places around Anfield, I’ve been setting buckets up in the garden and tried kicking a football into it. I even tried throwing a tennis ball into a cup, but that one was pretty hard. Try and see if you can do better than me!

If you haven’t seen it already then here is the link to a really boss competition the LFC Foundation are running. A chance for you and your family to get creative and design a special charity collection in aid of the LFC Foundation and NHS Charities Together.

I will keep you updated on my stay at home adventures!

Stay home – Stay Safe



Magic Tricks

27th March 2020

Hello everyone!

Another week gone by and more amazing memories made. This week was all about family time, with my Mum, Dad, Ruby Red and of course Little Liver. The first activity we did was baking a cake! I made mine red of course. You know, because of Liverpool FC! It tasted just as good as it looked, boss! 

Then we all sat down at our table and played a board game. I forget the name but it’s the one where you roll a dice and go around a board? You know what one I mean. It was the LFC version of the game that my Mum bought at the LFC Retail store. I would tell you who won but that would ruin the surprise… (Me!) I even showed my family a magic trick, maybe I will show you all one day.

Me and my Dad have been practising my football skills in the garden. Using 2 jumpers as the goal posts, my Dad goes in goal and I try and score past him. Sometimes Ruby plays with us as well. She is pretty good at Football! Hopefully she can grow up to go on to play for Liverpool FC Women.

Well that’s all for this week Reds,

Until next week!



3 Goals and lots of fun!

20th March 2020


Hello Everyone!

Hope you’re having a good week, I’ve been keeping active a lot. I went to the park with my friends and had a game of football. That was fun, I scored 3 goals and assisted my friend. It felt like I had just scored the winner in a Merseyside Derby. One goal with my left foot, one with my right, and a boss header for the hat-trick. 

My mum gave me a mini Anfield that I can build at home. So, I could still go to Anfield whenever I wanted! Just finished building the Main Stand with my dad’s help. I can’t wait for it to be finished.

We had an Anfield Family Stadium Tour at the weekend, I got to meet a lot of new friends. I even tried face painting! I was pretty good; I might even start doing it more often.

I hope you are all keeping active this week and I can’t wait to talk to you all again next week! 

Until then Reds, 



Super Women

13th March 2020


Hello Reds!

Hope you’re having a boss week so far, I have been having a great time. School has been boss. A lot of learning and a lot of fun with all my friends.

Last Sunday was International Women’s Day! A special day to celebrate just how amazing Women are. My mum and my sister are amazing. The Liverpool FC family made a special video all about Football and Women in Football. It was boss to watch and see how much Football impacts everyone.

On Saturday Liverpool FC took on AFC Bournemouth in the Premier League. It was such an amazing game to watch. AFC Bournemouth took the lead in the first half. But it was quickly turned around with goals from Salah and Mane to give Liverpool FC the 2-1 win and an important 3 points. That means all Liverpool FC need to do is win 2 more games and we will be Premier League Champions! I have my feathers crossed we can do it in the next 2 games!

Looking forward to a fun weekend. I hope whatever you get up to its really fun.

Well that’s all for this week Reds,

Until Next Week.



World Book Day Fun

6th March 2020


Hi Reds

Hope you’ve all had a boss week.

I have been so busy.

Last Friday was “Global Scouse Day”. It’s a celebration of the city of Liverpool and the people from it, we also eat a nice big bowl of Scouse which is just the best. 

On Saturday, it was game day against Watford, it was a late kick-off down at Vicarage Road. Unfortunately, the lads couldn’t get the result we all wanted and ended up losing the game. I was upset at the result, but my Dad said to me “We are still top of the league!” When I remembered that it brought my huge smile back to my face.

The Reds took on Chelsea in the FA Cup on Tuesday - The lads tried their best and gave everything, but they just couldn’t get the ball in the net. The Reds lost 2-0 but there were so many positives to take from the game especially the young lads Neco Williams and Curtis Jones getting more game time.

On Thursday, it was World Book Day. I love World Book Day, it’s a celebration of reading and the creativity and fun it brings to everyone’s life. Reading is one of my favourite things to do! 

Did you know I have my very own book? It’s called “Meet Mighty Red” it’s a story all about me and my love for Liverpool Football Club. To celebrate World Book Day this year, I went to Pinehurst Primary school and brought my book to life. All the school children helped me to tell the story in my book, they helped me do all my chores, clapped, cheered and laughed all the way through. At the very end I left them my book for their library so that the children could read it any time they liked.

That’s all for this week Reds 

Have a boss week 



What a Game!

28th February 2020

Hey everyone!

Hope you’re having a boss week so far. My week has been busy. But it couldn’t have started any better with a weekday game! LFC vs West Ham United in the Premier League. It was a tough game but an amazing one to watch. Liverpool FC took the lead through a Wijnaldum header. But West Ham were quick to answer back with a headed goal of their own. The second half came and saw West Ham United take the lead! 2-1, Anfield felt the tension. But who came to the rescue? That’s right, Mo Salah, The Egyptian King. 2-2 and Liverpool FC where back in it. Then the ball fell to Alexander-Arnold, he hit the perfect pass for Mane to put in the net! 3-2, The comeback was complete, Liverpool FC had taken all 3 points. But West Ham United put up an amazing fight. I can’t wait to watch the next one.

On Wednesday I went to meet one of my friends from Preston and drive to school with them! That was so much fun, kicking back in the Mighty Red Car on the way to school. I got to stand up in assembly and speak with everyone at their school, that was so cool. Then to top it off… 300 high fives! Yeah that’s right you didn’t read wrong, I gave 300 high fives in a row. That must be some kind of record.

On Thursday it was multi-sports time. I love going to the LFC Foundation and playing different sports with all the schools that come to their sessions. I hope I get to go to multi-sports sessions every week!

Well Reds that’s all for this week, it’s big game on Saturday against Watford, and I will be sure to tell you all about it next week! Until then.



Breakfast Club

21st February 2020

Hello everyone!

I hope your 2020 is going great. I’ve had a fantastic week so far, I’ve been super busy spending time with friends and meeting a lot of new people.

I spent last weekend in Thailand and Singapore making new friends. Now that was fun! I love it when I get to go to different countries and learn all about that place and its traditions! Did you know that in Thailand, every year they have a festival dedicated entirely to monkeys? I wonder if the city of Liverpool will ever have a holiday dedicated to Me, Mighty Red! Haha

I have been spending my mornings with my friends at Red Neighbours Breakfast Clubs this week, because we are all off school for a week with the half term break! It was so much fun spending time with new friends playing games and eating so much food! The Red Neighbours team invite people from different schools in the area to come and have breakfast, play games, meet me and even do a tour of Anfield.

Anyway, that’s all for this week, I hope you have a great half term everyone! Speak soon.



Football and Friends

31st January 2020

Hello Reds,

Hope you’re all having a great week so far. What a busy week I’ve had, on Monday I was at school with friends, learning and also talking about the football the day before! Liverpool FC Women played Blackburn Rovers in the Women’s F.A Cup and won 8-1! That was an amazing game to watch, Rinsola Babajide scored 4 goals which was so cool, I met loads of new friends and I’m sure they will have enjoyed themselves as much as I did.

Later on the men took on Shrewsbury Town, also in the F.A Cup, now that was a tough game. The Reds were 2-0 up but Shrewsbury Town didn’t give up and incredibly they made it 2-2 and that is how it finished, which means the game will be replayed at Anfield next week. It wasn’t the result we wanted but least we get to see the Reds play again at Anfield. 

Wednesday saw more football, yes I know more football. Liverpool FC vs West Ham, what a game it was. Liverpool FC played amazing, Salah opened the scoring from the spot with a great penalty after Origi was fouled in the box. Salah then grabbed an assist, playing an incredible pass to Oxlade-Chamberlain who made it 2. The game finished 2-0 and the Reds move 19 points clear at the top of the Premier League. LFC have now beaten every team in the Premier League in a single season for the first time ever.

On Thursday I was at the LFC Foundation’s Multi Sport Sessions, and this week we played dodgeball, but not just any dodgeball, UV glow in the dark dodgeball. It was boss, I love dodge ball but playing it in the dark has to be my new favourite.

I can’t wait for more football this weekend from the men and the Women!

Have a boss week



Mightys Player Buddies

24th January 2020


Hello Reds!

Another week nearly done, and it has been another boss one. On Monday I was at an LFC Foundation collapsed curriculum day at Lawrence Road School, it was so much fun getting to hang out and make so many new friends while learning new things.

I have been very busy in school this week. I am still trying to get used to writing 2020 and not 2019 in my book, I’m sure I’ll get it right before 2021 haha!

I have learnt a lot this week, new tricks and skills to help me improve on my reading and writing, 2020 has started off perfect for me and I can’t wait to see what the rest of the year has to offer.

Now that we’ve talked about school, let’s talk about football!!

Sunday was a massive day, not only was it the LFC vs Manchester United game, but all the player buddies for the game were my friends! I chose 10 Juniors to come be my Mighty Red Player Buddies, they all got a 2019/20 home kit and the chance to walk out with the LFC players! How exciting is that?!

They all did amazing walking out with the players at a huge match like Manchester United. 3 of the player buddies were winners of my social media competition, they had to send me a video on what it would mean to walk out with the players at Anfield, I got some brilliant entrants but these were my favourite 3! The other 7 player buddies were all rewarded for their community work, they were all so deserving of this boss experience. I can’t wait to do it all again soon. Who knows, maybe it will be you walking out with the players next time.

It was such an amazing game. Liverpool FC played incredible getting the goal through a big Virgil header! We tried everything to get a second but the ball just wouldn’t go in, we had two goals disallowed but in the last minute Alisson kicked the ball straight up field, Salah ran onto it and scored to make it 2-0, we got all 3 points! Now we have beaten every team in the Premier League this season.

My amazing week was topped off last night with another win for the Reds against Wolves!

Until next week.



New year, same Mighty!

10th January 2020


Happy New Year everyone.

Hope you all had an amazing 2019, and a fantastic start to 2020. Let me tell you about some of my favourite 2019 moments.

LFC won the UEFA Champions League again! A 2-0 win over Tottenham Hotspur saw Liverpool FC become Champions of Europe for the 6th time! Not only that but two months later we won the UEFA Super Cup, beating Chelsea on penalties 5-4, and LFC came out on top again! And of course, last but not least. In December Liverpool FC took part in the FIFA Club World Cup and become Champions of the World. The FIFA Club World Cup is an amazing tournament that was held in Qatar. 7 teams from around the world played it out to become the best for that year. And LFC came out on top.

It’s safe to safe 2019 has been an amazing year for LFC and all of our fans. We have already played two games this year and won both! Great start!

I am really looking forward to seeing what 2020 brings for me and you, all of my friends.

See you next week Reds.




Knock out stages!

13th December 2019


What a boss week it has been being an LFC fan, with the Men and Women both picking up 3 points, I can’t wait to tell you more about it.

On Tuesday it was LFC travelled to Salzburg, what a great game it was! It had me on the edge of my seat, it was a real feather biter. The first goal came from a boss header by Naby Keita, and then an amazing goal by Mo Salah. How he scored from such a tight angle I will never know, but I am definitely going to start practising. The game ended 2-0, Liverpool FC took all three points and they top the group and go through to the knockout stages of the UEFA Champions League.

On Wednesday LFC Women took on Durham Women FC in the Continental Cup, another boss game. It was a cold one, so I took my scarf to wrap up nice and warm. The game was full of goals and excitement. 2 quality goals for Rinsola Babajide both went in the top corner and 1 goal for Niamh Charles saw Liverpool FC Women take all 3 points in a 3-1 win.

On Thursday the LFC players and I went into Alder Hey Children’s Hospital and met a lot of LFC fans. It was boss to see the smiles on everyone’s faces when we all walked into the room. Players were wearing Christmas hats, everyone handing gifts out, Virgil was even doing a puppet show with one of my Mighty Red plush toys! In the main entrance there was singing and dancing and even the European trophy was there for people to have pictures with. I love getting to bring smiles and Christmas cheer to everyone.

It’s been such a fantastic week so far, can’t wait for more this weekend.

Until next week Reds,



Derby Day!

6th December 2019

Have I got a boss week to tell you about this time Reds!

It’s been such a fun one and it’s only Friday. I think everyone’s in the full Christmas buzz now. Not long until Santa will be coming down your chimney.

Earlier in the week it was world disability day and I was at the Royal School for the Blind with the LFC Foundation. It was boss meeting loads of new friends we played so many different sports even some football. We were celebrating inclusion in sport, because sport is for everyone.

On Wednesday it was one of my favourite days, the Merseyside Derby against Everton, the game did not disappoint....... Goals, goals and more goals. Origi got the first with an amazing pass from Mane, and he didn’t stop there! He scored two amazing goals. Mane also got on the score sheet and two assists! Shaqiri came back with a great goal and then Gini sealed the deal in a 5-2 win for LFC.

Such an amazing game and I haven’t even finished. At half time me and my friend Sky the Future Makers mascot for Standard Chartered went onto the pitch with some friends to play a game. Team Sky won, but it was a boss experience anyway.

I can’t forget the rainbow laces movement! We wore rainbow laces in our shoes at the game to show equality in sport for people of all different races and beliefs.

That’s all from me this week Reds.

Have a boss weekend!


Champions League Nights!

28th November 2019

Another week nearly gone by! Christmas is on its way. I think it’s okay to start singing Christmas songs now

Hello! Hello Kitty

22nd November 2019

Hey everyone, hope you’re having a great week. What a week it’s been for me so far. On Monday I was at the LFC Academy for a Soccer School football tournament. Did you see my goal? I recreated the Fabinho goal it was boss. I think it was one of the best goals I have ever scored

Who watched the Derby last weekend? What an amazing moment for the Liverpool FC Women’s team, playing their first league game at Anfield. My friend told me that there were 23,500 people there to watch it, how cool is that. Unfortunately, the result was not what we wanted with Everton winning the game 1-0 but all in all it was such a boss day and an amazing moment for the Liverpool FC Women and the fans. 

I showed a new friend around Anfield at the game. My new friend is…..Hello Kitty! It was boss to take Hello Kitty around and show her all the cool things at Anfield. We went to meet friends in the LFC Retail Store to launch all the cool new Hello Kitty and LFC products! My little sister Ruby is going to have so many Hello Kitty x LFC things on her Christmas list this year!

That’s all for this week Reds! Have a boss week. 



LFC v Manchester City

14th November 2019


How’s your week so far Reds? Mine has been awesome, I have been one busy bird. I always like to keep myself busy because my mum always says, better to be busy than bored! I’m sure your family say that all the time too.

I visited some friends at Faith Primary School on Tuesday. That was cool! I helped them learn all about the Premier League values. It’s all about being a team player, just like our very own teams. We all have our own goals we want to achieve but sometimes it is easier to achieve those goals by working together as a team, and when we all work as a team its always so much more fun to be playing with our mates.

On Sunday it was one of the biggest games of the season Liverpool FC vs Manchester City. The game kicked off and couldn’t have started any better, an unbelievable shot by Fabinho put the Reds into the lead. Salah scored the next with a brilliant header. 2-0 at half time! The second half was just as exciting. Mane made it 3-0 after a fantastic ball by Henderson to the back post. They scored a late goal to make it 3-1 but it was too late. What a win, the Reds are now eight points clear at the top of the Premier League and what a great feeling that is.

Don’t forget the LFC Women are playing in the Merseyside derby at Anfield this Sunday, how exciting is that. I will be at the match why don’t you come and show the LFC Women your support as well, you can get tickets at the Anfield Ticket Office up until 3pm on Saturday.

Speak soon Reds



Bonfire Night!

8th November 2019


It was Bonfire Night this week and it is definitely one of my favourite days of the year, getting to see all the fireworks, especially the rockets!

My Monday started with a Liverpool School Tournament at the Academy. Is there a better way to start the week than with some football? There were so many boss players and so many class goals, even I had time to score a quality goal myself, I volleyed the ball and it went in the top corner. I even did my goal celebration which everyone copied. I can’t wait to go again soon.

This might be my favourite Bonfire Night yet! I got to spend my night watching fireworks and a great performance by the lads at Anfield. LFC played Genk in the UEFA Champions League. The game started like a rocket with a great goal from Gini Wijnaldum, Genk pulled one back to make it 1-1. But Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain made it 2-1 and secured the 3 points for the Reds. Now the Premier League isn’t the only table we are at the top of :D Safe to say this was a Bonfire Night to remember.

Best thing is, the week isn’t even over. I still have the weekend to look forward to. LFC vs Manchester City, One of the biggest games of the season for us and it’s at Anfield! Now I can’t wait for that game.

Have a boss week Reds!




4th November 2019


Last week was half term for me, who else has been enjoying their break from school? 

I had a boss time at Halloween, did anyone see my Halloween costume? I got so many sweets because of it. I dressed up as Count Dracula and even carved my name in a pumpkin, it was so much fun. We even had a few tricks but more treats on my Family Stadium Tours.

At the weekend I joined my friends and the LFC Foundation to do a spooky walk around one of our local parks. There were so many cool things to do, I got a little scared but sssh don’t tell anyone! 

Throughout the week I have popped in to all the LFC Stores to start my list for Santa! 

Who watched the Liverpool FC V Arsenal game? What a crazy score! 5-5 then we won 5-4 on penalties. With goals from Origi, Mustaffi (OG), Milner and Oxlade-Chamberlain for Liverpool FC! That was just in full time. Curtis Jones put the final penalty past Arsenal to send LFC into the quarter final of the EFL Cup. Then we had Aston Villa away....... Wow another great game, 3 more points for LFC and still top of the table. Lucky for Liverpool FC there was no Halloween scares this week. 

Have a great week Reds. Y.N.W.A 


Alisson Back-er

23rd October 2019


I was so busy last week! I visited 5 of the LFC Foundation Open Goals sessions and they were boss! ‘Open Goals’ are free multisport sessions that take place all week in local parks, they are so much fun, and I got to meet loads of new friends as well. I can’t wait to go to another session soon.

On Friday I went to two schools in the Wirral. I went to talk to everyone about The Liverpool Way, and most importantly about inclusion.

I also met up with Jemma Purfield, Anke Preuss and Niamh Fahey from the Liverpool FC Women’s team, who came and helped me in my special assemblies, they were all talking about how they use ‘The Liverpool Way’ and how important they think it is. Do you know ‘The Liverpool Way’? these are our four key values that everyone in the Club uses these are:

  • Unity
  • Ambition
  • Dignity
  • Commitment

Do you use these values in your everyday life?

Guess who was back in training last week? That’s right! Alisson Becker. It was so good to see him in action with the rest of the lads and back on the pitch for the weekends game.   

On Sunday it was the big one, Manchester United vs Liverpool FC. It was such a tough game, and both sides really wanted to win, you could see it. We were losing at half time but the lads thinking of ‘The Liverpool Way’, they really showed Unity to come together and they were committed to getting back in to the game. I wish we had come home with 3 points but 1 will do.... Still unbeaten and still top!   

Until next week, 



My Day with Filbert!

11th October 2019


Is there anything better than seeing The Reds at the top of the league! Me and all my friends in school have been talking about how amazing Liverpool FC have been playing so far this season. 8 games in and 8 wins, every home game I get to celebrate with everyone inside Anfield what a great feeling. 

Let me tell you about my day with Filbert Fox! We had so much fun around Anfield, I showed him the dressing rooms for the home and away teams. Where the players walk out onto the pitch. Even where the managers sit! He loved being at Anfield. We were outside the ground and everyone was taking pictures of us, it was great showing our younger fans all about fair play, because it doesn’t matter what football team you support, we can all still be friends.

Filbert is one of my best friends. He is also Leicester City’s number one fan and an official mascot, like me! It was a great game to watch, I was so nervous towards the end, but I just knew LFC would come out on top! Thanks to a last-minute penalty scored by James Milner, 2-1 was the final score it was a close one, but the Reds won the game and we stay top of the league! 

It was so good to catch up with Filbert and I hope we can hang out again soon! 

Until next time Reds. 



Always watching the Reds

30th September 2019

My Mum always says time flies when you’re having fun, and the weeks seem to be going so quick.

Last Sunday it was very much a football day, I was over at Prenton Park watching the LFC Women in cup action against Sheffield United. I love cup games they are so exciting to watch, and everyone gives it their all.  We welcomed back two players who used to play for the Reds, Leandra Little and Becky Flaherty. The game was very close with the Reds leading at half time thanks to a goal from Ashley Hodson. After half time the Blades came out very strong and equalised, but we weren’t level for long, Niamh Charles put us back in front.

But then two spectacular goals from Sheffield United sent them back to Yorkshire with the points. I couldn’t believe the goals they were amazing and there was nothing the Reds could have done.

After the Women’s game we got home just in time for the Kick-off of the First Team. They were taking on Chelsea in a huge game in the Premier League. The Reds were trying to make it 6 wins in 6 matches. The Reds were turning on the style, they got the goal they deserved with a quality goal from Trent Alexander-Arnold from a set piece routine, it curled in the top corner and the keeper would never have been able to save it ever. Bobby grabbed the second and the game looked over. Chelsea had other ideas, they must of all eaten their half time oranges because they came out after and really put the pressure on the Reds, some great defending and goalkeeping kept the Blues from scoring. N’Golo Kante finally got a goal for Chelsea but they could not find the equaliser, and the Reds made it 6 wins in 6 games.

The football kept coming the Women took on Manchester United on Saturday in the first ever Women’s Super League match between the two teams. It was a very hard match. The tackles were flying in. Unfortunately, United won the game 2-0. It was a shame about the result, but we move on, next up for the Reds is Bristol City at home in a couple of weeks, and they will be hungry for their first points of the season!

The First Team were also away, they travelled across to Yorkshire to face Sheffield United. It was a frustrating game with the Reds having all the possession, but we couldn’t get close to the goal, we had a few chances, Mane hit the post and skied an effort over the bar. But on seventy minutes Origi played the ball across and the ball was volleyed goalward by Wijnaldum, he didn’t hit the ball very hard at all but the keeper dived on the ball and somehow let the ball go through his legs and into the net. I was jumping for joy, I couldn’t believe my eyes. The game ended 1-0 and the Reds are still top of the league and that’s 7 wins in 7 games! On to Wednesday night for the return of Champions League football at Anfield

Have a great week!


UEFA Champions League returns

19th September 2019

How has your week been Reds?

It was another busy week of football this week.

The lads were back in action against Newcastle United at the weekend. It was an early kick off and I felt like I had only just eaten my breakfast and I was at Anfield. It felt so good to have football back after what seemed like the longest international break ever!

There was a great atmosphere, the Newcastle United fans were singing very loud and the whole of Anfield singing about the Reds got me all excited for kick off. The magpies must have had their porridge before the game because after seven minutes Jetro Williems scored for the visitors.

But like always Anfield got behind the lads and they started to play some boss football, and on twenty-eight minutes Mane equalised and then he scored the next goal just before half time. The game finished 3-1 to the Reds and put them back on top of the league with 5 wins in 5, a perfect record.

The footie action didn’t stop there. Sunday it was the LFC Women back in action against Tottenham Hotspur. It was a tough game. They lost the game 1 – 0 but they gave it their all and I know they will comeback so strong this Sunday against Sheffield United.

The UEFA Champions League was back this week and to celebrate I gave away a very special prize. It was a signed UEFA Champions League ball and a programme from the final. I met my competition winners at Anfield, and they were so happy to win. It was then time for the match. It wasn’t the result we all hoped for, but we can’t win every game, can we? The game ended 2-0 to Napoli but it was only the first leg, so we are all looking forward to the next one when they come to fortress Anfield!

Have a boss week


LFC Women are back!

13th September 2019

It has been international break this week and Anfield has been very quiet. But over the water at Prenton Park the LFC Women were back to WSL action in their first game of the season against Reading.

I was so excited for the match and made sure I got my shirt ready the day before. I got down early to the match, there were so many people at the game and the weather was ace, everyone was excited and enjoying all the boss activities before the match. It was so cool to see so many young fans at the game and quite a few of them brought their Mini Mighty Plush Toys to watch too!

At half time it was the return of my penalty shootout! Three lucky fans got the chance to try to score past me. Over the Summer holidays I had been practising my goalkeeping skills. My mate Adrían gave me a few tips on how to save a few. They all did so well, and they won one of my special goody bags as a prize!

Even though the Women lost the match everyone was still smiling and having fun! And everyone kept saying how they couldn’t wait for the next match and neither can I.

Two big games this weekend the first team take on Newcastle United in their first match back from international duty, and LFC Women head to the capital, to take on Tottenham Hotspur!

I love having football season back, it’s just the best!

Have a boss week Reds!



Back to School!

6th September 2019


This week it was 106 years since the birth of Bill Shankly.  

Even though I don’t remember Shankly because I’m too young my Dad and other Liverpool FC fans have told me how he changed the club so much and how he brought so much success to the Reds. 

When I am walking round Anfield I sometimes wonder what it would be like to be the manager of Liverpool FC cheering my team on to victory. Just like Klopp and Shankly.  

I went back to school this week. As much as I have loved this summer, I did miss all my friends. It was really fun to be back on the playground and having a kick about with everyone. I played boss, I even scored a hattrick  

Liverpool FC faced Burnley at Turf Moor last week in an amazing game that saw LFC come out on top in a 3-0 win. Bobby and Sadio got on the score sheet to give Liverpool FC the 3 points! That’s now 4 games and 4 wins, which means – We are top of the league! 

While the First team were playing against Burnley the U23’s were in action at Anfield against Manchester City. What a boss atmosphere it was, the lads gave it their all but the match ended 4-1 to City, even though the result wasn’t the best it was great to see the lads back in action, and my mate Brewster getting on the score sheet!

Speak soon Everyone.  



New Season - New Uniform

22nd August 2019

Another week has ‘flown’ by. The Summer holidays are nearly over, it has gone so quick. My Mum took me this week to get my new uniform, I said I didn’t need one because I have my LFC kit and my trainers but she just laughed. 

I saw a few of my mates down at the shops getting their uniforms too. I can’t wait to go back to school because at least I’ll get to see my mates every day. 

On Saturday the Reds took on Southampton at their stadium St. Mary’s. It was a great game and Liverpool FC were playing very well, although they did look quite tired after the extra time they played in the Super Cup, but I don’t think Sadio Mane ever gets tired because he looked as fast as ever! The Reds won the match 2-1 with Bobby Firmino getting the second, Adrian got himself mixed up a little, but we can forgive him because we won the game and he is the hero from Istanbul last week.

I’m going to make sure I make the most of my holidays that I have left. I have loads coming up to get excited about, starting this weekend with Arsenal coming to Anfield in the Premier League.

Hope you all have a boss week. 


Super Cup winners

16th August 2019


I honestly can't believe we are already adding another trophy to the cabinet! I think we are going to need more space soon, don’t you?

Watching Henderson lift a trophy will never get old! It was a nervous one though, I watched the whole game. Mum let me stay up because it was school holidays and because it was such a big match – The UEFA Super Cup!

Mane played amazing, two really good goals to take it to penalties and the boys came out on top. Didn’t Adrian play amazing too? Hopefully Liverpool FC can keep winning and I can keep posting about winning trophy’s!  

First game of season – Liverpool FC vs Norwich. Now that was a fun one too. I could hardly sleep the night before I was so excited. To see my beloved Liverpool FC back under the Anfield lights again battling for the Premier League. I could feel the energy as soon as I walked through the doors, screaming fans and excited players. 

It didn’t take long for us to get underway, with an own goal from Norwich City in the seventh minute. Then Salah was next on the score sheet! Followed closely by big Virgil, then Divock to put the game to bed! They did get one back but it was too late. We won 4-1! Great start to the season for us. 

So much football but I have made time to meet more new friends this week too! Starting with friends I met at Anfield on my special Family Tour. Then it was back to Anfield for the Red Neighbours breakfast club. I helped with a raffle and I also did a lot of dancing.

I love spending so much time at Anfield in the school holidays, if my mum and dad would let me, I would happily live there. But I don’t think they will, so it can just stay being my second home for now.

Hope you’re enjoying your time off school too.


Here we go again – The 2019/20 season begins

9th August 2019


Pre- Season was boss!

We visited four different countries meeting Reds from all over the world. Starting at Prenton Park and Tranmere Rovers, heading over the Pennines to face Bradford City. Then heading across the pond to the USA for a 3 stop tour in Notre Dame, Boston and finishing in New York. Then we headed north of Liverpool to Murrayfield in Edinburgh and making one final stop in Geneva.

By the end of all this touring round my wings sure were tired, but what an incredible time I had. On my travels I was very busy meeting lots of new friends at so many different events from Soccer Schools and open training, to matchdays for both the men and women’s team. In Boston I headed over to the Boston Children’s Hospital to hand out some gifts.

Matchdays were very special for me, hearing ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’ sung by thousands of fans at the other side of the world is something I will never forget. I really did feel sorry for the lads at the time though, because it was 43 degrees Celsius at some matches it got too much for me and all my feathers, so I can’t imagine how the players must have felt.

I met a couple of my mascot mates too. In Notre Dame I met Emma Bee from Borussia Dortmund who I saw last year, it was great to see her again and I even got to fill her friendship book out which was cool! And in New York I met the Sporting Lisbon mascot Jubas, he was well cool. He had huge spikey hair, we swapped shirts on the pitch, and the shirt looks boss on my wall.

Next up we travelled to Murrayfield in Scotland, although the result wasn’t the best the day was unbelievable. Made better by the one and only Jamie Webster singing from the roof of the stadium the whole crowd were cheering, screaming and singing at the top of their voices.

Pre-Season was just incredible and I’ve made memories that will last a lifetime, but I didn’t have long to wait before the Reds were back in England and back in action. I got back from Geneva was home for a day then it was Wembley for the Community Shield against Manchester City. It was an early start, but I wasn’t tired at all. How could I be, I was too excited. I love Wembley and is always incredible to be there seeing it full of Reds. The game really was a game of two halves and the second belonged to Liverpool FC. We had so many chances to win the game, but we just couldn’t find the goal. In the end it went to penalties with City winning but I was very happy with how the lads played in that second half and it got me so excited for tonight’s Premier League opener against Norwich City, hopefully the Reds can get off to a winning start!

Speak soon Reds



International Football

5th July 2019


There has been no rest for some of the players over the past few weeks, with so much more football happening across the world, and our Reds tearing it up for their countries, here’s what some of our players have been up to and how they’ve been doing.

Alisson Becker and Bobby Firmino have been in action for Brazil helping them reach the final of the Copa America. Bobby grabbed two goals, one of them coming against Argentina in the semi-final.

Alisson Becker is literally a wall, he has now kept a clean sheet in his last 9 matches, no one has scored against Alisson in over 810 minutes of football, although he hasn’t let me take a shot against him because he knows I would definitely score.

Liverpool FC Women’s Christie Murray played in all 3 World Cup Games for Scotland, bossing the midfield. Scotland were really unlucky not to qualify to the knockout stages, but Christie did the Reds proud.

Earlier on in June we had the UEFA Nations League and 5 Reds were on show for their countries.

Virgil van Dijk and Gini Wijnaldum for the Netherlands. They reached the final losing out to Portugal in a really close game.

Trent Alexander-Arnold and Jordan Henderson appeared for England while Xherdan Shaqiri was also representing Switzerland, the two teams met in the third-place playoff which England won 6-5 on penalties.

And yet another set of Reds are in action at the African Cup of Nations. Mo Salah and Egypt are through to the knockouts with the Egyptian King grabbing two goals

Sadio Mane is playing for Senegal who are also through to the knockout stages and Mane has bagged two goals as well.

Guinea are also through to the knockout stages, with Naby Keita taking to the field for them.

I’m hoping they all do boss in their final few matches, but I can’t wait to have them back for Pre-Season soon!

Have a boss week Reds hope you are all in training ready for Pre-Season, I know I am!



Summer Holidays Incoming

1st July 2019


The Summer holidays are nearly here!

The concerts have now finished at Anfield and the team are hard at work getting the stadium ready for the new season. It was so strange seeing Anfield looking so different. Loads of my friends went to watch P!nk last week and they said she was boss. She was flying around the ground on ropes, I saw the video, it was amazing, she looked like the Spider camera they use at the footie matches.

Pre-Season Tour is fast approaching, and I really need to start getting ready for it, I always leave my packing to the last minute and usually forget everything. I am so excited to be heading across ‘the pond’ to the USA. I always like looking on a map and figuring out where we will be going.

It was another huge week for the Reds, as we made our first signing of the Summer, 17 year old Sepp van den Berg from PEC Zwolle. Here are a few facts on our brand-new signing,

Name: Sepp van den Berg

Age: 17

Birthday: 20/12/2001

Place of birth: Zwolle, Netherlands

Position: Centre Back (He used to be a winger)

I can’t wait to see Sepp in action, I just know he is going to be a quality signing, and he has the best teacher to learn from in big Virgil van Dijk.

In other first team news, Alisson Becker now is our official number 1 taking the shirt number from Loris Karius who is still on loan at Besiktas. And ‘the Ox’ Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain is taking over the number 15 from Daniel Sturridge. I can’t wait to see the squad back in training for the new season.

I hope you are all just as excited as me to finish school and get to enjoy Pre-Season.

Have a boss week Reds



2019-20 Fixture Release

14th June 2019


Hi Reds,

How’s your week been?

As always, I have been keeping very busy, what with school and getting ready for my end of year show, this year we are doing a talent show, so I have been practising my footy skills non-stop! I wanted to do singing and dancing, but my teacher said I was singing too loud, so I decided to just do my football tricks.

On Tuesday I was at Arnot St Mary’s primary school with my mates from the LFC Foundation to take part in a special assembly. The assembly was all about aspirations. Having aspirations is about setting yourself a high goal and trying to achieve it. We played a game, where I had to act out a job and the children had to try to guess what job I was acting out, my acting must have been very good because the children guessed them all! I acted: footballer, chef, groundsman, steward and coach. It was a really fun assembly and we even had another very special guest visit us as well. The European Cup paid us a visit, everyone was so excited to see it even the teachers.

The season has only just finished and already the fixtures are out for next season. We found out that we will be playing newly promoted Norwich City on a Friday night to open the 2019/20 Premier League season. The first Merseyside derby of next season is the 4th of December and I already can’t wait! I am counting down the days to next season, I am crossing each day off, and I even got my Dad to print me off the fixtures to put them on my wall.

Have a look at them here.

Now, I am looking forward to finishing school for the Summer and getting to see the Reds on Pre-Season Tour!

Hope you all have a boss week!



Allez Allez Hurray

7th June 2019

What a week it has been!

I just can’t stop thinking about that moment Jordan Henderson lifted the UEFA Champions League Trophy and made us six-time winners!

I have been talking to my mates from all over the world about where they watched the match and how they celebrated the victory. My friend in Macau, which is in Asia had to stay awake until 3 o’clock in the morning to watch it! He said he was very tired waiting for the match to start, but when the whistle went, he soon woke up! When the match finished, he said people were crying and jumping on tables cheering, he said that he didn’t sleep for a while after because he was so excited.

My other friend from Australia told me that she watched the match just as she woke up in the morning before her breakfast, she didn’t have her breakfast before the match because she was too nervous to eat. She said when Liverpool FC won, her and her Dad jumped into their swimming pool to celebrate.

I love hearing stories about how much people love this club and what they do to celebrate its success. It makes me feel so lucky to be a part of the LFC Family!

Now the season has finished I don’t really know what to do for a month without football at Anfield, but at least I can watch the Women’s World Cup. I can’t wait to be cheering on the Lionesses to victory in France, I really hope they bring the cup home!

Have a boss week Reds


Champions of Europe!

4th June 2019


WE DID IT! Number 6 is home!

I had been waiting like the rest of the LFC Family for Saturday to come around. It seemed to take forever!

Even though I was excited for the match I was very nervous. On Friday before the game I was at the LFC Academy for the annual Membership soccer school! Loads of Mighty Red Members got the chance to come to the Academy and be trained by the boss coaches and experience what it’s like to train like a Liverpool FC player. I got to train a little and help with the presentation!

Then it was Saturday it was the big one! I couldn’t sit still all day my mum kept telling me off for fidgeting all the time, I told her I was too nervous and excited to sit still! We had a barbeque and had a few of my mates at my house to watch the game. The game kicked off, I was just getting myself some juice when everyone started cheering, I ran into the room and it was a penalty to LFC. I couldn’t believe it and within 30 seconds as well. Salah was going to take it. I couldn’t watch I had to put my feathers over my eyes, the whistle went, he ran up and hit the ball Lloris missed it and it went into the goal to make it 1-0. The game was so close neither side wanted to lose the match.

Spurs came close to scoring a few times but for Alisson to make a class save. Everyone looked very tired and there was ten minutes left, we were nearly there. We won a corner, the ball was curled in and wasn’t cleared away, the ball fell to Matip he passed the ball to Origi who hit the ball towards goal, time seemed to go slower than ever, I saw the ball rolling towards the goal, straight into the bottom corner! It was 2-0 and for sure we were going to be European Champions again! When the final whistle blew I was jumping for joy, my Dad was crying. Everyone was so happy!

On Sunday it was time to show the city our brand-new European trophy with the open top bus parade. I decided to do a competition and invite 25 winners to come to my very special parade party. I got there early in the morning to decorate the room, then my winners arrived just in time for the party games. It was boss! There was face painting, candy floss, a raffle and so much more. I was even lucky enough to bring as replica of the UEFA Champion League trophy for people to have a picture with! We were chanting and dancing and we all designed our very own signs to hold up when the players came past on the bus. At around 7pm we headed upstairs to the balcony to watch the team come past. It was incredible seeing them on the bus and how many people came to see them! We had the best view around, the team were all waving to us too. We had the best time ever! When everyone was leaving, I had one final surprise for them, I had got them all a UEFA Champions League football as a souvenir to take away. I had school on Monday, but I wasn’t tired! How can I be tired when we are the Champions of Europe! Again!

Speak soon Reds

Allez Allez Allez     


Rugby Practice

24th May 2019

Hey Reds!

How was your week?

My week has been a little bit different. I was walking round Anfield the other day and noticed it had all changed, there were strange posts on the field and the lines were completely different. Then I remembered that this weekend Anfield will be taken over by Super League for their Magic Weekend. Still, it was strange to see how different Anfield looks without a football pitch.

I went home to tell my family about what I saw, I’ve never been to a rugby match, and I have never really played it. The ball is a very different shape it looks like an egg and it bounces all over the place. Then one day this week I got a message from Wolfie, who is the mascot of the Warrington Wolves. He was asking if I would like to meet up and he would teach me some rugby moves and I could get him ready for their big game against Wigan Warriors this weekend. I was buzzing, I headed over to the Halliwell Jones Stadium in Warrington. I met Wolfie and we headed on to the pitch. I brought along my football for a kick about as well, Wolfie said I had to leave it on the side because today was all about rugby.

We started with kicking practice. The ball was put on a little stand which is called a tee, I was a little confused but Wolfie told me that it was to help get it over the posts, again I was a little confused I thought I had to kick the ball through the goal part of the posts but Wolfie said I had to kick it over the goal. I took a long run up and kicked the ball as hard as I could. The ball went high into the air and sailed straight over the top of the goal, I couldn’t believe it, I did it first time. Wolfie was clapping and cheering.

Next was tackling, Wolfie gave me what is called a tackle pad, it’s like a big cushioned pillow that has two handles that you hold then the other person runs and practises their tackling on the pad. Then we did some passing drills and a bit of running. It was a great day spent in the sunshine learning a new sport. I had so much fun and I really can’t wait for the Magic Weekend now it’s going to be such a boss couple of days.

Hope you have a boss week Reds!


What a Boss Season!

17th May 2019

I can’t believe the Premier League is over for 2018/19. This year has gone so quick.

So, we missed out on the title by one point, we got 97 points, we lost just once in the league the whole year, what an amazing achievement from the lads. I was a bit gutted at full time against Wolverhampton Wanderers on the last game, but that didn’t last long because I knew the lads had given everything, we have played some boss footie all year, and this is just the start for this team. I was and still am so proud to be a Red!

On Saturday I went along to the ‘Run for the 96’ in Stanley Park to meet all the runners taking part in the 5 Kilometre run. There were lots of familiar faces, my mates Robbie Fowler and Ian Rush were there to start the run, even our Chief Executive Peter Moore took part! I carried on cheering the runners as they passed Anfield, everyone did so well, although my wing was sore after all the high fives I got as they went passed.

It wasn’t just the final game of the season for the Premier League this weekend, the LFC Women had their final match of the Women’s Super League and it was a big one, it was a Merseyside Derby against Everton. The sun was shining, and Prenton Park was packed, it was such a boss atmosphere and great to see so many new faces come down to support the Women. They didn’t disappoint as they bossed the game and won 3-1. From what started out as a tough season ended in the perfect way! I can’t wait for next season as the Liverpool FC Women get even better!

Not Long to wait now for the UEFA Champions League Final!

Have a great week Reds 


Dreams to Reality

9th May 2019

If I had a voice, I would have lost it after this week!

I finished school on Friday for a long weekend and I was already excited for the next two games for the Reds.

Saturday seemed to last for ever waiting for the match! I was so impatient, and I thought the game would never happen. My Dad said why not do something to make the time go quicker, so I decided I would do a few activities on the Kop Kids website to keep me entertained.

Sure enough, the time flew by and it was time for kick off against Newcastle United at St. James’s Park. The game was very lively and very open. LFC had control of the game and on 13 minutes Van Dijk headed in from a corner to give the Reds the lead. 20 minutes gone and Newcastle were playing with a bit more confidence and on 20 minutes they equalised. Liverpool FC started again, and once again controlling the match and Salah put the Reds 2-1 up at half time.

The second half was a battle all over the pitch and once again the Magpies equalised through their Venezuelan striker Salomon Rondon (He’s nearly taller than me). The game was so nerve racking I was biting my claws; my Dad was silent. Then on 86 minutes the late goal maestro Divock Origi scored, we were all jumping round the living room hugging each other! The game ended 3-2 and what a game it was!

Now it was the big one on Tuesday. The UEFA Champions League 2nd Leg against FC Barcelona. The Reds were 3-0 down after the first game, and they had the impossible task of having to score 4 goals against one of the best sides in the world and to try stop the best player ever from scoring.

I got to the match early and opened the Family Park. Everyone was having a boss time and there were lots of Barcelona fans around the ground early as well. Any other fans would be there just to enjoy the match. Not Liverpool FC fans, we were hopeful, we knew that this tie wasn’t over until the final whistle and that the players would do everything the could to not only win this match but get the four goals needed.

The atmosphere was indescribable, we the fans, knew we had just as much responsibility as the 11 players on the pitch. ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’ played – the noise was deafening. The players emerged from the tunnel and the game kicked off.

LFC started the match brilliantly, a long ball from Matip caused confusion in the Barcelona defence and Mane picked up the ball picked out Henderson whose shot was parried by the keeper only for Origi to tap the ball in! COMEBACK ……….. ON!

Halftime came and Andy Robertson had to go off injured, up steps Gini Wijnaldum from the bench. The second half started how the first finished with LFC bossing the game. All of a sudden, the ball was crossed from the right, Wijnaldum was racing in and fired the ball into the back of the net 2-0 after 54 minutes. We were all celebrating so much. But, next thing, just 2 minutes later Shaqiri played the ball in and it was WIJNALDUM AGAIN! 3-0! Anfield erupted!

Time was ticking on and Liverpool FC were still in control at 3-0 the game was heading for extra time, Alexander-Arnold sprinted down the right side and wins a corner. Everyone in the ground switched off waiting for the corner, when next thing Trent kicks the ball in early everyone else wasn’t even looking, all except Origi who volleys the ball into the back of the net! No one was quite sure what happened, but the referee called a goal we were 4-0 up, and no one can believe it!

The final five minutes of extra time seemed to last a life time, people couldn’t watch they were looking to the skies, and through the cauldron of noise a piercing whistle from the referee could be heard. Players were hugging each other the Barcelona players fell to their knees! There were people crying all around me. It was the greatest thing I have ever seen on and off the pitch! The players left their blood sweat and tears on the field.

The players all lined up were together with the Kop singing You’ll Never Walk Alone was the most unbelievable moment that I, along with millions of other LFC fans will never forget.


Madrid the Reds are coming!


No better way to travel to school

2nd May 2019


Hey Reds,


I'm obviously having fun because time is flying!


This week I have been showing off my new car. A few weeks ago you may remember I organised a colouring competition for my mates and other LFC fans to help design my new car, it could be any colour and any design they wanted! I saw so many great designs and it was really really hard to choose which one was the best, but in the end I thought my mate Grace's design was the best. It was all different colours and it looked boss! Because Grace won my 'Car Design Competition' she won loads of boss prizes, she got a very special message from LFC Player Trent Alexander-Arnold, she also received a behind the scenes look of the car being design been put together, and last but not least she won a very special ride to school in my car. What a morning it was - I met her at the gates and then she showed me her classroom, she was the talk of the school, and so she should be after designing the best car in the world!


On Friday, LFC were back at home for the second to last home game of the season against Huddersfield Town. It was also a very special game as we had some very special guests from Super League in the family park, they even brought along the Super League trophy. The match was incredible - I had just left the side of the pitch heading to my seat when the roar of Anfield stopped me, fifteen seconds in and Naby Keita had put the Reds one up. The game was a white wash with the Reds winning the match 5-0!


On Tuesday, I made the long journey from Liverpool all the way down to Somerset. I was there to meet Noah, an LFC Mighty Red Member who had a won a competition through his membership to receive a drive to school and assembly with myself! He was picked up in the morning with his mate and was drove to his school, he saw all his mates and it definitely caused a stir in the town. I was waiting at the gates for him with loads of boss LFC goodies. Then it was time for my assembly, the kids were taught my Supermovers dance the 'Liverpool Bounce' and they all smashed it. It was so cool getting to visit another place around the U.K and it makes you realise how well supported this club is around the U.K and all over the world!


Hope you all have a boss week!





Hot Sun and Easter Fun

26th April 2019


Hi Reds,

What a busy week I have had! It has been non stop and full steam ahead! I think I may have eaten a bit too much chocolate over Easter

This week I made a very special trip all the way to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia for another LFC World event. It was incredible, to meet LFC fans from a different part of the world. You really get to see how well supported this club is all over the globe! I met up with a couple of my mates and LFC Legends, Sami Hyypia, Jason McAteer and Steve McManaman. There was so much to do, penalty shootouts, shooting drills, footie freestylers and even cheerleaders.

I went a long with a few of LFC’s coaching team and helped them with the Soccer Schools. It was Boss being involved, meeting all the players and helping with the presentations at the end. There were definitely some future stars there for sure! It was very hot though I’m glad I took more than a few LFC shirts with me as they all got a little sweaty!

On Saturday I made it back to Anfield in time for my Stadium Tour Easter Special. It was ace to see so many people on the Tour, I was playing loads of games and I was being a little mischievous, hiding things around the stadium. Everyone was having so much fun, I even got given loads of Easter cards as well which I was really happy about!

Sunday, I watched the match with my family. The Reds were taking on Cardiff away from home, it was a very tense match, Liverpool FC were playing some great football and had a few chances, but we just couldn’t finish it with a goal. Cardiff City were holding strong until a corner kick which was miss kicked in to the area and Wijnaldum cracked the ball as hard as he could in to the back of the net, giving the Cardiff keeper no chance. The Reds took control and sealed the win from the penalty spot with Milner scoring.

Can’t wait to see what next week brings

Speak soon Reds


Holiday Fun

12th April 2019

It has been a few late nights for me this past week, but my mum said it was ok to stay up a little later than usual because the Reds were playing, and I am off school because of the Easter holidays.

I have had a boss week off school so far I have been out so much with my mates, playing footie and practising my skateboarding, I still need a little more practise though I fell off and bruised my feathers a little but I was very brave, I dusted myself down and got back on the board again. I have been a little bit tired this week with the couple of late nights I had watching football

Starting on Friday night when the Reds took on Southampton, I had my tea that my Mum cooked it was a Birdfeed pie, it was delicious and made me ready for the match. We all got our shirts on ready for the game apart from my brother Little Liver and sister Ruby Red they’re a little too young to stay up too late, so they went to bed. I was so excited for the game to kick off, I made sure I sang ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’ as the lads were walking out, I always sing very loud I hope the heard me all the way down in Southampton because the neighbours could definitely hear me.

The game was boss. I was very nervous to start with especially when the Saints took the lead. But the Boys stayed calm and focused and really took control of the game. Naby Keita equalised for the reds with his first Premier League goal for Liverpool. I thought the game was heading for a draw, but then Salah picked up the ball in his own half, he turned and sprinted with the ball left and right he moved, he was quicker than the wind, he got to the edge of the box the defender slides from the left and Mo hits it to the right, the ball flew past the goalkeeper to give the reds the lead. What a finish it was as well no goalkeeper in the world would have saved it. The game was over 6 minutes later when our skipper Jordan Henderson grabbed the third goal and you could see how much it meant to him and also the travelling fans. the game ended 3-1 and what a result and amazing to be bringing the 3 points back home.

Tuesday it was the Champions League Quarter Finals first leg against FC Porto at Anfield. I got to the ground nice and early to open the Family Park and also practice my footie skills on the shooting range and the foot pool pitch. The atmosphere was great and everyone was enjoying the evening. I met lots of fans from Porto and they were ace they taught me how to say thank you in Portuguese – here goes “Obrigado”. The game went exactly how I wanted it to, LFC dominating the game and winning it 2-0 with Keita getting yet another goal and Firmino getting the second. I cant wait for the second leg in a couple of weeks.

Hope you all have a boss week Reds, speak to you all next week


Back in Boston

5th April 2019


What a busy but boss week I have had!

On Friday I headed across the pond all the way to Boston for the NBC Premier League Morning event being held there! I had been so excited to go back to Boston. I have been once before, and I loved it so much. On Saturday I went out and explored Boston. I took a quick trip to Fenway Park home of the Boston Red Sox, their stadium is boss, I saw the famous green monster wall they have but didn’t manage to find Wally the Red Sox mascot.

On Sunday it was matchday against Tottenham Hotspur, I headed to the NBC street event early so I could meet all the fans before the match, I couldn’t believe how many fans were already there, there were fans from every Premier League team. Before kick-off I bumped into a very special guest, he is a huge Liverpool FC fan, he has a massive Mohican it was none other than WWE Superstar Sheamus! He was gigantic, I rarely meet people who are taller than me but he was. We did his trademark tag team entrance I was so excited the fans were screaming and cheering. It was a dream come true to get to meet him, but to do his entrance with him was a once in a lifetime opportunity!

The game was very open both teams really wanting to win the match, Liverpool FC took an early lead through Bobby Firmino. After the goal Spurs seemed to come alive playing some great football, in the second half Tottenham’s pressure paid off and they equalised. The match was heading for a draw ninety minutes were up, but one thing Liverpool FC never do is give up, they kept going right till the end, a late ball in to the box by Trent was headed goalward by Salah which Lloris could only push onto the legs of his defender and the ball ended up in the back of the net to give L a massive win and a huge three points.

Speak soon Reds

Have a great week



‘Football School’

29th March 2019


Hi Reds!

How was your week?

Since my last blog I have been keeping busy as always. On Saturday it was the big one, the match I have been waiting for for a long time, it was the LFC Foundations Legends game and wow was it a big one. It was the rematch of that famous 2005 Champions League Final between LFC Legends and AC Milan.

All the legends were back for the match and it was incredible to see some of the biggest names in world football playing at Anfield. The stadium was full, and the atmosphere was incredible. The match finished 3-2 to the LFC Legends, with Gerrard getting the winning goal in injury time, somethings never change, it was such a boss goal as well, it was like he never left.

On Wednesday I was back at Anfield to meet my mates Ben and Spike from ‘Football School’. Red Neighbours and the LFC Foundation had organised for pupils from local schools to come and take part in the special assembly. We learnt lots of cool things from geography to drama, all using football. I got invited up to do some samba dancing and to show the other boys and girls my goal celebrations. Joel Matip also came along to answer questions from the boys and girls. While Ben was talking to us, Spike was very busy drawing and he even drew me scoring a goal and he let me keep it to take home to show my family, it was so cool everyone had the best day and we all learnt so much.

It is back to Premier League action this weekend when the First Team take on Tottenham Hotspur at Anfield, and it is also Mother’s Day on Sunday, which reminds me I need to make my Mum a very special card to say thank you for everything she does for me. 

Have a boss week Reds




The One Show gets to see my Super Moves

22nd March 2019

What an experience this week has been. I travelled down to London on Tuesday ahead of a huge live performance on ‘The One Show’ on Wednesday! I had been invited down by the Supermovers team. They had set local schools a boss task of creating 3 goal celebrations, and the winning celebrations would feature live on television, performed by 40 other club mascots from around the country.

Wednesday I was in rehearsals all day practising my moves to make it perfect on the night! I was having a boss time, I even got picked to be the bowler of the bowling ball celebration I was so excited!

We did a dress rehearsal at the studio! I’d seen it so many times on tele (my mum and dad always watch the One Show) it was a lot smaller than I thought it would be. I got to meet Matt Baker who is the host of the One Show and also Karen Clifton and AJ Pritchard who are from Strictly Come Dancing they were helping me get my moves perfect! 

We all smashed the rehearsals, there was just enough time for me to grab some birdseed before we were performing for real. The lights came up the director gave us the 30 second count down, I was so nervous but very excited as well! 

The music started and that was it. I was performing live on The One Show in front of millions of people. I was having the best time, everyone did so well! What a boss experience, the crowd went wild. There was lots of hugs and high fives all round for the unbelievable achievement. Michael Ball who was doing a live performance too. Me and my mate Filbert the Fox, Leicester City’s mascot, waited around to watch him perform he was great, my Mum loves him! I even got to meet him and have a picture with him. I told him it was for my mum, I hope she frames the picture! He was a very nice man and spoke to us for a little bit. 

After I got back to my hotel I realised how tired I was, it had been an amazing and unbelievable, once in a lifetime experience but wow was I tired! 

Time to rest my feathers before another once in a lifetime experience at the Legends game on Saturday! 

Have a boss week Reds 


Hold onto your hats it’s about to get exciting (and it’s windy)

15th March 2019


Where has this week gone? Time is flying by, probably because I have been so busy.

This week I have been helping my mates from the LFC Foundation with a couple of their assemblies. The first assembly was to raise awareness about mental health. I had been feeling a bit down before the assembly because the weather was bad, and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to play out with my mates. So, I was a little bit sad when I got to the school. but after hearing all the things the LFC Foundation were saying about always being positive and supporting each other I soon felt better.

I love getting to go to different schools and meeting loads of new mates.

It was a busy week of football as well, it was back at Anfield on Sunday as we welcomed Burnley in the Premier League, I was up early but I was wide awake with excitement. I got to the stadium early to welcome a very special fan who was chosen to open the Family Park. the atmosphere was incredible. A freak goal for Burnley in the first couple of minutes straight from a corner and Burnley were 1-0 up, but the fans didn’t get upset or feel down they started to sing louder than ever and the lads who were probably feeling a little low at that time picked themselves up and went to win the game, and that is exactly what they did. The match finished 4-2 with Firmino and Mane both getting two goals.

On Wednesday night it was the second leg of the Champions League round of 16 against Bayern Munich. Unfortunately, because of school I wasn’t allowed to go to Germany. But I was able to get a ticket to watch the match at the very special away screening at Anfield, we all got to sit in the Kop and watch the match on the big screens it was boss! The game was very tense, but the lads were so good. We won the match 3-1 and are now through to the Quarter Finals. I can’t wait to see who we get in the next round.

Onto the weekend for two more crucial games, first on Sunday for the first team against Fulham at Craven Cottage, and the huge Women’s F.A Cup clash between the Liverpool FC Women and Manchester City Women on Sunday. Hoping for wins all round I certainly have my feathers crossed!

Have a great week Reds.



Help me design my new car!

8th March 2019


Hey Reds,

What’s happening? Hope you have all had a great week and been up to loads of fun things.

This week my Mum took me and my sister Ruby Red to the park, it was so much fun we were playing for ages. I took my football of course and was passing the ball to Ruby, I was showing her how to do keepy ups, my record is 12, she was very good she could do 4. I told her to keep practising and she will get better and be able to do more just like me! As we were heading home it started to rain very heavily, we all laughed at how wet we were, it wasn’t too bad though because we had our coats.

On Tuesday it was Shrove Tuesday which is also known as Pancake Day. I love pancake day so much. I love making the pancakes and then helping my Mum try to flip them in the pan. It took some practice, I dropped the first one on the floor so we had to make another one. When they were ready I chose the topping for mine, I went with chocolate spread, strawberries and squirty cream yummy, although I didn’t eat that many because I didn’t want to make myself poorly.

On Monday I had a very special announcement, I launched a competition where I need help from young LFC fans to help me design my new car. It can be any colour and design you want. The winners design ideas will be on my car for two years and it will even have their name on the side. If you fancy getting involved and helping me, and the chance of winning this boss prize click here to find out how you can get involved and what you need to do.

Pitch Talk:

It was a very tense Merseyside Derby on Sunday, the lads gave it everything they had but the match ended in a 0-0 draw, we didn’t lose which was the main thing and we are still in the fight on to Burnley at the weekend where I am sure the lads will come back strong and make Anfield roar!

Have a boss week Reds and  good luck with the competition!


Breakfast Clubs and Stadium Tours

4th March 2019


Hope you all enjoyed the rest of your half term I know I did! 

On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I was invited to the Red Neighbours Breakfast Clubs at Anfield. the Red Neighbours welcomed 250 children to Anfield to have a free healthy breakfast. They also had the chance to win lots of prizes on the raffle which they asked me to do the draw for, that was very exciting, and they even got to do a tour of the Stadium!

Speaking of Stadium Tours, on Saturday I made my first special appearance of the year on the Anfield Stadium Tour. It was so busy, and everyone was having a boss time playing all the games getting their faces painted for free and winning gifts from myself. Can’t wait for my next one now, it’s only a month away and I am already excited.

On Wednesday it was matchday and Watford were in town, the atmosphere at Anfield was electric, and the players definitely felt it. Straight from kick off they looked fired up, and grabbed an early goal through Sadio Mane, and eleven minutes later he scored again with a quality back heel which left everyone speechless. The flood gates opened and LFC ran out 5-0 winners with Van Dijk getting 2 goals and Origi getting the other. It was a boss performance 

Have a boss week Reds


The Liverpool Way and future stars

22nd February 2019


Hey Reds,

Hope you all had a great week, I know I have!

On Monday I went to the LFC Academy to meet loads of new mates who were attending a special Soccer School, its ace they get to go and see what it is like to train like a Liverpool FC player and are taught The Liverpool Way. It was great meeting them all and getting to watch them train, there are definitely some future stars in that group.

Tuesday it was back to UEFA Champions League action for the First Team, they took on Bayern Munich at Anfield. It was a very special game for me because my mate Bernie, the Bayern Munich Mascot, came to visit. I got to show him all around Liverpool and more importantly Anfield. It was great to see my pal from Germany, he was telling me all about his team and how they were doing in the German Bundesliga, and I was telling him about how the Mighty Reds were doing in the Premier League. I was so excited for the match, I told Bernie to make sure to be in his seat before kick-off to hear ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’. He said the atmosphere was one of the best he had ever experienced, it made me appreciate how lucky I am to be able to support LFC.

The game was very exciting, and very end to end, the boys did everything they could apart from score. The match ended 0-0 and we go to the Allianz Arena in a few weeks’ time, where I am sure the lads will get the win and we will be in the draw for the next round. I can just feel it in my feathers! It’s a busy week ahead, starting with Sunday and Manchester United away. Let’s do this! 

Have a boss week Reds!



Lots of cup action

18th February 2019


It has been so quiet around Anfield this week with the lads out in Marbella doing some training out there, but it wasn’t all quiet as I had my end of term disco at school. It was boss I got to show all my mates my dance moves and goal celebrations, it was so much fun! 

It’s now the holidays for me this week and I can’t wait to not have to get up early in the morning more importantly I can stay up late and watch the Champion League game against Bayern Munich on Tuesday. I will get to see Bernie who is the Bayern Munich Mascot before the match, I can’t wait to show him around Anfield, I’m sure he will love it! 

It has been a week full of cup action for the Liverpool FC Women. Last Sunday they took on MK Dons in the F.A Cup, it was a brilliant game and full of goals! The Women won the game 6-0 with Jemma Purfield making her debut and scoring a boss goal! 

Sunday just gone it was cup action once again at Prenton Park when they took on Millwall Lionesses for a chance to make it to the quarter finals of the Women’s F.A Cup it was a tight game, but the Women were just too good for the Lionesses winning 2-0. I can’t wait to see who they’ll face in the next round. It was also a very special game for our right back Satara Murray who was playing her last game for the Reds after four years with the club. We will miss her very much. Thanks for the memories Satara! 

Busy week ahead! Hope you all have a boss week!



Stay Safe Online

8th February 2019

This week I was invited, along with over 500 children from local schools around the Liverpool, to attend a very special assembly at Anfield to celebrate ‘Safer Internet Day’. We all learned about how to stay safe online and always being ‘SMART’ while we are surfing the web. I learnt so much, I feel like I will be safer and think a lot more about what I do online and who can see all of my personal details. But the main thing I learnt was to always make sure I speak to an adult about anything I am unsure about while online.

To make ‘Safer Internet Day’ even better, we had four special visitors, Kirsty Linnet, Leigh-Anne Robe, Rhian Brewster and Robbie Fowler all came and talked to us about their experiences in football and also how they stay safe online. It was great listening to their stories and being able to get a picture with them at the end! 

On Monday night Liverpool FC travelled all the way to the London Stadium the home of West Ham United. A win would have taken the Reds five points clear at the top of the table. The lads started well and took the lead in 22 minutes, but unfortunately, we couldn’t quite make it over the line to come away with the three points as West Ham grabbed an equaliser, but it still wasn’t a defeat. We move on to the weekend when we play against AFC Bournemouth at home and we’ll be looking to get back to winning ways.

Have a great week Reds


Competition Winners

1st February 2019


Wow this week went quick! Non-stop action with the First team and Women in action under the flood lights.


Firstly, not to talk about the weather again, but wow has it been cold! And all the snow, it was boss making some snow men, but the day after when it was very icy I didn't like it as much, we had to have wet play time at school so we couldn't go outside and play footie. I was walking home I slipped over as well which was very embarrassing but I just pretended I was doing a dance which everyone found very funny - I just went a little bit more red than I usually am. I got home and my Mum had made me a big bowl of Scouse to keep me warm!


Is there anything better than watching mid-week football under the floodlights? To make things even better we had two games this week. First of all, on Monday LFC Women took on West Ham at Prenton Park, they were looking to make it two wins in two games. It was a very tough game with each side having chances to take the lead. Anke Preuss was on top form in goal making an acrobatic save to keep the scores level. Laura Coombes, who was celebrating her birthday this week, hit a shot from outside the box - it hit the crossbar and looked like it was in but the officials didn't give the goal. That didn't stop us though, in the second half, Coombes was in action again, this time running down the wing and crossing the perfect ball into our number 9 Sweetman-Kirk to tap in to make it 1-0 to the Women. The full time whistle went and the LFC Women got that well deserved 3 points!


LFC welcomed Leicester to Anfield on Wednesday looking to go seven points clear at the top of the table. Before the match, I met with the matchday ambassador competition winners. They were selected to walk out with the team before the game. They were all very excited and all looked boss in their new LFC kits. They all did a class job, I even got to see them on the pitch as well. The weather really was extreme before the game! The snow came down so much that Anfield was covered on and off the pitch, and the groundsman were hard at work trying to clear as much snow as possible before kick off.  From the start, The Reds looked fired up and straight away LFC went 1-0 up with Mane getting the goal to make Anfield roar. It was a very tough game and Leicester fought back and grabbed a goal just after half-time through Harry Maguire. We tried everything but just couldn't get the ball in the net. The game ended 1-1, which wasn't what we wanted but it was another point, we go 5 points clear and still top of the league!


Have a great week Reds!





Happy Birthday Bob Paisley

25th January 2019


We finally got snow in Liverpool! Although there was not a lot of snow it was still boss. It was play time at school and me and my mates were trying to make snowballs but there wasn’t enough, so we were just trying to catch as many snowflakes as we could.

This week me and my mates from the LFC Foundation went to meet all the girls and boys at Our Lady of the Sea primary school. The LFC Foundation were teaching all of us about being active and eating healthy and how it can help us every day, and how eating healthy things can make us feel better and energised but also finding ways to be more active when doing day to day things, so rather than playing football on my games console I always make sure I go and play real football with my mates and it makes me feel great.

Last week was the first home game of the New Year for the LFC first team. It felt like ages ago since the last home game, I was so excited for the match and meeting everyone before the game. I got to the stadium nice and early, I always like to get there early and soak up the electric atmosphere before a match. I love matchday and getting to meet people from all over the world it really interests me how big and well supported LFC is across the world.

The match was so exciting, and there were so many goals. The match ended 4-3 with Liverpool FC getting the win, I couldn’t believe I saw that many goals it was fantastic! And what was even better, we are still top of the Premier League! After the match I was so tired after all that cheering and jumping around, I went home and had a lie down.

Before the kick off there was a special mosaic made in the Kop in celebration of the most successful English manager of all time and our old manager Bob Paisley, he would have been celebrating his 100th birthday. What a legend he was, he brought so much success to this football club.

Happy Birthday Bob Paisley!

Bob Paisley Honours:

European Cups: 3             League Titles: 6                 League Cups: 3

UEFA Cups: 1

The lads have a week off now but the LFC Women are back in action on Monday night when they take on West Ham United at Prenton Park, I hope to see lots of you there!

Have a great week Reds and wrap up warm!



Meeting and Greetings

18th January 2019


How’s it going Reds? I hope you’ve all had a boss week. I am just about back in the swing of getting up early, even if it is still dark and cold outside when I wake up.

This week I have been visiting a few schools around Liverpool, meeting lots of friends old and new.

I visited my friends at Hey Green, Holy Name and Our Lady St. Philomena’s Junior and Infants school. This week we were talking about pen pals and how we communicate with people all over the world who don’t always speak the same language. We learnt that in different countries people greet one another in different ways. In England people usually greet each other with a handshake but in South Korea they would bow to each other, or the old traditional Maori warriors of New Zealand would put their heads together to greet each other. I have loads of mates around the world and love learning about the different countries and cultures.

It was back to winning ways for both the LFC First Team and the Liverpool FC Women. Firstly, the lads took on Brighton & Hove Albion, I was wishing so hard that they would get the win, it sounded like a real tough match and I was very nervous the whole way through the game until my Dad shouted ‘Penalty!’. Up stepped Salah to make it 1-0 and that’s when I knew we would win the game!

Liverpool FC Women made the long journey to the south of England to Yeovil in Somerset. The Women played their socks off the whole match, Sweetman-Kirk scored a ‘Pen’ to make it 1-0 but Yeovil equalised just after half time. One thing that I have always been taught by my friends and coaches here at LFC is resilience. Which means to keep going and be determined, even when things might not be going well, and that’s exactly what the women did they stayed resilient and sure enough their determination paid off and with the last kick of the game Sweetman-Kirk fired in the winner, I cheered so loud they could probably have heard me down in Yeovil!

I was so happy for both the men and women getting the wins, it motivated me to have a great week!

See you next time Reds, have a boss week!



Non-stop football action

11th January 2019


This week I started back at school after the Christmas holidays. It was very hard waking up early again and getting ready for school, but once I got there and saw all my friends I was soon awake and excited to be back. I was showing off my new bag that I got from Santa, everyone was telling me how nice it looked on my back.

Since my last blog quite a lot has happened on the pitch, we played Manchester City in the Premier League and the lads gave everything but unfortunately, we lost the game 2-1. I was a bit downhearted but like my Dad said, ‘We are still top of the league Mighty, so keep that chin up.’ We then went to Wolverhampton Wanderers on Monday in the FA cup, we lost the match which was a shame, but it was ace to see so many young lads making the team. Rafael Camacho and Curtis Jones made their full debuts and Ki-Jana Hoever came on after six minutes when Lovren got injured. I was so happy to see them play their first matches and it made me even more determined to follow in their footsteps. I know I must keep practising and trying my hardest and one day I may be playing for the Reds.

On Sunday I went to Prenton Park to see the Liverpool FC Women play their first game of 2019 against Brighton & Hove Albion Women. I have missed going to see the Women play over Christmas time. Before the match I met with some very special VIP’s that had come all the way from Ireland to watch the match. They had been invited to be mascots and ball girls for the day, they were all very excited about getting the chance to be on the pitch and watching the Liverpool FC Women play. We lost the match 2-0, but we all had a great day out despite the result.

Have a boss week Reds and make sure you wrap up warm!



Lots of presents, more goals

3rd January 2019


I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year!

Christmas was amazing I got loads of presents from Santa. I made sure I left him some mince pies and milk, but I also made sure he wasn’t going to be cold for his busy evening, by leaving him a Liverpool FC scarf as well. I’m sure he must have been wearing it on Boxing Day because we won against Newcastle United. It was a great game and there were lots of goals to cheer at. The game finished 4-0 with Lovren, Salah, Shaqiri and Fabinho all getting goals. 

There was only just a little bit of time after Boxing Day to play with all my toys because it was back to Anfield for the huge game against Arsenal. The atmosphere was electric, we made the worst possible start with Arsenal scoring after eleven minutes. It was a real blow to us, but the crowd started to sing and get behind the team and three minutes later Bobby Firmino equalised and then almost straight after he scored again to make it 2-1 Liverpool FC. LFC were class and bossed Arsenal all over the pitch the game ended an amazing 5-1 to the Reds, and to make things even better Firmino got his hat-trick!

I had the best New Year’s Eve, we had a party at our house and I got to stay up very late and watch all the fireworks! It was so much fun we all counted down from 10 to 1 and wished each other a happy New Year, my mum told me to make a wish for the New Year which I did, I can’t tell you though because it won’t come true, but I think you can all guess what I wished for.

Have a great week Reds



Christmas is nearly here and I’m feeling festive.

21st December 2018

I’ve been so lucky to have received lots of VIP invites to special parties and I’ve seen some great dance moves along the way! 

After all the dancing it was time for me to rest my wings to make sure I was ready to welcome Napoli and Manchester United to Anfield. I’m glad I had the rest as I used all my energy jumping and signing songs. 2 top games, 2 amazing wins. Check out the table now, what a nice way to start Christmas.

One special moment this week was having the chance to visit friends at Alder Hey. The first team joined me too which really gave everyone a Mighty smile.

I hope you all are smiling and are looking forward to the big day.

Check back here in the New Year to see what I’ve been up to over the festive season! 

Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you all!


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

10th December 2018


This week has been a very exciting one! Not only did I finally get to open my advent calendar, I have also been up to loads of cool stuff! Firstly, last Saturday I started my ‘Retail Roadshow’, throughout December I am going to be visiting LFC stores around the Merseyside and Chester area. Last Saturday I was in the Chester and Birkenhead stores greeting visitors and helping out the team who work in the store I had a go at scanning some items, but I quickly found that I am better at having pictures taken and signing autographs than I am working behind the counter! While I was in Chester I also got to meet Elfie and ChElfie the Chester Christmas elves and I was very lucky to even get to have a picture with them! I made sure I told them to tell Santa about my Christmas list!

On Sunday it was the big one! It was the Merseyside derby against Everton. I always get so excited for this game, but I also get a bit nervous too. Me and my mates had been talking about the game at school because some of them are Everton fans, I said Liverpool FC will obviously win because they are the best! I was at the game and the atmosphere was electric. There were loads of people laughing and joking, Reds and Blues together, but come the kick off friendships were forgotten for ninety minutes. The game was full of passion and neither side wanting to lose the game, Liverpool FC had some great chances to take the lead but couldn’t get the goal.

Alisson Becker made a boss save from a header from Everton’s Gomes to keep it 0 – 0 The Kop was still roaring. One minute left of the game Alexander-Arnold puts a high ball into the box, which is headed to Van Dijk, he miss hits it and it is going over Jordan Pickford’s bar, when all of a sudden Pickford tries to catch the ball keeping it in play, the ball spins out of his hands onto the crossbar and straight to Origi who can’t miss from two yards out. He heads the ball the crowd goes silent for what seems like ages it hits the back of the net, Liverpool FC take the lead and Anfield roars! A roar that will be remembered forever! The game ends 1-0 and the whole of Liverpool is red!

On Tuesday I woke up late for school, and I couldn’t find my trainers. I looked everywhere for them and my Mum was not very happy that I had lost my New Balance shoes. After I finished school I ran over to Anfield to see if I had left them there. As I was walking past the tunnel I found my shoes and a very cheeky elf sitting in them! I couldn’t believe it, one of Santa’s elves had moved my shoes! I set my followers on my social media a task to name the Elf and I had so many suggestions, but my favourite and the winner was Elfield the elf! He’s boss I can’t wait to see where he appears next!

Have a boss week



Football is back

28th November 2018

This week football was back and I was so happy! On Saturday Liverpool FC were playing against Watford, I wasn’t going to the game but I was going to be watching LFCTV for all of the pre match build up. 

But before this, I went along to the stadium on Saturday and I surprised everyone on the Anfield Stadium Tour, we played a few games and I gave away some boss prizes. 

But there wasn’t any time to waste because the game was starting soon! I flew back to my house as quick as I could and Dad was listening to the match on the radio! While I was listening to the game I was pretending I was playing in the match, I had my mini football and was dribbling through the house. I kicked the ball very hard just like Salah did for the first goal and I nearly knocked my Mums flowers over, at that point I thought it would be best to stop playing football in the house like the grownups had told me! 

The match was brilliant it ended 3 - 0 to the Reds, with Salah, Alexander -Arnold and Firmino all scoring! Another boss performance away from home and still keeping the pressure on Manchester City in the Premier League Table. The boys travel to Paris Saint Germain to play in the UEFA Champions League where hopefully we can grab the win! 

On Sunday I was at Prenton Park for another Liverpool FC Women’s game. The women were taking on Birmingham who are flying high in the Women’s Super League so it was always going to be a tough game. At half time I had my penalty shootout, I saved a couple of them which I was made up about, I even got to take one and I obviously scored it! Unfortunately, we lost 2-0 but they played out of their skin, they move on to play the Everton Ladies which will be a fierce game and hopefully they can bring those three points back to the Red half of Merseyside! 

Have a great week Reds 


It’s coming home!

23rd November 2018

The weather has been really cold this week, I was hoping it would snow but it didn’t, I made sure I was wrapped up, I put my scarf and gloves on but somehow I still had a runny beak! 

I was with the LFC Foundation again helping them teach the kids at Florence Melly Community Primary School all about resilience and diversity, it was boss. I was set a challenge by the coaches to try and keep four balls in the air, I gave it my best shot but I couldn’t do it, so a few of my new mates helped me and were all able to keep the balls in the air for ages! It was so much easier to keep the balls in the air being part of a team. 

Pitch talk:

There were no Premier League games this week, but instead England were in action in the UEFA Nations League, Joe Gomez was playing for England and Dejan Lovren started for Croatia. England won the game 2-1 and they are now in the finals that will take place next year. 

Busy week of football ahead, and I can’t wait! 

Have a great week Reds 


Busy Busy Bird

16th November 2018

How was your week Reds? I’ve had a great one. It has been jam packed like usual! First of all it was the match on Sunday against Fulham, I was up very early for this one. I was so excited for the match I woke up at 5 o’clock in the morning, I woke my Dad but he told me to go back to sleep as it was just a little bit too early! I went back to bed and got up at 8am, we headed over to Anfield and I got to meet three other children who had been chosen to open the Family Park. I wanted to know what they thought the score was going to be and they said 3-1, and they nearly got it right! The game ended 2-0 to Liverpool FC with Salah and Shaqiri getting the goals. Shaqiri’s goal was a quality volley, going to be practising that one at footie training!

The match took place on Remembrance Sunday. Remembrance Sunday is a very special day in England but also the world, it symbolises the end of the First World War. Me and the players wore poppies on our shirts to show our respect. This year was the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War, before kick-off there was a minute silence to remember all the men, women and children who lost their lives in the world wars.

Also, this week I have been helping the LFC Foundation coaches with their assemblies. It was Anti Bullying Week and we went to speak to the children all about bullying and the impact it has in people’s lives. If you are being bullied make sure to tell someone, whether it is your teacher, your parents or your footie coaches, things get better when you tell others.

I am looking forward to this week, it is Children in Need this weekend and I teamed up with a few of my mascot mates from other clubs to film a video called ‘Get your ears on’ all about wearing your Pudsey bear ears for charity, have a look at it here

Have a class week Reds


Rockets and Footie

8th November 2018

I have loved this week because we’ve had Halloween and we had bonfire night on Monday as well!

It was boss I got home from school, Mum had made me some soup to make me nice and warm then we all got wrapped up. I put on my coat, gloves and not forgetting my Liverpool FC scarf and we all walked down to the park where there was a firework display! Me and Ruby Red were well excited to see the rockets! In the middle of the park was a big bonfire which made us all nice and warm, but we had to be careful not to stand too close to it, because although Bonfire Night is fun we must always be safe and listen to what the grownups say!

Little Liver was a little scared of the fireworks, but he started laughing when he saw me drawing with my sparkler! After the fireworks we all went home, I went straight to bed because I had school in the morning.

At the weekend Liverpool FC went all the way down to the capital of England, London to play against Arsenal. I knew it was going to be a good game against a good Arsenal team. We played really well, and we got a well-deserved goal from James Milner. It looked like we had the three points in the bag, but Alexander Lacazette had other ideas - he scored in the last 8 minutes and the match ended in a draw. My Dad said it was a very good point to get especially at the Emirates Stadium which is always a tough place to go and win!

On Sunday I went to the Liverpool FC Women’s match at Prenton Park, the Women we’re taking on Manchester City! And at half time two lucky winners got the chance to take penalties against me. I did very well saving quite a few but, my winner must have been practising because some of those pens were unstoppable.

The footie action didn’t stop there, the boys were back in action on Tuesday this time in the Champions League. Liverpool FC went to Red Star Belgrade. The game started well, and Liverpool FC could have taken the lead with Daniel Sturridge missing a chance. Then after twenty minutes disaster! Liverpool FC were two goals down within the space of 7 minutes. The boys came out in the second half and gave it a real fight, but we just couldn’t score! The match ended 2-0 to Red Star Belgrade. I knew it was going to be a hard game because I am sure the lads must be tired playing so many games in just a few days. I know they will come roaring back on Sunday against Fulham!

Hope you all have a boss week Reds!


Halloween Spectacular

2nd November 2018


It was Halloween on Wednesday, and I had a boss time trick or treating! I decided this year I would be a ghost. My mum got an old sheet and cut some eyes and a mouth out. I looked ace and very spooky obviously, though I still wore my Liverpool FC kit and footie boots underneath. I got loads of sweets, but I didn’t eat too many because I didn’t want to get poorly. I wanted to share with Little Liver but my Mum said he was too young to have sweets!

I have been in the Halloween spirit for weeks and this one was no different. I made my Halloween special, appearances on the Anfield Stadium Tour this week, I invited everyone to join me dressed up in their Halloween costumes, we played games and my new friends got loads of treats on the way. I loved seeing all the class costumes, there were witches and wizards, pumpkins and lots of skeletons! I even got to choose a very special winner with the best costume and they won a Mighty Red Officail Membership for this season!

On Saturday LFC took on Cardiff in the Premier League, there was a great atmosphere at Anfield before the game and I couldn’t wait for kick off. I just knew we would score loads of goals and I wasn’t wrong, with the Reds winning the game 4-1 with goals from Salah (2), Mane and Shaqiri. I had a sore throat from all the cheering!

Hope you all have a great week Reds and have a great bonfire night.



Half Term Fun

26th October 2018


It has been half term this week and I have been having lots of fun! On Saturday I was at the Official Members very special away screening of the Huddersfield Town match. Forty lucky Mighty Red Members were invited to Anfield to watch the game, there was also loads of different activities to do. There was a balloon modeller, face painting and my favourite a slime scientist! I made my own slime it smelt like strawberries and of course it was red.

Before kick-off we saw a very special video from the players telling us all to get our scarfs and sing You’ll Never Walk Alone together as loud as we could, we all did it even the grownups, I’m sure the team must of heard us because Liverpool FC won the game 1-0 with Salah getting the only goal of the game!

On Monday it was the LFC Foundation’s Spooky Sensory Walk in Norris Green Park. It was spookily spectacular, there was so much to do and see! There was a graveyard with zombies, I helped put a skeleton back together, I then saw a witch mixing potions in her cauldron! It was boss because you got to get your face painted and pick your own pumpkin to take home and carve!


Pitch talk:

The Liverpool FC Women played on Sunday against West Ham and grabbed another 3 points winning 1-0, Courtney Sweetman-Kirk with only goal of the game.

The first team also had a thumping win in the UEFA Champions League against Red Star Belgrade.

4-0 was the final score with Firmino, Mane getting on the scoresheet and of course Mo Salah with 2 goals. Salah has now scored 50 goals for the club in 65 games! Well done Mo!

Have a great week and I will see you next week to talk all things Halloween



Fast and Furious

19th October 2018


This month is going fast and I’m glad as I can’t wait for Halloween. At the weekend my mum took me and my sister to Prenton Park where Liverpool FC Women secured three points in the FA Women's Super League against Yeovil Town. It was Boss! They’re looking to keep going and build on their win as they try to move up the table when they travel to London to face West Ham United next weekend, where I’m sure they will be brilliant.

Another reason for the week going fast is that I’ve been making lots of new friends at the LFC Academy where loads of schools have been taking part in mini tournaments against one another. I’ve also had loads of entries to win a copy of the LFC edition of PES19 on my Facebook page. I’ve not had much chance to play this week as I’ve had loads of homework to do.

Pitch Talk

The team are at Melwood this week training for the upcoming match against Huddersfield Town on Saturday. I’ll be watching the match at Anfield for a special Away Screening party for LFC Official Junior Members. I can’t wait, it’s going to be so much fun.




Believing is Seeing and ‘Seeing is Believing’

12th October 2018


I have been keeping busy since my last blog post, here is what I got up to this week.

On Tuesday I was super excited because I launched my PES19 competition on my Facebook page. I will be giving away a brand-new copy of the game for PS4, and all people have to do is tell me who they would score three goals against on PES19. I would easily score three goals against my good friend Andy Robertson, but don’t tell him I said that.  I love playing PES but not too much though I prefer to be playing footie for real with my mates in Stanley Park.

On Sunday it was the Manchester City game, I had been so excited for this game and I didn’t sleep much the night before. The game was a very special game because it was the ‘Seeing is Believing’ game. Seeing is Believing is a charity supported by LFC’s main club sponsor Standard Chartered, it is a charity for the blind and visually impaired. I love the game because I get to see my mate Sir SiB he is the Mascot for the charity and every year he comes to visit me at Anfield. This year he even brought me my own special Seeing is Believing shirt it looked boss!

Pitch Talk:

Back to the match is was a very tense game, it looked like neither team wanted to lose the game. The game was getting close to the end and then the worst possible thing happened, a Manchester City penalty. I could not believe it! Up stepped Riyad Mahrez, he had the chance to get City a first win in nearly 15 years at Anfield. Big Alisson Becker stood huge in the goal, I was crossing my feathers and saying to myself ‘miss, miss, miss’. The referee blew his whistle, Mahrez ran up and kicked the ball so high over the crossbar I thought it might have gone out of the stadium! I cheered so loud almost as if we had scored a goal, Mahrez was left with his head in his hands. The game finished 0 – 0 and the Reds are still unbeaten this season. We head into the International break third in the league level on points with City and Chelsea. Good luck to all the Reds on International duty.

Have a boss week Reds



Halftime fun with a side slice of pizza

4th October 2018

On Saturday I went to Anfield to surprise visitors on the Stadium Tour, we played lots of fun games and I got to meet loads of new mates from so many cool places. I met people from the U.S.A, Poland, India and even as far as Australia, it is amazing that LFC are supported all over the world. After meeting all of my new Reds friends I was a little tired but then remembered that the Chelsea game was on and I soon woke up!

I went to the Anfield Beat room in the Main Stand to watch the away screening of the match and it was boss. I love the away screenings at Anfield, they’re always so much fun and there is always loads to do. I did some colouring and ate loads of nice food, and then we had a special guest appearance from LFC Legend Steve McMahon. He told us loads of boss stories about when he played for Liverpool FC, and then I got his autograph - I was buzzing!


Pitch Talk

On Saturday we played Chelsea at Stamford Bridge, I was hoping that we could beat them to make up for Wednesday night. Eden Hazard scored another great goal against us and it was looking like our unbeaten league run was going to end. But super Daniel Sturridge took a shot from well far out and the keeper couldn’t save it and we equalised in the 88th minute. Me and Dad cheered and so did everyone else at the away screening, people were hugging and jumping it was ace! The match ended 1-1 but it felt like a win.

Liverpool FC Women had their first home game of the season on Sunday against Reading at Prenton Park, it was ace finally getting to see the Women play at home this season. There was a cracking atmosphere and at half time one lucky fan got the chance to take a penalty against me. It was a quality pen, but I nearly saved it. I really need to practice my goalkeeping maybe Chris Kirkland can give me some pointers. The game ended 1-0 to Reading but Liverpool FC Women gave everything and will definitely come fighting back!

On Wednesday the Reds flew to Napoli in Italy the home of pizza, for their second game in the UEFA Champions League. The boys didn’t seem able to get going, and in the last minute of the game Napoli’s Insigne scored, the game ended 1-0 to Napoli. We move on to Sunday where we play Manchester City at Anfield, the perfect game for us to bounce back!

Have a great week Reds!


Lots of football plenty of celebrations

27th September 2018


I miss summer already, it was rainy and windy last week in Liverpool, but that didn’t stop me from playing footie. I came home from school, got changed and went to meet my mates. I was trying to score like Firmino did against Paris Saint Germain. I finally scored the goal just like Bobby and got so excited I slid on my knees all my friends cheered and laughed but my Mum wasn’t very happy that I got my pants muddy!

On Saturday I was at Anfield again for the match against Southampton, I was in the Family Park playing footpool and practising my penalties. The Family Park is boss there is so much to do, mini football pitches, penalty shootout loads of music and chips! I didn’t have too many chips though because I didn’t want to spoil my dinner.

The game was amazing Xherdan Shaqiri started his first match for LFC and he was well good, he crossed the ball and the Southampton player put the ball in his own net haha, it was so funny I nearly fell off my seat. My dad said Joel Matip leapt like a salmon for his goal I didn’t really know what he meant but I said he flew like a liver bird to score. And of course, to finish the Egyptian King Mo Salah got a goal and we all cheered very loud and sang his name. LFC won 3-0 to make that seven wins from seven.

On Wednesday night we played Chelsea in the Carabao Cup. It was a boss game and we took the lead with a quality goal from Daniel Sturridge, but 2 late goals from Chelsea meant we lost the game and got knocked out of the Carabao Cup, I was a bit gutted but my Dad told me that the lads tried their best and that's the main thing. We play Chelsea again on Saturday and we can get our revenge!



It's Seoul fun and games

21st September 2018


I’ve got some tired wings this week, but it's been worth it. I flew to Seoul, the capital of South Korea, to be part of LFC World. I love getting to take a little piece of LFC and Anfield to another part of the world. Everyone had a boss time playing all the fun games, getting pictures with the Champions League trophy and me of course!

I got a chance to be join the LFC Soccer Schools run by our top coaches. There’s definitely some future Liverpool FC players out there. LFC Legends Jason McAteer, Luis Garcia and Sami Hyypia came along to meet the fans and join in on the fun! 

Next, I was back to Anfield for the Away Screening of the Tottenham Hotspurs game, it was an amazing atmosphere and I even got to see my mate David Fairclough! The game was even better because LFC won 2-1, Wijnaldum and Bobby Firmino with the goals in front of the roaring travelling Reds! 

THE CHAMPIONS! Love hearing Anfield on a UEFA Champions League night, there is no place like it! We played Paris Saint Germain in our first Champions League game of the 2018/19 season, it was a tough game with all the good players they have like Neymar, Cavani and not forgetting the World Cup winner Mbappe. But the Reds were unstoppable, Sturridge and Milner made it two nil but PSG equalised late on. Again, the crowd got behind the team, they fought till the end and Firmino scored that stoppage time winner to blow the roof off Anfield, even though he had a sore eye!

Amazing week on and off the pitch and I can't wait for the Saints to visit Anfield tomorrow.

We’re looking for another three points!

Allez Allez Allez 


First week back

13th September 2018


First week back at school and I love it, this week went so fast as I knew I had super exciting LFC adventures on their way.

On Sunday I flew down to Coventry to meet up with LFC U9 boys. They were taking on all the other U9 boys’ teams in the Premier League. Before the day kicked off we had plenty of time to warm up as the BBC Super Movers were there to help us out, alongside all my other Premier League furry friends. The boys played really well so it was only fair that I showed off my skills too.

Lunch time came and it was time for speed cage football, I got it in the top right-hand corner – get in! I wish I could be just as proud of myself after the mascot race but unfortunately it wasn’t my day. I came last in front of all my friends. Luckily, they helped me remember that it’s the taking part and trying my best that counts! I brushed my wings down and practiced my super moves before heading back home. It wasn’t home long before LFC dropped off some VIP tickets to their LFC World event in Seoul (South Korea ). With my bags ready I set off to make sure I got there in time. Check back next week to see how I got on.

Pitch Talk:

It’s been great to see the lads back at Melwood this week and getting ready for our next Premier League game. They are heading down south to play Tottenham Hotspurs.

After all my adventures so far this week, I’ve decided to have a rest from travelling and to support them from Anfield on the big screen. It’s great to join in with all of the other fans at the away screenings as I can sing and jump around more and not get told off! I have a good feeling about this, 3 points coming home.


Memory Lane and Foxes Tamed!

7th September 2018

I go back to school soon and I had to go get my new school uniform, I look very handsome (my mum told me).

On Friday the LFC Foundation invited me to their Respect 4 All Summer Activity Day at the LFC Academy. There were so many new friends to play footy with and loads of other sports.

The best bit was I got the chance to take a penalty against Daniel Atherton the LFC Academy’s top goalkeeper, obviously I scored in the top corner!

Summer memories:

I’ve had a boss summer! It really was action packed, getting to watch England do so well and reach the semi-final at the World Cup and Lovren playing in the final. Not forgetting the LFC Pre-Season Tour of the U.S.A and Ireland. I love getting to meet Reds fans from all over the world and especially getting to visit new and exciting places. Have a look at my gallery at some of the pics I got over the summer.

Pitch Talk:

On Saturday we played Leicester City at the King Power Stadium it was very tough, but the Reds managed to get the 2-1 victory with Mane again getting on the scoresheet and Bobby Firmino with the second. Bringing three points back to Liverpool and still sitting at the top of the Premier League where we belong.

Now it’s the International break where England will take on Spain in the new UEFA Nations League on Saturday, then they have a friendly against Switzerland on Tuesday! Good luck to all the Reds on International duty this week


Breakfasts, Tours and Table toppers

29th August 2018

Time flies when you’re having fun! Where to start from my busy couple of weeks? Last week was the final Breakfast Club of the summer with Red Neighbours, I met so many new mates and had a few dance offs as well. I also got time to make a few special appearances on the Stadium Tour meeting Reds from all over the world, playing games and giving away some great prizes!

LFC are top of the table and are playing some class footy. Since my last blog we have played Crystal Palace away where we won 2-0 with Milner and Mane getting on the score sheet, then we played Brighton & Hove Albion at home winning again 1-0 with the Egyptian King Salah getting the goal to grab the 3 points and send us to the top. How good is Alisson Becker? 3 clean sheets in 3 games - Boss that!

The Brighton & Hove Albion match was a very special occasion, because me, Floss, LC and Spark A.K.A the Supermovers crew from the BBC got to perform our new dance ‘The Liverpool Bounce’ at Anfield before the game! Everyone loved it, if you haven’t seen it yet make sure you check it out here

The season is here!

14th August 2018


It has been nonstop for this Liver Bird. The last time I wrote in my notebook I was on my way to Ireland. It isn’t the first time I’ve flown over the water to see all the Irish Reds. They never fail to impress me when it comes to supporting LFC.

Before the big game against Napoli, I went over to Larkview FC to meet up with lots of young footy fanatics. From the Special Olympics team to the local lads of Larkview FC. The boss LFC Foundation coaches put on a top performance and showed the local players The Liverpool Way.

I had a feeling in my feathers we would score lots of goals at the Napoli game. That is exactly what we did winning a whopping 5-0. Alisson Becker managed to keep a clean sheet on his debut. Not bad at all.

We are getting into full swing here and the first game of the season didn’t disappoint! We were back at Anfield and with 4 goals and another clean sheet for Alisson it was an amazing day! I can’t wait to see what the 2018/19 season is going to bring for the Reds.



Bye America, hello Ireland!

3rd August 2018

I don't know where to start. I have been having so much fun with LFC on their Pre-Season Tour. After playing lots of games in the UK it was time to spread our wings and head over to the USA. The last time I went to America was 2 years ago. This time I visited Charlotte, New Jersey and Michigan. The fans were incredible and made us feel at home straight away. 

LFC played our UK neighbours Manchester City and Manchester United. They absolutely smashed it beating them both. When I wasn't at the matches meeting all the amazing fans and meeting new friends, I was out with LFC's Soccer Schools coaches. 

We met up with some of New York’s biggest heroes - their Fire department. We put on lots of soccer clinics and brought some of our LFC Legends with us as well as the CEO Peter Moore. There were lots of boss future footy stars! 

Next stop is Ireland for more footy clinics and the big game against Napoli! Stay tuned to find out more about my Pre-Season adventures. 


Super moves and USA Pre-Season Tour

20th July 2018

This week I met the Super movers! They really do have some super moves. They met me in Stanley Park where I was sitting around pretty bored. They showed me their dance moves and let me join in. We filmed it all and I cannot wait to show you. In the meantime check out the awesome pictures taken by Barney Harwood of us in action. They can be found in my gallery here

I am getting ready to spread my wings and go support the First Team on their Pre-Season Tour of America! I am so excited to see more new parts of the U.S.A. I will be visiting North Carolina, New Jersey and Michigan. While seeing loads of the sights, making new friends and taking lots of pictures.

Our Season Starts Now!



The season starts now!

11th July 2018


It feels like the best week ever. That’s because LFC are back in action. Naby Keita and Fabinho made their debuts in a 7-0 victory at the Chester Stadium on Saturday. What a game to kick it all off. Sturridge, Ings, Kent, Milner and Wilson all managed to find the back of the net. Big up to the defence for not letting a single goal past.

I was sad to not see Henderson and Trent with the Reds but I couldn’t be happier for the reason why. They have been smashing it with England and they have made it into the semi-finals of the FIFA World Cup in Russia. Footballs coming home!

There is lots more football to come and I will be keep you up to date. I will be sharing some exclusive pictures from my adventures with LFC on the Pre-Season Tour with you all. I’ve been working on my singing and have my LFC scarf at the ready. I have a feeling this season is going to be amazing!




Team work!

28th June 2018

I love starting the week with a good assembly. Especially when Dave from the LFC Foundation comes in to tell you about the Premier League values. I helped out when it came to telling everyone how important team work is. We tried to juggle 5 balloons with just myself and a friend. It was really hard. But when we got a few more friends and everyone in the school cheering us on it was really easy! 

In other football news, LFC players have been representing their countries in the FIFA world cup. This has kept me busy whilst there hasn’t been any LFC games. England won Panama a whopping 6-1. Well done lads. Henderson had a great game. So far in the competition he has had 83 touches and 72 passes. Keep it up. 

On a match day at Anfield you can donate to the local foodbank. But what about when it’s not a match day? I investigated and you can donate at the retail shop in Anfield. I went down with some tinned food and a some dried noodles. It was great seeing all my awesome friends in the shop too! 


Come on England!

21st June 2018

What a game on Monday! England got off to a flying start against Tunisia with a 2-1 win. My feathers were on end as it was in the 91st minute that Harry Kane scored the winner. I could feel it in my wings that we would win and I didn’t give up hope. Well done lads and to our LFC Captain Jordan Henderson on a boss job!

This week I have been extra busy. I popped over to Heygreen Primary School to meet lots of new friends. We talked all about my adventures around the world because they were learning geography. In particular, about Egypt. We all know one special person from there. MO SALAH! Nick named ‘The Egyptian King’. We also learned the capital of Egypt is not the letter ‘E’ but in fact the main city of Cairo.

News has come in about LFC’s Pre-Season Tour! We will be flying over to the USA. Home of our owners and lots of awesome fans. We will be visiting Charlotte, NYC and Michigan. Not to mention lots of games in England and one in Dublin. I cannot wait. Stay tuned for more Pre-Season Tour updates.


World Cup special!

15th June 2018

It’s World Cup 2018 week! Just when I thought there wasn’t much footy to watch lately the biggest cup in the world is about to take place. Just in case you didn’t know, here are the LFC stars who have made it into their countries squads:


Roberto Firmino


Simon Mignolet


Dejan Lovren


Mohamed Salah


Jordan Henderson

Trent Alexander-Arnold


Sadio Mane


Marko Grujic

This is going to be an interesting World Cup! A nice spread of LFC players around the world to keep an eye on. I hope they let me watch it in school. If not, it will make for some quality viewing when I finish.

Good luck to all the LFC players and come back to LFC stronger, victorious and ready to smash next season! 


School trip!

12th June 2018

The Summer is in full swing. Liverpool is a beautiful city at any time of the year. In the Summer however, there is a special vibe in the air. Everyone is in their shorts, t-shirts and sunglasses. Where you find grass, you will find someone playing footy and where there is sand you will catch plenty of sunbathers.

We are still in school at the moment and because it is so hot we have been getting involved in lots of special summer activities. Including a day out to Liverpool’s very own Museum. Not my no.1 Club Liverpool FC’s museum but the City itself. With football being such an important part of our city, they had a special section dedicated to it. It’s called the ‘kicking and screaming’ film experience and it tells you all about Liverpool’s football roots. It’s boss!

The World Cup starts this week and I am so excited! Keep an eye out in my notebook because I will be telling you everything World Cup and LFC related. LFC’s talent have flown out to their home countries to battle against the rest of the world. Will Salah the Egyptian king take victory for Egypt? Or will Trent Alexander-Arnold see England seal the deal for the first time since 1966?



Sunny with lots of Reds!

1st June 2018

I was a pretty disappointed Liver Bird after we lost in the Champions League final against Real Madrid. I would have loved us to win. Despite all that, I couldn't help but be really proud of LFC. The journey to get to the final has been amazing and all the players who helped us to get there and the fans who have been there as the 12th man should be very proud.

It was straight back to action despite the season being over. I had breakfast club with the Red Neighbours of Anfield. I love meeting them all. We get to eat toast and listen to our good friend Bill play guitar whilst we had a good dance! We even got to go on a Stadium Tour of Anfield afterwards.

I enjoyed the Stadium Tour so much I decided to stay on the level 2 concourse in the Main Stand and surprise everyone. We had people from all over the world come to see Anfield in real life. They were not disappointed because the Tour is just fantastic.

Next stop is the World Cup. Come on England and all the LFC players who made the team!


UEFA Champions League final week!

24th May 2018

It’s the final week before the final, finally! This week has felt like a lifetime. I think it’s just because I am so excited for the big game on Saturday. We have had some special lessons in school this week. I even got to make my own Liverpool FC flag. I coloured it in red, added 5 stars to represent the five European cups we have already won and wrote ‘LFC are the best!’

I went down to watch Liverpool Ladies FC at the weekend when they played Chelsea. It was a great game; the Reds did a brilliant job in the first half putting them 2-0 ahead. Unfortunately, it didn’t last long when Chelsea made a 2-3 comeback. Better luck next time Ladies. It was a great game non- the less and I loved meeting the fans before the match.

I’m going to be watching the game at Anfield. I couldn’t make it over to Kiev, but lots of my friends will be at Anfield and the last couple of screenings the atmosphere has been amazing, so I’m not at all disappointed that I won’t be at the actual game. They aren’t just opening the Kop but they will be opening all of the other stands too this time! Come on you Reds. I’m going for a 3-1 win. Bring it on!



Home Sweet Home

21st May 2018

We left Dubai with an absolute bang. Thousands of Reds turned up on Barasti beach to watch LFC take on Brighton & Hove Albion. That’s wasn’t the only reason. LFC Legends Steven Gerrard, Garry McAllister and Steve McManaman all turned up to say hello and answer some questions. If this wasn’t exciting enough we went on to win against Brighton & Hovel Albion 4-0. The Dubai Reds absolutely loved it.

It was finally time to spread my wings and head home. There was a special buzz in the air in Liverpool. It wasn’t just the nice weather either. With no more than 7 sleeps until the Champions League final in Kiev, you can really feel the excitement. Lots of preparations are in full swing. You can be assured I will be watching the match with all the Liverpool FC fans.

When the International Academy heard I was home, they gave me the opportunity to present lots of young Reds with an LFC kit at Anfield. They absolutely loved it and so did I. They were all there representing Premier League Primary Stars. I’ve told them all to wear it whenever Liverpool FC play.




11th May 2018

I couldn’t wait to see the LFC U23’s take on Chelsea in their Premier League 2 clash at Anfield this week, and they smashed it 5-1! But the build up to that game wasn’t the only thing I was excited about. Straight after the match it was time for me to spread my wings.

I flew over to Dubai to meet up with my good mates and absolute LFC Legends Gary McAllister, Steven Gerrard and Steven McManaman. We are here to paint Dubai Red with another fantastic LFC World presented by Standard Charted.

When LFC take on Brighton & Hove Albion in their final game of the Premier League, we will host a viewing party on one of Dubai’s beaches. I can’t wait to see how the Reds in Dubai celebrate the game. I will have my favourite scarf at the ready.

The countdown to the UEFA Champions League final continues, roll on 26th May, I can’t wait to see the lads in action in Kiev!


Special nights at Anfield!

2nd May 2018

I’m one happy liver bird! Last week got off to a flying start when we won 5-2 against Roma in the first leg of the Champions League Semi Finals. The atmosphere at Anfield was amazing it really made my feathers stand up on end. I can’t make it to Roma because I’ve got school but I will be watching it tonight in the Kop! they are putting on an extra special event where they will have a big screen for us all to watch.

When I heard it was girls football week in Neston I flew on over to say hello. I got to have a kick about and even got to meet some of the Liverpool Ladies FC team! It was awesome. I love footy practise! What made it even more special was the Liverpool Ladies FC team were taking on Everton in the Merseyside Derby on Sunday.

Did anyone see the new LFC kit? It looks amazing! I cannot wait to put mine on. I will be getting the number 12 on the back and my name. I get the number 12 put on because it represents all the fans. We are like a 12th player because when we cheer on the Reds it gives them the boost they need to win! 



Egyptian King

20th April 2018


This week has involved lots of very early mornings, but I don’t mind getting up early because it gives me more time to watch and play football. I’ve been helping the LFC Foundation teach some local schools all about Egypt. We currently have the king of Egypt on the squad, Mo Salah! He is on fire when it comes to scoring goals. With 30 goals so far this Premier League season he is set to hold the record.

We learnt all about the river Nile and the Egyptian pyramids. I then brought out my Mini Mighty for some of the classes to look after and take on adventures. I can’t be everywhere at once, so when I’m busy I like to send mini Mighty on adventures. He takes lots of selfies when he’s on his adventures and the class have promised to tell me all about their adventures with Mini Mighty.

We played AFC Bournemouth at Anfield at the weekend and it was a great match. Our ‘strike force’ scored a goal each. Firmino, Mane and Salah all hitting the back of the net. Karius also kept a clean sheet at the opposite end of the pitch, BOOM! Not long until the first leg of the Champions League semi-finals now. We take on FC Roma at Anfield. I am super excited! You will catch me cheering them on with my scarf in hand.



Allez, Allez, Allez!

13th April 2018


This week has been amazing for all the Red’s around the world. Especially those at Anfield. Not only did we have a legendary European night at Anfield last week. But we got to watch the away leg on a huge screen from the Kop. It was such a great feeling to know we are through to the semi-finals and we beat Manchester City to it!

I have a lot of adventures with LFC under my wings and it is important I know as much as I can when I’m travelling about. That is why I have been in and out of schools across Merseyside this week helping set up a new geography project with LFC Foundation. I have assigned Mini Mighty to stay with them throughout their project.

He will be taking lots of selfies and telling me all about their adventures. Especially in Egypt as we have lots of things in common. Firstly, we both have a big river, we both love Mo Salah and I’m sure there is much more to learn.

Pitch talk

We started the 2nd leg of the UEFA Champions League on 3-0 aggregate. In the first few minutes City scored. But Firmino and Mo Salah made sure City were getting no head start at all. Winning 5-1 on aggregate, we have smashed it through to the semi-finals! I can’t wait to find out who we are playing against in this afternoon’s draw!



Hoppy Easter!

6th April 2018


This week has been a contender for one of the best weeks of the season. Liverpool FC smashed Manchester City 3-0 in the first leg of the Champions League quarter final and it was Easter weekend. Get in!

I will start with the weekend as there was so much fun had. I went to Anfield to meet all the families on the Stadium Tours. Since it was Easter I had some extra special prizes to give away. Yes, you guessed it, Easter eggs! Not just eggs though, I spoke to my friends over at LFC Official Membership and they gave me some special Mighty Red Memberships too. It was a lovely weekend with friends, family and lots of chocolate!

The fun wasn’t to stop at the weekend because we had a UEFA Champions League game coming up. I made sure I put on my best scarf. The atmosphere at Anfield was legendary. Definitely a night I will not forget. The players must have been feeling the vibes because they absolutely smashed it scoring 3 goals in the first half. Bring on the second leg on Tuesday!



Snow goals for Watford

23rd March 2018


Back in full swing here at Anfield. I was so excited about our clash with Watford that I could hardly sleep. After mum made me a matchday breakfast to fuel me for the day, it was time to head out. I had to double back on myself as it was so cold I needed another LFC scarf

The snowy weather didn’t stop lots of other fans joining me four hours before kick-off for some fun in the Family Park.

The snow got really bad as it was time for kick-off. But that didn’t stop the Reds absolutely smashing it. One Red in particular - Mohammed Salah! He scored a whopping 4 goals. It goes to show no matter how hot or cold, Salah is always on top form.

The weekend football didn’t stop there. I was off to see the Liverpool Ladies FC play in their clash against Chelsea Ladies. It was so windy I nearly took off! They put up a tough fight against the blues but unfortunately didn’t win. It was great to see all the fans supporting them. A big shout out to my half time penalty shootout winners!

Pitch talk

Our next home match will be against Manchester City in our Champions League clash! This is going to be a big game and I cannot wait. In the mean time we have an away game to look forward to against Crystal Palace a week on Saturday, I don’t know if I’m more excited about that or guessing how many Easter Eggs I’m going to get next Sunday!


Jakarta Special

16th March 2018


I’ve been so excited to get back to Liverpool and share all of my amazing stories about being in Jakarta with my friends. With the snow in Liverpool I was happy to have my feathers to keep me warm. However, it was so hot in Jakarta I could have done with a feather cut!

I spent most of my time there meeting all the future stars at LFC’s Soccer Schools. The coaches had some awesome footy skills. It was great to see Jakarta’s GOALS programme supporting ladies football. Maybe one day we will see some Indonesian footballers at Liverpool Ladies FC!


Pitch talk

It’s the Champions League draw on today and I’m excited to find out who we will be taking on in the quarter finals! We take on Watford in a Premier League clash on Saturday. You can be sure to find me in the Family Park on Anfield Road from 5 hours before KO, come and say hello!


Crazy, busy week

12th March 2018


Well it’s been a crazy week for me. First of all, The Reds eased into the Champions League quarter-finals after a 0–0 draw against FC Porto.  As if that wasn’t exciting enough then I flew over to Jakarta in Indonesia for LFC World with LFC Legends Jason McAteer, Patrik Berger, Garry McAllister and Roy Evans. I was blown away by all the amazing fans and I made so many new friends at the LFC World hub in the mall.

I didn’t want to miss a thing this week, so I did a quick turnaround back to Liverpool for the our U23’S match against Manchester United at Anfield on Friday night. Then I was up early to watch the First Team take them on. They were playing away at Old Trafford so I went to watch them in the Dugout Lounge at Anfield and I got to meet yet another LFC Legend, Alan Kennedy, who helped us announce the winners of the colouring in competition, it was so hard to choose as everyone was so good.

I couldn’t settle back in England as I knew there was so much going on at LFC World in Jakarta so back I went to play ‘The Liverpool Way’ at the Soccer Schools that our LFC Coaches were running there and I also took part in a 5-side tournament, it’s been none stop for this Liver Bird!


Pitch Talk

Well, the Liverpool FC match against Manchester United was frustrating, and unfortunately it ended up 2-1 to the Reds of Manchester! But we won't stop, next week its back to Anfield where LFC welcome Watford and then Liverpool Ladies FC carry on their SSE Women’s FA Cup campaign with a Quarter Final clash with Chelsea Ladies on Sunday 18 March.


The beast from the East is here!

5th March 2018


This week has been super cold at Anfield. The weather man told me 'The beast from the east' has hit Liverpool. I was slightly worried, so I spoke to my mum but she told me it's fine, it's just a snow storm. I love the snow so it didn't bother me.

I'm not the only one who loves it. My pet iguana Fred and my little sister Ruby Red do to. We woke up and it looked like somebody had been out in the night painting everything white! It was time to build a snow man. We all helped out and Dad had a spare LFC scarf so our snow man was now a red!

It's world book day this week and my teacher in school asked me to bring in my favourite book, so I brought Meet Mighty Red, the best book ever! Everyone in my class loved it

Pitch Talk
The Reds had another great win at the weekend against Newcastle United and I cannot wait for Tuesday when FC Porto visit Anfield in the Champions League. Come on you Reds, let’s get to the Champions League Quarter Finals!




23rd February 2018


Last Night I went to the Liverpool Ladies FC match against Sunderland Ladies.

It was great because we won 3-1, but I was also a little bit sad as I said goodbye to LLFC player Casey Stoney, she is leaving to become the assistant manager to Phil Neville with the England Women's national team. Good Luck in your new job Casey!

I made lots of new friends, they all had liver birds face painted on their cheeks which anyone can get done on the concourse before the match. I also got to do some penalty shootouts with Isobel and Emily, I must have been having an off day as they both scored.


Earlier this week the LFC Foundation coaches invited me along to Florence Melly Community Primary School to learn about the Premier League Primary Stars values, they let me help out with a cool game about team work.


This weekend at the West Ham United match at Anfield, me and the players will be wearing Kick It Out T-shirts. We’re doing this to show our support for their aim to challenge discrimination, encourage inclusive practices and campaign for positive change. If you’ve not heard about it, you can find out more here.

If you’re coming along to the match this weekend, don’t forget to pop into the Family Park on Anfield Road and say hello to me.


Red Neighbours!

16th February 2018

It's been a fantastic week meeting lots of locals in Anfield. Red Neighbours is LFC's community programme and this week they ran a Breakfast Club at Anfield. They invited me to come along to every single one. I've enjoyed them all so much!

We were joined by Klavan and Danny Ward earlier in the week. It was awesome to meet real Liverpool FC players! After breakfast it was time for a raffle. LFC along with partners Joie baby, got some prizes together for some boss wins.

After the Breakfast Clubs we set off on a special Stadium Tour of Anfield to show our neighbours what has been going on inside the walls of the stadium. They were very impressed with the Main Stand and can't wait for LFC to play next!

Pitch Talk


We had one of the most important games of the season this week and we absolutely smashed it! 5 goals to Liverpool FC against FC Porto in the first leg of the UEFA Champions League last 16. Mane has to be the 'Mane' of the match after scoring a hat-trick. Firmino and Salah also found the net. Boom!


Safer Internet Day!

13th February 2018

I met lots of new friends and said hello to lots of old friends last week. School's from all over Merseyside came to Anfield to learn about Safer Internet Day. It was such an awesome day with lots going on. We learned that it is very important to have an adult with you when on social media and to never give your details out. Share, connect and show respect!

This week school is out and I'm at Anfield meeting lots of friends on the Stadium Tours. I've been on the concourse on Level 2 of the Main Stand saying hello to everyone. It's a huge space, big enough for this Liver Bird!

I was having a think earlier about what my top 5 things to do over the school holidays are and I’ve decided these are my favourite:

1. Play football
2. Watch LFC in the Champions League
3. Play football
4. Watch the U23's play at Prenton Park
5. Play more football!

Pitch talk


Firmino and Salah both scored against Southampton at the weekend, giving us a sweet 0-2 victory and an all-important 3 points for the Premier League table. Bring on Wednesday when we play FC Porto in the UEFA Champions League, I can’t wait! 

Football Mad!

2nd February 2018

There has been a lot of footy happening with LFC the past week. It hasn’t just been the first team, the under 23’s have been getting in on the action and so have I. During the West Bromwich Albion game at Anfield, I met lots of cool fans from all over the world. We had a good sing at Paisley Square and a kick about in the Family Park on Anfield Road. Who would have thought so much cool stuff happened around Anfield before the game.

The Reds took on Huddersfield Town away too this week and absolutely smashed it 3-0. I predicted the score and got it right! I just had a feeling in my feathers. It inspired me to go and have a kick about at Stanley Park with my mates. It was very cold so we had to do lots of warming up. Side steps, criss crosses, jumping jacks and lots more.

The LFC Foundation invited me to a School in Runcorn this week too. That meant I got to take the Mighty mobile over the Mersey gateway bridge. It was amazing and really high! The school was great and they fully enjoyed the awesome coaches’ presentation on the Premier League values.

Pitch Talk

Some interesting wins and losses from the Reds this week. We have a game on Saturday against Tottenham Hotspur. Don’t forget I will be in the Family Park 4 hours before Kick-off playing some amazing games and jamming to the live music, I hope to see you there!

about Maths!

26th January 2018

I’ve had an extra special week learning maths! That’s right, maths. Who thought it could be so much fun? The BBC invited me to join them on their online show, Live Lessons. They filmed two episodes at Anfield! And one of them was live. I’ve never done a live internet show before!

I wasn’t the only mascot on the show. Monty Magpie, all the way from Newcastle United joined us. Harry the Hornet from Watford FC buzzed over and Sammy the Saint was one happy pup to be involved! I even got to meet the captain of the Arsenal Ladies Team, Alex Scott. Not to mention the awesome presenters Ben Shires and Naomi Wilkinson.

We learned how fractions worked in one of our lessons using watermelons. If you split a melon in to four pieces, take away three of them and you are left with one quarter. Quick maths!

You can check out the first video here and the Live Lessons Extra here. You can learn how to add up money and make fractions out of fruit too! It’s great fun and you really can get involved. 


18th January 2018

Well this week was off to a flyer after we broke Manchester City’s winning streak in the Premier League. There was an awesome atmosphere at the game. I’m sure the players had been feeling this.

I always get to the matches at least four hours before kick-off to see all my friends in the Family Park. It’s such a cool place to hang out. You can freestyle football with the world’s best, John Farnworth. Not to mention the food and drink that’s available!

I started the week with a big smile on my face thanks to the game. I got to share that smile with the LFC Foundation and everyone at Arnot St Mary’s in Liverpool. Once again two of the awesome coaches from LFC Foundation gave an assembly on the Premier Leagues 4 key values.

Pitch talk

So, we didn’t see Van Dijk out against City but we did see some goals! Oxlade-Chamberlain scored the first. This guy is doing great things. Followed by another 3 goals from Firmino, Mane and Salah resulting in a 4-3 win to the Reds. Great result!



Premier League Events!

12th January 2018

Premier League enterprise has brought young entrepreneurs from all around the UK to Anfield this week. Peter Moore even came down and gave us a motivational speech that would make Lord Sugar proud.  I got the pleasure of meeting all the teams and grabbing a photo. I gave them all a Mighty Red wristband just like mine so they could remember their day.

That wasn’t the only Premier League event I have been at this week. LFC Foundation hosted a Primary Stars assembly. Dave and Collin are top coaches and they got me involved in a team exercise which was super fun. I tried juggling 5 balloons! My goalie skills came into play with pulling that one off.

Pitch talk

What a week. We have gained a top defender and sold a top striker, Van Dijk scored in his debut game, taking the Reds to a 2-1 victory against the Blues (Everton) meaning that we progress to the next stage in the FA Cup. It was a great game and now I can’t wait to take on Manchester City on Sunday at Anfield!


Boss Christmas!

5th January 2018

What a boss Christmas and New Year it’s been! My mum’s Christmas dinner was so good and me, Ruby Red and Little Liver got all of the presents we asked for, we must have all been on Santa’s nice list.

But what made it one of the best Christmases ever was the matches we played over the Christmas break. We won 5 – 0 to Swansea City and 2 -1 to Leicester City, both at Anfield, and away to Burnley we won 2 -1. The team is on fire at the moment, let’s hope it continues.

Pitch talk

It’s a weekend full of football, tonight we play Everton at home in the FA Cup, I can’t wait, I love a Merseyside Derby.

Then on Saturday, it’s the turn of the Ladies as Liverpool Ladies FC play Yeovil Town, my little sister is so excited as she got their Shirt for Christmas and she is going to wear it for the first time. It doesn’t stop there, on Sunday our U23’s team are playing Arsenal at Prenton Park and I think it will be a good match. If you are a Member like me, you can get in for FREE just by showing your Membership card!


Good Luck to all of the Reds playing this weekend!

The Christmas countdown continues

21st December 2017

Ok, it’s settled. I’m asking Father Christmas for a new LFC Football this Christmas. My little siters Ruby Red has asked for a Liverpool Ladies FC shirt. Do you know the Ladies made history when they got their first shirt sponsor, Avon.

I’m so excited for Christmas I can’t sleep! I get to eat my Mums boss roast dinner and sometimes there is even some left over on Boxing Day! Not to mention all the footy.  The whole family gather around the TV and Christmas tree to watch the games. This year we have a game on Boxing Day and New Year ’s Eve Eve.  


If you have any boss Christmas pictures or even a new Footy like me that you want to share then send it in and I will feature it in my fan gallery!


Send it to Mighty.red@liverpoolfc.com


Have a great Christmas!




Christmas is nearly here!

15th December 2017

I loved my travles to Mumbai but now I'm back in Liverpool and it's good to be home. I've had to dig out my scarf and gloves though because it is ice cold! But it has only added to my Christmas spirit, it has even been snowing, but not enough to build myself a snow man unfortunately.

The Christmas parties have started this week, and my first stop was Melwoods Christmas party. I absolutely loved having the opportunity to go and wish all the players a happy Christmas. Melwood looks very Christmassy with its decorations.

My little sister, Ruby Red and I have been working on our wish list to Father Christmas. I've asked for a Champions League Trophy but apparently you can only win it. So I will have to keep thinking what I should ask him for. Maybe a new football!

Pitch talk

Not the best result for LFC against West Bromwich Albion with a 0-0 draw, but at least we have one point to add to the table. I'm sure Klopp will be working away thinking of a plan to smash AFC Bournemouth who the Reds are up against next

Mumbai Special

11th December 2017

This week has been a little bit different to my normal week. That’s because I got invited to join LFC World in Mumbai! I couldn't wait to spread my wings and see what India had to offer. Mumbai is like no city I have ever been to before.

I’ve had such a fun packed week. I joined the boss LFC Coaches during their Soccer Schools all thanks to Joie baby, Standard Charted and Western Union. We found some future stars in India from the local schools. We taught them all about The Liverpool Way and one lucky child won the chance to fly all the way to Anfield and watch a game. I can’t wait to show him around my home.

LFC World has brought the people of India a taste of Anfield in their very own mall. LFC Legends Sami Hyppia, Luis Garcia, Vladimir Schmicer and Robbie Fowler went down to check it out and say hello to the fans. They brought along the Champions League trophy, VR technology of the future and lots of other cool things to give them a taste of LFC.

Pitch talk

Liverpool FC smashed Spartak Moscow a whopping 7-0! Now that's how it’s done. An extra special Derby left the Reds with only one point to put on the table. Salah scored an awesome goal but it wasn't to be as Everton equalised from a penalty.

The Reds are back at Anfield on Wednesday as they take on West Brom, can’t wait to see you all there!


We are Family

1st December 2017

What a week! Liverpool FC won against Stoke City 3-0, it really was a great game. I wore my rainbow laces to the match to support the Rainbow Laces campaign to 'make sport everyone’s game', and I saw that all the players had them on too!

I went and watched the LFCU23’s as they played Sparta Prague on Tuesday. It wasn’t the result that we wanted, but it was still a great game and I made some new friends who came along with the LFC Foundation, we had great fun meeting the players and having a kick about before the game.

I was with the LFC Foundation again later in the week meeting even more new friends at St Margaret’s Primary School assembly. It was really interesting, and I learnt a lot too, we were told about the four Premier Leagues Values: Be Connected, Be Inspired, Be Ambitious and Be Fair. The best bit for me was when they pointed out Liverpool FC’s anthem - You’ll Never Walk Alone, we are all family, and no one needs to be alone when they are part of the Liverpool FC Family. That’s what my dad tells me too!

Next week I’ve been invited to go and meet loads more of the LFC Family when I get to go to Mumbai with LFC world, I can’t wait! I’ll get to meet lots new people and learn loads of things, I better get my case packed.

Pitch Talk

Coming up, it’s going to be a jam packed week of football. At the weekend the First Team play Brighton & Hove Albion Away, Liverpool Ladies FC play away to Sunderland AFC and the LFCU23’s are playing Stoke City at home. Then in the week, both the First Team and the U23’s play Spartak Moscow.


Winter is here

24th November 2017

I’ve had lots of homework to do this week and my baby brother Little Liver has been very noisy, it was hard to concentrate! And not only that, my little sister Ruby Red has a cold too, it must be all this cold weather making her ill. But I’ve not let all the noise stop me from watching Liverpool FC play!

Is it winter yet? Everyone keeps saying winter is coming but it feels like it’s here. Christmas getting closer and closer and I can’t wait.

I think we will all have to dress up warm to go the game on Saturday; mum has already got my thermals out ready. I’m looking forward to being back at Anfield on Saturday against Chelsea and seeing all my friends down at the Family Park and in the Fan Zone on Paisley Square. Great food, live music and a picture with me is exactly what you need to warm up with before the match.

Pitch Talk

What a week! Last Saturday was a boss day as we eased past Southampton to secure three Premier League wins in a row for the first time in 2017. LFC U23s claimed a 4-0 victory over Everton later that evening and we drew against Sevilla on Tuesday. Liverpool FC, now need a point from their final Champions League match, at home to Spartak Moscow, to secure their place in the knockout stages of the competition.

Coming up, LFC U23s team are playing Chelsea away on Saturday and our first team are playing Chelsea at home!


Primary Stars!

17th November 2017

There were lots of different events going on around Liverpool this week and I couldn't resist getting involved! LFC Foundation asked if I would like to join them in their Primary Stars assembly at Gwladys Street Primary School. I was so pleased to be invited. My Mum told me I would had to get a good breakfast beforehand because it is the most important meal of the day. I had some fruit, wholemeal toast and a glass of orange juice. Yum!

We talked to our friends at Gwladys Street about lots of very important messages. We helped show them how a team can work together for positive outcomes, like how the dinner ladies, teachers, lollipop people, school council and parents all team together to help us learn. But there are teams out there who are very naughty and they are called gangs. We should avoid them because they don't care about making us happy and can get us in real trouble.

LFC Foundation have been helping me practise my goalie skills and at the same time meet lots of amazing new friends at the Respect 4 All sessions at Anfield Sports and Community Centre. I was in goal whilst everyone took penalties. Normally I would save them all, being the world’s best goal keeper but these guys were really good!

Pitch Talk

There has been an International Break this week so some of the Reds have been away, playing for their countries. But they are back now and back in training with LFC ready for the next game against Southampton at the Weekend. It's a Premier League clash and I can't wait to watch it!

Whilst the lads were away Liverpool Ladies FC were still on the pitch and they won against Birmingham Ladies 1-0. The fans went crazy!


Its Girls Football Week!

10th November 2017

This week was Girl’s Football Week and I’ve been travelling all around Liverpool to see what’s been going on. First stop was the Primary schools festival hosted by the Liverpool FA. After an intense tournament on the 3G pitches it was time to meet some of Liverpool Ladies FC’s very own players. Caroline Weir and Laura Coombs came along to drop off some tickets for their game and say hello to the future stars.

When I thought the day couldn’t get much better it did! I had been invited to meet a very special furry friend. I pulled up at Anfield Sport and Community Centre and there was a buzz in the air. BBC’s Pudsey Bear had come to join us along with Liverpool Ladies FC’s s Amy Turner and Natasha Harding!

We had a kick about with some of the local youngsters and spread the word about Children in Need. The Ladies had to go and get ready for their big game against Birmingham Ladies. Its taking place this Saturday and I cannot wait. I hope to see you there!

Pitch Talk

Not a lot of football to report this week but there’s a lot coming up! The U23s play Newcastle United tonight and Everton next weekend! Liverpool Ladies FC take on Birmingham on Saturday and then the First Team take on Southampton a week on Saturday. You can count on me being there. 


It’s been a spooktacular week!

3rd November 2017

This weekend wasn’t just special because LFC were playing at home, it was special for another reason. There were lots of Witches, Frankenstein’s, Monsters and ghosts walking around Liverpool. It was almost as if the dead had come to life, but that wasn’t the case……. it was Halloween!

I invited everyone to dress up and be as scary as they could and come to Anfield to join me on my Halloween Special Family Tours of Anfield! It was absolutely awesome. We had some dead brides, a few witches and some scary ghosts and we played lots of spooky games, my favourite was Halloween bingo. The best dressed even got themselves a Mighty Red LFC Official Membership.

I had so many sweets this week that I thought I would struggle in goal in the Family Park before the game, but of course, I was still the best. LFC took on Huddersfield FC and they absolutely smashed it 3-0 despite a slow first half. I went to the Family Park extra early to say hello to all my friends, played some games in the Fan Zone and even got to see the players arriving off the coaches!

Pitch talk

Sturridge, Firmino and Winjaldum were all on target against Huddersfield, sealing the deal with a 3-0 win and 3 points. It was a clash of champions when we brought NK Maribor to Anfield after winning a whopping 0-7 at their home ground. This time the Reds got 3 goals to round it up to 10-0 across the two legs! How boss is that! 



Hello Anfield!

27th October 2017

I’ve spent a lot of my school holidays at Anfield this week. I couldn’t really think of a better place to spend it. Although the Reds were playing at Wembley on the weekend I was at Anfield at the Away Match Screening cheering them on. Normally it’s a cup final that would take us to Wembley, but this time it was because it’s Tottenham Hotspurs’ temporary ground. We battled it out for some points towards the Premier League. Although we lost, I am still a proud Liver bird and know the Reds will smash it next time!

I didn’t get to go and see them at Wembley but I did get to watch it at the next best place, Anfield at our Away Match Screening. We had a great laugh in The Carlsberg Dugout playing table football and eating burgers before the match. The atmosphere was great!

It wasn’t long after the weekend until I was back at Anfield for my special Family Tours where I met all my friends in level 2 of the Main Stand. Here we played lots of games and told some Anfield stories. I can’t wait for my special Halloween Tour on Sunday!

Ben Woodburn has signed a new contract with the First Team! I’m looking forward to seeing him play more at Anfield.

A Mighty week!

19th October 2017

It’s been an action packed week for this Liver bird. It all started with the Premier League game against Manchester United at Anfield last Saturday. Before the big game I was in the Family Park where I met lots of new friends and some old mates including football freestyler John Farnworth! He showed us all a trick or two and we had a great time dancing to the live music from the band and in no time at all it was time for the big game.

The first half was a little bit disappointing with the 0-0 result but I was hopeful for the second half. But before the action kicked off again, it was time to take to the Anfield pitch with my friend Sir SIB. He is a turtle who helps out the ‘Seeing is Believing’ foundation with Standard Chartered. We got to do a penalty shootout with some LFC Legends and some of our friends from the charity. Sir SIB was a little too slow in goal!

I soon forgot about the weekend result when the LFC Foundation and Premier League’s Primary Stars asked if I would come and join them at Florence Melly Primary School this week. They even brought the Premier League trophy! Unfortunately I couldn’t take it home. You have to win a big competition to get that apparently. But I did manage to grab a selfie with it! I had a really great morning and can’t wait to go back and see my friends soon!

Pitch talk

So the game against Manchester United didn’t get any better in the second half and it finished with a 0-0 result. One point is better than no points I guess.

LFC must have been saving themselves for the big UEFA Champions League game against NK Maribor. They won with an amazing 7-0 final score! Salah and Firmino both scored twice and Coutinho, Oxlade-Chamberlain and Alexander-Arnold all got a goal in each.


LFC Academy action!

13th October 2017

This week I’ve been down at the Academy saying hello to all the under 7’s in the schools tournaments. These guys were super excited to get going and play each other to win their place in the final at the end of the season.

We started off by going to our own part of the massive indoor pitches. Each school had their own set of coaches from the community. I managed to go to every single group and join in. Everybody got the chance to take a penalty against me. But not many succeeded in actually scoring! I don’t blame them; I am a really good goalie!

Next, it was my turn to take the penalty. I wouldn’t expect just one person to go in goal against me because I’m that good. So the whole team got in. It was very difficult but I still managed a goal or two! I can’t wait to watch the finals after some amazing footy being played. 

Pitch talk

Well the Liverpool Ladies FC were on fire this week! Scoring a whopping 6 against Sheffield and keeping a clean sheet with the final score ended 6-0. It was team captain Gemma Bonner’s 100th appearance for Liverpool Ladies FC, making it an extra special win. 

Not long until the First Team are back in action after their International Break, they take on Manchester United in our Premier League clash at Anfield on Saturday. I cannot wait, there is something special about these games.   




6th October 2017

There was a big football tournament in school this week. So I knew I had to up my training if I wanted to score more goals. I got up extra early, made my breakfast and ran to school. The problem was, by the time I got there and started footy training I was really tired. I spoke to my PE teacher and he asked me what I had for breakfast. I told him about the sweets and crisps I had eaten.

He said that is the reason why I felt tired and to get a healthy breakfast down me. So I asked my mum when I got home that night what she thought was a healthy breakfast. Mum suggested that I have either cereal, fruit, a smoothie, eggs, wholemeal toast or some fruit and nuts. The next day I had some cereal and some fruit.

It was tournament day. I set off once again on my run to school.  This time when I got there I felt full of energy and determination. In the first match I scored 5 goals and I could have scored more but I think the defence had eaten a good breakfast too. I will never eat crisps and sweets for breakfast again so I can be the best at footy!

Pitch talk

I was made up to be back at the Liverpool Ladies FC game. Unfortunately they lost 0-3 against Reading. 

The First Team haven’t done very well either this week with a 1-1 draw to Newcastle United. Coutinho scored the first goal to give us the lead, but then Newcastle came back to make it a draw.


It’s best to keep our heads up and keep singing loud. There will be a lesson to be learnt and a match to be won soon! 

Liverpool Ladies FC are back in town!

28th September 2017

There has been lots of football being played this week. I’ve been trying to fit it all in around my homework and footy practise. LFC have battled against Leicester City in the Premier League. It was a super match with a great 2-3 result.

There wasn’t much time to rest with some UEFA Champions League business on the cards on Tuesday night. It turned out to be a draw against Spartak Moskow. Not the best result but we can bring them to Anfield and show them how we win.

It’s not just the first team that have been doing big things for LFC this week. Liverpool Ladies FC have been smashing it. The first game of the season was against our local neighbours Everton. You could tell they had been training hard because they smashed it 2-0. BOOM!

I’ve got my Season Ticket for Liverpool Ladies FC and cannot wait to go and watch them play against Reading FC on Friday. I’ve missed all the fans and the players during off season. The Ladies army of fans gets bigger every time I go and they can’t half make some noise



Goodbye Summer

22nd September 2017

I’ve noticed lately that the days are getting shorter and mum’s started cooking scouse again. It must mean one thing, autumn is nearly upon us. I love it at Anfield during the autumn, everybody is wrapped up in their LFC scarves and stadium jackets and when the flood lights light up Anfield on those late European nights. I can’t wait.

I had lots of fun on the weekend. I was in the Family Park before the game against Burnley and I was on a mission. That mission was to have as much fun as I could. It started with a magic moment, one lucky fan got to open the Family Park with the big golden key, they got to open the doors and be the first to come inside and meet me! How lucky is that? But the fun didn’t stop there, we played lots of footy, danced to a live band and took lots of Mighty selfies and that was all before the football kicked off!

After watching the game, I couldn’t wait to get to School on Monday and play some footy. I put my best New Balance boots on and rocked it in goal. There were lots of boss shots from my mates but they just couldn’t get it passed these wings.

Pitch talk

It was a draw at Anfield against Burnley with both teams taking away a point. A slow start with a 0-1 setback but it wasn’t long until Salah made the equaliser. 

The football continued on Tuesday night with the Carabao Cup game at Anfield. We’re not ‘flying without Ings’ any longer! In the 73rd minute against Leicester City, Ings took Wijnaldum’s place on the pitch, it was great to see him back. Unfortunately it wasn’t enough to win the game. We lost 2-0 and exited the Carabao Cup. Beaks up and better luck next time, I will be tweeting even louder!



Footy mad!

15th September 2017

The season is in full swing and the colder nights are creeping in. I’ve been keeping busy with everything LFC. We have had a Premier League game and a Champions league game in the last week. Unfortunately I couldn’t make it to the Manchester City game but that didn’t stop me meeting up with a load of fans at Anfield to watch it.

LFC Official Membership invited me to their extra special Away Screening at Anfield. A bunch of lucky Members won the chance to come down to one of the awesome rooms in the Main Stand and watch the game. We had lots of fun playing games, singing songs, watching the game and eating lots of tasty treats.

Then the following day LFC under 23’s took on Manchester City U23s at Prenton Park. There was no way I was missing that. I jumped in the Mighty mobile and headed across the water. I am so glad that I did because not only was it a boss game but LFC won and Stevie G and Robbie Fowler turned up to! Two huge legends came to watch the lads. I wander who will turn up next time when they play at Anfield!

Pitch talk

Apart from the U23’s it hasn’t been the best week for the Reds. We conceded 5 goals against Manchester City on the weekend and drew against Sevilla FC in the Champions League. Jürgen has given some positive words and hopefully we can pull it back in our next games. Well done Firmino and Salah on scoring 2 quality goals against Sevilla.



Back to school!

8th September 2017

It was time to go back to school this week. Ruby Red and I are looking good in our new uniforms, although they are a little uncomfortable for playing football in. I’ve really enjoyed the summer holidays but I couldn’t wait to see my friends again. They wanted to know all about my adventures with LFC.

I told them about the Pre-Season Tour, LFC Soccer Schools and the start of the 2017/18 Season. Lots of them are made up with Klopp’s new players and cannot wait for the next game. It has been quiet this last week because we had three games in one week and then none at all whilst the players have been on International break.

I got to test out my New Balance trainers on the yard when we had the first footy game of the year, they are ace. You could tell lots of my friends had been down the park practising over the summer, because we scored ten goals. I went in goal and the opposite team had to kiss goodbye to scoring because they certainly weren’t getting one past me!

Pitch talk

Not a whole lot to report this week due to the players being on international duty. That doesn’t mean they haven’t been scoring goals! Woodburn, Salah and Mane have all found the back of the net for their countries. We don’t have to wait long to see LFC back in action as they take on Manchester City on Saturday away, I’ll be watching on the big screen at Anfield at our Away Match Screening, where will you be watching? 



Stadium Tours and Games!

1st September 2017

The school holidays have been totally wicked so far. My mates from Stadium Tours called me and asked if I would come along to try their brand new Stadium Tour of Anfield. It’s now a free flow Tour which lets you walk around Anfield at your own pace. This was perfect for me because I got to spend loads of time next to the pitch! Not to mention all the cool new features on the Tour.

The action never stops. A quick sleep and it was time to head back to Anfield for the Arsenal game. The fans were so hyped after seeing the Reds smashing it in the previous games that week. I met up with some new LFC friends from Western Union down at the Family Park and then I went pitch side and had a go at being a corner flag!

After a weekend at Anfield I decided to spread my wings over the Mersey and head to a place called The Hive Youth Zone in Birkenhead. They had holiday camps on for the summer holidays. There were so many cool things to do from rock climbing, dancing, football, boxing and loads more! They even have night time youth clubs and other sessions on all the time. I’d definitely recommend a visit.

Pitch Talk

Well it’s safe to say we absolutely smashed it against Arsenal.  All of the lads got involved starting with Firmino’s header in the 17th minute. A quick celebration and a high five from Mane lead to him getting one in. The lads must have been confident going into the second half. Salah and Sturridge made sure there was no chance of Arsenal closing the gap. A 4-0 victory to the Reds!

To get back to Anfield!

25th August 2017

It has been an extra special week for any Reds supporter. The first home game of the 2017/18 Premier League Season finally arrived. Anfield looked a little different this season. We have a brand new pitch, more activities in the Family Park before the game, an enormous retail store and lots of new food stalls. I started to go around the ground 5 hours before kick-off so I could make sure I got to see it all!

I wasn’t the only one who got there extra early. Lots of Reds joined me in the Family Park including the world’s best football freestyler, John Farnworth! After showing me a trick or two we went off in search of some food. It wasn’t long until we found something tasty at Paisley Square.

The atmosphere was unreal. I was quickly reminded why I love Anfield. No matter where I am in the world nothing quite compares to playing at home.

But the football didn’t stop there.  The under U23’s took on Sunderland at Prenton Park. It was a slow start with a 0-0 result at half time. There must have been some motivational talks in the changing rooms because they smashed the second half ending in a 3-0 win. Get in!

Pitch talk

Great results all around for the Reds this week. Mane reached the back of the net against Crystal Palace at the weekend. You could tell Klopp had put the team on the defensive and we managed to not concede any goals. 3 points in the net!

The wins kept coming as the First Team returned to Europe on Wednesday evening with their home leg against Hoffenheim. It ended 4-2 (6-3 on aggregate) meaning that the Red progress to the group stages!

Next up it’s another game at Anfield as Arsenal visit this Sunday.

Come on you Reds!

Super Family Fun Day!

18th August 2017

The adventures have continued in Liverpool this week, starting with the LFC Foundation Family Fun Day at the weekend. It should have been called the SUPER Family Fun Day because there were lots of cool things to do. There was a competition for the under 16’s, featuring different Premier League clubs. Not to mention the music, dart football, bubble football, fire engines, football tennis and loads more! Can you see why it should have been called the SUPER fun day yet?

The bubble football was my favourite. If you don’t know what it is then let me tell you! You get inside a big bubble filled with air. Your legs are free to run around, kick the ball and score goals. You don’t need to tackle anymore because the big bubble allows you to just bounce your opponent out the way. It’s so much fun! I won, obviously.

I didn’t get long to rest my wings. I had been invited down to go and see my friends in London from Standard Chartered. If you don’t know, it is where my good friend Sir SIB lives; he is a partially blind furry turtle that helps raise money for other people struggling to see. I met a brand new friend too. Her name is Dr Sally SIB!

Pitch Talk

What a great start to the Champions League Qualifiers! The Reds won 1-2. Trent Alexander-Arnold scored a breath taking free kick. I haven’t seen one like that since Stevie G was on the pitch. The first home game of the season takes place on Saturday against Crystal Palace in the Premier League. Let’s beat them like we did on Pre-Season!


The 2017/18 Season is here!

15th August 2017

I finished the Pre-Season Tour over in Ireland having a good craic with the Irish Reds. I met the LFC Foundation coaches at Larkview Boys FC. They put on a whole host of sessions for the local players, supporters and the Special Olympics. They let me join in and show off some skills. After scoring an overhead kick that would rival Emre Can’s, I finished with a knee slide celebration. Result! 

I was sad to leave Larkview but there was some important football to attend to. LFC took on Athletic Club. I was lucky enough to be invited to meet all the fans on the pitch side. They were super excited to watch the match and certainly knew how to create a good atmosphere. After lots of high fives, selfies and dabs it was time for Kick off.

After a successful final match for the Reds it was time to spread my wings for the short distance back home.  So Pre-Season Tour was over and I was disappointed to not be  anymore but there has been one thing on my mind…...the start of the 2017/18 Season. It wasn’t the best start drawing to Watford but we still took a point and there is a lot to learn from. 

Pitch Talk 

There was a buzz in the air against Athletic Club. Solanke, Woodburn and Firmino all felt it when they made the back of the net. The Reds came away with a 3-1 victory.  First game of the Premier League and Mane was the first to score! Quickly followed by Firmino in a feather biting penalty. It looked like the three points would be ours when Salah scored making it 3-2. Unfortunately a last minute goal resulted in a draw. Better luck next time! 



Me of course!

4th August 2017

From one German City to another, after a fantastic time in Berlin, I stretched my wings and headed off to Munich!

Here, I met a new friend called Berni the Bear; he is FC Bayern Munich's number one furry fan and Mascot, we were both there for the Audi Cup. The guys at Audi had set up some amazing competitions for us in the Allianz Arena. 

The first competition involved a race from one side of the pitch to the other. It wasn't that simple though. We had to jump over hurdles, zig-zag between cones and finally put our dribbling skills to the test. Berni was a fast bear, but I am a really fast Liver bird and he was no match for me. I won round one for the Reds and it wasn't the only win. LFC went on to win the first leg of the Audi Cup 2017 against FC Bayern Munich! 

Round 2 of my competition again Berni Bear was a little bit different. We had to get the ball closest to the flag right in the middle of the pitch. It was a tough competition with Berni getting a close first shot. I had one ball left out of three. The pressure was on to bag the victory for the Reds. I nailed it, getting the ball just yards from the centre flag. That is how I won the Mascot competition at the Audi Cup 2017.

After an amazing game, with a brave loss against Atletico Madrid, it was time to spread my wings to fly straight over Anfield to Ireland for the last game of the Pre-Season Tour 2017. Come back next week to find out about my Irish adventures!

Pitch Talk 

LFC smashed it against FC Bayern Munich with a 3-0 victory putting them straight in to the final. Mane hit the net first followed by M Salah's incredible header. Lastly, Sturridge got one in with a lovely assist from young Woodburn.

It was on to the final and a disappointing loss to Atletico Madrid. It was 1-1 after Firmino made the equaliser. It was a feather biting finish that ended up in penalties. You did well Reds, better luck next time!  



Hello Germany!

31st July 2017

I’ve just got off the phone to my little sister Ruby Red. I was telling her all about how epic the Pre-Season Tour has been so far. I've just touched down in Munich ready for the Audi Cup 2017. I wonder what matchdays are going to be like here. I drove past the Allianz stadium today and it looks like something out of this world! 

I've managed to rest my wings after an amazing time in Berlin. It is such a cool city. The Olympia Stadium is pretty breath taking with history and a pretzel around every corner! I met a new fury friend called Herthinho it sounds a bit like Coutinho. He is a very famous bear that loves to mingle with the fans and players. 

We met all the mascots and fans on the running track around the pitch. Unfortunately we didn't get to race but I'm sure I would have won. Everyone was so excited for the game. The Reds had come in their thousands ready to cheer on LFC. 

I'm now looking forward to meeting all the Reds again in Munich. Not long to go until round one of the Audi Cup 2017. Hopefully we will be celebrating another victory. 

Pitch talk 

Solanke got another goal for the Reds on his second game. He is definitely one to look out for next season. Salah kept up his awesome speed throughout the game and managed to reach the back of the net too. The crowd went wild. Wijnaldum also found the net making it a 3-0 victory! Liverpool FC's defence was on top form leaving Hertha with not much hope at all. 

Pre-Season Tour part 1 - Hong Kong!

21st July 2017

A big hello all the way from Hong Kong from me this week! I've been up to all sorts out here and I can’t wait to tell you all about it in this week's blog…....

If you have never been to Hong Kong before then I would recommend it to all of my friends.

We kicked of our trip to Hong Kong with a visit from my new friends from Camp Quality, who are an international group that provide year-round support for children undergoing treatment for cancer and their families.

They were an awesome bunch of young people who got the chance to meet ME and the players! They even got to hang out with us for a bit and play some ping pong as well as having a game on PES 2017, I dominated at that as always!

I've been getting involved with the LFC Foundation coaches sharing some amazing footy skills with lots of new friends from all over Hong Kong. From morning until night we have had visits from Camp Quality, Hong Kong U12's, Standard Chartered, the Premier League and even special visits from lots of LFC players and Legends. What a way to spend a week!

The highlight of my trip so far has got to be taking on Crystal Palace and beating them 2-0 in the Premier League Asia Trophy. The crowd was electric, I loved meeting them all and they loved meeting me to ( of course ).

Hanging out with the other team mascots was great fun and we had lots to talk about with new season fast approaching.

Pitch talk

Dominic Solanke scored his first goal on his Reds debut against Crystal Palace! The main man Origi secured the deal by netting a goal to make it 2-0! There was not much chance of Crystal Palace making a comeback with our awesome defence. Next up we take on Leicester City in the Premier League Asia Trophy final on Saturday!

Come you Reds.

Pre-Season Tour has begun!

14th July 2017

It has been a very exciting week for this Liver bird. It all started to get very exciting when I was told I would be meeting lots of local schools at Anfield for an extra special reason. I wasn’t just me meeting the schools, LFC Legend Robbie fowler, First Team player Jon Flanagan and the CEO of LFC, Peter Moore were all there to say hello. Thanks to the Red Neighbours we were there giving out over a 1000 tickets to local schools. That is great news for me because I now have lots of new and old friends to go and see during the Premier League games in 2017/18.

It didn’t stop there though. This week was the start of Pre-Season Tour for LFC. On Tuesday night, after my dinner with Ruby Red, Little Liver, Mum and Dad I got a special phone call. It was only Jürgen asking if I would join the lads on tour! It didn’t take me long to pack my bags and my favourite footy boots! Ruby Red said she didn’t mind looking after my Pet Iguana Fred whilst I was away.

I cannot wait to meet all the fans and share the excitement as we get Pre-Season underway. Our first stop was on Wednesday and it was just across the River Mersey at Prenton Park where we played Tranmere Rovers.

Next stop is this evening, and it’s at Wigan just a stone throw away from Liverpool. I will then be spreading my wings to head over to one of my favourite places, Hong Kong! Finally the Pre-Season Tour will take us to the home of Klopp, Germany! 

Stay tuned for all my Pre-Season Tour news to come. I will have Mighty match reports, exclusive fan news and amazing competitions.

Sports week continues!

7th July 2017

This week has been action packed with lots of school visits in Liverpool. First up we went to Milstead Primary School. We had so much fun for sports week. Especially as the totally wicked LFC Foundation coaches joined us. After visiting each classroom we headed straight to the sports halls for a kick about of course.

The fun with the LFC Foundation coaches didn’t stop there, we were off to the LFC Academy to join in the girls’ school tournament. A very special guest turned up, Gemma Bonner the Liverpool Ladies FC Captain. The girls had prepared lots of questions for her. After a few pics and signatures Gemma was off to ask some questions of her own to the main man Stevie G.

It seems like everywhere has been getting sporty in Merseyside this week. St Vincent’s Primary in the City centre asked if I would come and hand out some certificates. They didn’t have to ask me twice, I was straight there meeting lots of new friends. It was great to see some top quality Sportsmanship.

Pitch talk

Listen up! The players are back at Melwood and working hard. It won’t be long until the Pre-Season Tour starts and the first stop is just a stone throw away against Tranmere Rovers. Stay tuned for more updates and exclusive news around the Pre-Season Tour. 

Hello New Park Primary!

30th June 2017

I love starting my week with an assembly, especially when it’s with my new friends at New Park Primary. There were lots of Reds there and they could sing so loud they would have done the Kop proud. It was a great way to kick off International Sport and Health Week.

They showed me some of their classrooms. One room had lots of projectors and you could change it from a dance studio to a map of the world. It was some next level technology!

I could smell something really good when Miss Beaumont took us to see some of the classes. I couldn’t resist bursting into a cooking class, they were cooking lamb stew and it smelled great! But unfortunately, it wasn’t quite ready to eat.

Next, I went to visit the Reception Class who were having a Spanish themed week. They showed me their new Spanish dancing and I showed them how I do the Sturridge dance.

Pitch Talk

So the Premier League has revealed the fixtures for the 2017/18 season and I can’t wait for it to start. All the dates are already in my diary!

Liverpool FC’s new signing, Mo Salah looks really good! I can’t wait see him in action on Pre-Season Tour!

Ladies Week!

23rd June 2017

Ok well I didn’t go to every session that the ladies coached for our girls this week but I definitely kept my eye on their skills. In particular, Rainhill United, when they got a special visit from Liverpool Ladies FC player Ellie Fletcher. 50+ girls took to the pitch showing Ellie all the skills they had learnt and even got to have a little kick around with her! Gutted I was at footy practice that day but I am sure Ellie and Rainhill United would have been impressed with my goalie moves!

Something extra special happened for me this week, LFC delivered a red envelope to my house and inside was an invitation to join them at ALL of their Pre-Season Tour games, how cool is that? That means I get to visit new places in the UK and I get to go back to Hong Kong, Germany and Ireland! I better get training my wings for all that flying.

Make sure you keep checking back as my Pre Season Tour video is coming soon. 

Pitch talk:

It’s quiet here at Melwood as the players are off on International Duty or a well-deserved break! Emre Can has worked extra hard this week as he helped his home team Germany defeat Australia. 

Heading Down South!

16th June 2017

I've been on a secret mission to the south coast of Wales this week. LFC Official Membership winner Maci won the best prize ever! She was picked up by my LFC friend in my very own LFC car - the 'Mighty Mobile' alongside her sister Faith and her mum and dad.

Not only that but I joined her in assembly and told her whole school about the Liverpool Way. After that we got lots of pictures and everyone in Maci's class as well as the head teacher got some really cool stickers.

I told them why I style my hair in 5 spikes. If you don't know, it's because LFC have won the European Cup 5 times. All together I have 18 spikes on my body for every League title LFC have won. We made lots of noise trying to be as loud as the Kop. These guys were pretty loud!

I popped by a seaside town called Tenby. It was a beautiful place with lots of amazing bird's eye views. I grabbed myself some fish and chips before heading back up to Anfield. I was sad to leave my new friends at Step Aside Catholic Primary but duty calls for this Liver bird. I'm off to meet some awesome people at the LFC Foundation. Don't forget to stop by next week and find out all about my new adventures.

Pitch talk

The Reds have been on international duty this week. I’ve been routing for England. They had an unlucky game against France when they lost 3-2. Hopefully they have better luck against Malta in September. 

Me and Fred on our School Holidays

2nd June 2017

It's the school holidays and I haven't been short on things to do that's for sure. My pet iguana Fred was a little sad because he couldn't come with me on the Family Tours around Anfield. I let him know that I wouldn't be gone for too long and he could play with my sister Ruby Red whilst I was gone. That made him feel a bit better. Besides that I would be back for a kick about in no time!

There was a slight change in the usual Mighty Red Family Tours this week because we were meeting our friends in the Main Stand concourse! It is such an amazing space with loads of history in it. Not to mention the hotdogs are amazing.

The next day I was made up to be invited to the LFC International Soccer School at The Academy. Fred really wanted to come with me. I had to bring him with me as long as he waited in the car. No iguanas allowed on the pitch unfortunately!

Whilst he looked out for Stevie G in the car, I was welcoming in all the stars of the future. Lots of high fives and a prep talk from the coach and it was time for a day of top footy The Liverpool Way.

Pitch Talk!

End of the season for the Reds a nice 3-0 win at the friendly in Sydney. You can catch me at the LFC Ladies game on Saturday as we they take on Man City. It's going to be a big one!




Fun in Shanghai

26th May 2017

It's been an awesome week for this Liver bird! I have made lots of new friends over in Shanghai. I know Liverpool is a big city but Shanghai is huge! Sky scrapers for as far as my birds eye could see. Buildings of all shapes and sizes.

My good friends from LFC World invited me over to come and meet the fans. We had so much of Anfield to show them from a virtual reality message from Klopp and Henderson, to a replica set up of the changing rooms.

The best part had to be joining in the soccer clinics with Garcia, Hypia, Fowler and Barnes, as well as the top coaches from the LFC International Academy and of course 100s of young players. I definitely learnt some cool skills and how to play in very hot weather!

Pitch talk

Well, what can I say... Boss tha! An unforgettable game as well as the buzzing atmosphere. The fans were on top form just like the players and everyone looked class in the new home kit.

3 goals and 3 points which meant we finished 4th and off to the Champions League next season (I'm excited already). 


No rest for all the team as they jumped on a plane over to Sydney, Australia to play with Gerrard, Carragaher and Macmanaman. That finished 3-0 too! What an end to the season. Next up is Pre-season training!

Cheering on the REDS!

19th May 2017

After an eventful week in Liverpool I received a VIP invite to join LFC World over in Shanghai, China (such a lucky Liver bird) 

After mum had helped me pack my bag I was ready to take to the sky. I’ve heard that John Barnes, Luis Garcia, Robbie Fowler and Sami Hyypia might be there too! I'll make sure I take plenty of photos.

Big shout out to all the runners in the Run for the 96 5k race in Liverpool last weekend, there was some top fundraisers and amazing determination there. 

Pitch talk:

I was made up that I was able to watch the lads play West Ham United last weekend. Even better it was on the big screen at Anfield and not only that, I got to watch it with LFC Legend Roy Evens. We cheered so much and I finally got to do 'the Sturridge' with my mates! It was a boss 4-0 win! Let’s hope for the same again this weekend as we end the season at home!

Liverpool Ladies FC have been playing some top football as well, they matched the lads and won their game 4-0 against Sunderland this week. We also welcomed new signing England’s international defender Amy Turner this week, what a week for the Ladies! 

Players’ Awards!

12th May 2017

It’s been another glorious week at Anfield as you can see by my picture on the right. Don’t worry I didn’t sunbathe all day otherwise I would have got burnt and turned Red. Oh wait. I am red!

I got invited to the under 9’s signing event in the Beautiful Game lounge in the main stand at Anfield on Tuesday. I was super excited to meet all the new stars of the future. We had a massive party and took lots of photos before it was time to head to the Players’ Awards!

There was lots of amazing awards given out. I’m not surprised though with all of the talent in the boss Liverpool FC team. Mane got himself Player of the Season and Player’s Player of the Season. Safe to say he has made a great first impression with all my mates in school and in the team. I’ve been working on my overhead kicks since seeing Emre Can’s belter! Made up to hear he got goal of the season award!

Pitch talk

LFC took on Southampton at the weekend and it was a frustrating game to say the least. We didn’t see any overhead kicks from Emre, but we did see some great defence. We managed a draw which gave us one point leaving us 3rd in the Premier League table. Not long to go until the end of the season. I have every feather crossed for Liverpool FC to qualify for the Champions League! 

Sunny Liverpool

5th May 2017

Something amazing happened over the weekend. The sun came out! I love it when the sun comes out in Liverpool. There is a good mood right across the city. The smell of BBQ’s in the air, the parks are full of families and you won’t travel far to see a group of young Reds wearing their LFC shirts kicking a ball about.

I got to spend my day in the sun somewhere extra special. The LFC Academy! It was a School festival and there were lots of little Reds coming to the Academy for the first time. One of the LFC coaches said I could help give out some certificates at the end if I hit a wall target with a football. I hit it first time, obviously. I wasn’t so lucky the second time when I got it stuck in the ceiling!

I put on my Kick-it out t-shirt and sat down with my hot dog at the Liverpool Ladies FC V Reading Ladies game on the weekend. I did not want to see Reading score pretty much in the first minute. But that is what happened. I decided to put my hot dog down and do what I do best. Cheer on the Reds! Some of my friends brought a drum to the game and we all cheered and sung along. The atmosphere quickly built and Tasha Harding must have been feeling this because she brought it back. Followed by Caroline Weir and Laura Coombs they smashed it with a 4-2 victory!

Pitch talk

Emre Can secured a vital 3 points on Monday when LFC took on Watford at Vicarage Road. The defence was so good that Watford didn’t even get a goal. Next up is an important clash against Southampton. You can count on me being there!

Spring Series

27th April 2017

Even though I had to go back to school after my Easter Fun I was so excited as my adventures just keep coming.

I received a really special letter about one of my friends, Luke, telling me how brave he has been and how much he LOVES LFC. I flew over the River Mersey to Heswall to make a surprise visit in his assembly to award him with 1 of my 100 Golden Mighty badges. The smiles were incredible even from the teachers and head teacher! 

We talked about the Liverpool Way and how our support helps the players every matchday. I could have stayed there all day but I had to head back to Anfield in time for the special 17/18 Home Kit reveal, I can’t wait to buy this for my brother and sister. 

Pitch talk:

We were back at Anfield on Saturday where we welcomed Crystal Palace into our new changing rooms, unfortunately Benteke was on top form in the game and even with Coutinho’s goal it wasn’t enough this time around, final score 1-2.  Watford are up next and I am positive we will gain 3 points!

The next day I was off to watch the final home game of the U23s at Prenton Park v Manchester City. The lads were on top form leaving the game 3–2 thanks to 2 from Ben Woodburn and Matty Virtue. The U23s wins don’t stop there for this week though, they were back at the LFC Academy last night and they won 6–0 against Rochdale!

Next up is the first home game of the Liverpool Ladies FC spring series, I am so excited to go and see them play at Widnes. They always have fun things for us to do before Kick Off and Half time, this Friday you could win a Kick it Out shirt signed by Gemma Bonner

Easter at Anfield

21st April 2017

I've been having lots of fun footy adventures over the school holidays. One of my favourite has to be my extra special Easter Stadium Tours around Anfield. I couldn't think of a better place to spend my Easter than the Kop.

I sent all my friends that were on the Tour on a hunt to find where I was hiding all the Easter eggs! After making their way around Anfield and through the Main stand, they finally found all of the eggs and me in the Kop! I had lots of games and prizes to be won.

When the excitement of Easter was over I still had some time left off school, so I went off to the park with my favourite LFC football and a few good friends to practice being the best Liver bird ever!

Pitch talk 

LFC are sitting nicely in the Premier League table in 3rd position. It's no surprise with some of the great results lately. We beat West Bromwich Albion last weekend! The Reds have another game this weekend. Bring it on! 


Schools out!

12th April 2017

It’s a good time for Liver birds and kids in schools across the UK at the moment. That’s because Schools out! It’s the Easter holidays and there has been a lot going on.

I love taking a trip to the Liverpool FC International Academy. I’ve been three times already this half term. I love catching up with all the coaches and welcoming the new kids (and not so new kids) into the Soccer School. I tried to take my pet Iguana ‘Fred’ with me this week but my mum said he had to stay at home unfortunately.

Fred wasn’t happy but we got to stay up late and watch the highlights from the Stoke City V Liverpool FC game so it wasn’t too bad. It was such a good game. The Reds brought home the 3 points and that’s what counts the most.

If you didn’t know there is a place in Anfield called The Boot Room Sports Cafe. It sounds like it might be somewhere you go and hang your boots. But it’s certainly not. It’s a restaurant were all the LFC supporters can enjoy some amazing food surrounded by everything LFC. I went at the weekend to surprise one lucky Liverpool FC fan on his Birthday. We had so much fun and not to mention, ice cream!

Pitch Talk

Nothing makes me happier in the morning than taking a look at the Premier League table to see LFC sitting in the top 4. We just need to stay there. We are up against West Bromwich Albion on Sunday, soon so fingers crossed we bring home another 3 points!



A week in the life of a Liver Bird

7th April 2017


I flew down south not because of the weather, but to meet an LFC Legend and Standard Chartered for their Football tournament at the Power League in London. I showed them a goal or five!


It was straight back up North to Anfield for Derby day. Possibly one of the best days of the year! Merseyside was Red after winning to the blues 3-1. Get in!


It was time to put my running shoes on to meet the LFC Legends Ian Rush and Gary McAllister as we cheered on thousands of runners on the docks. They were there to run the Liverpool Vitality half marathon.

The day didn’t stop there; it was back to the Power League pitches but this time in Manchester for an extra special Birthday party.


Schools out, International Soccer School is in! First thing I was off to the LFC Academy to welcome all the new future stars on the International Soccer Schools. Stevie G even made an appearance.

After a busy morning at the Academy it was off to Chester FC were the LFC U23’s were playing in the Premier League 2 tournament!


I spent Tuesday having a little rest and catching up with my friends on School holidays!


I couldn’t wait for kick off! LFC were up against AFC Bournemouth and the fans were certainly ready! It was an unlucky draw at the end with Origi and Coutinho getting goals in. It wasn’t enough when AFC Bournemouth scored a late equaliser. 

LFC Legends v Real Madrid Legends!

31st March 2017

Well where do I begin, this week has been like no other. The amount of football I have played and the skills that I have seen have definitely got my feathers flapping, but no time to rest them.

I flew over to the LFC Academy this week to witness the semi-final of the Premier League Schools Tournament. 20 schools from all over Merseyside battled it out until there could only be one winning team. YR 6 Bidston Avenue Primary were our champions, and they walked away with 2 trophies and the chance to represent Liverpool FC at Stamford Bridge (Chelsea’s Stadium) in the final next month.

Amazing football from everyone and definitely a few legends in the making! Talking of legends, I was overloaded with them on Saturday at the special LFC Foundations Legends game.

LFC Legends v Real Madrid Legends had Anfield up on their feet with cheering, singing and goal celebrations. It’s not every day that you see Michael Owen, Robbie Fowler, Steven Gerrard and John Aldridge all together. The final score ended 4–3, it was boss seeing so many goals.

Pitch talk

Liverpool Ladies FC are storming it through the FA Cup, winning all their games so far. Next up they meet Manchester City Ladies away in the semi-finals – you’ve got this LLFC! 

The lads are finally back from their international duties and the teams hot weather training in Tenerife. They have settled back in well and are working hard ahead of the Merseyside Derby at Anfield on Saturday. The atmosphere is always a good one when Everton pay us a visit, feathers crossed for more goals and points coming our way – come one you REDS.

Fun on the weekend

24th March 2017

There is one thing that I will always love doing and that’s hanging out with my friends in the Kop. We had a great time on Saturday when Reds from all around the country came to join me on my Family Stadium Tour. I showed them my Sturridge celebration and they showed me theirs. Although mine is the best in the world they all got a Mighty badge because there were some really great celebrations.

The weekend showed no sign of slowing down because Liverpool FC took on Manchester City on Sunday! I couldn’t make it to the away game but that wasn’t a problem because Anfield were holding an extra special event just for Liverpool FC fans. They got to watch the match on the big screen in the Dugout lounge in the Main Stand. There was lots of food, games, singing and all around fun to be had.

One of the best games of the season is coming up this weekend. No it’s not the last game of the Premier League season or another Liverpool FC V FC Barcelona special, in fact, it’s not even involving the First Team. That only leaves one extra special game that it could be and that’s Liverpool FC Legends V Real Madrid Legends! The line-up is something dreams are made of. You can bet I will be there and I am super excited for some pre-match celebrating with you Reds around Anfield!

Pitch talk

What a weekend it was for Liverpool Football Club. A draw for the First Team away against Manchester City and a win for Liverpool Ladies FC against Everton in the Women’s FA Cup!

James Milner found the back of the net with his Penalty to take the Reds in to the lead, but Manchester City equalised in the 2nd half meaning that we took just one point away instead of the full three!


Liverpool Ladies FC progress in to the quarter finals of the Women’s FA Cup after Shanice Van de Sanden headed home the winning goal in extra time. Making it a 2-1 win against our Merseyside rivals Everton!

Football week!

17th March 2017

I couldn’t wait for the Reds to take on Burnley in the Premier League clash at Anfield. I arrived extra early with lots of stickers and badges to give out to my friends and fans. We had such a laugh in the Fan Zone on Paisley Square dancing to the live music with Baz Todd on the microphone getting everybody hyped for the game!

Lots of my friends were going for a 2-1 win to Liverpool FC. I agreed with them so my Mighty on match day prediction was 2-1. Guess what! It was 2-1 to the Reds! Goes to show us fans know what we’re talking about.

After the Reds result I couldn't wait to watch my next bit of football. I didn't have to wait long either as the U23's were playing at Prenton Park against Chelsea. It was super busy with loads of amazing Reds. After some pre match laughs, photos and singing it was time to watch the game.

Pitch talk
LFC are sat in 4th position on the Premier League table, things are looking good but they still have some hard work to do. They are up against Manchester City this weekend, away at the Etihad Stadium. Time to get another 3 points!

Hong Kong Special!

10th March 2017

Being Liverpool FC’s number one fan is a very busy job!

As you all know from my updates last week, I was really lucky and got the chance to fly out to Hong Kong for LFC World. Looking back over the trip I have to say my favourite part was meeting all the fans from Hong Kong. There were a lot of them and they were all amazing! They certainly knew how to share the LFC love. We had lots of pictures and shared jokes whilst waiting to meet Sami Hyypia in the shopping mall.

Another highlight was when Camp Quality came along to meet the LFC Legend Patrik Berger. There were lots of smiles all round! It was so special I decided to give the staff a Golden Mighty award for making a difference in people’s lives.

Once I’d given out my award I decided it was time to have some fun so I went along to the 5 a side ice rink! That’s right, an ice rink. I didn’t have to worry about falling on my bum and ruffling my tail feathers because they put us in big bubbles. It sounds crazy, but it’s true and we had such a fun time.

The fun didn’t stop there in Hong Kong; I got to help out at the Standard Charted Soccer School with the top LFC Coaches. They showed me a few tricks and I showed them how I can save a goal with my eyes shut!

Pitch Talk

The Reds back home have been showing us how it’s done! They smashed the table toppers Arsenal with a 3-1 win at home last weekend. A great result for our position in the Premier League table. I’m now looking forward to playing Burnley on Sunday!

Come on you Reds!

Anfield to Hong Kong!

3rd March 2017

This week has been a dream come true for the number one Liverpool FC fan! I’ve only been invited to fly out to Hong Kong with LFC Legends Garcia, Hyypia, McAteer, Berger and Smicer! We are on another LFC World expedition bringing a little bit of Liverpool FC to Asia. It’s so cool meeting so many new friends. Stay tuned and I will keep you up to date with my Hong Kong adventures.

Before I left, I had a few LFC missions to complete! The first was to surprise my friends on the Mighty Red Family Stadium Tour. I got up and brushed my teeth for 2 minutes like I always do twice a day, every day! There was an awful lot of noise outside and when I went down to eat my breakfast, I found out there was a storm called Doris outside!

No storm is a match for Mighty Red so I kept my wings close and set off for Anfield. Who knew a storm called Doris could be such a nightmare! The trees had blown over and the streets were empty. The Family Tours had to take a special route to avoid the windier parts of Anfield Stadium. Never the less, I still met my friends who managed to travel in the Sevens Lounge!

Pitch talk

It was a disappointing 3-1 defeat to last year’s Premier League winners Leicester City when we played them away on Monday. It wasn’t the same story for the U23’s. They beat West Brom 1-0 in the Premier League Cup. Well done lads! Hopefully LFC will do better in front of the Kop on Saturday against Arsenal.

The No.12

24th February 2017

People often ask me why I have number 12 on my back. The real reason is so I am ready if Liverpool FC’s number 12, Joe Gomez is unable to play then I will be sent on in his place to score a few goals for LFC.

Ok, maybe in my dreams! Unfortunately, that is not the case but there is actually a very good reason for this.

There are normally eleven players for LFC on a matchday. Sometimes the eleven players might be having a bad day or up against a really tough team. There is a twelfth player who jumps in and on a lot of occasions saves the day! The twelfth player is the loudest with so much passion that they can fill all the other players with the strength and inspiration to win the game.

Have you guessed who it is yet? It’s the fans of LFC! They can be heard for miles around on a matchday. When it looks like it might not be LFC’s day, they are famous for not giving up and sticking by the team. Singing even louder!

That’s why I proudly wear number 12 on my very much loved Liverpool Football Club shirt. So next time someone tries to tell you there are only eleven players playing at Anfield, you can tell them about the secret twelfth player!

Pitch talk

The Reds have been in La Manga training with Klopp. It’s not long until they are back into action in the Premier League! They face last year’s winners Leicester City on Monday night away from home. Hopefully all of this training will pay off and we will take home the points! 

LFC Foundation Special

17th February 2017

Liverpool FC V Tottenham Hotspur was not an ordinary matchday. There was a buzz in the air. There were people handing out badges and stickers. The players were wearing a different t-shirt in training and I had a different t-shirt on too. There was a very special message to be spread.

It was LFC Foundation Day! I was a very proud Liver bird to be wearing the t-shirt and spreading the message across all of the Fan Zones at Anfield before the match. It was cool to see the LFC Foundation Coaches playing some really fun footy games.

Seeing all the different people coming together to help a good cause really gave Anfield an extra positive vibe. The players obviously felt this as they went on to win 2-0! What a result.

Match talk

Mane was the man of the match against Tottenham Hotspur in our Premier League clash. He scored the 2 winning goals. The U23’s have been extra busy clocking up the goals against Huddersfield in their Premier League 2 Game. They scored an amazing 6 goals. Keep it up Reds!


Safer Internet Day!

10th February 2017

Anfield opened its doors to 375 pupils from 25 schools this week for an extra special event! We were there to learn all about Safer Internet Day. I got to Anfield extra early because I wanted to be the first person to welcome the schools into the Centenary Stand. Everybody was super excited when they arrived. We got lots of high fives, selfies and dabs in before we even entered!

We settled into one of Anfield’s Lounges and eagerly awaited the start of the day. One of my best friends Emma was there to introduce us to the day and what it was all about. Just when I thought it couldn’t get much better a very special guest walked in. It was the LFC Legend himself, Gary McAllister!

We were told all about being safe on the internet and how we should be extra careful with the content we put out there. It made us realise that we all have a part to play when it comes to making the internet safe. Little things like double checking your friend doesn’t mind you posting a photo or making sure your comments wont upset people will all help. As Gary told us he once got snapped by Louis Garcia taking a snooze at the airport! Gary was ok with it, but he let us know that this could upset some people and we should always ask first.

Pitch talk

The Reds lost 0-2 to Hull City on the weekend in our Premier League clash. It was a real shame, but this kind of thing happens in football and if there is one thing I love about Liverpool FC it is our ability to keep on being supportive regardless of the score. I know the Reds will play their best against Tottenham Hotspur on the weekend in their next Premier League fixture. Feathers crossed for a good result!



Travel in style!

3rd February 2017

If you didn’t know I have a rather cool way of getting around, I call it the Mighty Mobile. One lucky Official Membership winner Sam, and two of his friends, got to take a ride in the Mighty Mobile this week. Sam entered a competition in the Membership Digital Magazine, and was chosen to have me visit his school! After picking him up we set off to St Anne’s C of E Primary in Durham, where Sam’s teacher and all of his friends were waiting for us in the playground. After we said hello to everyone we headed inside and got ready for our special LFC assembly about The Liverpool Way. They loved it that much that some of our new friends now support LFC too – WINNER! 

Pitch talk

A crazy week of football for the Reds again. We had our FA Cup fourth round battle against Wolves FC, which didn’t go too well unfortunately with a 1-2 loss, but we brushed it off ready to go again. I think we played extra hard against Chelsea on Tuesday because we managed to draw with the table toppers! Not a win but it was still great to walk away with a point. That leaves us fourth in the Premier League table very closely behind Tottenham Hotspur and Arsenal. Next up the First Team are off to play Hull City and I am off to Anfield on Sunday to watch our U23s play Tottenham Hotspur U23s - come on you Reds!

A cold Anfield

27th January 2017

It’s been very cold at Anfield this week. There has even been ice on the car windows in the morning! The best time to get your LFC scarf out. Although it’s cold, Anfield has still been very busy!  Three matches in the last week and another one on Saturday against Wolverhampton Wanderers FC. 

It was a great start to the weekend with Liverpool FC playing Swansea City. There were lots of fans all around Anfield excited for the game. I got there extra early and headed out to the Paisley Square Fan Zone to say hello to them all. I was on a mission to tell people all about Kick it out. Football's equality and inclusion organisation. We had loads of fun and made sure we got plenty of photos.

During the Southampton game I was invited to one of the executive boxes in the Main Stand to see some young Reds. I couldn’t hold my excitement. I was actually going to see the brand new executive boxes. They were amazing, with a boss view of the match! 

Pitch Talk

Ok, so it’s not been the best week ever for the Reds. I was sad at first but after a few wise words from the gaffa Klopp, I feel optimistic and can’t wait for the Wolves game. We lost against Swansea City in the Premier League clash. We put up a battle and Firmino got 2 goals against the Swans. And midweek a 1-0 loss against Southampton kicked us out of the EFL Cup. But I’m not too sad because we still have plenty of games and lots to look forward to! 


A very Red Week!

20th January 2017

Here is why this week has been very Red. Firstly we took on our Red North West neighbours Manchester United on Sunday. It was an extra special game for me because I had been invited to come and watch it at Anfield on the big screen with a load of fans! It doesn’t get much better than that for an away game.

We were up against them again the day after when our U23 squad took on Manchester United U23s in the Premier League 2 tournament. The Kop was looking very Red with lots of scarfs and flags. There was time for a quick sleep before heading over to the Academy to meet lots of little Reds. They were super excited to see me. We played lots of footy together!

My little sister, Ruby Red, got her first football the other day and guess what colour it was? Yes, you guessed it. Red! Ruby has a long way to go before she becomes a skilled football master like me. But I’m a good big brother and I will help her as much as I can. Maybe one day she can play for Liverpool Ladies FC.

Pitch talk

It wasn’t the best result against Manchester United in our Premier League clash. We drew 1-1 with Milner finding the back of the net. The U23’s put up a real good fight in front of the Kop but it wasn’t quite enough to take the win.

Next up the First Team were back in action vs Plymouth Argyle in the FA Cup, Lucas scored his first goal since 2010 for the Reds to make it a 1-0 win and to take the Reds through to the next round of the competition.



A matchday with Plymouth Argyle

12th January 2017

Our Emirates FA Cup clash against Plymouth Argyle was extra special!

I got to Anfield nice and early on matchday, like always. I said hello to all the matchday staff and there are lots! Stewards, security, catering, hospitality, football staff and lots more all making our matchdays run smoothly. There was a real buzz in the air and everyone was excited to tell each other about their time over the holidays.

My changing room is right next to the players so after saying hello to all the football staff I got changed and headed out to the Paisley Square Fan Zone. To my surprise there was a sea of green. There was loads of Plymouth fans. 

My next appearance I was to meet my furry friend Pilgrim Petey. He has a very big hat. We got along very well and I really liked his scarf dance!

Getting photos by the player’s entrance with Pilgrim Petey was extra special. Thousands of Liverpool FC and Plymouth Argyle fans coming together to get a picture with me and Petey.

It was finally time for kick-off and it was clear Plymouth really had come in big numbers. Their supporters were taking up not just the Lower Anfield Road Stand but the Upper part too! There was a great vibe because the last time we played them it was way, way back in 1962.

Pitch talk

Plymouth Argyle put up a defensive fight. We tried so hard to break through but didn’t manage to reach the back of the net. The end result was 0-0. It will be a very interesting re match when we play them at their home on 18th January. 

Happy New Year!

6th January 2017

Hope you all had a great Festive break and are ready for more Kop Kids adventures.

I can’t wait to start the New Year, more football! Bring on 2017! The First Team have the English Football League Cup, the FA Cup and the Premier League to carry on with. The Ladies start their season soon and the U23’s are still smashing Premier League 2. You can’t get much better than that from a Football Club.

It was back to school for me this week to see all my friends and talk to them about all the parties over Christmas. We all agreed we had eaten lots of sweets and food, time to burn it all off with a big game of footy in the yard! I was in goal and of course nobody got any past me.

There were lots of fireworks in Liverpool on New Year’s Eve and I was allowed to stay up late and watch them all go off. Although we were all celebrating the New Year, I was also celebrating our win against Manchester City.

Pitch talk

We have been smashing in the goals with an early Christmas present of 3 points from our 4 -1 win against Stoke City then our Premier League clash against Manchester City on New Year Eve ended in a 1-0 win and another 3 points for the Reds with Wijnaldum scoring the winner with a header!  It wasn’t long until we were taking on Sunderland. Unfortunately it was a draw but we still walked away with one point, Mane and Sturridge making sure we didn’t lose. Starting the year 2nd in the Premier League table is not bad at all.


Let’s get on top now Reds! 

The best ever!

21st December 2016

It couldn’t get much better for a Liver Bird right now. It’s Christmas in just a few sleeps, Liverpool FC are back to winning ways and I have been sharing the LFC love in Kuala Lumpur!

Earlier this week it was time to spread my wings once again and take off for Kuala Lumpur with LFC World and the Legend himself, Robbie Fowler came along too and he brought Patrik Berger, Vladimir Smicer and Bruce Grobbelaar with him. Malaysia was our destination. It’s a boss place with lots to do, especially when LFC World are in town.

I got to visit my friends and learn some new skills with the top LFC Coaches from the International Academy and it was boss. We showed them The Liverpool Way and how I’m the best keeper ever.  Meeting the LFC Family from around the world is the best!

Pitch Talk

Cheering the Reds extra hard from Kuala Lumpur this week has definitely helped them. They smashed it against Middlesbrough the that last minute festive foot from Mane against Everton. We left Goodison with 3 points winning 0-1. It was a very Red day in Merseyside.  The Reds will be back in action at Anfield on the 27th December against Stoke City. See you there.

Have a great Christmas!

The countdown begins!

15th December 2016

I really do love Christmas time. I love getting festive with all my friends, it’s party after party. First stop this week; I went to the reception class at All Saints Primary. It was amazing. We played pass the parcel, did the hokey cokey and got lots of pictures. It didn't stop there; a very short trip down the road took me to Anfield where the Academy kids were waiting in the Boot Room Sports Cafe. It was great to see them all. Even Father Christmas showed up! After lots of ice cream and presents it was time to call it a day.

The next Christmas adventure took me to the Liverpool One retail store. I met my awesome friends from LFC Official Membership and we gave everyone in L1 mince pies and candy canes! We had a really good laugh and met lots of new LFC Official Mighty Red members!

Just because there are lots of parties it doesn't mean the football has stopped. We had a home game against West Ham United on Sunday. Anfield was alive with Christmas festivities. Santa must have noticed because he stopped by with two of his reindeer! 

Stay tuned next week for some big news on my trip to Kuala Lumpur.

Pitch talk

We played West Ham on the weekend. It was hard work although Origi and Lallana got one each in the back of the net, it wasn't enough unfortunately. West Ham gave just as good back and it was a 2-2 draw. We had better luck when we went away to play Middlesbrough on Tuesday though, we smashed it 3-0!  Lallana and Origi again getting the goals in! 

Keep it up Reds!


8th December 2016

I’m a very busy Liver bird and that must mean one thing. It’s nearly Christmas! The City of Liverpool has an amazing feeling at this time of year. The city and Anfield are looking beautiful with all of the lights and decorations. Everybody is getting cosy with their hats and scarfs. The party invites are coming in and my Santa wish list is ready!

Aside from feeling all cosy and Christmas like, there’s also some footy to be getting on with! The U23’splayed at Prenton Park on Tuesday and LFC are back at Anfield this playing on Sunday. Did I mention I’m flying to Kuala Lumpur next week? I told you I’m a busy Liver bird! I can’t wait to show everyone there how amazing LFC World is.

I’m going to go and get my best kit ready because I’m off out for an evening with Jurgen Klopp at Anfield. I can’t wait to meet the Boss again. 

If you make a Mighty Christmas list then don’t forget to share it with me. I would love to see it!

Pitch talk

It was an unfortunate loss to the Reds against AFC Bournemouth in their Premier League clash. It looked like we had it until the end. We lost 4-3 but I’m sure we can make up for it with our clash against West Ham on Sunday. The U23's where on fire. A neat set up from Ojo left it open to Brannagan to get one in the back of the net! Sadly West Brom got a goal in to and left it a 1-1 result.

The U23s play their first Premier League 2 game of the season at Anfield on Monday, I’m so excited! Did you know that if you’re an LFC Official Member like me or a Season Ticket Holder, you can go to this game for FREE! How boss is that? Hope to see you all there!


Good times!

2nd December 2016

Back at the LFC Academy this week and obviously I was telling all my friends about LFC world as I’m off to Kuala Lumpur in 2 weeks. They loved hearing about all the fun things we are going to get up to, especially getting goals past Robo-keeper. They insist that they should have one but I’m the best goalie ever so that will do!

In the playground we have been sharing loads of stories about Steven Gerrard now he has hung up his boots.  My favourite time with him, off the pitch, was when we visited Alder Hey Children’s hospital together. It was Christmas time so we handed out lots of presents and made lots of people smile. Do you have a favourite memory of him? There are so many of them with 710 LFC games and 186 goals scored!

Pitch talk:

I had a quick look on the LFC fixture list and I couldn’t hold my excitement. We were to play Leeds United on Tuesday in the Quarter Final of the EFL and guess who was coming to watch? YES Stevie G! So I was in my element on Tuesday.

The Reds made history on Tuesday, not just with a 2-0 win, but one goal in particular from Ben Woodburn who is just 17 years old. It was his debut on Saturday against Sunderland then youngest ever goal scorer for LFC on Tuesday. Big shout out to Ben, can’t wait to see more of you at Anfield, especially when my friends the LFC U23s play there on 12th December against Arsenal.  Did you know that if you’re an LFC Member like me you can get FREE tickets for this game? How boss is that?

With Origi’s goal bringing the final result of the EFL to 2-0 it secured us a place in the semi-finals. We take on AFC Bournemouth on Sunday in the Premier League, we are currently sitting at 2nd place in the table (feathers crossed after that game we will be sitting on top)

In the meantime in between time am off to score some goals and hang out with friends. Have a great week everyone!


LFC World special

25th November 2016

You know how much I love being part of the LFC Family and I never rest my wings with all the boss things that happen. From visiting Anfield, The Academy and lots of school trips, I head all over the world helping friends experience a touch of Liverpool FC, hundreds of miles away. 

Singapore was my first stop on this new adventure. I've never seen so many people in a shopping centre before (can't blame them with this bird in town)! Luis Garcia, Ian Rush and Gary McAllister joined us helping to coach at the International Soccer Schools. We had so much fun learning some penalty skills, The Liverpool Way.

Playing footy, meeting new friends and sampling the local dishes (chicken satay was my favorite) was such as great four days and now LFC are taking me on the next stop, Kuala Lumpur - wow! We put a video together for you with some of our best bits, what do you think?

Pitch talk

Plenty of games happening here in the UK. The u23s are smashing it! Third in the table and only 3 points difference from the leaders. Great job, lads! I can't wait to see you at the next big game at Anfield.

I'm missing Liverpool Ladies FC, but now there season has finished, they need the rest after all their hard work and international duties. I bet like me they are watching the First team with massive smiles as the work up the table now sitting at second!

Can't wait until Saturday when we take on Sunderland. The pitch has transformed back to normal after having the 4 Nations Rugby Final. It was awesome to see the haka live and the Kangaroos (Australia) taking the win over the Kiwis (New Zealand).

Hope to see you soon, check back in for more next week.

Do the Sturridge!

18th November 2016

It feels like ages since LFC last played a game. I’ve had to keep myself busy. It hasn’t been hard with all my school work but I did find time to pop down to the Liverpool FC Academy. I love catching up with coaches there and seeing if the other U9’s can match my skills.

I had three Mighty Red Family Tours around Anfield on the weekend. We got a chance to practice our football celebrations in the Kop. It’s not every day you get to do that. My celebration of choice had to be the Sturridge! I think I might even be better than Sturridge at it.

I dug out my thermals this morning after waking up to hail stone. You can definitely feel the cold in the air around Liverpool. Christmas seems to be coming closer. Liverpool One shopping centre turned on their lights this week. Feels early but I’m not complaining, it's my favourite time of year!

Pitch talk

A weekend of football for the Reds coming up! LFC take on Southampton away tomorrow in the Premier League. We need to keep up our winning roll.  It will be interesting to see how Mane plays facing his former club. That’s not all the football this weekend though, the U23’s are up against Reading on Sunday at Prenton Park in Premier League 2, you can come and watch for FREE if you’re an LFC Official Member like me or an LFC Season Ticket Holder!



11th November 2016

I thought last week couldn't get any better until the Reds beat Watford FC 6-1! How amazing is that? Not only was it a great result, it put us on top of the Premier League table. It has certainly put a smile on my face this week.

After all my flying about I am finally back home in Anfield. I couldn't wait to go for a game of footy with my mates. Whilst I’ve been away Liverpool has taken a dramatic change in weather. It's freezing and raining. The park is off the cards. So I think a trip to the indoor Academy is in order.

Despite Liverpool Ladies FC loosing against Arsenal in their last home game of the season, we had lots of fun! I picked the winners for the 'Kick-it Out' poster competition. There were some amazing entries and great messages to tackle racism and discrimination in football.

Pitch talk:

There’s no football from the Reds this weekend, our next game is against Southampton on the 19th November in the Premier League, the Reds travel to them so I still won’t get to see all of my friends at Anfield!


LFC World has arrived!

4th November 2016

I had a fantastic Halloween with lots of tricks and treats! We crept around Anfield on the Halloween Special Stadium Tour before playing lots of games in the Kop, I was with lots of spooky little Reds!

I’ve had to leave Fred (my pet iguana) with Ruby Red because I was off to Singapore with LFC World! I was super excited to hear I was joining LFC and some of the LFC Legends over at Suntec City Mall. I spread my wings and off I went.

LFC World has brought a little piece of Liverpool FC into the heart of Suntec City Mall. I feel right at home. There’s so much to do from shooting past RoboKeeper, virtual reality headsets, meet and greets with Gary McAllister, Luis Garcia and Ian Rush. I’ve been making lots of new friends.

It’s a big weekend back at home for the Reds. The men are up against Watford and the Liverpool Ladies FC take on Arsenal. I will definitely be flying back specially for that. For now it’s time to keep having loads of fun at LFC World. Have a boss weekend! 

Match talk 

LFC smashed it against Crystal palace on Saturday with 4 goals! I’m sure we will smash it on Sunday to! 

The U23’s took on FC Porto on Wednesday. They were behind slightly until Lennon brought it to a draw in the 65th minute. 



Football crazy!

28th October 2016

Schools out and football is definitely in! I’ve been a really busy Liver bird this week. I’m sure a lot of you Reds have to. Not one, not two, but three matches. Two games from the First Team and an exciting clash against Everton for the LFC U23’s.

It was time to stretch my wings and fly over the Mersey to see our neighbours at Prenton Park on Sunday. The U23’s looked more than ready to take on Everton prior to the match. The fans and friends turned up in masses to support. It was a 'Fan'tastic atmosphere. 

Next up was our EFL Cup game at Anfield against Tottenham. I love home games. All my friends down at Paisley Square have been saying how amazing the new Fan Zones are. I think so to! Great food, live music and a picture with me is exactly what you need before the match.

Pitch talk:

The Reds had a Premier League fixture and took on West Bromwich Albion on Saturday. Sadio Mané and Philippe Coutinho scored in the first half as Liverpool FC dazzled going forward. West Brom got one goal but the overall victory was ours. Next up was Tottenham Hotspur in the EFL Cup. We smashed it with Sturridge scoring two goals. What a guy!  


Boss tha'!

21st October 2016

I’ve been getting involved with all the football hype this week ahead of taking on our neighbours and traditional rivals, Manchester United.  This game was extra special because my friend Sir Sib, who is the official mascot for Standard Chartered Bank’s charity ‘Seeing is believing’, came down to show me the special shirt the players would be wearing. Click here for a peek!

I asked him if he had any tips for the game, he told me he wears his lucky socks that he wore at the League Cup game in 2003 when LFC beat Man United 2-0. That got me thinking, I didn’t have any lucky clothes but I decided to turn up the noise in Paisley Square, Anfield Road and pitch side to hype up the fans. I know that the louder the fans are the better LFC will play.

The fans were the loudest I have heard them at Anfield all year! We didn’t win but we didn’t lose either 0 – 0, so I guess it did work. We are sitting 4th in the Premier League table which is amazing! I can’t wait for our next match against West Bromwich Albion this weekend.


Check back in for the results

Family Tours!

14th October 2016

My footy skills are much better now thanks to the help from the U9’s at the LFC Academy. I thought the last week would be boring with no Liverpool FC games in the calendar, but it was far from it!

I kick started the week with the brand new Mighty Red Family Tours. They are SO different to last season because we didn’t have the awesome expanded Main Stand then. Not just that though, I’ve got some new fun games and prizes.  All my friends on the Tour told me how great it was and how they loved being able to sit in Klopp’s seat in the dugout. Meeting me was the best bit of course!

I went back over to the LFC Academy to update the U7’s on my new skills, they said I was a natural and probably in line to be the best in the world (feathers crossed)

For the rest of the weekend I’ll keep practising and counting down the sleeps until our match with Manchester United on Monday, will you be watching?

Check back for my pitch review



7th October 2016

Normally when Liverpool FC are playing away I will get a few friends to come around and watch the match. However, there was something extra special planned for our away match against Swansea City. The LFC Official Membership team put on an event at Anfield for all the LFC Official Mighty Red Members, I couldn’t wait.

We got to watch the match live on the big screen in the Reds lounge in the Centenary Stand. After playing lots of games, football and eating loads of really good food, it was time for the game. A tense start with a top comeback. As soon as we equalised the whole room roared!

I was pretty sad after the event. Not just because I was having the best time ever and I had to leave Anfield but because there won’t be another LFC game for a whole 2 weeks! I had to think really hard of what I could do to pass the time.

I decided to head to the LFC Academy to ask the U9’s if they knew what I could do. They told me that all of them are going to train super hard. They even showed me some really wicked new skills to learn. By the time LFC are back at home playing Man Utd I should have them down.

Stay tuned! 

Pitch talk

3 points from our game against Swansea City in the Premier League. Firmino equalised the game whilst Milner took one off the spot and netted it to make it 2-1. Great result! Big shout out to our 9 players that are off on International duty (do you know who they are?) . I can’t wait for our next home clash against Manchester United!


Fun, games and school work!

30th September 2016

I couldn’t wait to tell you about all my adventures this week. I have been a very busy bird. There’s been a lot to do including cleaning my footy boots, getting in a few hours on PES 2017, playing out with my mates and organising my toys. It was very thirsty work!

I tried to tell my Mum and Dad I’m just too busy for homework but they were having none of it. They said to be a great footballer you need to work very hard at school and do your homework. I thought they were just saying that until Sakho visited the LFC Academy and told us we had to work very hard in all types of learning. Including homework and school work.

After hearing those wise words from Sakho it was safe to say I completed all my homework that night!

On Wednesday evening I was off to Prenton Park for the LFC U23’s first week night home game. I didn’t expect to see so many fans and friends, it was a great atmospher. I joined them in the concourses to eat some hot dogs and sing some LFC songs. It was a great surprise to see Sakho again on the pitch as he was playing for the U23s!

Pitch talk

The LFC U23’s played very well against Wolfsburg in the Premier League International Cup. The end result was 2-1 to Wolfsburg. Despite the loss there was some fantastic football to watch, Lennon Scored a goal for the Reds after Woodburn put it on a plate. LFC will be playing Swansea City on Saturday and I’ll be at Anfield watching on the big screen with all the Mighty Red Official Members!



Football Weekend!

23rd September 2016

I couldn’t work out what was different when I woke up on Monday. My feathers were colder than usual and it looked a little darker outside. Then it hit me.  Autumn is well and truly under way! The days are getting shorter and it’s getting colder. That’s when you know the football season has really started! The right kind of weather for a big bowl of Scouse on a matchday, my favourite!  

Speaking of matchdays, we have 2 coming up this weekend. First we take on Hull City at home in the Premier League on Saturday. I’m really looking forward to seeing all my friends around Anfield again. I’ll be dancing down by the new stage in Paisley Square with my friends, amazing live bands, football freestylers and more, make sure you come grab a picture with me!

The football won’t stop there because I’m off to watch more football on Sunday too! The U23’s will be taking on Sunderland at Prenton Park. There could even be some big players there. Ings was playing last match and Jürgen even turned up to watch!

Pitch Talk

I knew we would score lots of goals against Derby County, I even went for a 0-4 prediction. The end result was 0-3 so I wasn’t far off at all! Coutinho, Origi and Klavan all scored amazing goals. It wasn’t long until the draw for the next round was made. We will be playing at home against Tottenham Hotspurs on the 25th October


Catch up same time same place next week!

First home game!

16th September 2016

Firstly a massive shout out to LFC U9’s who were on top form at the Premier League U9 Tournament down in Warwick. So good to see you take on the opposition with style. I even got to see Harry the Hornet too! (He is the official mascot of Watford FC). We dabbed it out and obviously you know who was the best!

When I woke up on Saturday I couldn’t hold my excitement. I ran straight down stairs and ate my breakfast as quick as I could. In no time at all, it was time to get ready for LFC’s first home game of the season.

Pitch Talk -

We were up against Leicester City, last year’s Premier League winners (it wasn’t going to be easy) We absolutely smashed it!  4-1 victory to the Reds. A lot of this could have been down to the newly expanded Main Stand’s noise.  I loved meeting the fans in all the cool new Fan Zones.

The victory didn’t stop there for the Reds. The next day the U23’s were playing Leicester City FC U23s in the Premier League 2. I couldn’t resist, so off I flew across the Mersey to Prenton Park. I met some amazing fans over there too. Jurgen Klopp even turned up, boss tha!

Come and check out the Main Stand like never before in my super fun Family Tours. For more info click here 



End of Summer Special

2nd September 2016

It's back to school time for my friends and I this week. Everyone thinks I should be sad to go back. That's not true for this Liver bird though, I was really excited to see all my friends again. Mostly to tell them what an amazing summer I have had as Liverpool FC's number one fan! If you have been a busy bird this summer and you want to see what I have been up to, then here are some of the highlights!

Pre-season tour - 2 Countries, 4 Cities, 2 States and 4 Stadiums.
I met all the new Anfield staff for next season - they are amazing!
International Soccer School with the LFC coaches.
Launch of U23 Premier League 2 competition.
Liverpool Ladies FC games.
And much, much more!

All that and the Football season has only just begun. And with the new season comes the expanded Main stand. This has taken Anfield's capacity to 54,000 seats! I can't wait to hear all the fans sing YNWA when we play our first home game against last year's Premier League winners, Leicester City. I got a taste of what's to come when we revealed the Main Stand to thousands of fans over the weekend. They absolutely loved it and so did I!

We played Tottenham Hotspur in the Premier League last Saturday. It was looking hopeful when Milner scored a penalty in the 43rd minute. Unfortunately Rose equalised for Spurs in the 73rd minute. We both took a point home and I'm sure it's made the lads even more eager to take 3 points at our next home game.

Stay tuned for next week for when I tell you all about it! 

Catwalks and Footy!

26th August 2016

The summer holidays are coming to an end and I’ve been making sure I make the most of every day. I got up on Monday morning and helped Mum with the dishes. It was really boring but Dad said if I get it all done he would take me, Fred (my pet iguana) and Ruby Red (my little sister) to the park for a game of footy!

After a long afternoon of football in the sun, my friend over at Anfield asked me if I would come and meet all the new staff for the new season. There would even be a catwalk involved. I jumped straight to it! Any excuse to show off my new LFC Kit. I brought all my prizes and give aways for next season to show the new staff. They loved them, so I hope you do to. There were so many new people to meet and the guys at Anfield treated us to some great food and a ‘Mock tail’ called the Carragher Cosmo. It tasted great!

Pitch talk

Although we are yet to play a match at Anfield the Reds EFL Cup campaign got off to a boss start. Origi, Firmino both hit the back of the net and with 2 from Daniel Sturridge and own goal from Burton Albion the end result was 5-0 to the Reds. What a match! Next up we take on Tottenham Hotspur in the Premier League away. It’s not only the First Team playing tomorrow but Liverpool Ladies FC are to. They take on Doncaster Rovers at 17:30 tomorrow.


Back of the net!

19th August 2016

On Monday morning it was time to fly by the LFC Academy again to welcome all of my new friends to this week’s International Soccer School. There were a lot of young footballers, but I managed to say hello and high five all of them! We were all super excited about the result from our clash with Arsenal. One of my friends couldn’t wait to try a free kick like Coutinho.

Unfortunately I couldn’t stay there all week. I was off to meet my family and enjoy the lovely sun that was shining over Liverpool. We decided to go down to the Pier Head we have so much fun. We soared high on the sky swing, rocked out with the live bands and said hello to the Liver Birds sitting on top of The Royal Liver Building – It was a perfect day!

Pitch talk

The Footy season is getting underway and I’m getting fully involved. I even managed to go to the new U23’s Premier League 2 game at Prenton Park. It wasn’t the best result but it was great to watch and meet all the fans. I’m looking forward to going to more of those games. The First Team were off to a flying start with their nail biting 3-4 clash against Arsenal! With Coutinho, Mane and Lallana all managing to hit the back of the net. It’s already being named match of the season.




Top Scorer!

11th August 2016

Don’t get me wrong I love going to school, seeing my friends and learning cool new stuff but summer holidays are WAY better!

After an amazing time on Pre-Season Tour I rested up my wings for a short while but my football was screaming out for me. So the best thing to do was head off down to the LFC Academy to learn more top skills from the coaches, dribbling like Firmino was my favourite part! We all had so much fun and I’m sure Klopp will choose me one day for the First Team (I’m crossing my feathers as I speak)

I haven’t just been playing football since I’ve been back though, here’s just a few things that I have been up to:


  • Trampoline fun with my little sister Ruby
  • Swimming with my mum dad, sister and Little Liver
  • Adventure playgrounds
  • Eating ICE CREAM

Great news, the Premier League Season starts on SUNDAY! Our first game is away against Arsenal, I know we have got this. After one of the biggest and the BEST games I have seen in a long time at Wembley the lads are going to be the top scorers again. LFC won 4 – 0 against FC Barcelona – So good to see Suarez and Messi but they had no chance against us. Happy New Premier League Season everyone.

The USA round 2!

5th August 2016

The first leg of the Pre-Season Tour was amazing. When I thought it couldn’t get much better, it did! After taking our loss against Chelsea on the chin and going home with our heads held up high it was time to fly to St Jose.

Did you know St Jose is the home of some big companies? Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft and even NASA have a base there. It was so cool to see all of these places in one area. One company I couldn’t wait to see was Baskin Robbins. I even got to bring some friends along, so I chose Lovren, Moreno, Matip and Grujic of course! We had plenty of ice cream and fun with the fans.

Next up was our match against AC Milan. We absolutely smashed it. It was an easy 2-0 defeat with Firmino scoring the finisher with a smooth wave to the fans. It was definitely a team effort with Origi setting us up with the first Goal.

It was quickly time to fly again when we headed over to St Louis to play AC Roma in the Busch stadium. The stadium was amazing. Originally it was home to baseball but they had made it especially so we could play football there. The fans here were strong and loud! We had an unfortunate 2-1 loss on this game. I’ve kept my beak up though and I’m ready to take on FC Barcelona at Wembley! 

Touring the USA

28th July 2016

I've been the happiest Liver bird ever this week! Not only have I been doing lots of flying and eating (the pancakes out here are my favourite), I've met so many amazing friends too.

The first stop for me was San Francisco. It was so nice to be in the sun but not so good when the sun went to sleep as my wings got very cold.

Meeting up with my friends at Street Soccer UK at the Tenderloin Children's Playground was boss! We got to play loads of football, met the LFC Legends and they even made a song up about me: "Red, red, red, oh Mighty Red!" It was sad that I had to leave, I was having so much fun but they said I can go back anytime.

The LFC Foundation have given me a chance to help them make a massive impact in the USA already meeting over 300 young fans.

I am so excited for the games coming up, after watching the lads close up with my VIP Meet and Greet pass at the opening training session.

We then landed in LA. The sun was shining and we were all warmed up for our first game against Chelsea at the Rose Bowl in California.It didn’t end in the result we were hoping for but the lads played really well, Chelsea had a few hard tackles against us sending one player straight off with a strong RED CARD. That didn’t stop us all from singing and cheering them on. We will come back stronger… watch out!


Check back in for more pre-season tour news coming up soon including all the games, team news and exclusive behind the scene pics - YNWA. 

Touch down!

21st July 2016

Since I found out that I was heading to the USA I’ve been very busy preparing. There was lots to do, packing my trainers, LFC top, socks, sunglasses and a lot more. My little sister Ruby Red was really jealous of my trip. She even tried to hide my football. I found it and packed it so she couldn’t get it again.

The Reds have been doing boss in the first leg of their Pre-Season Tour games. They have won against Tranmere, Fleetwood Town and Wigan Athletic. So I’m really hopeful for the games to come. My favourite position to play is goal keeper. I hope I get the chance to learn a trick or two off Loris Karius.

I’ve touched down in America. The weather is amazing and the people are really welcoming. It was a long flight but I love flying, it really makes me feel at home. It’s time to start my USA adventure and show these guys what Liverpool FC are made of! I will keep you up to date with everything in my notebook. So stay tuned!

USA Here I Come!

15th July 2016

It’s been officially confirmed. I am heading out to the USA with the Reds, I cannot wait. I got the call to say the First Team couldn’t go out there without their favourite Liver Bird. So of course I accepted and went straight to pack my bags.

I couldn’t wait to tell my friends so I headed over to the Academy for some fun games and to get them to help me work out exactly where I was going and who Liverpool FC would be playing. LFCTV were even there to film it, you can watch the video here

The first stop will be the Rose Bowl in California. The Reds will be taking on Chelsea here.
Next stop keeps us in California at the Levi’s Stadium where we take on the incredible AC Milan! I can’t wait to watch LFC play them. After that it will be time to say goodbye to California and head to Missouri where we will be taking on AS Roma.

Lastly we head back to England and over to the huge stadium which is Wembley, as if being at Wembley wasn’t cool enough, we will play the famous FC Barcelona there. We may even get to see some of the worlds greatest on the pitch, not to mention our old friend Suarez. Stay tuned and I will keep you up to date with all my adventures whilst on the Pre-Season Tour!

Reading Stars

8th July 2016

You wouldn’t think it was summer in Liverpool at the moment, it’s very rainy but that hasn’t stopped me. I will play footy in wind, rain and sun. Not hailstone though, that hurts!

A special message from Our Lady and St Swithin’s Primary School to visit them for a prize presentation certainly brightened my day. I was very proud to be given the task of handing out awards for the pupils who had successfully completed the Premier League Reading Stars Programme with the LFC Foundation. Well done everyone hope I will be back soon to give out more prizes.

Pitch talk

I’m going to remain hopeful that the sun comes out to say hello especially for the Liverpool Ladies FC game on Saturday against Reading FC. I will definitely be there to cheer them on and see all my friends.

Most of the Reds are back at Melwood now and training hard. Joe Allen will be joining them soon, after exiting the Euro 2016 cup at the Semi Final stage. He really has done Wales and the Reds proud to get that far. We can finally watch the Reds back together again as they start their pre-season tour off on Friday against Tranmere Rovers FC.


Stay tuned for more of my adventures. Some very big news coming soon! 

A trip down the Thames!

30th June 2016

I left the nest (Liverpool) to head down South, all the way to London (The big smoke!) I was there to meet my friends from MBNA and the passengers on their very own floating fan zone. I had never been on a boat down the Thames before! We got to see some amazing sites along the way. The London eye, Tower Bridge and loads of other really cool buildings passed us by. It was definitely one for the notebook. I met loads of new friends and gave away golden tickets to a special LFC training session with an LFC Legend, along with signed shirts, I know I'm a very cool Liver bird.

Landing back home I received an invite to play at the Academy, at a school’s football festival. I learnt loads of new skills and drills as well as making 100 new friends. I gave them all a certificate signed by the players.

It was a great way to end the week. I’ve got lots planned for next week so make sure you come back and check out what I’ve been up to.

Pitch Talk

We have had some of the Reds playing in Euro 2016. Unfortunately England lost to Iceland. But some of the lads can rest up now ready for the Pre-Season Tour! However, there is some really exciting news. LFC have bought Sadio Mane. He is a winger and his number is 19. I can’t wait to watch him play.

Kick about with the ladies!

24th June 2016

I was given some great news. Liverpool Ladies FC had invited me to their open training session for all Season Ticket Holders. I arrived early and caught up with all the Ladies first. After that I went to see the fans in the stands who were mega hyped to see the Ladies train.
I choose 4 friends from the stand to join me on the pitch for a penalty shootout with me in goal. I was a fantastic keeper of course, but they were really good shooters. Everyone walked away with prizes. It was the best way to finish the week!
I can’t forget Father’s Day. We took a trip down to Liverpool Pier Head to see the Royal Liver Building. It’s amazing seeing another two Liver birds so high up. Did you know that one of them faces the sea to look after the ships? The other faces the City to look after us.

Pitch talk

It seems to be all about the Euros at the moment. It’s been great to see so many Liverpool FC players playing so passionately for their countries. England managed a 2-1 win against Wales with Sturridge getting a goal in the last few minutes. There were lots of shots against Slovakia but no result unfortunately, so we had to settle for 1 point from the draw. It’s looking safe to say we will be in the next round!

Did somebody say Euro 2016?

17th June 2016

It’s been a super week, I couldn’t wait to go to school on Monday and talk to my Friends about the Euro 2016 match against Russia. After having a good chat about it at lunch we split into two teams England V Russia. We played against each other on the playground; I was in goal as nothing was going to get past me! Final score 10 – 0, see I knew it!

Did you know there are twelve Liverpool FC players in Euro 2016? That’s more than any other Premier League Club. That’s one more reason why Liverpool FC is the best team in the world.

I couldn’t be happier being their number one fan! Here are our Euro 2016 players:


Sturridge, Clyne, Henderson, Lallana and Milner


Allen, Ward


Emre Can


Benteke, Mignolet, Origi



Now you know who to look out for, make sure you cheer on the Reds and support your country along the way.

Pitch talk

Not long until the First Team are back playing matches for us all to enjoy. It all kicks off on the 8th June when we go up against Tranmere Rovers in a friendly. We have a few more friendlies followed by the International Champions Cup. This will take the lads over to America. I cannot believe it, but I will be going to! I will keep you updated with all the exclusive news don’t you worry.

A day as an LFC Official Member

10th June 2016

I felt super lucky when I got asked to spend the day at the LFC Soccer School, it wasn’t just a normal day though. It was a day exclusively for all the LFC Official Junior Members.

It was tough getting to sleep the night before knowing I was going to do something so exciting the next day. Mum read to Little Liver, my sister Ruby Red and I to get us to sleep! I woke up super early, put on my LFC kit, had some breakfast and off I went.

The coaches welcomed us with a very motivational prep talk (I imagined it to be Klopp!) We spent the whole day learning new skills and playing games. When the final whistle blew, we all set off back to the hall for our prize presentation and 2 very special players got The Liverpool Way award!

I got pictures with all my friends at the end of the day and gave them all their very own Mighty Red pin badge. I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my day!

If you’re not a Junior Member yet, don’t miss out the fun!

Pitch talk

The Lionesses took on Serbia last weekend in their UEFA Euro 2017 qualifying clash, I was so proud to see Alex Greenwood and Siobhan Chamberlain representing. I couldn’t believe the score, 0-7 to our Lionesses, I can’t wait to see their next game!

UEFA Euro 2016 kicks off tonight, with the first game - France V Romania.

I am getting really excited to watch the lads in their Pre-Season Training, not long to go now. Check back for full Pre-Season updates.

On another note my pet Iguana and I were having a game and I got 2 goals past him. Get in! 

Pitch Invaders!

3rd June 2016

This week has been amazing, no school and SUN!  

I had to tidy my room before I went anywhere, otherwise Mum would not have been a happy Liver bird. It took me ages because my little sister Ruby kept on playing with my LFC toys. So I made up a game that helped us get everything put away in the fastest time! Mum was happy, now it was time to go and invade some Football pitches!

- First pitch was A.S.C.C, the home of Liverpool FC Foundation. The Foundation were holding their half term football camps, so I decided to join in the fun. It was great to see all the cool coaches and talented players. I even got to hand out some prizes to the top teams

- The second pitch to invade was the Liverpool FC Education Centre in Rainhill, I found more of the fantastic LFC Foundation coaches with even more young stars. We played lots of skill games and took lots of team pictures

-Last pitch was the LFC Academy; the International Soccer School invited me to present the special Liverpool Way Award, I’m so proud to be a Red.

Pitch Talk

Time to rest my wings and watch the Euro 2016 friendly’s ahead of the big games next week. The players have been busy training, we have lots of Reds representing their countries. For England we have Adam Lallana, Nathaniel Clyne, James Milner, Jordan Henderson, and Daniel Sturridge. In team Slovakia is Martin Skrtel then Joe Allen and Danny Ward are taking to the pitch for Wales. Wow, they don’t stop!

Check out the latest on our Liverpool Ladies FC too, they are playing really well at the moment! Come on you Reds!

Premier League Schools Tournament

26th May 2016

The First Team’s season is over but that hasn’t stopped me having an action packed week. It started with singing and dancing with Liverpool FC Foundation and ended with dizzy mascot penalties at Goodison Park.

Why were we singing and dancing with LFC Foundation? Well, we were at a very special school, Prescot Primary. They had been battling it out all season against a load of the other schools in Merseyside. The fight was on to win the opportunity to represent LFC in the Premier League Schools tournaments. They beat all the other teams so LFC Foundation and I went down to give them their very own Liverpool FC Kits.

That wasn’t the last time we would see them because the next day we were off to the tournament at Everton’s ground Goodison Park, our Anfield neighbours. There were lots of teams representing their local Premier League squads. Well done to all the girls and boys who represented LFC. I had my own competition to deal with! I was up against my friends Changy and Fred the Red in dizzy penalties. It was so much fun, but I’m sure they fixed it as I didn’t win!

Pitch Talk

Not much going on with the First Team for a little while as some of the lads have now gone onto international duty. It has been announced that we will play Barcelona at Wembley as part of our Pre-Season Tour, how cool is that? Liverpool Ladies FC are keeping us entertained and playing really well. They beat Chelsea 3-0 and drew against Manchester City. Keep it up Ladies!



Top 5 things to do now the 2015/16 season is over

20th May 2016

It’s been such an amazing season. I have met so many new friends and been a part of so many boss events. Not to mention two finals with Jürgen Klopp. I know you’re thinking ‘what can I do now the football season is over?’ But do not fear Mighty Red is here! I have been searching for the top things to do:

  1. Liverpool Ladies FC’s season is in full swing. I will be at EVERY home game, check out their fixtures here
  2. Get a ball, grab some friends and head down to the park for a good kick about.
  3. What if it’s raining? Go and have a game of FIFA. Pick your favourite LFC player and go and show the rest of the league who is boss!
  4. Get creative and go do one of my activities.
  5. LFC has lots planned for the closed season. So keep up to date with my notebook so you don’t miss a thing.

It won’t be long until the lads are jetting off to play again in their Pre-Season Tour.

Pitch Talk

Two very special games took place this week. We had our very last Barclays Premier League game on Sunday against West Bromwich Albion. We took away a safe 1-1 draw, after being 1 goal down Jordon Ibe came in with a quick equaliser. We lost 3-1 in our UEFA Europa League final. Sturridge scored a beautiful goal from the outside foot to give us a 1-0 lead at half time, but Sevilla came back in the 2nd half to win the game. Some world class football has been played this season. I absolutely can’t wait until the 2016/17 season gets started!

Best kit in the world!

13th May 2016

I couldn’t believe it when LFC Retail asked me to come down to the official kit launch this week. Knowing I was going to meet some amazing players made it hard to sleep the night before! They gave me my very own top with my name and number on the back, extra special backstage access and I got to see my good friends Robbie Fowler and Jason McAteer before meeting Flanagan, Mignolet, Coutinho and Natasha Harding. We took pictures in our new kit. How cool is that?!

I was still smiling after that but pretty sad to be in the Family Park for the last time this season ahead of the game against Chelsea. We made up for it though by having as much fun as we could. And as if that wasn’t enough we were then visited by Britain’s got talent gold buzzer finalists ‘Boogie Storm’. They were amazing and performed on the pitch at half time.

Pitch Talk

We had a great start against Chelsea on Wednesday. Unfortunately they got a goal past us. It was looking like a loss until Benteke scored an equaliser in the 92nd minute. The crowd went mad! We have our last Barclays Premier League game on Sunday and the biggest game of the season next Wednesday - The European Cup Final against Sevilla. We've got this! Good luck Reds, I will be cheering you on!

Hurry back to hear more!

Biggest week of the season!

6th May 2016

It was bring your pet to school day yesterday so I decided to take my pet Iguana, Fred. I told my class how he loves to eat Flower buds, fruit and leaves. He also loves the heat because he is a cold blooded animal. This means he can’t warm himself up so he uses the environment instead. My class loved meeting him and he loved meeting them too!  

I think the Villarreal fans brought some sun over with them because it’s been very sunny in Anfield this week. The atmosphere here has been electric and shows why Liverpool FC is the best team in the world. The fans have been raising the roof and there’s a buzz in the air that can be felt by everyone within a mile radius.

Pitch Talk

The result wasn’t great when we played Swansea City at the weekend, we lost 3-1. The lads still put lots of effort in and it payed off when Benteke scored.  The Swansea City result has been completely forgotten after last night’s amazing performance. The Reds pulled back the score from the first leg of the UEFA Europa League Semi-Final, and put three in the back of the net to take us to the Final on 18th May! I am so excited!

Just 2 more games till the end of the season, check in to find out the final results -YNWA

This week’s for the Ladies

29th April 2016

I’ve been a busy bird this week. Event invites have been flooding in. I kick started the week with a trip to Lymm Rovers Girls training session. It was boss to see over 200 girls of all ages playing Football on one field and what made it even better was that the Liverpool Ladies FC team were there as special coaches.

I didn’t leave the lads out, the next day I was off to present prizes at the Academy. So many young footballers getting a taste of the Liverpool Way on the Academy turf makes me smile.

Pitch talk

I flew back over to watch Liverpool Ladies FC win 2-1 against Chelsea Ladies, I didn’t expect to see so many friends! 1000 girls from all around the North West were there. It's Girls Football Week and so it’s time to recognise all the hard work they do, some with support from Liverpool FC Foundation.

The lads had a 2-2 draw against Newcastle United at home on Saturday in our Barclays Premier League clash. Not a win but we still took a point! Well done to Sturridge and Lallana for getting those goals in.

It’s a very important week for the Reds in the UEFA Europa League! It was disappointing to come away with a 1-0 loss last night, as Villarreal scored in the 92nd minute! But they still have to travel to Anfield. I can’t wait for next week, the atmosphere will be electric when we bring Villarreal to Liverpool!



8 Goals in 2 games!

22nd April 2016

I’m so proud to be Liverpool FC’s number one fan right now. 8 Goals scored in 2 of the biggest games this year.  My friends and I have been singing, dancing and cheering louder than ever. The atmosphere in Anfield would certainly put any Liver Birds feathers on end. When the expanded Main Stand opens next season it’s going to be even louder, I really can’t wait.

Borussia Dortmund  4-3 – Our 2nd leg game against Borussia Dortmund has taken us to the semi-finals of the UEFA Europa League, get in! Some world class football has been coming out of Liverpool FC lately. Sakho, Coutinho and Origi scored in both of our last two games. Lovren also got one in against Dortmund. Sturridge was substituted but I’m sure he would have got one in there!

The Derby 4- 0 - The second game of the 2015/16 season, against our neighbours Everton, has crowned us kings of ‘Merseyside’. Sturridge got his chance to get one in the back of the net.

I’ve been catching up with my friends before the matches in the Family Park. It’s such a great place to get hyped up before the match. We even had a mini Derby on the 5-a-side pitch on Wednesday. Liverpool FC won of course. There are live bands, special guests, football games, food and so much more. If you’re ever there before a game, come and grab a photo with me ( I love a selfie!)

Good luck against Newcastle United on Saturday Reds! I will keep you updated next week!

Meeting the VIP’s!

14th April 2016

I was made up to start the week with a 4-1 win against Stoke City. That’s not the only reason I had a great day on Sunday. I got to have some fun with my friend John Farmworth who is one of the best football freestylers in the world! We played some footy together in the Family Park and he showed us his skills. It was very impressive!

The week only got better, some of my  fellow LFC Official Junior Members won the chance to interview Benteke, Bogdan and Gomez at Melwood, where the players train. Before the players arrived we showed each other our best goal celebration, my celebrations were the best obviously!

Everyone did so well as junior press officers asking great questions. The players stayed and signed some of our LFC kit and took photos, I couldn’t miss out on the chance to get involved! I was sad to say goodbye to everyone but they promised to come visit me at Anfield soon.  

Pitch Talk

Origi, Sturridge and Moreno all scored in our match against Stoke taking us to 8th position in the Barclays Premier League. The atmosphere was incredible, so much signing and shouting. I think they were just warming up ahead of the return of Klopp’s old army Borussia Dortmund. My feathers are crossed for a big win for the Reds tonight so we can make it through to the semi–finals…..Check back soon so I can update you on the match!

My Mighty School Holiday!

8th April 2016

I’ve had such a fun school holidays!

Day 1

I couldn’t believe my feathers when I found out I would be hosting a special tour of Anfield with Mamadou Sakho! We showed off our dance skills and took lots of pictures. It was all to raise money for Liverpool FC Foundation which is always great.


I was back to Anfield to host more Family Tours. Unfortunately Sakho couldn’t make it this time. But that didn’t stop us having tons of fun! I love meeting new friends.

Day 3

I was up bright and early to go say hello to all the young new stars at the International Soccer School. After an inspirational talk from the coaches we were off practising our skills, I have loads!

Day 4

I had a day at home with my sisters, Mum and Dad. I needed the rest so I was ready to watch and cheer loads when Liverpool FC took on Klopp’s old Army, Borussia Dortmund, and what a lot of cheering I did as Origi scored the first goal!

Day 5

I’m going back to the Academy this afternoon to see how everyone has got on and what great skills they have learned this week. I’m also going to hand out some special certificates and medals to reward all my new friends’ hard work.

Pitch Talk

What a game against Klopp's old army on Thursday night as the Reds took away a 1-1 draw with the return leg still to play at Anfield. We have a Barclays Premier League clash against Stoke City on Sunday. I can’t wait! I will be in the Family Park from 12:00, come and say hello!

What an Eggcelent Week!

1st April 2016

I've had so many Easter eggs over the last few days I think I might turn into one!

Easter Sunday was the best, I set up an Easter egg hunt around Anfield for all my friends on my special Family Tours and left them clues to find out where I was too. They all managed to find out where I was, in The Kop of course! I like it there the most because I can make as much noise as I want (and nobody tells me to sssshh)
The fun didn't stop there! It was time to work off all the chocolate, starting at the International Soccer School. We got a pep talk off the amazing coaches and all my friends were feeling really inspired. They told us that when Steven Gerrard was 8, like me, he was sitting where we were and if we trained hard one day we could be in the First Team.

Pitch Talk

It was great to be back with Liverpool Ladies FC, they played against Birmingham City at home and sealed a 1-0 victory when Van De Sanden scored the winner!

The First Team have been on International Break, playing for their countries or training in Tenerife!  James Milner was even captain of England playing alongside Sturridge, Lallana and Clyne. Sakho was a crucial player in France’s win against Russia. 

It’s back to the Barclays Premier League this weekend as we play Tottenham Hotspur on Saturday.  I can’t wait, COME ON YOU REDS!

Home sweet home

24th March 2016

I’m home now and happy to be close to Anfield. Not to mention Fred, my pet Iguana, he was so excited to see me walk through the door. I will miss my new friends in South Africa though.

I got to do some pretty amazing things whilst I was out in Cape Town. I joined in with the top junior Gum Boot dance group. I now know how to make beats with my boots!

I’d like to say a massive thank you to everyone who made it such a special trip, especially Liverpool FC Legends Jason McAteer and Robbie Fowler. I’m looking forward to my next adventure here in Liverpool.

Pitch Talk

We have been drawn against Borussia Dortmund in the Quarter Finals of the UEFA Europa League. It will be interesting to watch the Reds play against Klopp’s old army.

LFC took on Southampton away last week, it was looking hopeful for us when went into the second half against Southampton 0-2 up. But it wasn’t to be, the final score was 3-2, so no points for us this time. Its International duty for some of the lads this week so no games for us, but we will come back stronger. Red forever! 

I’m in Cape Town South Africa!

18th March 2016

It’s been another incredible week! After I’d trained with my friends at the LFC Academy, I packed my bags and flew through the clouds to meet everyone in Cape Town South Africa. Thanks for the VIP pass to the Barclays Premier League Live event! 

As soon as we touched down we busted the iconic Table Mountain. I have never seen such an amazing view, apart from the view a few rows back in The Kop obviously.  Liverpool FC Legend Jason McAteer came with me and we got some great photos. He even showed me some skills at the top of the Mountain (before he kicked it too far!)

We popped in to see the top coaches at Liverpool FC Academy SA. Playing with these guys was boss, hope to play with them again soon.

Pitch Talk

After an absolutely boss win over Manchester United at home last Thursday, I was so excited for the second leg at Old Trafford. Watching it with Robbie Fowler and Jason McAteer was just out of this world. I predicted right, the final score from both games ending 3-1. Coutinho was a real magician ending the second leg 1-1. Bring on the next round!

A ‘Mighty’ Week!

11th March 2016

I love spending so much time at the LFC Academy, hopefully one day I may be there full time. I made sure I caught up on my school work after I’d been, so everyone is happy.

Did you do anything special for Mother’s Day? Me and my Sister, Ruby Red made my Mum breakfast in bed. Mum really liked the breakfast but I’m not too sure about the mess in the kitchen!  After that I went over to Anfield to join in the Family Tours. We had a great time singing in The Kop, the mums even got a little surprise from me; I’m such a great Liver Bird!

It was an extra special day for my two new friends Daniel and Izzy. They didn’t know it, but they were going to receive my 1 in 100 Mighty Golden Pin Badge Award! Both of them really deserved it for their outstanding bravery. Izzy’s little brother Daniel, is going to have an operation to help his big sister, Izzy get better. Wow what a week!

I'm off on my travels again next week, back to South Africa to see all of my friends for the BPL Live event in Cape Town. I can't wait to see my friends again!

Pitch Talk

Our battle in the Barclays Premier League, against Crystal Palace, set us a new Club record. We won with only 10 men after James Milner was sent off. Firmino scored our first goal then Benteke scored the final one of the match, a penalty which led the Reds to 1-2 victory.

Next up was our first ever UEFA Europa League clash against Manchester United and what an amazing night it was! The crowd at Anfield was so noisy, and it was definitely the best version of You’ll Never Walk Alone that I’ve ever heard! The final score was 2-0 to LFC, I can’t wait for the next leg at Old Trafford in a couple of weeks. Come on you Reds!


My First Trip to Wembley!

4th March 2016

I have had such a good week! It all started on Sunday, when my dream of going to Wembley came true. I went to watch the Capital One Cup Final with my friends from Liverpool FC. We definitely got VIP treatment as they took me pitch-side to meet our special matchday mascots and my friend Moonchester from Manchester City. It was amazing, Wembley Stadium is huge! I even got a high 4 (I can't high 5 with my bird hands!) from Robbie Fowler and John Barnes.

Then later in the week we got to see the snow here in Liverpool, I love the snow but Fred,my pet Iguana, didn’t like it at all! The snow didn’t stop lots of goals being scored at Liverpool FC Foundation’s Premier League Schools tournament. I was made up that we got to present the players with prizes.

Pitch Talk

It was a good effort but an unfortunate loss to Manchester City in the Capital One Cup Final. We held up a fight right through extra time, but lost out after it went through to penalties.

Playing them on our home turf in our Barclays Premier League fixture on Wednesday was a different story. We had to show them that they just got lucky at the weekend and we certainly did that! Lallana, Milner and Firmino all got a goal in, whilst Man City couldn’t break our defence. Great work lads, let's do the same at Crystal Palace on Sunday!

'Lekker Man' - The best time

26th February 2016

I couldn't believe my luck when Liverpool Ladies FC invited me on their first Pre-Season Tour to South Africa with Discovery SA.

As soon as we touched down there was singing, dancing and flag flying from our local supporters - The Liverpool Way.

I've made loads of new friends after visiting grass roots football centres and I even went to school (my teacher will be so proud!)

It's hard to pick my favourite part of the trip, but meeting LFC Legend Gary McAllister has to be up there. I'm sure I've impressed everyone and that I'll be invited back to South Africa soon!

Pitch talk:

Two big games and two top wins for the Ladies. Discovery Walter Sisulu Ladies 2-0 and Mamelodi Sundowns 6-2! 

Luckily, I was back at Anfield in time to watch the lads take on FC Augsburg in the UEFA Europa Cup clash, and it was definitely worth coming home for, the Reds won 1-0 and we are now in the next stage of the competition!

I can't wait until Sunday, we are going to WEMBLEY for the Capital One Cup Final – we’ve got this Reds!

Schools out, Footballs in!

19th February 2016

It was so nice to wake up on Monday and be on School holidays.  My sister Ruby Red and I had some breakfast before deciding what to do for the day. Ruby decided to go shopping with Mum at Liverpool One, I decided to go and see the new recruits at the International Soccer School!

All of the cool coaches where there, I love how they make training hard really fun. Lots of future footy stars in the making in this place!

My friends over at Museum and Tours in Anfield held special Family Tours this week too. The best part about a Family Tour is I am always there to say hello, I can’t wait for the next one!

Pitch Talk

GOAL! I heard that word a lot over the weekend! We played Aston Villa on Sunday and we absolutely smashed it, scoring six goals. Kolo Toure scored his first ever LFC goal! Sturridge, Millner, Clyne, Origi and Emre Can all scored goals, unfortunately the ball didn’t find the back of the net last night as we had a goalless draw against FC Augsburg in the UEFA Europa League.

No time to be disappointed with the draw as I am off to South Africa with Liverpool Ladies FC today, make sure you check back to see what I've been up too.


Fact Packed Family Fun!

12th February 2016

I had an amazing start to my week when I picked up Official Junior Member Jack and his friends and took them to School in the Mighty Mobile! The fun didn’t stop there; I got to meet all of Jack’s school friends and took part in a whole School assembly!  Everyone loved hearing about what I get up to with LFC.

Did you know it was safer internet day this week? I was invited to a huge event at Anfield where I met over 200 new friends. We learnt 6 really important facts:


  • Be Kind
  • Be Respectful
  • Stay Safe
  • Be Inclusive
  • Report acts of online hate
  • BE THE BEST! This one is my favourite

    My Mum, Dad and my friends at LFC always help me stay safe on the internet, who helps you?

    Pitch Talk

    Saturday saw a 2-2 draw at Anfield after playing visitors Sunderland in our Barclays Premier League fixture. 59 minutes in to the action Roberto Firmino scored the first goal, then 11 minutes after Adam Lallana scored the second! But Sunderland came back to take a draw. After a tough battle with West Ham United, we were knocked out of the FA Cup with a 2-1 loss. But don’t forget we are going to WEMBLEY for the Capital One Cup Final at the end of this month!

    The First Team weren’t the only ones I watched this weekend, I really wanted to get the Kop super loud for LFC’s U21’s game on Sunday. So I went on my mission and visited locals schools to give out free match tickets to come along to Anfield and watch them take on Manchester City U21s. It really worked! The Kop was SO loud and full of all my new mates too! 

    Playground Pitch Talk

    5th February 2016

    I have to admit that I am not the best at getting up in the morning, but once I get to school and see all my friends I’m the happiest Liver Bird ever!

    This week in school we have been learning new languages, obviously I was the best at it. I decided I would show off my talent first, I chose “Mighty Red loves LFC” in African. Groot Rooi is lief vir LFC.

    My teachers and all my class mates were impressed; think I will have to learn a bit more before my trip over to South Africa soon though!

    Pitch Talk

    We had plenty to discuss in the playground this week, although some of the results I have tried to forget! Last Saturday’s FA Cup 4th round result against Sunderland ended in 0-0, it was great to see the Academy graduates in the line-up and we might see them again in the replay next month. Leicester City’s 2-0 defeat was only mentioned quickly as I was so excited to tell everyone that I was spending the whole weekend watching football at Anfield. Saturday is LFC v Sunderland and my first ever U21s game against Manchester City is on Sunday. Best keep up my good behaviour! 

    We are in the Final!

    29th January 2016

    My friends and I decided to watch the away match against Norwich City at Anfield for a change. Little did I know it was going to turn out to be the most awesome day ever! There was lots of singing and dancing before the match had even began. No chance of sitting down whilst the match was on either, after 9 goals were scored!

    After the match against Norwich City going so well, I was super excited for our home clash against Stoke City. I got to the Family Park extra early to catch up with all my friends. We played footy, jammed with the band and took lots of pictures. Just before the match began I went up to the Family Zone in the Anfield Road stand for more fun.

    Match Report

    We beat Norwich City 4-5 in our Barclays Premier League clash. Milner, Firmino and Henderson started smashing the goals in as we battled to keep up in the first half. The lads showed an amazing effort and earned a well-deserved win! It was another slow starter as we faced Stoke City for our fight to bag a place in the Capital One Cup final at Wembley. We secured our win with a nail biting round of Penalties!

    Bring on our Capital One Cup Final Clash against Manchester City, YNWA!

    FA Cup here we come!

    22nd January 2016

    I'm always up bright and early, after Mum has shouted me a few times, but when I get to spend the day at the Liverpool FC Academy it makes it a little easier! I was there this week, to celebrate with all of the teams that played in the Premier League Schools Tournament with Liverpool FC Foundation, and also to present some special awards to new friends in the U5s tournament. There were some great goals and lots of mini future footy stars there! I can't wait to see you all again. 

    Match Report

    I didn’t dwell on our result against Manchester United last weekend for too long, we had more matches to win and Mum and Dad took me and my sister Ruby for ice cream to cheer us up, it worked! The weekend was forgotten and we looked forward to the replay of the FA cup 3rd round at Anfield on Wednesday. The Exeter City fans where very noisy and confident on the way in. Although I think they were just happy to be at Anfield. As I rightly predicted, we scored three fantastic goals. Joe Allen started us off, followed by Sheyi Ojo and lastly Teixeira securing the win with a final goal in the 82nd minute.

    Bring on our next Barclays Premier League game, the Reds are away against Norwich City on Saturday – YNWA!

    Goals Everywhere!

    15th January 2016

    This week has been another exciting one, lots of goals, footy with friends and a special visit to the Liverpool FC Academy. I’m fully into the swing of 2016 now, although my pet Iguana, Fred, ate my home work! It wasn’t very fun having to do it again but I still managed to get it done and then watch the match!

    I met lots of junior teams playing at the Liverpool FC Academy for the Premier League School’s Tournament. After the matches were over we had a penalty shootout and of course nobody got a goal past me! The amazing coaches let me help them give out the prizes in the presentation at the end, I love prizes.

    Match report

    There has been lots of hype around the matches this week. New signings and players injured meant there was just no way to be sure how the match was going to go against Arsenal. The atmosphere at Anfield before the match was louder than I have heard it in ages! The players must have felt this, especially Firmino. He scored the first goal in the first ten minutes! That was the opener for a lot more goals to come. It was a very proud draw in the end, 3-3.


    Bring on our neighbour rivals Manchester United on Sunday. COME ON YOU REDS!

    Off to a flying start!

    8th January 2016

    This year has literally been off to a flying start. I flew all the way from China back to Liverpool. There was no rest. I’ve been back to school, watched two matches and wished James Milner a Happy Birthday all in the space of a week!

    Going back to School was fun. My friends all said how amazing their Christmas and New Year has been and were made up to hear about my trip to China. There was so much to do and so many new friends to meet. Including some of China’s very own football stars! I went on this journey with the amazing John Barnes, the top LFC Academy coaches and Super Sports who I would like to say a big thank you to for making my trip to China so enjoyable. Can’t wait to see them all again soon!

    Pitch Talk

    I was really disappointed when we lost against West Ham in our Barclays Premier League clash. Jürgen Klopp said we were too passive and had to be more aggressive. This means go and make an opportunity happen, don’t wait around for it. The lad’s definitely took this on board when we went up against Stoke City in the Capital One Cup Semi Final game. We won 0-1 thanks to a boss goal in the first half from Jordan Ibe.


    I’m looking forward to see what this year brings. 

    I’m starting my New Year in China!

    30th December 2015

    It has been nonstop action this month. It turns out I have been a good Liver Bird and Father Christmas brought me everything I wanted.

    Straight after our victory against Leicester on Boxing Day I jumped onto a flight to China, thanks LFC.

    If you didn’t already know, Liver Birds love to fly. It was a long journey but I definitely felt at home in the clouds!

    After touching down in Beijing (China’s Capital) I went to meet the amazing nurses at the Smile Foundation, Children's Hospital. They really made my day and said they loved my smile!

    I have lots of people to meet and places to go, not to mention the New Year’s Eve party. Hope you have a boss party too!

    Match Report:
    I nearly lost my voice when we played Leicester (the table toppers). Everybody was singing so hard to support the lads. I think our songs really helped because we won 1-0 thanks to Christian Benteke who scored in the 63rd minute. Big shout out to Dejan Lovren on getting Man of the match. I see another 3 points coming from our next game against Sunderland too. See you back here next year! Happy 2016 everyone.


    Hope Santa brings you all you wished for!

    24th December 2015

    I’ve been waiting all year and now it’s finally here, it’s Christmas! It’s my favourite time of year loads of VIP invites, presents, chocolate, football and the Christmas markets in town. Presents are definitely my favourite though!  I hope Santa brings you loads of cool toys.

    VIP Invite 6

    My Family Tour around Anfield was a very special one this Christmas. I had been hiding presents all around Anfield to lead my friends to all the best places. They ended up finding them all and eventually finding me in my favourite place, The Kop! We even made a Christmas song about me and the tour guides.

    VIP Invite 7

    Next was with all my friends from the LFC Official membership and Liverpool FC Foundation at their Christmas Party. This year was the best! We got our face painted and had lots to eat followed by me showing off my dance moves! I can’t wait to do a lot more with the Mighty Red Members next year!

    Pitch Talk

    To top Christmas off there will be a Barclays Premiere League match on Boxing Day. I will definitely be there (hopefully wearing my new Kit off my Mum and Dad!). The lads will be playing against the table toppers, Leicester City. It won’t be easy but I’ve got a Christmassy feeling we can win this one! Hopefully Klopp will lead the lads to victory! 

    The VIP invites haven’t stopped!

    18th December 2015

    VIP Invite 4

    Liverpool FC Foundation dropped off my next invitation to visit Christ the King’s Catholic Primary School.  The Little League Sports coaches who work on behalf of the Liverpool FC Foundation at the school let me join in their session. We had a penalty shootout and guess who was number one Goalie! Me, of course! Can’t wait to go back and see my new friends again.

    VIP Invite 5

    My favourite invite of the year, I could hardly sleep the night before!  The First Team Alder Hey Children’s Hospital visit! Getting to spread some Christmas cheer with my Liverpool FC heroes. There were lots of high five’s, funny jokes and smiles from so many children.

    Pitch Talk

    The atmosphere at Anfield last Sunday at the West Bromwich Albion game was extra special. We were down 1-2 and the final whistle was approaching but us fans didn’t give up, we carried on cheering the lads on! Divic Origi felt this and scored in the 90th minute! We have been drawn to face Augsburg in our next UEFA Europa League game. It will be the first time Jürgen takes us to a match on his home soil can’t wait!

    Check in for my final Christmas message on Wednesday. 


    Academy Christmas

    14th December 2015

    VIP Invite 2 – A party just isn’t the same if you don’t have a special visit from your favourite Liver bird!
    3 parties all in one day for me! The young Academy lads asked me to join in their Academy Christmas Party at the Boot Room Sports Cafe at Anfield.  We had so much fun, food (loads of ice cream) party games and a visit from Father Christmas.

    VIP invite 3 – Back with the Academy team to visit Alder Hey’s amazing new hospital. The U18s and U21s visited the wards whilst I joined the staff and children in a special Christmas Party. There were plenty of smiles from everyone.

    Pitch talk – After returning back from a defeat in the Barclays Premier League against Newcastle United the lads travelled to Switzerland to take on FC Sion in the UEFA Europa League.  The score ended 0 – 0 which means we travelled home at the top of our group and on to the next stage! 

    Back at Anfield for our BPL clash against W.B.A and the lads took 1 point after 2 – 2 draw. Well done Henderson and Origi a nice early Christmas gift. Check back in on Friday for more Christmas adventure news. 

    VIP Invite

    3rd December 2015

    December is my favourite month, chocolate for breakfast! But also loads of parties and special adventures. This week LFC sent my first advent VIP invite. Love being part of the greatest football family in world.  

    VIP Invite 1 - I was invited to go behind the scenes of the new Stadium development.

    The new upper tier, which can be seen high above Anfield, is almost finished.  The Carillion team have given me some special facts just for us, find out more

    It was so windy last Sunday that I nearly flew away! That didn’t stop the lads beating Swansea City 1-0 though. Well done to Millner for scoring the penalty and giving LFC 3 more points. And WOW I am speechless ( that doesn’t happen often) 1-6 win against Southampton flying us in to the semi-finals of the Capital One Cup.  Amazing to see Sturridge back and scoring 2 goals, Moreno netting 1 and Orgi celebrating a HATRICK! I’m still jumping around I’m that happy. Can’t wait to see what happens on Sunday when we take on Newcastle United away in the Barclays Premier League – Come on you Reds!

    Mighty Winner!

    27th November 2015

    My writing skills have impressed everyone this week with the reveal of the new edition of Kop Kid magazine. This is the 6th issue I have put together and trust me it is one not to be missed. Check out more details here

    Big shout out to my Mighty Winner Cameron this month who won a full LFC home kit. I always wear my kit when I am playing footy and when I am watching the lads play at Anfield or away. It was boss to watch them win against Manchester City last Saturday. Firmino and Coutinho were amazing to watch and I was made up Skrtel scored too. Can’t believe it was 6 years exactly since he had scored his first ever goal in his LFC shirt and against Manchester City as well!

    Back at Anfield the game against FC Bourdeaux in the UEFA Europa League was full of excitement, I’m made up that we won 2-1 Get in! Excited to be back on Sunday for our next Barclays Premier League match against Swansea City – Come on you Reds!

    VIP Invite

    19th November 2015

    I’ve been looking after Anfield whilst the lads have been training and on their International duty. Clyne and Lallana contributed to a 2-0 win against France whilst they were on International Duty for England - well done lads!

    I started off taking new friends on my special Family Tours showing them some of the coolest places they wouldn’t normally get to see. We had some boss prizes to give away thanks to the LFC retail team.

    All Saints Catholic Primary School were made up to see me again! I was so proud to see everyone getting in on time. We say ‘If you attend, you can achieve’ To make my visit even better the Head Teacher  gave me a VIP invite to open their new playground , how exciting is that? I love playtime!

    Time for us to get ready for are Barclays Premier League match against Manchester City on Saturday. The lads are taking Klopp to his first game at the Emirates Stadium; I’ve got a feeling in my feathers that we can beat them!

    Smiles All Round!

    13th November 2015

    It’s been “All smiles” from my All Saints Catholic Primary School friends. I got to meet them at the gates, as they began their day. They’re really cool and they loved it when I did my Sturridge dance!

    The smiles didn’t stop there, It was the day before matchday and I was invited to do a Family Tour at Anfield. It was extra special as we were allowed to go into the players changing rooms and touch the legendary “This Is Anfield” sign. Walking out of the tunnel sent shivers up my feathers!

    The lads have been really busy too with a trip over to Russia to play in the next Europa League game against Rubin Kazan. Jordon Ibe led us to a 0 – 1 victory, he scored his first goal for Liverpool FC – get in!  I’m sure there will be a lot more to come.

    They flew back in time to greet our visitors Crystal Palace here at Anfield for our Barclays Premier League fixture, despite a great goal by Coutinho we didn’t manage to gain any points. After some inspiring words from Mr Klopp, he made me realise, even when we lose it is a time to show extra support and be the biggest fan I can be!

    Can’t wait for next week’s match against Manchester City, I best do my homework so I can watch!

    The Kloppkin

    5th November 2015

    It’s been a spooky weekend and an action packed week with great results from the LFC Team!

    I got to spend my weekend at my favourite place again, Anfield! This time it was Halloween and all my friends where dressed up really scary, ready for the Family Tour best dressed competition. I had my bat with me (just a pretend one of course) and there was even time for some pumpkin carving too! I carved Jürgen Klopp, I called it “the Kloppkin”!

    It was so hard to pick a winner as everyone looked so spooky! The lucky winners won LFC Official Membership vouchers. They were very happy , they told me they couldn’t wait to become a Mighty Red Member just like me!

    After watching Liverpool FC’s victory over Chelsea I have been getting lots more practice in! I’m made up that Jürgen Klopp has won his first Barclays Premier League match, thanks to the boss goals from Benteke and 2 from the ‘Magician’ Coutinho.

    Next up Liverpool FC are playing Rubin Kazan over in Russia in the next Europa League game  (I’m going to put on my favourite scarf to watch the match on the TV!) I’m looking forward to seeing them all back safe and sound for are next home match against Crystal Palace on Sunday. 


    Liverpool FC Superstars

    30th October 2015

    There is no rest for this Liver bird’s feathers during school holidays!

    I received a special invite to the Liverpool One Retail Store to host their LFC family quiz and give out some of my limited edition backpacks; I was the best quiz master they had ever seen! News travelled fast as William Square Retail Store asked if I would join two LFC superstars Nathaniel Clyne and Mamadou Sakho for a perfect holiday snap! 

    The fun continued when I swung over to the Academy to meet with the International Soccer School coaches and the new stars of the future, there was so much talent in one room. We talked about all the games we had watched over the past week at Anfield. Starting with Southampton last weekend, the game ended 1-1 but we watched a boss game and that header from Benteke was unbelievable, headers are definitely something that I am going to practice!

    Then we faced Bournemouth in the Capital One clash, the atmosphere was buzzing as we gathered to watch the lads fight to get through to the next round. Nathaniel Clyne netted his first goal for the Club, since his summer move, early on in the game and the score remained 1 -0 firing Liverpool FC into the quarter-finals – get in!

    More football to come this weekend as LFC travel to Stamford Bridge to take on Chelsea in the Barclays Premier League – Come on you Reds.

    Me and Mamadou Sakho take on the mile!

    23rd October 2015

    It’s not every day that I get the chance to play games with one on my favourite LFC players. This week I got the chance to go back to All Saint Catholic Primary School and join in some sports games with a difference.

    All my friends at this school have been given the challenge to run a mile a day so I couldn’t let them do it alone. I gave my wings a good stretch and we set off, they were all really good.

    After that we played some cool games with coaches from the Liverpool FC Foundation it was time for a surprise, Mamadou had come to visit!

    I was so excited to see Jürgen Klopp take out his first LFC squad on Saturday. The team looked really strong as they took on Tottenham Hotspurs at White Hart lane. After 90minutes the score board flashed 0–0.


    We all gathered back to Anfield on Wednesday to take on Rubin Kazan in the UEFA Europa League, the Russian visitors went 1 up early on but Emre Can pulled it be for the Reds and the game finished 1-1.

    More Football here at Anfield on Sunday when Southampton visit us for our next match in the Barclays Premier League, 3 points are ours – Come on you Reds! 


    Out to WIN!

    16th October 2015

    There is no place I would rather be than at Anfield, luckily for me I got to spend my weekend there doing my special Family Tours. We had so much fun watching all the big diggers helping to build our new stand.

    After taking lots of pictures and meeting new friends (big and small) I jumped in to the Mighty Mobile and headed over to meet up with Liverpool Ladies FC at the Select Security Stadium.

    Huge thanks to Oxton Girls and LFC Girls Centre of Excellence this week who joined our team on matchdays, everyone did an amazing job!

    The Ladies had an emotional week, with the Continental Cup and UEFA Champions League titles now out of their reach, as well as final goodbyes to Manager Matt Beard. Good luck in your new adventures Matt!

    I really can’t wait for the game at White Hart lane against Tottenham on Saturday, Jürgen Klopp will be leading his first team selection out to WIN. I’m excited to see who that will be!


    9th October 2015

    I'm really excited about the arrival of LFC’s new manager Jürgen Klopp, I can’t wait to see him in action managing his first game, I’ve been keeping track of all his interviews on LFCTV!

    Liverpool Ladies FC played the first leg of their UEFA Champions League tie on Wednesday night and it’s now all to play for in Widnes next week, as they take on Italian side Bresica who won 1-0 in the first stage. Come on Ladies, I know you can do this!


    It’s an International break this week which means there are no First Team games in the Barclays Premier League, so me and my mates have spent our time playing out in the park and playing on our computers, we’ve had great fun, but I’ve scored some of my best goals on the new FIFA 16, boss game. You can’t keep me away from Anfield though, even with no games for the Reds, my Family Tours are back! Hope to see some of you there!


    2nd October 2015

    There have been so many games to go and watch over the last week but I have showed my mum that it doesn't stop me learning when I'm at school. I think I may even get star of the week soon!

    I was sad to hear that Matt Beard, manager of Liverpool Ladies FC is leaving to go to the USA. But we all gave him a massive farewell and thank you at the Select Security Stadim on Sunday. The crowd cheered and sang his name (I'm sure they could hear us in America!) The Ladies didn't win the game against Chelsea but we still have one more game to go.

    The boys have been busy too, taking on Aston Villa in the Barclays Premier League winning 3 - 2 and FC Sion in the UEFA Europa League taking away a draw, 1-1, at Anfield. Next up the big Merseyside Derby at Everton's ground, Goodison Park - Come on you Reds!

    Star Supporter!

    25th September 2015

    I have been cheering so loud at the games this week that my teachers gave me a special sticker for my good work!

    Learning was made a lot more fun because the Liverpool Ladies invited me on their school tour in the Widnes area. We went to assemblies, classroom sessions and also joined in a training session. The girls were so impressed with my special passing skill that they all wanted to try and do it!

    We gave our new friends free tickets to come and watch the LFC Ladies play their final WSL game at home, Halton Stadium.

    The first team have had a mix of games; Europa League against Bordeaux 1- 1, then back to Anfield for the Barclays Premier League game against Norwich 1-1, and the Capital One Cup against Carlisle which went to penalties 3 – 2. That’s a lot of football which makes me and my dad very happy!

    More still to watch at Anfield next week - check it all out here 

    See you there!

    Super Quadruple

    17th September 2015

    The squad have landed safely in Bordeaux ahead of their Europa League tie against FC Girondins de Bordeaux. My teacher wouldn’t let me take the time off school to travel with them this time, as I have too much homework to hand in. Dad says that we will watch it together though, I will be cheering that loud they will still hear me!

    I was telling all my friends how Natasha Dowie scored 4 goals against Bristol Academy in the quarter finals of the Continental Tyres Cup. They were so impressed, then we all tried to do the same during our P.E lesson but we only managed 2.

    This weekend is jam packed as Norwich City are travelling up to visit us here at Anfield for a 4pm KO on Saturday and the Liverpool Ladies FC play their last game of the WSL season against Chelsea on Sunday. I am feeling very positive about both games.

    We can do this – Come on you Reds!

    Game on!

    11th September 2015

    The International break is over with a win for England v Switzerland in the UEFA Euro Qualifying Group stage - well done lads. That means we are back ready for the Barclays Premier League game this weekend, LFC travel to Old Trafford on Saturday to take on Manchester United, game on! 

    Me and my new friends that I met on my last Family Tours of the summer promised we will be shouting and singing as loud as we can to help bring home 3 points.

    It was great to have Orford U12s and St Bartholomews U10s girls at the Select Security Stadium on Saturday to join the Liverpool Ladies FC team ahead of the game. The score against Arsenal Ladies FC and Manchester City Women wasn't what we hoped but we had fun joining in.
    There’s so much exciting stuff happening over the next few weeks make sure you check back in.

    Back to school!

    3rd September 2015

    Starting a new school year is so exciting. I packed my new school bag with everything I needed for my first day, including my new stationery from my Mighty Red Membership pack! The best part of the day is break time where I can catch up with my mates and talk about all our summer stories. We've all done so much over the summer months.

    I was gutted that we didn't get any points last weekend when West Ham came to Anfield.
    The Liverpool Ladies FC won at home against Sunderland in the Women’s Super League but weren't able to pick up points in the Conti Cup away a Manchester City.
    The Barclays Premier League stops for an international break this week. Good luck to all the Reds who are off to play for their country.

    Game time!

    28th August 2015

    Here at LFC we have been causing a storm on the pitch, the Liverpool Ladies FC have played 2 games in 7 days and won both! Natasha Dowie was top goal scorer and me and the ball girls got her signature, check out all their winning match news here!

    The lads took a trip down south to the Emirates Stadium to play their next game of the Barclays Premier League, away against Arsenal. LFC played really well but there were no goals scored by either team and ended the game ended 0 – 0. We left the game with 1 point and a 3rd clean sheet of the 2015/16 season, great work everyone let’s keep it going!

    There’s not much time left for us to wait for the next game back here at Anfield. West Ham are coming to visit us on Saturday and I’m hoping for another 3 points at home, game time! If you come to the ground early make sure you come and say hi, I will be playing footy in the Family Park.

    Anfield has still been rockin’ whilst the players have been away as I’ve been showing my friends around on my Family Stadium Tours, I’ve got to meet so many new friends it’s so much fun.

    Hope to see you at Anfield soon – YNWA  

    3 points all round!

    21st August 2015

    The summer holidays are going so fast with all the fun stuff that I have been joining in with and on top of that I got to go to 2 games in one week.

    I visited the International Football Academy’s Soccer School last week, and afterwards I was really excited to choose some lucky winners who had outstanding individual performance. I decided to reward them and their families, with the opportunity to join me and the mascot team on the Liverpool Ladies FC Matchday mascot experience.

    We were all so excited to be back at the Select Security Stadium in Widnes for the Ladies Continental Cup game against Durham Women FC. We were all cheering from the stands and we even sang Happy Birthday to Coco (Corina Schroder), who was celebrating The Liverpool Way, thanks to Natasha Dowie who led the ladies to a 1- 0 win. What a great birthday present!

    The celebrations didn’t stop there, as we all piled back over to Anfield on Monday to watch the First Team’s return home. The Family Park was rocking with all the great entertainment from JC & the two steps and the Liverpool FC Foundation teaching us what it is like to play football when you don’t have sight.

    Thankfully we left the match as happy as we entered, Benteke took us up 1–0 in the 26th minute against Bournemouth – 3 points all round! 

    Learning from the best

    14th August 2015

    People always ask me “Mighty Red why are you so happy and have a big smile on your beak all the time?”

    Well, with the amazing start the lads had on the pitch playing against Stoke City on Sunday is it any wonder why! Although we left the Britannia Stadium with a 6 – 1 defeat at the end of the last season, the boys didn’t let that hold them back. Roberto Firmino (No11) took his first Barclays Premier League bow and his friend Coutinho (No10) showed us some magic.


    In the 86th minute assisted by Joseph Gomez (No12) Coutinho was dipping and moving through the air, he took it past Stoke City’s keeper, Butland and scored – GOAL! The final score of the Reds first game of the season was 0 – 1, what a start!

    This left me and my friends keen to get our boots on and get practicing The Liverpool Way. We had some boss coaches to show us all that they know about football at the LFC International Football Academy Soccer Schools. They were very impressed with some on the new skills I showed them, and I was introduced to the U18s Academy players. Hope you can join us on one of the Soccer Schools one day.


    I’ve got a very busy week this week, my new Family Tours start again, I’m off to watch the Liverpool Ladies FC at home against Durham Women FC on Saturday then back to Anfield on Monday for the first home game of the Barclays Premier Legaue Season – And all of this is why I always have a smile on my beak! 


    Fun in Finland

    7th August 2015

    I had to pack my suitcase and get my passport back out this weekend, as I was off to Helsinki in Finland for the Reds to take on HJK Helsinki in the Olympic Stadium.  Divock Origi got the opening goal to make it 0-1 after great work from Ibe and Milner. We also got to see Phillipe Coutinho back in action and back on the scoresheet with a man of the match performance giving us a 0-2 win to take back to Liverpool with us.

    There was still time for one last warm up game before the season starts and it was against Swindon Town at the County Ground, we got to see new signings Christian Benteke and Foberto Firmino for the first time as well as welcoming back Emre Can.  Benteke scored on his debut with an absolute wonder goal, Swindon equalised but Sheyi Ojo’s late strike was too hot for the keeper to handle and gave us a 1-2 win which meant we were unbeaten in Pre-Season – Get in!

    The Liverpool Ladies FC got back to winning ways in the Continental Cup with a 0-3 win away at Doncaster Belles.

    Finally the wait is over and the Barclays Premier League is back this weekend.  The Reds travel to the Britannia Stadium on Sunday for their first game against Stoke City and we are hoping we can start with a win – Come on you Reds!

    Countdown to kick off

    31st July 2015

    We touched down at Kuala Lumpur airport for our final leg of the Tour. Some amazing LFC fans were waiting for us as we arrived, singing and playing drums as we got to our hotel.  This incredible support continued as I met all the Malaysian fans at open training and on match day, everyone wanted a picture with this handsome bird, I lost track of how many selfies I had!

    Our last game was against Malaysian XI at the Bukit Jalil National Stadium. The Malaysian team took a shock lead when Patrick 'Ronaldinho' Wleh scored, but Jordan Ibe’s screamer equalised and that’s how the game finished.

    After the game it was straight to the airport to fly home to Liverpool to my mum and dad and all my friends at Anfield.

    I caught up on all the things I had missed whilst I’d been away. A 650 tonne roof truss was installed above the Stadium it looks awesome take a look at the video, and unfortunately Liverpool Ladies FC lost against Birmingham.

    I’m off for another LFC adventure this weekend, with a trip to Finland for the Reds to play HJK Helsinki in our last weekend of friendlies before the big kick off, it’s nearly time and countdown begins to the start of the Barclay’s Premier League 2015/16 season!

    Big Red and Ruby Roo show me the sights

    23rd July 2015

    After the short flight from Brisbane to Adelaide it was straight back into action for this bird, I hung out with the amazing Liverpool FC Foundation coaches and joined in their coaching sessions. First we went to the Reagan Milstein Foundation and then The Smith Family Foundation soccer clinic. We were all surprised with a special visit from Sakho and Moreno, it was so much fun.

    It was then time to meet a new very special friend, Trigger the Tiger who is the official mascot for the Epilepsy Centre and I got to tell him all about our trip so far. We both joined 160 new school friends as we entertained them at their assembly, teaching them all about the LFC Family, they want to visit us at Anfield one day!

    Straight after assembly we popped over to the Royal Society for the Blind with LFC Legends Ian Rush and Craig Johnston to teach a soccer session together.

    Our 3rd match of the Tour was against Adelaide United at the Adelaide Oval and Big Red and Ruby Roo, Adelaide FC’s mascots showed me around their stadium. It felt like we had a great connection as my sister is called Ruby & I’m big and red!

    Hearing 53,000 people singing You’ll Never Walk Alone made my feathers stand on end.  We took the lead in the 2nd half, when James Milner got his 2nd goal in 2 games and fellow new boy Danny Ings got his first ever LFC goal to wrap up the Reds 2-0 win and leave us unbeaten on Tour so far.

    I said goodbye to the Koala’s and Kangaroo’s and jumped on the plane for our last stop of the tour, Kuala Lumpur.  Our welcome was unbelievable, the fans were singing, cheering and playing drums, I think they were happy to see us all.

    We only have one more game to go against Malaysian XI at the Bukit Jalil National Stadium before I head back to Liverpool to see my family. I’ve heard that Fara Williams had a warm welcome back to Halton Stadium last Saturday and that Natasha Dowie celebrated her 50th Liverpool Ladies FC game. Unfortunately Notts County spoilt the party by taking the 3 points with a 1-2 win, but new signing Rosie White got on the score sheet in her debut.

    Keep following our Tour 2015 success here


    First Stop Bangkok

    17th July 2015

    It was finally here - pre-season tour time and our first stop was Thailand! We landed in Bangkok to be greeted by all the amazing Thai fans and their support continued for the whole of our short visit. I have had so much fun!  I got to make lots of new friends at the New Balance and Dunkin Donuts soccer clinic with Mamadou Sakho, then more special people at the Thailand School for the Blind. I hope I get to visit you all again soon.

    Our first game was against the Thai All Stars at the Rajamangala Stadium and in a rain-soaked match, the Reds came out on top with a 4-0 win thanks to goals from Markovic, Sakho, Lallana and new boy, Divock Origi.

    Then back on the plane straight after the match - next stop was Brisbane in Australia. The first day here was boss! LFC legends Didi Hamann and Luis Garcia got to have a kick about with me, the Brisbane Roar youth players and their mascot, Roary. And I even got chance to meet a Koala!

    We played Brisbane Roar at the Suncorp Stadium and the atmosphere was one to remember. The Australian Kop gathered in the stands showing the Brisbane Roar the 'Liverpool Way'. It wasn't long until the score was 0-1 but that didn't hold us back as Lallana scored to make it 1-1 before half time. Second half we saw Milner score his very first goal for LFC in the 75th minute, GET IN. Another win in the bag 2-1 to the reds.

    I have been keeping up with everything back home and saw that Liverpool Ladies FC got back to winning ways with a 1-3 win away at Arsenal with Women's World Cup hero, Fara Williams, getting on the score sheet. Good luck at home on Saturday!

    Bags are packed and I am ready to go!

    10th July 2015

    It's nearly here my favourite time ever, the players and I are ready to jump on a plane and go to visit all our amazing fans all over the world.  I'm so excited, my bags are packed, my sunscreen is on and my passport is open ready for more international stamps!

    It's so cool to know we have so many LFC supporters all over the world, I love telling my friends about them. Not so long ago I got to be a teacher for the day and I made a video about my adventures (with a little help from LFC TV!) Check out all the places I am going to visit this year and all the fun I had learning about the countries and thier flags, watch my video here

    Pitch talk - The FIFA Women's World Cup is over now, Liverpool Ladies FC player Fara Williams scored a late penalty in their last match which secured England Ladies 3rd spot, they got a bronze medal to take home with USA taking the title. Well done everyone!

    James Milner and Danny Ings where officially unveiled as Liverpool FC players this week and will join us on the plane along with some of our other new faces, I can't wait to meet them all.

    Make sure you check back here next week to see what I have been getting up too.


    ‘The Land of Remarkable People’

    3rd July 2015

    I have been a very busy bird this week and it all started with another sports day, I am going to be the fittest Liver Bird around. This time it was with all my friends at Park View Primary and all of the amazing Liverpool FC Foundation coaches, we got to join in with the hurdles, sack race and my favourite - the egg and spoon race as well as lots of other fun sports.

    There was no time to rest my feathers as it was straight off to 'The Land of Remarkable People' - at Alder Hey Children's Hospital, to see all the amazing kids and the staff that look after them. We gave out some gifts, had a sing song and got to see lots of smiling faces.

    In the FIFA Women's World Cup, England ladies made more history this week by knocking out hosts Canada with a 2-1 win to put them into the semi-finals against reigning champions Japan. Unfortunately that is where the World Cup journey ended for the Lionesses as Japan won the match 2-1 to progress to the final but the ladies can be so proud of their performances, I know the nation is!

    The transfer window opened this week which meant we could officially sign goalkeeper Adam Bogdan from Bolton and it also meant we saw another new face join the Reds when Right back Nathanial Clyne was signed from Southampton.  Nathanial became our 6th summer signing and it doesn't look like it will be our last.

    World Cup Football Festival

    26th June 2015

    To celebrate the FIFA Women's World Cup Canada 2015TM, I got a very special invite to visit the Widnes Primary Schools Sports Association Girls Football Festival at Moorfields Primary School.

    Each of the schools taking part represented one of the countries that is taking part in the tournament in Canada.  I had such a boss time meeting everyone, I even gave some pre- match team talks. Brendan Rodgers would be proud!

    England Women made history this week by making it through to the FIFA Women's World Cup Canada 2015TM quarter finals with a 2-1 win against Norway. Let's hope our very own Fara Williams can bring home a winners medal to add to her two FAWSL titles.

    Next up the Lionesses play against hosts Canada for a semi-final spot...

    Two more new faces joined the LFC Family this week taking our summer signings to five so far.  First to sign was 18 year old centre back Joe Gomez, who we bought from Charlton Athletic.

    Next in was attacking midfielder Roberto Firmino from Hoffenheim, who will join the Reds subject to a medical after he has finished representing Brazil in the Copa América with fellow Red, Philippe Coutinho.

    I can't wait to see the whole squad back and ready for the new season.

    Fun with Flags

    19th June 2015

    It is that time of year again when I get to go and teach all my friends at All Saints Catholic Primary school about the LFC Pre-Season Tour. This year we are travelling to Thailand, Australia and Malaysia and not only did I get to teach them all I know about these boss places, we got the chance to get nice and messy making our own flags for each of the countries. I can’t wait to take the flags on my travels with me I’ll get lots of pictures to show everyone.

    It’s been a great week for all our Reds on International duty, Henderson, Sterling, Lallana and new boy James Milner helped England to a vital win in their Euro 2016 qualifier.  Emre Can got a goal to earn Germany a draw in their opening under 21’s Euro game. Fara Williams also got on the scoresheet and was awarded player of the match, by getting the England Ladies through to the last 16 of the FIFA Women’s World Cup with a 2-1 win over Columbia.


    Let’s hope the good luck continues for another of our new boys Danny Ings as he begins his UEFA European under 21’s Championship journey this week.

    Sports Day Fun

    12th June 2015

    I had to dig out my trainers and my head band this week as I was invited to All Saints Catholic Primary School to help everyone get ready for their sports day. We learnt how to do all the sports like the athletes on the TV, including how to start a sprint like Usian Bolt, do the long jump and shot put like heptathlete Jessica Ennis and lots of other fun sports.  Everyone was really impressed with my skills and I even borrowed Mo Farah's celebration and called it the 'Mighty Bot' next stop the Rio Olympics for this Liver Bird!

    Two new faces joined the Reds this week Midfielder James Milner agreed to join us from Manchester City and Striker Danny Ings from Burnley they will both join us subject to a medical on the 1st July, welcome to the LFC family.

    With the domestic season over, international football now takes centre stage for the summer and a number of the Reds' have been in action flying the flags for their national teams.  Congratulations to Philippe Coutinho who scored his first ever international goal for Brazil and Lazar Markovic who was also on target for Serbia.  For the ladies Asisat Oshoala scored for Nigeria in their first world cup match which ended 3-3 with Sweden.

    No rest for the best

    5th June 2015

    Half term is so much fun and I always get to have lots of boss LFC adventures. This half term was no different, no rest for this Liver bird. Not only did I get to go to the 3 day Liverpool FC Soccer School to improve my skills, but I was also invited to a very special soccer school at the Academy for 96 Mighty Reds.  96 lucky LFC Official Mighty Red Members got to spend the day learning, The Liverpool Way, with all the amazing LFC coaches and even better, at the end of the day, they got to meet me and have a picture!

    As there are no Barclays Premier League games to watch, I have been playing football instead. I've been training every day since the end of season while the players have been getting a well-deserved break, some breaks shorter than others! I thought I better get some practice in, just in case Brendan Rodgers needs me to step into the squad next season!

    This week is the start of an amazing journey for two of our Ladies players. Asisat Oshoala & Fara Williams have travelled to Canada to represent their countries in the FIFA Women's World Cup which starts on Saturday, the matches start a little bit too late for me to watch, but I hope one of them can bring the trophy back to show us.

    LFC Family Fun

    28th May 2015

    I had such great fun on Saturday as I was invited to the LFC retail store in Liverpool One for their very special bank holiday family fun day.  I made lots of new friends as we all joined in with the quizzes and activities that where going on all day, I even gave away prizes for everyone who joined in.

    The last day of the season arrived on Sunday and the Reds travelled to the Britannia Stadium to face Stoke City, this would be Steven Gerrard's last ever game in an LFC shirt.  The game and result is definitely one we want to forget, with the Reds losing 6-1. This meant we dropped a place to finish 6th in the Barclays Premier League, but that still means we will be playing UEFA Europa League football next season, and on the plus side Stevie got a goal in his last of 710 appearances for the Reds.  We wish him all the luck in the world with his new adventure playing for LA Galaxy in the USA and hope to see him back in the Kop one day.

    So that's it, no more football for the lads until we travel on the Asia and Australia pre-season tour in July.  So hopefully we will see some new faces in that time and be ready to get back up where we belong next season. YNWA

    The Liverpool FC family says goodbye

    22nd May 2015

    On Saturday, the day had arrived that the whole LFC Family had been dreading, the last home game of the season and time to say goodbye to our hero and Liverpool FC Legend Steven Gerrard.  We didn’t want it to be a sad day, so we made it into a celebration; the whole of Anfield was absolutely buzzing and ready to start the party for our captain.

    Just before kick-off all the players came on to the pitch and gave Stevie a guard of honour, the whole of Anfield started singing it made my feathers stand on end.

    It was Crystal Palace who were the visitors to Anfield for the last time this season, we were all hoping for a win to send Captain Fantastic off in style. We got off to the best start when Adam Lallana gave us the lead in the 26th minute, but Palace spoilt the party by scoring 3 times to give them a 1-3 win.

    Next up it’s the last game of the season on Saturday and the Reds travel to the Britannia Stadium to take on Stoke City.  Let’s hope the Red men can finish with a win.

    Barnsey, Rushie and Mighty

    15th May 2015

    I got a special treat this week when LFC Soccer Schools invited me to the Standard Chartered trophy 2015 finals. It was great to meet players from all over the world, LFC legends John Barnes and my good mate Ian Rush also joined in, I am one lucky bird.

    It was a sad day for me on Sunday as I went to Anfield for my last Family Tour within the existing main stand. I wasn’t sad for long though, as I got to share the experience with some new friends and we are all very excited for the next time we visit and see a new look Anfield.

    Pitch Talk – It was a trip to Stamford Bridge on Sunday to visit the newly crowned champions Chelsea.  It was the blues that took the lead very early in the game, but up stepped Steven Gerrard to nod down Henderson’s free kick and level things up right before the break.  Stevie got a standing ovation from the whole crowd as he left the pitch with 10 minutes to go, the match finished 1-1.

    Next up is our last game of the season at Anfield and it is Crystal Palace who visit the Reds.  It’s going to be a very emotional game so let’s give Stevie the best send-off ever.

    Mighty School Olympics

    8th May 2015

    I got to take a break from lessons this week to join in with the Halton School Games. I even got to officially open the games with the Mayor Councilor of Halton Shaun Osborne and my good friend Jigsta,r who is the official mascot of the Merseyside School Games. Over the 2 days,1000+ pupils got to try out different sports including fencing, archery, tug of war, football and rugby with the help of Cronton's Centre of Sporting Excellence students, I even got to show off my dance and Zumba skills.

    Pitch Talk – The Reds where back at Anfield on Saturday and back to winning ways against Queens Park Rangers.  Coutinho gave us the lead in the first half when he found the top corner.  QPR equalised late in the second half to make it 1-1. Steven Gerrard was then given the chance to make it 2-1 from the penalty spot, but his shot was saved! He soon made up for his penalty miss to head home from Coutinho’s corner and give us all 3 points, putting us 4 points behind Manchester United.

    There are just 3 games left of the season and it’s a visit to the newly crowned Champions, Chelsea, at Stamford Bridge on Sunday, come on Red men we can still get 4th place.

    We showed racism the Red Card

    1st May 2015

    I have been a very busy bird this week, it’s tough being so popular sometimes.  I got to join LFC Legend Robbie Fowler, Liverpool Ladies FC striker Ashley Hodson as well as many other celebs at Anfield for the ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ School Competition presentation earlier in the week! What a boss competition it was, talented artists, poets and story writers got to show their work and win themselves some prizes. I still think my picture should have won! 

    Pitch Talk – Two games in 4 days but not quite the results we wanted. On Saturday we were held to a 0-0 draw in our visit to The Hawthorns to play West Bromich Albion.  The Reds where on the road again with a visit to Hull City’s KC Stadium in Tuesday night’s game and again it was not what we wanted as Hull City won 1-0, which left us in 5th with 4 games to play.

    It was a different story for Liverpool Ladies FC as they got another win on the board, with a 2-1 win at home against Manchester City Woman, thanks to goals from Oshoala and Smorsgard which lifted the Reds up the Women’s Super League.

    Next up for LFC it’s QPR at home in the Barclays Premier League. Come on Red men let’s chase 4th place.

    BT Sport

    24th April 2015

    It was back to school this week for this Liver Bird, although I did get special permission to make a trip to the BT sport call centre. I was off to invite everyone to join me at the Select Security Stadium, Halton, to watch Liverpool Ladies FC V Manchester City Ladies on Sunday. When I arrived I was greeted by lots of people jumping at the chance to take a picture with me, it’s not every day someone as good looking as me visits them in the office (their words not mine!). They were so impressed with the signature gift I gave them, that I got to wear my very own headset and explore with them online.  

    Pitch Talk – It was a long journey back from Wembley for most fans as we didn’t get the result we needed to get us to the final. Phillipe Coutinho gave us the lead in the 30th minute but 2 goals either side of half time for Aston Villa gave them a 2-1 win and sent us home disappointed.


    Next up for LFC its two away games in four days, first it’s a trip to the Hawthorns to play West Bromwich Albion and then it’s off to the KC Stadium on Tuesday night to play Hull City, I’ve got my wings crossed that the Reds come back with all 6 points.  

    Code playground

    17th April 2015

    There was a new species of bird joining me at Anfield this week when the 'Digital Eagles' arrived. They took me on a fun adventure of learning what makes tech tick with the basics of coding in the Barclays code playground! I found out that I had even more skills off the pitch, I know it's hard to believe as I have so many already, but now I've coded my own computer game - BOSS (The Liverpool FC Foundation and my new digital eagle experts helped me a little!) I couldn't wait to tell everyone about it. I popped over to see all my friends at the LFC Soccer School at the Academy, they were impressed but said I was a lot better in goal!

    'Pitch talk' - We closed the gap on fourth place to four points with a 2-0 victory over Newcastle United at Anfield on Monday night.

    Raheem Sterling gave the Reds a ninth-minute lead, dancing into the area from the left and scoring the opening goal. Joe Allen made it 2-0 at the second attempt after his initial header had been blocked. Signing off in perfect fashion ahead of the trip to Wembley on Sunday!

    Easter Egg Hunt

    10th April 2015

    We all know Anfield is my favourite place in the world, but it was even better last weekend as it was full of chocolate Easter eggs for us to find on my LFC Family Tours. Me and all my friends had to listen very carefully on the tour to answer all the questions on the quiz which helped us find the eggs, after all that hard work we definitely earned the chocolate!

    Pitch talk – LFC had a trip to the Emirates Stadium on Easter Sunday to play Arsenal but unfortunately it was not the result we wanted as we lost the game 4-1 with stand in skipper Jordan Henderson netting a penalty that gave us a consolation goal to travel back to Anfield with.

    But the Reds were on the road again on Wednesday, as we headed for a massive game at Ewood Park in our FA Cup replay against Blackburn Rovers, knowing a win would set us up for a semi-final at Wembley against Aston Villa.  We got the win we needed thanks to a goal from Coutinho giving us a 0-1 win, we are off to Wembley and one step closer to the Cup final – Get in.

    Next up for LFC its Newcastle United who visit Anfield in their Barclays Premier League game on Monday night.

    All-Stars Shine

    2nd April 2015

    Sunday was the best day ever, it all started with my special Family Tour of Anfield. I got to show my new friend Snap the squirrel around my second home, Snap is the official mascot of Red Touch Media who sponsored the match shirt for the Liverpool All-Stars Charity Match. 

    After that we both got ready for the match by meeting all our friends in the Family Park and we even had a game of 5 a side football, I think Snap has a lot of practice to do to match my goalkeeping skills!

    Then it was game time, there was an enormous roar as Steven Gerrard and Jamie Carragher led there All-Star teams onto the Anfield pitch ready for kick off.  Carra’s team got off to the best start with Mario Balotelli and Didier Drogba giving them an early 0-2 lead, before the man himself Steven Gerrard converted a penalty to make it 1-2 before half time. Then the moment we had all been waiting for…the return of Suarez and Torres, amazing! They didn’t manage to get on the score sheet but Suarez did win the penalty for Stevie to smash home and even up the score at 2-2, that’s how the game finished.

    The Liverpool Ladies FC got back to winning ways this week with a 2-1 win against Birmingham City Ladies thanks to goals from Asisat Oshoala and Fara Williams.

    Next up for the Reds it’s an Easter trip to the Emirates to play Arsenal, hopefully they will come back with 3 points to put in the Easter basket.

    Merseyside Schools Games

    27th March 2015

    I got myself a gold medal this week, as I got to go and take part in the Merseyside Schools Games with Everton's mascot Changy and the games mascot Jigstar at the Liverpool Ladies FC home ground Halton Stadium. We had such a boss day watching the Yr. 5/6 Girls Football tournament, I've never signed so many T-shirts and boots!!

    The winners St Paul’s from Liverpool and 3rd place Green Leas from Wirral won the chance to be the Liverpool Ladies FC mascots for their first game against Sunderland Ladies at the Select Security Stadium the next day - Well done girls.

    The Liverpool Ladies FC who have held the Women’s Super League title for two seasons running unfortunately didn't start this season off as they had hoped, with the final score ending Liverpool Ladies FC 1, Sunderland FC Ladies 2.

    The First Team had a similar result on Sunday when Manchester United beat them 1-2 at home, Sturridge scored the Reds’ only goal. Last time we lost to United we went on a 13 match unbeaten run so, we go again and we will get a UEFA Champions League place! There is international duty for some of the lads this weekend so no Barclays Premier League game but instead it’s our very special Liverpool All-Star Charity Match at Anfield.  I can’t wait to see Steven Gerrard and Jamie Carragher lead out the two All-Star teams


    Treat for Mum

    20th March 2015

    Some Mums got an amazing treat this Mother's Day, they got to meet me on my very special Anfield Family Tour. Not only did they get to see the most handsome Liver Bird around but they got to see the best stadium as well, does it get any better? But don't worry, my Mum didn't miss out, when I got home me and my dad made her tea, Jamie Oliver has nothing on my cooking skills.

    It was a visit down to South Wales on Monday night to face the Boss' old club Swansea City at the Liberty Stadium. It was a very close game until our stand in skipper, Jordan Henderson, charged down the Swansea defenders clearance and the ball looped over the goalkeeper, into the back of the net, to make it 0-1 and that's how it finished! Another 3 points and another away clean sheet meaning we haven't conceded a Barclays Premier League away goal in 9 hours and 19 minutes.

    Next up for the Reds it's a massive Barclays Premier League game at Anfield against Manchester United, knowing a win would move us above them and into the Champions League places. Come on Red men let's jump into 4th place.

    Champions again!

    13th March 2015

    How quick is this year going? This week it was time for the Premier League schools tournament final again. Of course my name was first on the list to go and meet every one and see who gets to represent Liverpool FC at Tottenham’s home ground White Hart Lane in May. I got to help LFC Academy stars Jordan Rossiter and Marc Pelosi with the presentation and for the 3rd year in a row Plantation Primary School lifted the trophy. Let’s hope they can stay Champions in May and win the whole tournament for a second year running.

    The Reds were back to Anfield on Sunday and it was Blackburn Rovers FC, from the Championship, who visited for the FA Cup quarter final, knowing that a win would set us up with a Wembley semi-final.  It didn’t go quite to plan and the match finished with a 0-0 draw, meaning we will have to play a replay at Ewood Park on 8th for a chance to play Aston Villa in the next round.


    Next up its Monday night Barclays Premier League football for the Reds with a trip to South Wales to play against Swansea City at the Liberty Stadium, let’s hope they come back with all 3 points.

    Family Park Surprises

    6th March 2015

    I had a big surprise for 2 lucky young Reds this week. They thought they were just coming to Anfield to watch Liverpool FC in action, but little did Matthew Lowe and Joshua Oakes know that everyone’s favourite Liver bird had something up his sleeve. They were Official LFC Membership prize winners. They got to meet me, which is a prize in itself, had a special presentation in the Family Park from compare Steven Fletcher and got some boss personalised prizes to take home with them.

    What a game they got to see as well, when the Barclays Premier League Champions Manchester City visited Anfield on Sunday. LFC had the best start when Henderson scored making it 1-0 but Manchester City made it 1-1 soon after.  It stayed that way until Coutinho scored the winner to make it 2-1 with a world class finish.

    The winning didn’t stop there, Burnley came to visit Anfield on Wednesday night. Thanks to a captain’s performance from Henderson with a stunner of a first goal and then an assist for Daniel Sturridge, LFC came away with a 2-0 win and another clean sheet, leaving us in 5th position in the League.

    Next up for the Red men it’s an FA Cup quarter final at Anfield against Championship side Blackburn Rovers FC on Sunday.


    Here’s hoping we can get a semi-final visit to Wembley.

    Mascot dream

    27th February 2015

    This week I was invited to join my friends from the LFC Foundation and our partners MBNA, to help pick the winner for the amazing prize of becoming a matchday mascot.

    Massive congratulations to Liam Wilson, you will lead the first team players out onto the pitch at Anfield when we play Burnley FC next week, see you there!

    On Sunday it was a trip down to St Mary’s stadium to play Southampton. We got off to the best start when Philippe Coutinho put us in the lead after just 3 minutes with a wonder strike. Raheem Sterling made it 0-2 in the 73rd minute and gave us all 3 points and our 5th away clean sheet in a row. That win has left us just 2 points off the UEFA Champions League places.

    Last night the Reds returned to the Ataturk Stadium in Istanbul for their Europa League 2nd leg tie against Besiktas. The stadium wasn’t as lucky for us this time, as we didn’t make it through to the last 16. We took the game right through to extra time and then penalty’s but Besiktas walked away with the win.

    This Sunday we are back to the Barclays Premier League. Champions Manchester City visit us at Anfield, let’s hope we can get a win with 4th place in our sights!


    It's all about the Cups

    20th February 2015

    Half term is boss and the best way to spend it is at the Academy learning The Liverpool Way with all my new friends. With all these new skills it can’t be long till I get a call up to the First Team, especially as they need someone to replace Stevie, I’ll make sure I keep practising.

    There were no Barclays Premier League games this week, so it was all about the Cup competitions. First up on Saturday was the FA Cup 5th round game against Crystal Palace.  Palace took the lead early on and went in to half time 1-0 up, but it wasn’t long before we were equal as Daniel Sturridge made it 1-1. Then 10 minutes later Adam Lallana made it 1-2 after the keeper couldn’t hold Balotelli’s free kick.  That win means we have a home tie against Blackburn Rovers before we can book our place in the semi-final.

    The Reds were in UEFA Europa League action last night against Besiktas. The match finished with a 1-0 LFC win, after Balotelli scored a penalty to give us an important lead going into the second leg, in Istanbul next week.

    We are back to the Barclays Premier League on Sunday with a trip to St Mary’s to play Southampton, 4th place we are coming to get you!


    The 'Perfect Match'

    13th February 2015

    I got the chance to welcome my good friend Sir SIB to Anfield to support Tuesday night's very special 'Perfect Match'.

    Sir SIB is the official mascot of Seeing is Believing, a charity sponsored by Standard Chartered that was set up to help tackle avoidable blindness.  The players wore special shirts for the game with the 'Seeing is Believing' logo on. The match worn shirts will be auctioned off during Standard Chartered's online auction.

    On the pitch it really was the 'Perfect Match' against Tottenham - it had everything! Markovic put us in the lead, but it wasn't long before Spurs equalised.  A Steven Gerrard penalty gave us a 2-1 lead, but the visitors scored and equalised AGAIN! But up stepped Mario Balotelli off the bench to score a late winner and give us a 3-2 win and all 3 points.

    Steven Gerrard played in his final Merseyside Derby against Everton on Saturday. The match finished 0-0 with the Reds having the most chances but we couldn't find a goal, so points were shared at Goodison Park.

    Next up for the Reds it's a 5th round FA Cup game against Crystal Palace at Selhurst Park. Let's hope we can take a step closer to Wembley...

    One Step Closer to Wembley!

    6th February 2015

    I headed to Anfield on Saturday to see Liverpool FC take on West Ham United, but mum said I had to put my hat and scarf on as it was very chilly.  Don’t tell her I took them off to have selfies with everyone, when you are this good looking you can’t hide your face. 

    LFC took the lead when Sterling scored to put us 1-0 up.  The biggest cheer of the day came when Sturridge came on for his first game after 5 months out. It only took him 10 minutes to get back on the score sheet to give us a 2-0 win.

    Wednesday’s FA Cup 4th round replay against Bolton Wanderers was Steven Gerrard’s 700th LFC game, and a win would put us into the next round against Crystal Palace. Bolton scored the first goal to give them the lead but a goal from Sterling made it 1-1 and a wonder goal from Coutinho in stoppage time gave us a 1-2 win and took us a step closer to our dream, of seeing Stevie lift the FA Cup at Wembley, in his last game in a Red shirt.

    Next up the Reds make the short trip over Stanley Park to play Everton, let’s hope they come back with all 3 points.

    Reds round-up

    30th January 2015

    I knew brushing my feathers would make a difference, meeting up with the Liverpool Ladies FC Team before their first pre-season friendly game brought them extra luck! They came away from Halton Stadium with a 4–1 win against Aston Villa Ladies FC.

    That game was followed with more celebrations, as we had lots of Red birthday shout outs to make this week, first was No3 Jose Enrique, then the boss Brendan Rodgers followed by LFC Legend Jamie Carragher, I’m still waiting for my piece of cake lads!

    We played Bolton Wanderers in an FA Cup fourth-round game at Anfield on Saturday. Although we made a few attempts on goal, Adam Bogdan’s (Bolton Wanderers’ goalkeeper) saves were greater, ending the game as a goalless draw. We now replay the Championship side at the Macron Stadium on February 4th 19:45.

    Our next game was on Tuesday evening and was our final battle with Chelsea to take us through to the Capital One Cup final at Wembley. It was not meant to be, as we took the game into extra time. The final score at Stamford Bridge was 1- 0 for Chelsea finishing the semi-final with a 2-1 aggregate result.


    Next up the Reds are back at Anfield for their Barclays Premier League home game against West Ham Untied on Saturday, 3pm Kick-off. 

    Women’s Super League Champions

    23rd January 2015

    The Liverpool Ladies FC team and their manager Matt Beard sent me a special letter this week “Mighty Red, please would you be able to help us give something back to the local community, by joining both myself and the players on a special visit to Alder Hey Children’s Hospital?” Of course I said yes, I love making people feel better.

    At the hospital we got to visit lots of wards, sign autographs and some of the children even let me play with their toys with them!

    We talked about lots of things together especially the two games the First Team had played over the past week.

    First was Aston Villa V LFC, we moved four points off fourth position in the Barclays Premier League table, after Fabio Borini and Rickie Lambert were on target, ending this game 0–2. I also got my second correct Mighty on Matchday prediction of 2015, I was made up! This result also means Liverpool FC go unbeaten now in 8 matches.

    Next we talked about our first leg game in the Capital One cup game against Chelsea. We took away a 1–1 draw after Sterling equalised by planting a left footer past the Chelsea goalkeeper Courtois. This leaves it all to play for in the second leg at Stamford Bridge on Tuesday at 19:45. The battle is on for Wembley!


    16th January 2015

    I have amazed myself this week with all the great work I have done at school, not only have I made sure that my work is the best it can be, but I have made sure that I got to school on time EVERY day. Mum didn’t even have to pull the covers off my wings in the mornings either! This makes both my mum and my teachers happy, I can tell as they are smiling more.

    Talking about happy people, I met lots of them on Sunday when I got to take them around my 2nd home, Anfield, on a Family Stadium Tour. We were singing and cheering in the Kop pretending we were at a real game, it was so much fun. We all agreed, after LFC’s game away at Sunderland’s Stadium of Light, that Lazar Markovic’s right footed shot from the centre of the box to the centre of the goal, assisted by Fabio Borini, definitely deserved the Man of the Match title. Scoring that goal meant that LFC brought home victory, 3 points and their 3rd win for January.

    The Reds have got two more games coming up this week so make sure you don’t miss out. Aston Villa V Liverpool FC on Saturday 17th Jan, 15:00 kickoff, and then Chelsea visit us again in the Capital One Cup, kicking off at 19:45 on Tuesday. See you there.

    Football Frenzy

    9th January 2015

    Happy New Year everyone, I hope you had a great Christmas and Santa brought you everything you asked for.

    There has been so much football over the last week I’m in a football frenzy! The lads didn’t have much time to let their Christmas Turkey settle as they played Burnley on Boxing Day at Turf Moor.  Raheem Sterling got the only goal of the game after a boss ball from Coutinho, the game ended 0-1 and Liverpool FC came home with all 3 points.


    Next was the Reds final fixture of 2014 as Swansea City visited Anfield. Goals from Alberto Moreno and Adam Lallana gave Liverpool FC a 2-0 lead. Swansea City pulled one back to make it 2-1.  Lallana’s 2nd and a Jonjo Shelvey own goal, gave us a much needed 4-1 win and moved us above Swansea City in the Barclays Premier League table.

    Our very first game of 2015 was here at Anfield playing Leicester City. My new friend and Leicester City’s mascot Filbert the Fox came for some New Year’s Day fun with us. 

    LFC took a 2-0 lead going in to half time with 2 Steven Gerrard penalties. But 2 goals for Leicester City meant the points were shared with a draw 2-2.

    Still no time to rest for the Red’s as they played in the FA Cup on Monday against AFC Wimbledon leaving the third round with a 1-2 win.

    Next up we are back to the Barclays Premier League and a visit to the North East to play Sunderland at the Stadium of Light.

    Merry Christmas everyone

    24th December 2014

    I’m so excited it’s just 1 more sleep till Santa comes down the Chimney, to bring me lots of presents, for being such a good boy this year.  Mum says I have to go to bed really early so I can be ready for the big day, but I want to stay up and see if I can spot him!

    On Sunday, it was Arsenal’s turn to visit Anfield for our next Barclays Premier League game.  We took the lead just before half time when Philippe Coutinho scored the opener, but Arsenal equalised 60 seconds later.  The away team took the lead in the second half, but a Martin Skrtel header earned us a draw in the 7th minute of injury time, meaning the match finished 2-2.


    We have loads of games to look forward to over Christmas, starting on Boxing Day when we travel to Turf Moor to play Burnley, followed by Swansea City who visit Anfield on the 29th December and then we welcome Leicester City on New Year’s Day.  Finally it’s an FA Cup trip to AFC Wimbledon at the start of January so let’s hope we get the Christmas present we all want and the lads grab 4 festive wins.


    I hope everyone has the best Christmas ever and I will check back in with you in the New Year, I can’t wait to see you all in 2015.


    Have a very Red Christmas.




    Spreading the festive cheer

    19th December 2014

    I have been a very busy bird again this week and managed to get another stamp on my passport, when I got a very special invitation to visit Mumbai in India, for the Barclays Premier League Live event. It was great to meet all the Liverpool FC fans in Mumbai and it was even better to join in with the International Soccer School soccer clinics. I showed all of my new friends my skills and helped to teach them all The Liverpool Way, I hope I can go back to visit again soon.

    I also got to go to my favourite event of the year this week, when the First Team players and I got to go and spread the festive cheer, to all the children, at Alder Hey Hospital.  We sang songs and gave out Christmas presents to all the children; it was so nice to see everyone smile when they received a plush toy of ME!

    It was a trip to Old Trafford for the Reds on Sunday, in the early Premier League kick off.  We created plenty of chances, but unfortunately Manchester United scored 3 goals and took all the points with a 3-0 win.

    Next the Reds played in the Capital One Cup on Wednesday and got a 1-3 win against Bournemouth. 

    We took the lead after Raheem Sterling finished off a fantastic move by the whole team, which included 52 passes. It was soon 0-2 when Lazar Markovic got on the score sheet with his first ever LFC goal. Sterling got his second early in the second half to make it 0-3.  Bournemouth pulled one back in the 57th minute, but it wasn't enough we safely made it into the draw for the semi-finals. We will play Chelsea over 2 legs to try and secure our place at Wembley. 

    Next up LFC welcome Arsenal to Anfield on Sunday let's hope we can keep the winning going.

    Christmas Shopping

    12th December 2014

    With less than 2 weeks to go until the big day I thought I'd better get my Christmas list to Santa sorted, as I must be on his nice list this year.  So the best way to pick my presents was to visit the LFC retail stores in Liverpool One and Williamson Square and pick out all the goodies I wanted under my tree.  While I was there I thought I could help all my friends choose their Christmas presents and I even gave out some treats myself as I was feeling festive.

    Sunderland visited Anfield in the Barclays Premier League game on Saturday.  The match finished 0-0 and meant the points where shared and we were unbeaten in 3 games.  That result left us in 9th place in the league 6 points off 4th place.

    We were all very nervous Reds on Tuesday knowing only a win against FC Basel at Anfield would put us through to the next round of the UEFA Champions League.  Unfortunately we got off to the worst start with the Swiss team taking the lead.  It got even worse when Markovic was sent off in the second half.  But an amazing free kick from Steven Gerrard gave us all hope that we could make it through, but it wasn't to be, we created so many chances in the last 10 minutes but the ball just wouldn't go in the back of the net. So the match finished 1-1 and we came 3rd in the group which means we automatically go into the UEFA Europa League.

    Next up for the Reds it's a trip to Old Trafford on Sunday to play Manchester United, I have my wings crossed they come back home with all 3 points!

    Read all about it

    5th December 2014

    I was a very lucky bird this week as I got to visit all my friends at All Saints Primary school for a very special reading session, and even better we got to read my very own book.  We had so much fun acting out my adventures, I was really impressed with everyone's reading skills and I can't wait to go back and read some more.

    It was back to the Barclays Premier League on Saturday when Stoke City visited Anfield.  It was a tough game but LFC took the lead in the 85th minute thanks to a Glen Johnson header, this was enough to secure all 3 points for the Reds with a 1-0 win.

    On Tuesday the lads visited the King Power stadium to play Leicester City in a Premier League game where Glen Johnson played his 150th league game for the Reds, and Jordan Henderson started for his 150th appearance in total for the Club.  We did not get off to a good start with Leicester City taking the lead on 22 minutes but it wasn't long till an Adam Lallana strike put us level.  After half time Steven Gerrard and Jordan Henderson got on the score sheet to give us all 3 points with a 1-3 win against 10 man Leicester.

    Next up its Sunderland who visit Anfield on Saturday, here's hoping for a 3rd win in a row!

    Christmas is coming

    28th November 2014

    It's the last week in November which means only one thing - it's time to put the Christmas decorations up in the Red's household. Even better it's nearly time to open the first window on my Liverpool FC advent calendar and get ready for all the festive fun. I have got so much to look forward to in December and I can't wait to see you all at all the fun events. As I have been a very good boy this year, I had better get writing my list ready to give to Santa, I'm hoping for a very Red Christmas.

    Our trip to London on Sunday to play against Crystal Palace was not what we hoped for. After taking the lead through Rickie Lambert's first Liverpool FC goal, in the 2nd minute, Crystal Palace quickly equalised to make it 1-1. Then another two goals late on in the second half gave them a 3-1 win.

    Next up it was a trip to Sofia in Bulgaria, to face PFC Ludogorets Razgrad, in the Champions League on Wednesday. We had the worst possible start, when the home side scored the first goal in the third minute, but five minutes later with his second goal in two starts, Rickie Lambert headed the equaliser. Jordan Henderson then finished a Raheem Sterling cross to give us the lead going into half-time. We held that lead right up until the 88th minute when PFC Ludogorets Razgrad scored from a corner, to make it 2-2 and that is how it finished. With Real Madrid beating FC Basel in Switzerland, it means we just need a win against FC Basel at Anfield in two weeks' time to qualify for the next round.

    Next up it's Stoke City, who visit us here at Anfield, let's all keep our fingers (and wings) crossed for three points!

    A Mighty Tour

    21st November 2014

    While the lads have been away on international duty I have been looking after Anfield.  We all know that it is my favourite place in the world, and it really makes me smile, when I get to show all of my friends around on my very own Family Tours. My friends didn't stop smiling during the tours and who can blame them, as they got to see where the magic happens, learn the history of our Club and win prizes with me. It just doesn't get any better.

    There has not been a Barclays Premier League game for 2 weeks now, while 14 of our players, Balotelli, Henderson, Sterling, Mignolet, Lallana, Coutinho, Skrtel, Lovren, Toure, Markovic, Lambert, Allen, Can and Danny Ward, have been away representing their countries. They have achieved mostly good results and have returned back ready to take on the Barclays Premier League again.

    We travel down south to Selhurst Park to play Crystal Palace for the early kick off on Sunday. Then the Reds are back in Champions League action on Wednesday, with a trip to Bulgaria, to play Ludogorets Razgrad at the Vasil Levski Stadium. Let's hope this time next week we are celebrating 2 wins.

    Mighty Respect

    14th November 2014

    I have been learning all about Remembrance Day in school this week and why we wear poppies. We learnt that we wear them as a sign of respect for all the service men and women who lost their lives serving their country in the two world wars and later conflicts. I made a donation with my pocket money and got myself a poppy, which I proudly wore on my shirt at Anfield on Saturday. The Liverpool FC players wore special shirts embroidered with poppies when Chelsea visited Anfield, the Reds signed their shirts after the game and donated them to the Royal British Legion to raise money. 

    Before kick-off we all took a minutes silence to remember and to show our respects. The match then kicked off to massive cheers that got even louder when Emre Can gave us the best possible start to the game, when his long range effort gave us an early lead. Two goals from Chelsea put them in front and gave them all 3 points, but we now have two weeks without a game so hopefully we can get everyone back to full fitness and our Barclays Premier League season up and running.

    14 of our players are away on International duty, which means there is no Barclays Premier League game this weekend, so I'm going to go to the park and have a kick about with my mates.

    ‘Kolo, Kolo Toure’

    6th November 2014

    Just when I thought my half term could not get any better, I put my boots on tied my laces and grabbed my football ready to join in a very special training session with the Soccer School coaches in Rainhill. 

    Our partners Vauxhall picked 2 lucky teams who got the chance to train and learn The Liverpool Way and of course meet me. As an extra special treat Liverpool FC defender Kolo Toure popped in for the afternoon session. He answered questions and helped out in a football master class, he was very impressed with my skills!

    The weekend started with an early kick-off and a trip to St James Park to play Newcastle. The game ended with a 1-0 loss for us, but we are still only 4 points off 4th place so there is still plenty to play for.

    Then it was a trip to the Spanish capital for our Champions League game against Real Madrid on Tuesday. Kolo Toure played his best yet, with a man of the match performance against the European Champions, meeting me in the week must have helped. Unfortunately we lost the game 1-0 but we still have a good chance of qualifying if we win our last 2 games and I'm proud of the team.

    Next up, Barclays Premier League leaders Chelsea at Anfield, come on Red Men! 

    ‘Kick It Out’

    31st October 2014

    I had a boss time at the new look Family Park last weekend, before the Red's game against Hull City, especially when my Liverpool Ladies stopped by to show everyone the Women's Super League trophy and answer questions from the fans.  My day just got better as I was given a special 'Kick It Out' T-shirt, just like the matchday mascots and the players in the pre-match warm up. We were all celebrating the work of Kick It Out, football's equality and inclusion organisation, it's a good job my mum ironed it so I was the best looking Liver bird at Anfield!

    When the clock struck 3pm and the game got under way against Hull City, the atmosphere from the fans was amazing and the Kop was rocking. No wonder we are the world's greatest football family, the support from the stands really helped the players, the game might have finished 0-0, but we did create a lot of chances and I think it's only a matter of time before the goals start flying in.

    There was no time to rest for the lads, or for me, as we were in the Capital One Cup on Tuesday against Swansea. After a goalless first half the visitors took the lead in the 65th minute and it looked like we were going out of the cup, until the 86th minute when Mario Balotelli equalised, GET IN! Then, just as we were getting ready for extra time, Dejan Lovren headed home the winner from Coutinho's free kick to secure a quarter final tie against AFC Bournemouth. BOSS!

    Next up the lads travel to St James Park on Saturday to play Newcastle in the Barclays Premier League, I've got my wings crossed for 3 points!



    A Flying Visit

    24th October 2014

    I had a boss trip to Liverpool John Lennon Airport this week, but I wasn't going on my travels this time. I was there to greet the Official Scandinavian LFC Supporters Club as they flew over ready to watch the Reds in action in the Champions League. How lucky they were not only to go to Anfield to watch the game, but to see my handsome smiling face as they arrived at Liverpool Airport, I think it was possibly the best surprise they could of asked for!

    The Barclays Premier League was back last weekend and we were in action against QPR at Loftus Road, we took the lead early in the first half when Glen Johnson's cross was put into their own net by a QPR player. There was a crazy 8 minutes at the end of the game as QPR equalised, Philippe Coutinho put us back in the lead, QPR then made it 2-2 before a second QPR own goal gave us a much needed win and all 3 points, that took us up to 5th in the table.

    Then it was Champions League night at Anfield on Wednesday and the game everyone had been waiting for since the draw was made. Liverpool FC against European Champions Real Madrid. The result didn't go our way and we lost the game 0-3. But with PFC Ludogorets Razgrad beating FC Basel in the other game in group B, it means it's all still to play for to qualify, with 3 teams all on 3 points.

    Next up its Hull City who will visit Anfield on Saturday, here's hoping we can get back in the top 4!



    Celebrating with the Champions

    17th October 2014

    With the lads still away on International duty it was down to the Ladies to fly the Liverpool FC flag in their last game of the season against Bristol Academy.  It was a very special day at the Select Stadium in Widnes and you could feel the buzz and excitement as soon as the gates opened. I really enjoyed greeting all the fans with my special bag of Liverpool Ladies giveaways.

    The Liverpool Ladies went into the game in 3rd position, 3 points off the top of the league table, needing to score 3 goals and for Chelsea and Birmingham to slip up in their games to retain the Women's Super League title.  That is exactly what happened, Chelsea lost 2-1, Birmingham drew 2-2 and thanks to goals from Natasha Dowie, Lucy Bronze and a Fara Williams penalty the ladies got the 3 goals that they needed to top the Women's Super League and lift the trophy. 

    As soon as the stadium announcer declared it over the tannoy that Liverpool Ladies were the 2014 CHAMPIONS, the stadium erupted, I was so happy that I ran on to the pitch to join in the celebrations with hugs and high fives with all the team, I think I am definitely their lucky mascot. 

    The Barclays Premier League is back this weekend and the lads have a trip down to Loftus Road on Sunday to play Queens Park Rangers, let's hope they bring all 3 points back with them.

    The Luck of the Irish

    10th October 2014

    Our postman has been very busy lately delivering me special invites to lots of fun LFC events. This week was no different; a letter dropped on the mat addressed to Master Mighty Red.  When I opened up the envelope it said, "You have been invited to join Liverpool FC Legend Dietmar Hamann at the opening of the new Liverpool FC Club Store in in Dublin, Ireland".  I ran upstairs, got my passport and went to the airport.  The flight wasn't very long and before we knew it we were at the brand new store meeting all the Irish Reds.  There were 100's of fans waiting to meet me and Didi.  We had a boss time meeting all of our new friends and it was even better to see the amazing new store.  Then it was straight back on a plane to get some sleep ready for the big game the next day.

    We brought back the luck of the Irish with us to Anfield on Saturday, for the visit of West Bromwich Albion.  Adam Lallana got his first LFC goal just before half time to give us the lead, but West Brom scored a penalty to even things up.  Up stepped our new vice-captain Jordan Henderson to score the winner, with a great finish, to give us a 2-1 win and a very important 3 points.

    The good luck continued all the way to the Select Security Stadium, for Liverpool Ladies first ever appearance in the UEFA Women's Champions League against Linköpings FC.  Gemma Davison and Natasha Dowie scored to give the Ladies a 2-1 first leg lead to take to Sweden next week.

    No games for the Red men this week as 11 of them are away on International duty, but the Liverpool Ladies still have a chance to win the Women's Super League in their last game of the season on Sunday against Bristol Academy Women.

    The Golden Mighty Award

    3rd October 2014

    Being part of the greatest football family in the world is amazing and when someone in our family does something special it's even better that we get to share it with them.  My friend Benjamin is definitely someone who deserves my 'Golden Mighty' award. He has raised £4,679.66 for the 'When you wish upon a star' charity by swimming 21 miles, which is the same distance as the English channel!

    He started training in January and in just 8 months he has swam over 82 miles, as well as playing for 2 football teams and training with them twice a week. What an achievement, especially as he is only 7.  I thought the best way to say well done was not only to award Benjamin with the Golden Mighty pin badge, but to go to his school and present it to him myself. I don't think I could swim that far (not without my arm bands anyway).

    It was Derby day on Saturday, so Everton made the short trip over Stanley Park to Anfield.  The atmosphere was amazing, every single fan in the stadium was cheering and singing as the referee blew his whistle for the start of the game.  The first 45 minutes flew by and the score was 0-0 at half time. It stayed that way until the 65th minute when Mario Balotelli was fouled on the edge of the area, up stepped captain fantastic Steven Gerrard to put the ball in the top corner from the free kick.  It was looking like we had secured all 3 points until Everton scored an equaliser in the 92nd minute, which meant the points where shared.

    We are back at Anfield on Saturday playing against West Bromwich Albion, I hope we can get all 3 points and get back up the league.

    Goals Galore!

    26th September 2014

    Two games to watch this week so Mum says that all toys must be put away and my room must be kept tidy at all times, which is worth it to watch LFC play (just hope she doesn't look under my bed!).

    First up for the lads was another Saturday night game, a trip to Upton Park to play against West Ham. Unfortunately it finished with us losing 3-1 with Raheem Sterling getting our goal, it's still early days and I'm sure it won't be long till we are back up where we belong.

    We were back home to Anfield on Tuesday for the 3rd Round Capital One Cup match against Championship side Middlesbrough and what an epic game it was. LFC took the lead when 17 year old Jordan Rossiter scored on his First Team debut.  Middlesbrough equalised in the second half to take it to extra time.  Suso made it 2-1 with his first goal of the season and it looked like that would put us through, until we gave away a penalty in the last seconds of the game, which they scored to make it 2-2 and that took us to penalties.  Every LFC player got a chance to take a pen and it finally finished with a 14-13 victory for us, the way it was going I thought I was going to be next up to take a penalty.  That win meant we were rewarded with a home draw against Swansea in the 4th round.

    Next up its Everton at Anfield on Saturday, let's get our Barclays Premier League campaign back on track with a Derby win.

    The UEFA Champion’s League is back

    19th September 2014

    Can you believe it, the UEFA Champions League is back and we got to host the first game here at Anfield! But more on that later...

    This week as usual I got to school on time and I got my sticker in my book, that's nothing new as my Mum ALWAYS makes sure I am up no matter how much I put the covers over my head! I love school as there's a group of us that always sit together at lunch and talk football; I could see myself as match day reporter when I'm older actually. This week we had 2 matches to talk about so it was hard to wait until lunch time.

    Firstly Aston Villa, ok so we don't want to talk too much about that as we came away from the game with a 0-1 defeat. Brendan did tell us "There is nothing better after a disappointing performance and result like today than to get going again on Tuesday night in a competition we love. Hopefully we'll start that competition with three points."  He was right, the second half of that game was full of excitement - Mario Balotelli scored his first goal for the Club at the Kop end and the stadium shook with the celebrations. Then Ludogorets equalised but in the 93rd minute Gerrard stepped up to take a penalty... goal! All of the fans got to their feet to cheer the final score, 2-1 to the Reds.

    Next it's back to the Barclays Premier League with a trip to West Ham United - Let's bring 3 points back home.

    New Moves

    12th September 2014

    Now as you may have seen or heard before, I am a Liver Bird that knows how to move. Not only am I very good at football as well as being a pretty good goalkeeper, I have some really good dance moves too.  All Saints Primary School were very lucky to witness them this week, when I joined in the Wake and Shake session on Wednesday morning. It definitely woke me up dancing to some really good songs; it put a big smile on my face for the rest of the day. 

    We got some really special news this week at LFC. We have been picked to be one of the 8 teams that feature in the new FIFA15 demo. I've had so much fun playing FIFA14 I couldn't wait to download the demo of FIFA15. We don't even have to wait that long to actually get the game either as it is out really soon.  You can try it out now too  http://www.liverpoolfc.com/news/latest-news/170469-play-as-lfc-in-fifa-15-demo-now

    Big shout out to all the England squad especially Henderson, Lambert and Sterling who represented LFC on the pitch in a great 0-2 win against Switzerland on Monday.

    Hope the Reds can get 3 points at Anfield on Saturday against Aston Villa, that might make Daniel Sturridge feel a little better whilst his ankle recovers (I'm doing the studge!) YNWA!

    My Ice Bucket Challenge

    5th September 2014

    After everyone hearing how brave and strong I am I was nominated to take the Ice Bucket Challenge this week! The aim of the Ice Bucket Challenge is to raise awareness of the neurodegenerative disease, motor neurone disease.

    My friends Ben, Chloe, Nicole, Bobbie and William did a great job presenting for my challenge video. Matt Beard (The manager) and Gemma Bonner (defender) of Liverpool Ladies helped out too when they poured the biggest and coldest bucket of icy water all over me, my feathers were drenched, I tried to use my umbrella and armbands but they were no good! I was soaked! Watch my challenge here

    I would now like to nominate my mascot friends Changy who is Everton's mascot, Moonbeam and Moonchester Man City's mascots as well as Pottermus of Stoke City.

    Earlier in the week, before all the Ice Bucket Challenge fun, I went along to Halton Stadium and watched the first ever Liverpool Ladies open training session, it was great to see the Ladies put through their paces and we had fun with a group penalty shootout too.

    No game for us this weekend, so I must get out in the park and practice instead. I want to be able to play as good as the Red boys did on Sunday against Tottenham Hotspurs at White Hart Lane.

    The first goal came from Raheem Sterling (assisted by Jordan Henderson) when he took a shot from the left side of the six yard box and scored. Then captain fantastic, Steven Gerrard converted a penalty to make it 0-2 and we didn't stop there, Alberto Moreno in his second game for LFC, took an unstoppable shot to make the final score 0-3, taking home 3 points - Get in!


    New faces

    29th August 2014

    It's been a boss week, it all started when I got to go to the Academy to see the stars of the future at Soccer School. We learnt all the best skills that will turn us into LFC Legend's. We learnt how to pass like Gerrard, score like Sturridge and head the ball like Skrtel, I'm definitely ready for a call up to help the squad in the Champions League now!

    As I have been such a busy bird I didn't get a chance to see my Liverpool Ladies in action on Sunday, but they moved into 2nd place in the Women's Super League, after a late Katie Zelem goal gave them a 1-0 win against Notts County, don't worry ladies I'll be back for the next game.

    The first team had a tough trip to the Etihad Stadium to face Manchester City on Monday night, unfortunately ending in a 3-1 win to City.  Our goal came thanks to a Man City own goal, after a boss cross from Daniel Sturridge and great work from Rickie Lambert. We may have lost but it was a great performance from the lads and even better to see new boys Alberto Moreno and Lazar Markovic getting on the pitch for their Barclays Premier League debuts.  They were not the only new faces to make an appearance, the latest member of our LFC family Mario Balottelli was at the game to watch his new team mates in action, I can't wait to see him on the pitch in a Liverpool shirt.

    Next up it's a trip to visit Tottenham Hotspur at White Hart Lane, let's get back on track lads starting with a win at Spurs.


    The wait is over

    22nd August 2014

    The new season is finally here and I got to watch the first game on Sunday! I grabbed my lucky scarf, jumped in the Mighty Mobile with my dad and headed to Anfield . As we arrived we could see the excitement amongst all the fans straight away, everyone was ready to sing and chant 'The Liverpool Way'.

    Before the game I got to make a new BFF, Joshua, he was coming to see his first ever LFC game. We talked about our score predictions and shared stories about why we love LFC, I hope he had as much fun at the match as I did.

    The stadium was buzzing, we had been waiting (for what seems like forever) for the Barclays Premier League season to start again. Southampton was the first team to visit us here at Anfield. 

    We had a great start to the game, Raheem Sterling finished a great long ball from Jordan Henderson to make it 1-0, Southampton equalised quickly after half time, but Daniel Sturridge got the winner to make it 2-1 with his 36th LFC goal on his 50th appearance.

    Next up we visit the Ethiad Stadium on Monday to play Manchester City, come on Red men let's get another 3 points.

    The final countdown

    15th August 2014

    I'm back, I had a 'Mighty' time in the USA but it's nice to be home! I landed at John Lennon airport and had very little time to rest my wings, it was back home to Anfield for me, ready to see all your smiling faces for the LFC Official Members' family day.  Getting to greet Steven Gerrard and the rest of the players onto the pitch for open training was the best part of my day.  I was made up with the boss dance off I had with Sakho, I think 'Got to Dance' might be on the phone when they see our moves!

    It was off to Halton Stadium on Saturday for the Liverpool Ladies game against Chelsea, they won with a 2-0 score; the ladies are marching up the league!

    Home again! The first team were back for their last Pre-Season friendly at Anfield against Borussia Dortmund, what a way to finish with a 4-0 win.  Daniel Sturridge opened the scoring, Dejan Lovren made it 2 on his debut, Coutinho got our 3rd and Jordan Henderson wrapped up the win with the 4th.

    Bring on the Barclays Premier League opener on Sunday against Southampton; it's a new season so here we go again!



    Goodbye USA!

    5th August 2014

    All aboard the Mighty plane.

    I've been really busy this week on Pre-Season Tour visiting New York, Charlotte and Miami.

    My first task in New York was to give out my special 'Golden Mighty Award' to the New York Fire Department Soccer Foundation, for all their amazing work in their local community. Then on matchday, we got to watch the Reds play in one of the most famous stadiums in the world, The Yankee Stadium. We played against Manchester City, Moonbeam and Moonchester joined us too.  It was a great match, twice Manchester City took the lead and twice we equalised through Jordan Henderson and Raheem Sterling. The game finished 2-2, which meant we had to end with penalties, we won 3-1.

    We packed our cases again and off we went to Charlotte ready for our last chance to secure our place in the final in Miami.

    First we met USA stars of the future at the LFC International Soccer School; it was great to see everyone learning The Liverpool Way.

    Match time again, our final group game was against AC Milan at the Bank of America Stadium knowing a win would get us to the final. The final score was 2-0 with Joe Allen and Suso scoring, so it was off to Miami we go.

    The final was played in the Sun Life Stadium, Miami and it was against Manchester United. Although we took the lead, we lost the game 3-1.

    Then it was straight to the airport and back to Liverpool. I can't wait to see everyone at Anfield, at the weekend, for the last pre-season friendly against Borussia Dortmund.

    Mighty in the USA

    29th July 2014

    What an experience, I got to travel on the LFC First Team plane and join Brendan Rodgers, with the players and Legends, to fly all the way to the USA for the LFC Pre-Season Tour 2014.

    The first stop was Boston (I came here in 2012 too).

    I got to visit some very special places, such as Camp Harbor View, Perkins School for the Blind, Boston Children's Hospital, International Football Academies, Soccer Clinics with the Foundation, and more besides! I've made lots of new friends and I got to award many of them with one of my very special 'Golden Mighty' awards. The awards were presented for outstanding achievement and making a difference in people's lives. I was so happy to have Linda Pizzuti, Robbie Fowler and Ian Rush at the presentations.

    Our first match in the USA was a friendly against AS Roma at Fenway Park, the home of the Boston Red Sox, and their mascot (my good friend) Wally gave me a guided tour before kick-off.  Wally wasn't the only friend I got to see, I was joined on the pitch by AS Roma mascot Romolo, we got to meet all the fans and even helped out with the half-time competition.  Unfortunately Romolo was the happier mascot as the game finished with us losing 1-0. A lot of the squad got a chance to play so it was great to see them all in action.

    Then it was time for our next adventure in Chicago. We were about to take part in the International Champions Cup, the first game was on Sunday, which was against Greek champions Olympiacos at the Soldier Field Stadium. We got off to a great start in our group with a 1 - 0 win. Sterling scored with a great assist from Daniel Sturridge.

    Can't wait for the next game in New York against Manchester City. I hope we can get another win and go to the top of our group.

    If you want to check out everything the team and I have been up to so far click here

    Legends and Ladies!

    17th July 2014

    I got to join in a 'World Cup Football Friday' with my new friends at Broadgreen Primary school this week. To get themselves ready for the World Cup Final everyone had been learning  football skills and they got the chance to test them out in a penalty shootout, they all did amazing but it's not easy to beat a goalkeeper as good as me! Can't wait to see you all again soon.

    I always have so much fun at the Liverpool Ladies and this week I doubled my fun! First I saw them beat Doncaster Belles 3-2 in the Continental Cup then they won the Derby against Everton 1 - 0. My friend and LFC Legend Robbie Fowler was there with me - it was the best night ever, a win and watching the game with Robbie.

    The players are back in training and we had our first pre-season friendly against FC Brondby in Denmark, the score ended 2-1 and it was great to see the lads back.

    Next up a friendly against Preston at Deep Dale on Saturday 19th July.  After that we will all be up nice and early on Sunday, ready to get on the plane for our next pre-season adventure.

    America here we come!

    Mighty’s travels!

    11th July 2014

    I have lots of stamps in my passport from all the different places I have visited with LFC and it's that time of the year again when I get to explore the world a little bit more. I have been personally invited to go on the 2014 LFC pre-season tour of the USA with all the players and Brendan Rodgers.

    When I found out I was so excited I jumped up and down and nearly knocked my mum over. I asked my Dad to take me to the Library so I could learn all about the places I would be visiting.

    The books were boss, I found out loads about the USA Flag and fun facts about each place I'm going to.

    I couldn't keep this to myself! The teachers at All Saints Primary, Anfield Juniors and Infants school said I could lead a fun geography session so I could share it all with my friends (I think I would make a great teacher when I'm older). 

    I taught everyone about all of the cities and states we will be visiting, what type of foods came from that state, their nicknames and even the sports teams that normally play in the stadiums we will playing at, but most importantly information about their mascot - like me!

    Everyone had a great time and said they wish they could come with me in my suitcase, but I don't think I'll have enough room! 

    Now I know everything about the USA I can't wait to jump on that plane to see all the places. I promise I will share all my adventures with you all when I get back!



    World Cup Warriors

    8th July 2014

    I started off last week the best way, getting to spend the day at Reducate at Anfield. All my friends from St Gregory's Catholic Primary School joined me on a special World Cup themed day.  We learnt all about the different countries that are competing in the World Cup and got the chance to play lots of new games, get involved with fun activities and there were lots of chances to win prizes too.  We went on a tour of Anfield and the Museum and even got to eat pizza in the Boot Room Sports Cafe and have lots of ice cream for desert (but don't tell my mum).

    On Saturday it was the summer Fayre at All Saints Primary School, although the weather was not very summery it didn't stop our fun. There were lots of stalls, activities and a coconut shy, I was even allowed to make my own cookie with an LFC design on it, it tasted pretty good as well.

    On the Sunday I got to see my Liverpool Ladies again as they were playing Arsenal at Halton stadium and that meant only one thing, dance off time with my old friend Berry the Bear. After two wins in a row my winning streak came to an end, but it was Berry's birthday so I thought I'd better let her win.  We also got to make banners to help cheer on the team and I got to pick the best ones at the end of the match - they won some great prizes.  Unfortunately the ladies lost 1-0 but we all had a great day.

    Anyone for tennis?

    27th June 2014

    I wasn't the only special visitor to Anfield on Saturday being taken on a really special tour called 'The Legends tour'.     I was joined by reigning women's Wimbledon champion Marion Bartoli, tennis legend Barry Cowen and Mike Russell who were all in Liverpool for the International Tennis Tournament 2014. We all got to go around the stadium with Liverpool Legend Phil Neal, how lucky am I?

    It was amazing that they had come to see me, we all had a picture pitch-side and I even got to practice my tennis with Marion Bartoli, my serve was so good she asked me to be her doubles partner - I'm definitely a sporting genius! We had so much fun on our tour that I can't wait for my Mighty Red family tours to start again, <> to find out when you can come and visit me or even meet an LFC Legend yourself.

    Wimbledon started this week with the reigning men's champion and British number 1 Andy Murray starting off the tournament , I even got a special tweet from him as I wished him good luck. I like watching Wimbledon as my mum always gives me strawberries when it's on.

    The World Cup group stages are coming to an end after England lost to Uruguay and drew with Costa Rica.  Unfortunately England didn't manage to make it through to the last 16, but at least it means some of our players will be back in Liverpool sooner, so they can prepare for next season.

    It's nearly pre-season tour time and I'm so excited to fly all the way to the USA, make sure you keep reading my blog to see everything that I get up to.



    World cup fever!

    20th June 2014

    World Cup fever has hit everywhere, even my school.  This week we have been learning all about the 32 teams that are in the World Cup and where they all are on the map, what their capital city is called and all about the different foods they eat, did you know people in France eat frogs legs and snails? I think I'll stick to my Mum's homemade scouse.

    Learning all about those countries got me ready to watch the World Cup games on TV and last night was the biggest match so far when England took on Uruguay, which meant it was Gerrard V Suarez.  What a game it was and 8 LFC players got on the pitch, it finished 2-1 to Uruguay with Luis Suarez scoring the 2 goals that gave them the win, a disappointing result for England but there is still a chance they can qualify.

    Next up for England its Costa Rica which I learnt is in Central America, I can't wait to see what I will learn next week!

    Liverpool Stars

    17th June 2014

    The postman delivered a really special invite to my house this week. When I opened up the envelope it said, "You have been invited to join Liverpool FC Legend Dietmar Hamann at the re-launch of the new Liverpool FC Club Store in Chester." how cool is that?

    When I was there I also got to meet Chester the Cat who is Dee 106.3's mascot (Chester's radio station). We handed out prizes and entertained the crowds with a dance off and I showed him some of my footie skills that I had learnt at the LFC Soccer School.

    It was so good to see so many new friends come down to meet us and the new store looks amazing, I even used my 10% discount I get for being an LFC Official Member to get my dad's Father's day present while I was there (which he loved obviously!)

    The Fifa World Cup finally kicked off on Thursday night with hosts Brazil (and my mascot friend Fuleco of course) taking on Croatia, it was a on a bit late for me to watch because it was a school night but I heard it was a 3-1 win for Brazil. Mum let me stay up late on Saturday to watch Steven Gerrard lead England out against Italy, they may have lost 2-1 in their opening game but Daniel Sturridge scored our goal, and I'm proud of all our Red's performances. Next for England is Luis Suarez's home country Uruguay, on Thursday.

    FC have 12 players in total representing their countries in Brazil this summer so we all have lots of Liverpool stars and teams to cheer on.

    Mighty’s Warriors

    5th June 2014

    I got home from school on Monday and my mum gave me the best news ever, she said I could go to the LFC Young Warrior training session and join in all the fun with all my friends. 

    We did a warm up with the coaches, just like the players do before a big match, then they all asked me to go in goal for a penalty shootout, they must have heard all about my top goalkeeping skills.  One by one everyone stepped up to take a penalty and even though I let a few in I think everyone was impressed with my saves.

    It has been a great week for all us LFC fans, the celebrations started when Daniel Sturridge got on the score sheet for England with an amazing goal in their warm up game against Peru on Friday, then we signed our first player of the summer when striker Rickie Lambert signed from Southampton, who also scored for England against Ecuador on Wednesday, but best of all our amazing Club celebrated its 122nd birthday on Tuesday, imagine having to blow out the candles on that cake.

    I hope there is more celebrating to come this summer; I'm really looking forward to seeing all the LFC stars in action at the FIFA World Cup. YNWA

    Let's have a selfie!

    30th May 2014

    I jumped in the Mighty Mobile on Sunday full of excitement as the LFC Foundation sent out special invites to over 500 kids and I got one of them! We all got to go down to Anfield with a special chance to play on the pitch. It wasn't the best weather but it didn't stop our fun, it was amazing to make so many new friends along the way. Now as you know I take a pretty good picture, being the handsome bird that I am, well this week I have realised I look just as handsome in a selfie too. After one of my new friends took one everyone wanted to do the same, it even brought the sun out! 

    I didn't get the chance to see my Liverpool Ladies this week but I heard it was a 1-1 draw with Birmingham in the Women Super League; your favourite feathered friend will be back for your next game on 29th June.

    After all that excitement, I rested my wings before I was back in my car to visit the Academy and show off everything I had learnt last week at the Soccer School, the coaches were very impressed with my skills, I'm surprised I haven't been called up to help the England team out at the World Cup in Brazil.

    Summer's nearly here and I can't wait to see what adventures are coming up next. YNWA

    Play on the pitch

    21st May 2014

    Earlier this week I was back at Anfield, the best stadium in the world, to join so many new friends including our LFC Official Mighty Red Members.  They were there for the best experience that anyone could ever dream of, playing football on the pitch - just like all our football heros do.

    The event started by getting changed in the home team dressing room, then touching the famous 'This is Anfield' sign, before walking out of the tunnel to the sound of 'You'll Never Walk Alone.' As they made their way onto the pitch the crowds were cheering and shouting for them. Only then were they greeted by everyone's favourite LFC hero - ME, which I'm sure was the best part of their day!

    After the final whistle we all gathered in front of our supporters in time for the LFC presentation. My certificate is definitely going up on my wall and I will wear my medal with pride, I'm sure everyone else will do the same.

    It's boss spending so much time at Anfield but it's even better when I get to learn more about 'The Liverpool Way' from all of the amazing LFC International Football Academy coaches, see you soon lads. 

    Irish Reds

    16th May 2014

    Anfield was full of hope on Sunday as we all had our fingers crossed (and wings) for LFC to win against Newcastle United and hoped that West Ham would get a win against Manchester City. Newcastle took the lead with an own goal from Martin Skrtl but 2 goals in the second half from Daniel Agger and Daniel Sturridge meant we finished the season with a 2-1 win and secured 2nd place in the Barclays Premier League.  We can be very proud of the team for bringing us back into the Champions League.

    The season might have finished but that doesn't mean that this Liver bird has finished his LFC duties.  It was straight back to Anfield on Monday to join Liverpool Legends Howard Gayle, Alan Kennedy and Ronnie Moran as well as Liverpool Ladies Natasha Dowie, Becky Easton, Libby Stout and Martha Harris.  We were all there to watch the Liverpool Youth Cup finals being played, presenting the winning teams with the Liverpool Cup and the Jack Cross LFC Cup as well as being on hand to present the runners up with their medals.  It was boss to see so much talent on the pitch, they definitely entertained a great crowd at Anfield with their football skills.

    The fun didn't stop there,  I got a very special invite this week to jump on a plane and join those of the First Team (that are not preparing for the World Cup) in a trip to Ireland. Here the team got to play a friendly game against Shamrock Rovers at the Aviva Stadium in Dublin. It was great meeting all the Irish Reds and it was especially good to hang out at the stadium with my new friends, Shamrock Rovers mascot Hooperman and Irish FA's mascot RUA, as always I was the happiest mascot with a 4-0 win, I hope they get to visit me at Anfield soon.

    LFC Dance off Champion

    8th May 2014


    Going back to school last week came at the right time, I can now work off all those Easter eggs. I joined All Saints Primary School in Anfield for their 'wake and shake' class, not only do you learn new routines, it puts a smile on all our faces for the rest of day.

    All the moves I learnt at school meant that I could show them off at the Family Park. Before the Chelsea game I got to keep my crown as dance off champion, even Liverpool's Juice FM DJ Dan Roach couldn't keep up with me, but he did play some boss tunes!

    It was great to be back with my Liverpool Ladies this week, I was lucky enough to go to two matches in one week, I watched the them play in the Continental Cup, a tense 0-0 game against Everton, then they ran riot against Sunderland 3 days later with a 6-0 win, it was boss to see Natasha Dowie back to her goal scoring best with a hat-trick.

    After a great performance from all the First Team against Chelsea at Anfield last week, the match unfortunately ended in a 0-2 defeat with Chelsea scoring a goal in each half.  Next up it was a trip to Selhurst Park to play Crystal Palace on Monday night which saw us storm in to a 3 goal lead.  Joe Allen scored his 1st LFC goal in his 50th game. Daniel Sturridge and Luis Suarez made it 3, but Palace scored 3 quick goals in the second half to draw the match 3-3, we may not have come away with the results we needed but we can still be very proud Reds after an amazing season, we still have one game left against Newcastle United at Anfield on Sunday so it's not over just yet.

    We are Liverpool, 'We Go Again' YNWA



    EGG-cellent Easter

    23rd April 2014

    The Manchester City Mascot Moonbeam flew down all the way from space to have lots of fun before our game at Anfield on 13th April.  We had a great time meeting all the fans.

    Luckily I was the happier Mascot after the game because of another amazing performance from the Reds. We got 3 massive points with a 3-2 win, Raheem Sterling, Martin Skrtel and Philippe Coutinho sealed our 10th win in a row. I thought the roof was going to blow off the Kop at full time, I am still out of breathe from cheering so loud.

    This Easter half term I have been a very busy Liver Bird, my first stop was the Foundation Tournament in Rainhill where I got to see some great teams in action, I even showed off some of my new skills too.

    I then flew off to help get the WSL champions Liverpool Ladies 1st game of the season underway with my good friend Berry the bear, we even had a dance off, which I am the champion of for the 2nd year in a row!  The Ladies had a great game with a 1-0 win against Manchester City Ladies. 

    The First Team took a trip to Norwich last Sunday 20th April in an early Easter kick off.  We won 2-3, with 2 goals from Sterling and one from Suarez, which moved us 5 points clear at the top of the Barclays Premier League.

    My favourite part of Easter is getting to eat lots of chocolate and going on Easter egg hunts and it's even better when I get to do it at Anfield.  All my Friends got to help me on my quest to find hidden eggs as we went on a special hunt around the stadium on the Easter Family Tours, I was really good and shared all the eggs I found. And if all that wasn't exciting enough I got invited to The 'Celebration for the 96' charity match on Easter Monday. It was a very special day, local LFC Legends took on International LFC Legends in a game that finished 2-2.  I was in goal at half time in the Kop end and celebrities Russell Howard, Colin Murray, Clare Balding, John Bishop and Andy Brown from Lawson all took 2 penalties against me, but I let most of their shots in to make them feel better.

    Next up is another huge game when Chelsea visit Anfield on Sunday.  Come on lads let's get this Barclays Premier League trophy in the bag. YNWA 

    Showing off my Skills

    10th April 2014

    It's going to be an exciting few weeks for all of us Liverpool fans, and to make it even better its half term. All of my good behaviour at school last term means I was allowed to go to the LFC soccer school this week at the Liverpool Academy. My mum dropped my off in the Mighty Mobile, so I was ready to show off my skills and learn the Liverpool Way just like my Anfield heroes. I can't wait to show all my friends what I have learnt, mum said if I'm really good I might be allowed to go again next week.

    The Reds were in action last Sunday at Upton Park in London for our match against West Ham United. The lads made it 9 wins in a row with a 1-2 win against the Hammers, with 2 Steven Gerrard penalties sealing the win either side of half time. Those two goals meant that Captain Fantastic has now scored more Liverpool goals than LFC legend Kenny Dalglish and we were back at the top of the Premier League Table.

    Next up its Manchester City, they are coming to Anfield this Sunday for probably the biggest game of the season so far. A win would move us one step closer to our first Premier League title in 24 years, let's keep everything crossed for a massive 3 points.


    The Perfect Match

    3rd April 2014

    It was a very special day at Anfield on Sunday, as I invited my good friend and Standard Chartered mascot Sir SiB to the Family Park. I presented him with his very own special ‘Golden Mighty Award' for all of the incredible work he and our sponsor Standard Chartered do to tackle avoidable blindness around the world through their charitable initiative Seeing is Believing, (SiB).

    To help raise awareness of this initiative the LFC players wore unique home shirts that replaced the Standard Chartered logo with the Seeing is Believing logo. Five of the player's shirts from the match where signed and then auctioned to raise money for Seeing is Believing. All donations will be matched by Standard Chartered, making the game against Tottenham the ‘Perfect Match'. View our Standard Chartered match video here.  

    It definitely was a ‘Perfect Match' with us not only beating Tottenham 4-0 but it meant we went back to the top of the league. The match had only just started when we took the lead from a Spurs own goal. Luis Suarez then broke Robbie Fowler's record of 28 goals in one season by scoring his 29th to make it 2-0. Philippe Coutinho and Jordan Henderson also got on the score sheet to make the final score 4-0.

    Next up it's a trip to West Ham on Sunday. 6 games to go, come on red men ‘Make us Dream'.


    Running a Mile

    28th March 2014

    I swapped my football boots for running shoes this week and headed over to meet some new friends at Pinehurst Primary School in Anfield.

    I heard they were doing a special event to raise money for BBC's Sports Relief which raises money to help vulnerable people in both the UK and in some of the world's poorest countries.

    I wasn't alone I took my buddies Marc Pelosi, Danny Ward and Stephen Sama from LFC's under 21's team to help fundraise to. We all did our stretches and got ourselves ready on the starting line to run a whole mile (5 laps around the playground). It was tiring work but I managed to finish and luckily there was a cake sale waiting for me when I finished. It was all for a very good cause and I was very proud of everyone who took part.

    The next day the first team travelled all the way to Wales to play Cardiff City, it was another game full of goals. Cardiff took the lead, but it didn't last long. A hat trick from Luis Suarez, 2 goals from Martin Skrtel and 1 from Daniel Sturridge meant the final score was 3-6 and another 3 points.

    It was so great to be back at Anfield Wednesday night after so long. It was Sunderland who were visiting us, so excited knowing a win would take us back up to second in the Premier League. Goals from Steven Gerrard and Daniel Sturridge gave us a 2-0 lead. Sunderland did pull one back but we held on to win 2-1 moving us back up to second.

    We will welcome Tottenham Hotspur to Anfield on Sunday, only 7 games left now - YNWA


    Winning Week

    20th March 2014

    It's been another busy week for your favourite mascot. Jon Flanagan and I got VIP invitations to the Premier League School Tournament at the LFC Academy to check out all the teams that had made the regional final. The winners were Plantation Primary School who won the chance to represent Liverpool in the final at the Ethiad Stadium in May. They have lifted the trophy for the second year in a row now, so good luck lads I'm sure you will do us proud.

    Watching all that footie got me ready for the big match on Sunday against Manchester United , what a game. Our trip to Old Trafford ended in a 0-3 LFC win which keeps us second in the Premier League table. Steven Gerrard scored the first from the penalty spot. The second half was only a minute in when Captain Fantastic got his second again from another penalty. He did get the chance to score a hat trick of penalties but he hit the post. Luis Suarez got on the score sheet to make sure the 3 points were safe.

    Lots of football to look forward to this week, 3 games in 8 days coming up starting with a trip to Wales on Saturday to face Cardiff City, then Sunderland and Tottenham Hotspur both come to visit us at Anfield. Only 9 games left for us to climb right to the top of the table. We can do it.

    Show Racism the Red Card

    13th March 2014

    I got a really important invite this week, I was asked to join over one hundred other children at Anfield for an Anti-Racism Educational Event.

    The event was called 'Show Racism the Red Card'. I wasn't the only celebrity there either. I met former players; Howard Gayle and Neil Mellor, current Liverpool Ladies players Libby Stout and Danielle Gibbons, Premier League referee Chris Foy and MP for Liverpool Walton, Steve Rotheram.

    We got to take part in a workshop, ask lots of questions to the special guests and I gave out some prizes for the best questions, I even had a picture with the European Cup. It was a boss day and we all learnt a lot.

    I can't wait to see the lads back in action this Sunday against Manchester United, top of the Premier League LFC are on their way!


    Pancake Treats

    6th March 2014

    Half term is over and it was back to school for me this week. I got all my buddies at Anfield Junior School to help me practice my handwriting so I can make sure I am top of the class. As I had done so well in school I was allowed a treat which was pancakes - I love Pancakes. I put a smiley face with chocolate sauce on mine yum yum, I ate so many I nearly burst.

    Thanks to a 0-3 win on our visit to Southampton we are back up in 2nd in the Premier League table. Luis Suarez put us one up with a great finish on his 100th LFC appearance. We had to wait till the second half for our next goal, when Raheem Sterling came off the bench and doubled our lead with his first touch. Steven Gerrard got the 3rd from the penalty spot in injury time. What a great result.

    Looking forward to our next game away at Manchester United 16th March. Top of the table here we come!


    Mighty Style

    27th February 2014

    I have been spending a lot of time at my favourite place ever this week, which of course is Anfield! I got to show everyone the best parts during the Family Tour especially the Kop, here we all get to be really loud and sing my very own special chant.

    With that singing and chanting I was definitely ready for Match Day.  So good to see so many smiley happy faces in the Family Park, we have so much to do there and this week I got to show football freestyler John Farnworth how to do keepy up's Mighty style.  My favourite part of the day, was when I got to have a dance off with the singer from the live band, he was really impressed with my moves. 

    After all that I was warmed up and ready to support the lads. This week we were up against Swansea City.

    I had only just sat down when Daniel Sturridge gave us the lead after 3 minutes; not long after it was 2-0 when Jordan Henderson scored a great goal from the edge of the area.  Swansea then scored 2 quick goals to even up the score, before Sturridge put us back in front to lead 3-2 at half time.  Straight away after the break Swansea equalised after they scored a penalty.  I knew there was still plenty of time to get a winning goal and with 15 minutes left Henderson scored his second to make the final score 4-3 and give us another 3 points - what a game!

    Saturday we are travelling to Southampton, I can't wait to see the lads in action again.



    The Liverpool Way

    20th February 2014

    I love half term because that means I get to grab my kit put my boots on and go and learn the Liverpool Way at the LFC International Football Academy. I had a boss time learning new skills from the amazing coaches and I made loads of new mates. I hope the scouts were watching, I defo think I have earned a place in Brendan's starting line up after my performance.

    It was FA Cup time last weekend with a trip to the Emirates Stadium to play Arsenal. It wasn't a great start to the game as Arsenal went 2-0 up, but a second Steven Gerrard penalty in 4 days gave us hope of a replay. That made it 2-1, and that was how it finished.

    It's a shame we lost and we are out of the FA Cup, but the lads did us proud and at least now we can concentrate on our last 12 premier league games and securing our place in next season Champion's League.

    Next up - Swansea come to visit us at Anfield, wings crossed for 3 points!

    Stars of the Future

    13th February 2014

    Wow - what another great week in my LFC world. I visited the LFC Academy to check out the under 6 team and see if I could spot any stars of the future, I even got to test out my goalkeeping skills - Simon Mignolet better watch out, I might be getting a call up to the squad after my performance.

    What a week it's been for the lads, 2 games in 5 days and a full 6 points. It all started at lunch time on Saturday when league leaders Arsenal visited Anfield. I think this could have been the game of the season so far, I couldn't believe my eyes, we were 4-0 up after 20 minutes. Martin Skrtel started the scoring after 1 minute and quickly added another, Raheem Sterling got 2 and Daniel Sturridge also got on the scoresheet. Arsenal did get one back scoring from the penalty spot but the final score finished 5-1 what an amazing game.

    Next up was a trip to London to play Fulham and we were treated to another boss game. Fulham took the lead after Kolo Toure scored an own goal, but Sturridge equalised just before half time. Fulham went back in front for a second time, before Philippe Coutinho scored to make it 2-2 and captain fantastic sealed the win with a 90th minute penalty, after Sturridge was pushed in the box. The match finished 2-3 and we took all 3 points back home.

    We are heading back to London on Saturday to play Arsenal for the second time in a week in the FA Cup fifth round! Let's hope we keep up our unbeaten run in 2014.

    Wake and Shake

    7th February 2014

    I got to visit all my friends at Anfield Juniors and Anfield Infants this week to check that everyone had been getting to school on time and working hard. When I was there I did some learning of my own by joining in a literacy lesson. As a special treat for doing so well I went to All Saints Primary School and joined in their ‘Wake and Shake' morning exercise class. I got the chance to teach everyone my favourite dance, as well as throwing some boss shapes to some of their dances, Strictly Come Dancing better watch out, Mighty's got some moves.

    The lads had a trip to West Bromwich Albion on Sunday which finished with a 1-1 draw; Daniel Sturridge got our goal with the SAS linking up again to put us in front. It was a shame we couldn't hang on for 3 points as West Brom equalised in the second half but that point will help in our fight for 4th.

    Next up we welcome league leaders Arsenal to Anfield on Saturday.


    The 'Golden Mighty' Award

    30th January 2014

    I got the chance to visit Hunts Cross primary school in Liverpool this week to present one of my very own special 'Golden Mighty' pin badges.

    'The Golden Mighty' is a unique pin badge that is awarded for outstanding achievements. There are only 100 available, 8 people across the world have been awarded one so far!

    This week Luke Hamid was nominated and I got to present it to him. He earned his badge for working extra hard at school, he practiced his grammar and literacy skills and wrote an excellent poem all about how much Anfield meant to him, it was boss.(click here to read it

    Luke is the 9th person now to have 'The Golden Mighty ' you could get one too, all you need to do is keep working hard and maybe I will visit your school to give you your very own 'Golden Mighty' award soon.

    If that wasn't exciting enough, it's been a great few days of football. The weekend started with a 0-2 FA Cup win against Bournemouth on Saturday. Goals from Victor Moses and Daniel Sturridge saw us safely into the 5th Round , where we will play against Arsenal.  

    Next up was it was an action packed game against our neighbours Everton in the 222nd Merseyside derby. Our captain Stevie G got us started, scoring our first goal. Daniel Sturridge scored 2 goals in 2 minutes to make it 3-0 before half time and of course it's not a party until Luis Suarez gets on the score sheet. He wrapped up the game making it a 4-0 win.

    We are off to West Bromwich Albion on Sunday, come on the mighty Reds let's keep on scoring!




    Lucky Liver Bird

    23rd January 2014

    As if spending match day at Anfield wasn't amazing enough, Saturday was super exciting because I got to meet LFC's chairman Tom Werner, our owner John W Henry and his wife Linda Pizzuti. I'm such a lucky Liver Bird as she even wanted to have her picture taken with me, who wouldn't want to get a picture with a superstar like me though! It's my favourite picture so far this year.

    They were here to watch the lads in action against Aston Villa and what a rollercoaster of a game it was finishing 2-2. We went 0-2 down after 36 minutes but you can't keep the Reds down for long. Daniel Sturridge scored just before half time to get us back in the game. After the break Aston Villa's goalkeeper brought down Luis Suarez in the penalty area, and up stepped Captain Fantastic Steven Gerrard to score the penalty to equalize.

    We have a big week coming up as we will be hoping to get a step closer to Wembley, with a trip down to Bournemouth on Saturday in the fourth round of the FA Cup.

    Not forgetting the massive game on Tuesday against Everton at Anfield. I love Derby day come on Red men let's move on up that table!

    Behind the Scenes

    17th January 2014

    I have been working hard back at school this week making sure I always get there on time. Mum said because I had done so well I was allowed to go to Anfield for the first family tour of 2014. I love getting to go on Family Tours because I get to spend time at my favourite place in the world and make lots of new friends at the same time.  I also get to have a sneaky peak behind the scenes of our great club.

    I think that when I touched the famous 'This is Anfield' sign on Saturday it must have brought us luck for our trip to Stoke on Sunday as we won 5-3. It didn't take long for us to take the lead when Cissokho's shot bounced off a Stoke City player into the goal; we doubled our lead with a goal from the man himself Luis Suarez!

    Then in a crazy 6 minutes just before the break 2 ex LFC boys Peter Crouch and Charlie Adam made it 2-2. We were back in the lead just after half time when Gerrard marked his 650th appearance with a goal, he took the penalty after Sterling was pushed in the box.

    66 minutes in was the moment we had all been waiting for, the return of Daniel Sturridge from injury and he made an instant impact by setting up Suarez for his second of the game and his 22nd of the season. Stoke added a 3rd to make it 3-4 before Sturridge marked his comeback with a goal making the final score 3-5. What a game and what an important 3 points.

    Back up to fourth in the league ready for Aston Villa to visit Anfield on Saturday. Let's hope S.A.S can fire us back up the league.

    FA Cup Time

    10th January 2014

    It was a very rainy day at Anfield on Saturday for the 3rd round of the FA Cup, but as always that didn't spoil our fun in the Family Park. We started with a dance off to the live band and a kick about with our football freestyler friend John Farnworth, there was even face painting and some of you got my name on your faces - thanks!

    On the pitch our great start to the new year carried on with a 2-0 win against Oldham Athletic. Aspas scored his first Liverpool goal to put us 1-0 up and an Oldham own goal (after a great shot from Sterling) sealed the win and put us through to the next round. Next up we have earnt an away tie with either Burton Albion or Bournmouth.

    Back to the Premier league this weekend and a trip to see our good friend Pottermus at Stoke City. Here's hoping we stay unbeaten in 2014 with another 3 points.


    Happy New Year

    3rd January 2014

    Happy New Year everyone!

    I hope all your Christmas celebrations where as boss as mine, I must have been a very good boy last year as Santa left lots of goodies under my tree. I think I might have eaten too many mince pies and chocolate whilst I was watching all the festive LFC games though!

    We started Christmas with a nice 3-1 home win against Cardiff with Luis Suarez scoring 2 and Raheem Sterling getting the other which sent us to the top of the league for Christmas. 

    Then we then had 2 tough away games against Manchester City and Chelsea. Although we lost both 2-1 we can be very proud of our performances.  

    I was allowed to stay up late to see in the New Year before we all headed to Anfield for a New Years day game against Hull City which we won 2-0. Daniel Agger scored the first with Suarez getting the 2nd making him the fastest player to score 20 goals in a Premier League season.  This win took us back to 4th  in the League.

    Next up its our first FA Cup game of the season at home to Oldham on Sunday. I'm hoping we can keep Anfield as a fortress and move into the next round.  

    Come on Reds let’s stay unbeaten in 2014.

    Family Fun

    20th December 2013

    We all had a great day at Anfield for the Family Fun Day. I showed off my dance moves, gave out some prizes and even got to see Santa. Everyone was full of smiles and festive cheer just like me.

    I also got to visit my friends at All Saints Primary School to help give out presents from their attendance shop. Everyone has done really well getting to school on time this term, I can't wait to see them keep up the good work into next year.

    Who can forget the game? What a result we had on Sunday beating Tottenham Hotspur 5-0. 2 goals came from the captain for the day, Luis Suarez, 1 for Jordan Henderson, then Jon Flanagan. Flanagan scored his first ever LFC goal before Sterling wrapped up the win from a Suarez pass. That result keeps us 2nd in the League - boss result!

    We have Cardiff, Man City and Chelsea coming up next, come on Red Men, let's have a very merry Christmas.

    Spreading the Christmas joy

    12th December 2013

    13 more advent calendar chocolates till Santa comes to visit.

    I got a really special invitation this week to join the first team in spreading Christmas cheer at Alder Hey Hospital. We got to give out presents, pose for photos and sign autographs, it was so nice to see everyone's faces light up like the lights on the Christmas tree when they saw the players, and of course everyone's favourite Liver Bird - me!

    Another great home win for the Reds against West Ham, although I think a few of the players got confused which team they were on! 2 own goals from the Hammers (West Ham) and 1 from Skrtel. The final score was 4-1 to LFC.
    Sakho scored his first ever LFC goal and Suarez scored his 14th of the season. We are now back up to 2nd in the league - Great work everyone.

    We have a very busy Christmas with 5 games in 15 days, so I have asked Santa for 15 points and if we can be top of the league!

    Here's hoping for a very red Christmas starting with a win at Tottenham on Sunday.

    Christmas is Coming

    12th December 2013

    I am feeling very Christmassy after visiting Liverpool One superstore and giving my Christmas list to Santa. I had so much fun picking out things that I could use my membership discount on.

    If all that didn't make me feel festive enough, it was Christmas jumper day at school and along with Santa and two of his reindeer we got to help spread the cheer.

    A lot of football in this week which is BOSS! It all started with a trip to Hull, luckily we had a mid-week game straight away to help forget about that result. So next up was Norwich at home -Anfield, It was an amazing game with Luis Suarez becoming the first player in Premier League history to score three hat tricks against the same team, GET IN! He didn't stop there; he also added a 4th goal and set up Sterling for our 5th making the final score 5-1. Great game lads, keep it up and we can get another 3 points against West Ham on Saturday. Come on you red men.


    When Mighty Red met Oli the Elephant

    29th November 2013

    I always enjoy meeting new friends, but this week was really special as I got to meet Alder Hey‘s very own mascot Oli the Elephant for the first time. He showed me around the hospital where he makes people smile every day, we exchanged stories about our adventures and played a few games. I definitely think I have made a friend for life.

    It was Derby Day as well and what a treat both teams gave us with a 3-3 draw. Coutinho got us started after only 5 minutes before Everton equalised. Suarez got us back in the lead but then they scored two goals in the second half to make it 3-2.

    The game didn't finish there as super sub Sturridge came off the bench to head us a point, it's a shame we didn't get all 3 points but it was a great team effort from the Reds.

    Next up we are playing away at Hull City and we all get to open the first window on our advents calendars.

    Come on you Reds, let's start December with 3 points.

    Dream Team

    22nd November 2013

    I was so happy to see my buddy Pudsey bear last week as it was Children in Need time. We both got invited to a special sports day with my friends at Anfield Juniors. Steven Gerrard, Luis Suarez and Lucas Leiva came along to join in the fun aswell. What a dream team we had to help raise cash for a good cause.

    There was no match this week as everyone was away on International duty. Our very own captain fantastic was in action again getting his 108th England cap. Suarez and Sakho did us proud helping their countries get through to next years World Cup. I'm glad they are all back now ready for the Derby against our neighbours Everton this weekend.

    Come on you mighty red men.


    14th November 2013

    Spending time at Anfield makes me the happiest bird ever, this week I got to surprise some old friends there who had flown in all the way from Thailand. I was so excited because I had heard some of them had met me before on the LFC pre season tour, how lucky are they meeting me twice in one year! I had an awesome time showing off the best place ever.

    It was great to be back home for match day as I got to see all my friends, I was very popular as you can imagine. Before kick off I was invited up to the hospitality boxes to meet some very special people from Alder Hey, they were VIP guests for the day and got to watch the match from the best seats in the house.

    Then it was game time and what a game it was. LFC 4 Fulham 0 was the final score with the away side scoring an own goal for us! Luis Suarez got another 2 goals and even Martin Skrtel got on the score sheet, it was great to see us go back up to 2nd in the league.



    Pumpkin Fun

    8th November 2013

    The excitement hasn't stopped since I got back from China. I have had so many boss things to keep me busy this week.

    First stop there where lots of spooky things going on and I tried my wings at pumpkin carving as it was Halloween, some people even said mine where masterpiece's.

    Next was the game at Arsenal. Shame we didn't get the points we hoped for but we have our home game against Fulham this weekend so feathers crossed for 3 points.

    Bonfire Night was next on my list, after I had put my gloves on, I got my sparklers at the ready and then it was time to see all the fireworks. I love watching all the colours light up Liverpool. It didn't stop there; I also got to see my good friend Pudsey Bear again. We got the chance to visit our school mates together. I can't wait to see what's coming next.

    Trip to Guilin - China

    5th November 2013

    Back safe from my travels.

    I had the most amazing time in China. I got to see my good friend Ian Rush as we were both special guests at the brand new Official International Football Academy.

    During the week I got to visit two schools everyday, where we learnt new skills and played football ‘The Liverpool Way'. We got a great welcome everywhere we went as I impressed them with my new talent, writing my name in Chinese, I know I'm such a clever bird! Click here for a few of my holidays pics.

    I might not have been able to watch the match while I was away as it was a bit late on TV in China for me (10pm), but I got chance to catch up the next day. What a game, we got another 3 points against West Bromwich Albion with a 4-1 win. Luis Suarez got his first Anfield hat trick and Sturridge got to do his dance again after scoring the 4th goal, good job I taught him all my best moves.

    Every time we play West Brom I think about my friend Edward who cycled all the way from Anfield to West Brom's ground (The Hawthorns), a total of 107 miles in 2 days. It was all for charity and so far he has raised £360 for Zoe's Place in West Derby and £200 for Walsall Heart Care, what a guy.

    Off to China

    24th October 2013

    All packed and ready for my very exciting journey but before I go anywhere there was time to watch the lads play away against Newcastle United.

    The match finished 2-2 with Stevie G scoring our first goal. This is his 100th league goal from the penalty spot - Captain Fantastic. The second one was scored by who else but Daniel Sturridge, that's 7 goals in 8 games. We didn't get 3 points but hopefully we will this weekend!

    I'm glad it was an early kick off as I had to go to bed after my dinner as I had to be up early and ready to go to the airport for my flight all the way to China.

    18 hours later (which is nearly more than 3 days in school) I landed in Guilin and couldn't wait to start my first day of fun with the International Football Academy and meet all my new friends here. I'm such a lucky bird.


    Flying the Flag

    17th October 2013

    There were no LFC games this week but some of the players have been on international duty. This hasn't stopped me from being a very busy bird and flying the LFC flag for them whilst they were away. 

    I was so excited to get an invite to another birthday party, this time from the Boot Room Sports Cafe in Cheshire Oaks. We got to celebrate my new friends William's birthday by playing lots of fun games and we even played table football, of course my team won. I had so much fun and I even had a little piece of cake, but I think I might start looking like a birthday cake if I eat any more!  

    The best part of the week was finding out I had been asked if I would visit some of our LFC family  on a very special trip to China. When I arrive I get to see the brand new LFC International Soccer School and say Nî hâo (that's hello in Mandarin) to more new friends.  Make sure you check back with me to find out all about my adventure, I'll make sure I keep you updated.



    Back Together

    10th October 2013

    I have been a very happy Liver Bird this week because I have been back to visit my friends at Anfield Infants, Anfield Juniors and All Saint Catholic school. They let me join in with their assemblies where we sang songs, learnt about new things and I got to show them my special school stretches. We always have fun at school and play cool games in the playground.
    This week I also received a very special invite, it asked me to visit LFC's hospitality lounges on matchday. I'd never been here before so I was very excited. When we arrived I got to join in with the birthday celebrations and I even got to cut the cake!

    When the team walked out ready to take on Crystal Palace the whole stadium roared with excitement. The game started off with an early goal, then another, then another - WOW the final score was 3-1.

    Two goals were from our very own S.A.S Sturridge and Suarez and one from Captain Fantastic scoring from a penalty. This goal means Gerrard holds an Anfield record for scoring in the last 15 Barclays Premier League Football Seasons. Only 6 other players have ever done that, well done Stevie.


    Proud to be a Red

    4th October 2013

    I have been flapping my wings all over the place this week and for my first stop I went to see all my friends at Alder Hey. Getting the chance to visit the wards with the Academy Under 18's was boss and so was seeing all the smiling faces everywhere. One of my friends couldn't wait to challenge me to the tallest tower competition!

    Next stop on my travels was Halton Stadium where not only would Liverpool Ladies be playing their last game of the season, in the title decider against Bristol academy, but it was also the Girls Tournament Final. What a final it was, with St Anne's Rovers winning the under 10's title and TMS winning the under 12's. Your favourite handsome liver bird even got to help give out the medals at the presentation.

    It was then time for me to take my seat ready to watch the amazing Liverpool Ladies in action. I must have been a good luck charm as they won 2-0 which meant they became the Women's Super League champions for the first time EVER! It was so good to see them lift the trophy; it made me even more proud to be a Red.

    If all that wasn't enough excitement it was over to the lads who where playing against Sunderland. Jordan Henderson made his 100th appearance in a Liverpool shirt and helped us to a 3-1 win over his old team, with 2 goals from Suarez and 1 from Danny Sturridge. Great win to move us back up the Premier league to 2nd. I think I need a lie down after all that fun.

    Football Galore

    1st October 2013

    As you know my favourite place on a matchday is the Family Park and now it's better than ever!

    There's now live bands and singers performing on our very own LFC stage. This makes everyone ask me to show them my best dance moves - so I do!!

    That's not all , my world champion football freestyler buddy John Farnworth runs boss competitions where you can win cool prizes. He has 4 world records for keepy uppys, so the challenge is on!

    There's photo booths, a face painting stand, five-a-side footy pitch and the list goes on.

    If you have not had a chance to check it out then come and say hi next time the Reds play at home.

    Mighty March

    17th September 2013

    Back to school and back at the top, it's a great way to start the term.

    The best thing so far about being back at school was the Mighty March we did with St Gregory's Catholic Primary School. All of my friends got the chance to do a sponsored walk around the school field, trying to go round as many times as we could. They even let me ring the bell to start it off!

    We had so much fun singing, jumping and stomping on our way round; I even did a whole lap of the field backwards.
    I think everyone has got their energy from watching LFC playing football. We have had a great start to the season, unbeaten so far for every Premier League game we've played.

    Can't believe Steven Gerrard played his 400th game for us this week, incredible. I enjoyed watching two new faces on the pitch at Swansea Mamado Sakho No17 and Victor Moses No12. Can't wait till our next game, at home - ANFIELD.

    Football Fanatic

    28th August 2013

    Win, win, win! What a great start to the season.

    Getting to see the team back together again at home was amazing and having 3 games to watch in 10 days has been BOSS! There was a roar of excitement for the first game at home against Stoke and a sea of red filling the stadium, waving scarf's, banners and flags.

    We had a special visitor at the Family Park to, Pottermus had travelled all the way from Stoke City to see me and welcome his friends supporting their team. We had so much fun playing football together and posing for photos for all of our fans. We are one big family here at Anfield and everyone left the Family Park with a smile on their faces. Pottermus wasn't smiling after the final whistle though because the score was 1-0! No15 Daniel Sturridge scored the winning goal. Pottermus loved the atmosphere though and invited me to visit him soon.

    LFC played away at Villa Park (Aston Villa's ground) and won 0-1 Sturridge scored the goal again.  2 games played and won in the Barclays Premiership now time to compete in the Capital One cup.

    First game was at home against Notts County and guess what??? We won again this time 4-2 Sturridge 2, Sterling 1 and Henderson 1.  We all celebrated Sturridge style! Next game Manchester United - we can do this!

    Hope Kolo Toure, Aly Cissokho and Joe Allen are well soon after their knocks on the pitch.

    New Season

    16th August 2013

    The fun just hasn't stopped since I landed back in the UK.  When I got home I had a special letter waiting for me.

    I couldn't wait to open it, guess what was inside? It was a pass to watch Brendan Rodgers put the first team through their paces in the Kop at Anfield for free. It was definitely an unforgettable day.

    50 lucky LFC Official Members got the chance to win a once-in-a-life time experience, meeting players for a personal photo and signing session - how cool is that.

    Being an Official LFC Junior member means I get invited to loads of cool events like this, I feel proud to carry my membership card with me.

    And now it's time to celebrate the new season starting. We are so lucky that Liverpool open the Barclays Premier League season with a game at home against Stoke City. It's going to be so much fun, can't wait to watch them all back together again.

    Last time I visited Anfield it was for Steven Gerard's testimonial. There was such a buzz around the stadium.  In the Family Park people were singing, jumping and dancing everywhere.  This special game was played to honour our captain after 15 years of service; we even got to see Robbie Fowler play back on the pitch too.

    I have my kit ready and my new scarf to wave around when I'm cheering the team, hope you have to.

    Mighty On Tour

    9th August 2013

    I have had the best time ever on LFC Pre-season Tour.

    Let's take the journey together, are you ready?  First stop Jakarta, Indonessia.

    I couldn't believe it, as soon as we landed 1000's of fans rushed to the plane to greet us. No one could have ever dreamed of this welcome.

    The amazing welcome continued all the way to our hotel and every second we were in Jakarta. I've put some of my best bit together here for you to enjoy - click here.

    After all that fun It was then time to say goodbye to Jakarta and hello to the Aussie Reds in Melbourne. The soccer clinics continued with the amazing Foundation Coaches and old pals Robbie Fowler and Ian Rush.  It was great seeing them again, can't believe it's been a year since we were last on tour. Click here to find out what else happens in Melbourne.

    The 3 days in Melbourne were over already, it was time for the last part of our tour, Bangkok in Thailand. Here I got to sit in the front row at the open training session, the rain was so bad I thought I was going to need my armbands but it didn't stop our fun. Check out even more fun - click here.

    Make sure you have your dance shoes ready, over the 3 countries I have visited on my journey I have been teaching all my new friends my very special dance moves, watch this space to see how they got on.

    Next match will be at home against Stoke City. So excited that it is the first game of the season. Look forward to seeing you at the Family Park.

    Time for take off!!

    18th July 2013

    It’s that time of the year again. Time for me to take to the sky. No I’ve not learnt how to fly but I’m going on a plane! Now this isn’t any old plane, it’s the LFC team plane.

    Every year the first team travels to meet fans in different countries before the season starts. Last year we went over to Boston, Toronto and Baltimore and this year we are visiting Jakarta, Melbourne and Thailand. I feel very honoured to be given a special seat on the players plane, I promise to be on my best behaviour.

    After I received the news that I would going on this BOSS trip I got researching and made sure I could say ‘Hello’ to my new international friends.

    In Indonesia they say ‘Salam’ in Thailand they bow and say ‘Sawasdee Krab’ for men and ‘Sawasdee Ka’ for women and in Australia they say ‘G’day’!

    We studied for the LFC Tour and made some really cool videos to share with everyone too, take a look at them here. I think you will be impressed. You may have noticed my cool fitness video on there as well, I've been getting fit for the summer and I got to try out some moves at the gym in Melwood.  I must go as I have so much to get ready for. You can keep update with daily tour news by visiting www.lfctour.com but make sure you ask your mum and dad first!

    I will be checking back in with you as much as I can.

    My New Best Friend

    24th June 2013

    I've been on so many new adventures over the last few weeks I've not had chance to blog, however the wait is over, this entry is by far the best.

    Remember I mentioned a guy I met at the play on the pitch days at Anfield?  Well we have both made it onto TV-Yes we are that cool.

    LFCTV captured our best sides as we played footy together and scored plenty of penalties at the Kop end, I definitely felt like a Mighty Red that day! Check the video out here.

    That's not all, my new friend has been helping me prepare for the biggest event EVER - LFC's pre season tour. Can you believe they've invited me to travel with them to not just one but three countries.  Jakarta which is in Indonesia, Melbourne in Australia and Bangkok in Thailand.

    I will make sure I take my laptop with me so I can you up to date on all the cool stuff that will be happening.

    3 more weeks till I fly so watch this space!

    My footy practice is going well and I reckon I have some great skills to show off for the new season.  I've been taking part at Young Warriors footy club at Kirkby and Halewood this week. The coaches were amazed to see my goalie skills, they have asked me back to next Wednesday for the session at Broadgreen. 

    I have to get back to learning now but I'll catch you back here next week.

    Enjoy and have fun everyone.

    Play on the Pitch

    3rd June 2013

    What an insane, crazy and out of this world experience this week's been. 

    Just as the season ends and we think it's all over, LFC opens its doors to give its fans the chance of a lifetime to 'Play on the Pitch' including yours truly - wow! What an honour. 

    My busy week started last Saturday when I got to meet some lucky visitors and their very special guest Banksy (who is Barclay's best friend).  Banksy is a big blue eagle and he had travelled all the way from London by train with his friends from Barclays and 200 other mates.  I couldn't wait to show them my second home and how good my footie skills were of course!

    We had such a wicked time; I walked away with a hatrick leaving Banksy amazed. Well I am a Red after all!

    My footie fun didn't stop there as I played footie all week with the LFC Official Junior Members, my friends from All Saints, Anfield Juniors and Anfield Infants schools plus ten other local schools from around Liverpool.
    New pals and top coaches from all the boss Foundation programmes joined us at Anfield too and not forgetting the talented International Soccer School coaches and their youth teams. I've met so many inspiring people I'm trying not to forget them all.

    One guy stands out in my mind, someone who does amazing work just like me. Sir SIB (from London too) he is a shy green turtle who helps Standard Chartered with their 'Seeing is Believing' programme. You got to check out what he showed me here.  There are loads stories and adventures to tell about my adventure with Sir SIB so make sure you log in for my next entry on Thursday.

    Excellent work to everyone this week, I had the best week this year so far. Thank you.

    Thank You Carragher

    23rd May 2013

    What a way to end the season, 1-0 win for us at home against QPR and the best farewell to LFC's vice-captain Jamie Carragher on his 737th game. The crowd was buzzing for hours from start to finish.

    The thing I remember the most was when Carragher went in for that class shot from 25yard line - OOOHHH was so close but just crashed off the post, you could hear everyone gasping for air, he is a LEGEND.

    I think that we gave him a good send off as everyone had flags and banners, shirts and scarves to show their thanks our number 23.

    So you would think that it being the end of the season and Carragher's last game for LFC and as captain (because Gerrard is recovering from his operation) would be enough to be the greatest day ever, but no it didn't stop there. I was given a brand new LFC home shirt to wear with my name on the back. I love it. It's definitely going to keep me cooler when I play footy this season. Thanks team and thank-you Warrior.

    And I haven't forgotten about my picture album from the tournament last week. It's all done and at its best or you can check it out here

    Road to Anfield 2013

    17th May 2013

    As expected the Premier League Junior Tournament was out of this world. It's not like me to be stuck for something to stay but that day I was. I'm sure you understand though, I mean imagine being able to play a sport you live for on a pitch you would die for.

    I thought of you all the day though and didn't want you to miss out on anything so  I am busy creating a wicked behind the scenes album for you all so you could enjoy with me too! I need to make sure it's perfect so will share with you once its right!

    One day we will lift up that Premier League trophy and hold our heads up high YNWA

    I'll keep you posted when my debut on Disney XD programme Goalmouth too it is, going to be a wicked show.

    After all the excitement of the day I was a very tired Liver Bird so made my way to bed. I have to be ready for the game on Sunday, it's the last one of the season can you believe it? End of season already wow it's been a fun one can't wait to see what's in store next season. Ones thing for sure it will be very different not having Carragher on the pitch. YNWA

    Tournament Time

    8th May 2013

    Had a great time at the U10's and U11's tournament at Halton Stadium on Saturday. We had so much fun dancing on the side lines and trying out new pose's, the Mighty Mo-Bot was a hit! Well done to Brazil Girls U10's and Town Green U12's for winning the sections in Quarter Final 2. You can check out the scores (and my boss pictures!) here Great result for my Liverpool Ladies friends winning 1-0. I must have passed over some of my skills to them! You can check out the scores and my boss pictures here.

    That wasn't all though, now I don't know about you but I have never experienced a Merseyside Derby before - WOW what an experience. The atmosphere was buzzing even more than normal (never thought that that could be possible) as the reds and blues made their way down Anfield Road. I could hear everyone practicing there chants, 'Oh when the reds go marching in, oh when the reds go marching in'... I like that one!

    The sun was out too which could only mean one thing, it was time for an ice cream! after my pre-match warm up in the Family Park I deserved it. Vanilla Mr Whippy ice cream with a flake = PERFECT.

    Shame on the result but can't fault the effort. YNWA

    Looking forward to the Premier Leagues School tournament this week called 'Road to Anfield 2013' what a name. Good Luck everyone and enjoy

    I'll check back in and let you know how it goes.


    3rd May 2013

    I have made a new discovery this week with one of my new friends at Anfield Infants.

    Together we took a journey around the playground to find a secret garden, I can't wait to show the rest of my friends too.

    The Mighty Mobile has gone down a storm I'm turning more heads than ever now and that's even without them seeing my sleek style in person!

    I am counting the days down till Sunday I'm going to see the new massive kit image up on the huge wall near the Shankly statue in front of the ground, go over to the Family Park for 10.30 till 13.00 then it's time for.......The Merseyside Derby - COME ON!

    Hopefully I will get to practice my Daniel Sturridge dance again just like I did last weekend when he scored against Newcastle. We were playing away and it ended up  0-6 MAGIC, Well done lads.   

    The Mighty Mobile

    24th April 2013

    Can you believe that Chevrolet have provided me with a new set of wheels?  Big Thanks Chevrolet. My cheeks are aching from all the smiling I have been doing.

    The car really fits my style loud, bright and completely wicked!  This is definitely going to make everyone smile every time they see me cruising by.  I know I can't drive it yet because I'm only 8 but that's ok because my good friends from LFC will drive me in it to my events.  I have a lot to take with me so I'm glad it's big enough for me, my footy kit, water bottle and my photo cards.

    I can't wait to pull up outside school and show it off!  We went back to school after our little break over Easter, glad to see my friends have loads of stickers in their attendance season ticket book.

    Wish it hadn't rained on Sunday so I could have played in the Family Park but Dad said it was too wet so went to the Family Zone instead!!  I had loads of fun up there to and my new friend Luis Bond won the junior quiz prize.  Well done Luis.  The Reds played well against Chelsea with the final score being a 2-2 draw.

    Family Tour Fun

    11th April 2013

    I have been back to the International Football Academy talent spotting, hoping to find more stars for the future!

    I love being off school as I get to do so much cool stuff and spend lots of time at my second home 'ANFIELD'.

    There were lots of smiles on the Family Tours, who can blame them having the views they had from the Kop and me being there was an added bonus for everyone!

    Being on the Family Tour reminded me of how much fun I had at the Family Park for the LFC v West Ham game on Sunday.

    Shame it was 0-0 and we didn't get 3 points though, but I thought we played well and 1 point is better than nothing hey?!

    I deserved my CHOCOLATE!!

    5th April 2013

    I definitely deserved eating my Easter eggs this week!

    The International Football Academy has had us all working really hard this week at the LFC Academy in Kirkby.

    The best part was my group's penalty shootout competition.  I stretched properly then got into position, focused and planned out my attack (just like the coach had taught me) and I took my shot....... gooooaaallll! Top right hand corner, world class for sure! I have to say the crowd did help me through it though. The screaming and shouting built up an awesome atmosphere so I couldn't let them down.  Fans really do encourage the team and without us I bet they would feel alone.

    The talent was endless as the competition went on, the goalkeepers were stopping some screamers. I didn't win a medal but it didn't matter I was just glad to be part of it, it was so much fun and everyone got a signed certificate at the end by the one and only LFC Legend Ian Rush.

    I have a few days to relax after all that excitement before I make my way to the Family Park for 3 hours before kick-off. Seems like ages ago since we had a home game but Liverpool v West Ham on Sunday - Come on the Mighty Red Men.

    Liverpool Ladies

    27th March 2013

    Not even the snow could stop me from watching Liverpool Ladies in action who were playing at The Stobart Stadium on Saturday.  Even before the Derby began there was loads of fun happening including a wicked all girls tournament featuring eight teams that had been handpicked from Merseyside and Cheshire.  I really enjoyed watching them play from my dug-out as they showed off their awesome skills.

    After the tournament we all joined the FA in some pre-match activities before it was time to take our seats to watch our very own LFC Ladies take on local rivals Everton Ladies.  The snow continued to fall but that didn't stop the ladies who walked away with a 1-1 draw.  Not a bad result for the first game of the FA Women's Super League Continental Cup (long title I know!).

    I had such a good weekend and it's been boss watching our first team lads playing for their country to.

    My new magazine

    20th March 2013

    Can't believe that I have my very own Junior Reds magazine on the shelves already!

    The first edition of my mag Kop Kids was ready for everyone to see last week. It is packed of all things Liverpool. My talents amaze me, I make a boss magazine editor.

    I couldn't wait to show this off to my friends in the playground. Everyone wanted to see what I was so excited about and they quickly understood why. Although the writing is perfect there are so many cool pictures, tips, facts, posters and awesome competitions too.

    You've got to see it to believe it so check it out.

    This week I was lucky enough to be invited to a school I hadn't visited before in Liverpool called St Vincent's. I met over 100 new friends that day in a special award assembly.

    They had all done so well in school and out of school activities the teachers wanted to reward them, how cool is that? I got to join in and they were all wearing red too! I did think at first that it was because they were trying to look as good as me (which is hard to perfect) but found out they were raising money for Comic relief, just like me and the players did last week. Great work everyone hope to see you soon.

    Has been an amazing week yet again, just a shame about our Saturday result losing 3-1 away at Southampton. Feeling positive about our Aston Villa game on 31st March though. YNWA

    Comic Relief

    15th March 2013

    I'm sure that my looks helped inspire the name for this day - 'Red Nose Day'.  You won't find a better red nose then this one!!  Well apart from our friend Dinomite and all his dinosaur friends at Comic Relief.

    Everyone is doing something funny for money, even me!  I got to tell some special jokes in my class today, do you want to hear one? Thought you would. Here goes - Why are all dinosaur jokes so bad? Because they are pre-hysteric!!!  Well I tried.

    I have had some fun this week as I got to join LFC starss Jonjo Shelvey and Martin Kelly, LFC ladies, Natasha Dowie and Nicole Rolsir as they battled to bake the best 'red' inspired sponge cake at The Boot Room Sports Cafe, Cheshire Oaks. The girls took the lead as Natasha won the prize (with a little help from her friend from the Foundations Youth Skills programme).  It was a great afternoon and even better still I was joined by my best buddies from Anfield Juniors and Anfield Infants - Being on time for school does pay off!

    To top this comic week off we all went home smiling after watching the Reds win 3-2 against Tottenham - I'm definitely Red Forever!

    What a Draw

    5th March 2013

    Jordan Henderson is such a great guy. This week we were both asked to help the draw for the Premier League and the Disney Channel Goalmouth Premier League Schools Tournament.  We had to draw out the teams in an FA Style ball draw!

    We picked that LFC's rivals Everton and Manchester United were in the table, I reckon Liverpool have this competition in the bag.

    There are so many reasons why this competition is so boss.  I will get to meet loads of new friends aged 6 - 13 years and show of my new skills that I learnt at the International Soccer Academy that I went to last week.  There will be a crowd of 1,500 people watching us and best of all the tournament will be played at ANFIELD.  I can't believe it! We all feel like super stars (let's face it I'm a super star in my own right already!)

    Although I am a great footy player already I still need to practice hard to score a hat trick like the Reds amazing No 7 Luis Suarez did on Saturday. A brilliant 4-0 win against Wigan away.  Stewart Downing scoring the first and Luis taking on the rest. Great team work lads can't wait till Sunday. Tottenham at home - Come on you REDS.

    Being good pays off

    27th February 2013

    No school this week yippee.  I didn't just have later nights to look forward to but Mum and Dad had bought me a surprise.

    They told me on Sunday night I was going to Liverpool's International Soccer Academy - OMG I can't believe it. Being good really does pay off in the end!

    I got all my stickers at school and played nicely with my brother and sister to, I have to admit I've been well good so deserve my treat. 

    At the International Soccer Academy I met over 100 new friends from all over the world.  Before the session kicked off we all had a pre-match handshake and a few even wanted a thumb war comp!  We kicked off the day on the Academy's amazing outdoor pitches and you will never guess who turned up...Andre Wisdom, how cool, he even passed on some useful tips for use on the pitch and how he progressed through the Academy.  If I practice hard maybe I will get to play along-side LFC stars like him.  He gets to play with Steven Gerrard and Jamie Carragher who were in the LFC Academy to.

    Couldn't have asked for a better surprise.  3 days of pure awesomeness! Thank you LFC (oh and Mum and dad!)

    John Aldridge and Me!

    20th February 2013

    I love the Family Park anyway, but seeing John Aldridge again, having a photo with him and getting his signature was out of this world.

    Thank you to Barclays Footy and their Pingit photobooth we all had an amazing time.

    I didn't think the day could have got any better but I was wrong. The lad's won 5-0 against Swansea, incredible work.

    I was having a good week before Saturday because I was at the Young Warrior sessions, where I was asked to referee their Penalty shoot-out competition.  I also went back to visit my friends at Anfield Infants, Anfield Juniors and All Saints.

    Meeting John Aldridge was just  a perfect way to end the week before half term. Looking forward to a lie in tomorrow!

    New LFC Shirts

    12th February 2013

    Two games in one week! That makes me one happy Liver Bird.

    Last night at the West Bromwich Albion game the players had new shirts, they said 'Seeing is Believing'. LFC gave me one to just like 1st team, I'm going to treasure it!

    Seeing is Believing aims to help tackle avoidable blindness in developing countries. 

    There were special guests at the ground as well to help raise awareness.  John Bishop (Liverpool comedian) and LFC Legend Robbie Fowler were blindfolded and then took part in penalty shoot-out against my new friend Sir SiB.  The former Captain of the GB Blind Football team Dave Clarke showed them how to do it first - Dave was awesome.  I enjoyed seeing Coutinho come on.   

    Looking forward to Sunday as the Family Park is open and we are playing Swansea at home - YNWA

    Young Warriors is Boss!

    5th February 2013

    I learnt so many new skills with the LFC Foundation Coaches this week.  I joined them for my first session at Anfield Sports and Community Centre at 4pm on Monday.  I met some great new friends and even scored a few goals too.  So much fun hope I meet you there soon!

    As well as playing some wicked footy (as always) I have been making sure I have been to school on time.  It's hard work but knowing I may get some goodies at the end of term makes it all worthwhile!  I do enjoy it when I'm there if I'm honest but don't tell my grownups.

    Welcome to the LFC Family Coutinho.  I'm Looking forward to our next game.   We are playing at home and I have been invited to the Family Zone - which is inside the ground on Upper Anfield Road. Soooo excited, hope I get to see Sturridge and Gerrard score like they did on Sunday against Man City. Feathers crossed!

    Young Warriors

    30th January 2013

    Yes...100% school attendance at All Saints School.  Well done to everyone who was awarded with this awesome reward, you've done great, I'll be popping in again very soon.

    I'm very excited to be asked to become a Young Warrior with the LFC Foundation coaches.  This means I get all boy football coaching with my friends aged 4-6 years old. The sessions are hosted every Monday to Friday, 4-5pm, during term time, across four fun sites in Liverpool.

    Happy birthday to everyone in our LFC family (and our LFC stars) who celebrated a birthday this week.   

    Sturridge Scores Again!

    21st January 2013

    What a come back from last weekend's game with Man United with a boss result - 5-0 win against Norwich!

    Sturridge scores again. 3 goals in 3 games - get in lad.

    It's been great to see the snow in Liverpool and I got to make a few snowmen and have a few snowball challenges too.

    Was made up to see Dan Magness at the Family Park - freestyling and teaching us all a few tricks! I can't wait to see him again, I'm going to make sure I practice really hard.

    Reward Week

    15th January 2013

    "I'm not happy that it hasn't snowed yet I was looking forward to making a snowman and snow angels in the garden this weekend. It's still freezing so maybe this week - Fingers crossed!

    I have been really good this week and collected all my stickers in my school season ticket, the LFC Foundation will be so proud of me.  Mum said if I continue this way all week that she will take me to The Liverpool Store in town and I can pick a little treat.  I'm so excited; I will use my new Official LFC Membership card so I can get 10% of any item in the store which is wicked.  I must make sure I keep my room tidy and get up early to make sure I'm not late for my lessons.

    Ooooh what to buy??...............Sorry daydreaming there, where was I? Oh yeah the game, not the best result for us against away against Manchester United (2-1 defeat) but we worked well together and just like Brendan said 'We showed great fight in the second half'. 

    See you soon everyone". 

    A Great Start to 2013

    8th January 2013

    I've struggled this week to have to get up and go back to school (and there's no more chocolate for breakfast!)

    Was great to see all my school friends again and hear about all their adventures.  We had so much to talk about that the day went really fast.

    Footy was cancelled at lunch today because the pitch was too wet and muddy, would of loved to slide in it too.

    Made up that the start of 2013 has been good on the pitch both at Anfield and away!  We won 3-0 against Sunderland at home and then won again against Mansfield 2-1 away in the 3rd Round of the FA Cup - get in lads! Fingers crossed for the Manchester United game on Sunday 13th.

    A massive welcome to Liverpool FC - Daniel Sturridge.  I hope you will all join me in making Sturridge feel welcome in the LFC family.

    Happy New Year

    31st December 2012

    Santa did visit me and he's left me some great things for me and my family.  I've had so much fun seeing family and friends and playing cool games with them.  I've heard that today is the day for more celebrations as we say goodbye to 2012 and hello to 2013.  The fun never stops!

    I'm looking forward to watching the Reds play back at Anfield on Wednesday against Sunderland, maybe we will win again 4-0 like we did against Fulham last Saturday.

    Happy New Year everyone!

    Seasons Greetings

    24th December 2012

    I've been to so many parties leading up to the holiday celebration. I am so excited to see what Santa delivers for me tonight.  

    I've been really good looking after my sister and brother so hopefully he will stop off at our house. I'm leaving him a mince pie and some milk for the reindeers.  Saturday really gave me a good reason to celebrate,  4-0 against Fulham - yippee so happy.

    Seasons greetings to you all and see you in the New Year. 

    Festive Fun

    18th December 2012

    "MMMMM.....Getting to eat a chocolate after breakfast from my advent calander makes getting up so much better.  I'm so excited to see what Santa leaves under our Christmas tree.

    I became one of LFC's elves this week when I was invited to visit Alder Hey Hospital.  Me and the first team players got to give out loads of LFC goodies to all our friends there.  Nice to see we could but big smiles on their faces.

    Was wicked to catch up with all my friends from All Saints Primary School on Saturday, they came down to The Family Park to sing us Christmas carols.  After their great singing we all relaxed and joined in the Christmas activities in The Family Park.   Warrior gave us free Skreamer key rings and there was a chance to win a free pair of Skreamer football boots on the speed cage. They even had a Reindeer Rodeo - it was so cool!  Shame we didn't win against Aston Villa that day - sad face.

    To finish off my festive week I was invited to Anfield to join in with the Family Fun day.  Was great to take a tour around Anfield and see all our trophy's in the LFC Museum. The food was gorgeous and well deserved after the dancing competition.  It was great to meet so many new people and have my picture taken loads of times!  Thanks everyone and I hope you enjoyed our new dance moves!!''

    Win a signed copy of my new book

    10th December 2012

    "I can't believe that everyone can now get the chance to follow my LFC journey right from the start as I have my very own book which has now been published.

    Inside the book there are some really great drawings of me with my family and friends. 

    The best thing about the book is that all the money from it goes to the Liverpool Foundation who not only look after me, they also do some amazing work.

    This week I am feeling really festive so I'm giving away six copies of my new book which have been signed by me!

    To win a copy of my signed book simply give me a new festive look by downloading a colouring sheet here.

    Ideas and designs can be sent to me via email mightyred@liverpoolfc.com or by post to F.A.O Mighty Red, Anfield Football Stadium, Anfield Road, Liverpool. L4 0TH.

    Good Luck! Winners will be picked on Monday 17th December". 

    Weekend Madness!

    3rd December 2012

    "What a week. So much has happened I don't know where to start!

    I couldn't wait for the school bell to ring on Friday, it would mean only one more sleep until I could go back to the Family Park. I love joining in with all the games there. This week they had a special surprise for me - Pudsey bear was there! Wow he's a cool bear.  We had a great game of table football together before heading off to watch the Reds in action. I nearly lost my voice screaming when Daniel Agger scored a header. 1-0 to us, get in.

    The fun didn't stop there.  On Sunday I was invited to The Boot Room Sports Cafe Cheshire Oaks to join in with a Penalty shoot out party on their Goal Simulator! I met Santa too! Pheww I'm a busy, busy Liver Bird".

    At School on Time!

    29th November 2012

    "I'm so happy that I got to see all my friend's again this week at Anfield Juniors and All Saints School.

    It was amazing to see so many of my friends eagerly waiting my entrance - even in the freezing cold everyone was at school on time and some of them had come in even earlier than what they had to be just to see me!  All I wanted to do was hide under my quilt and ignore my mum shouting me down for breakfast, but if I did that I wouldn't get a sticker and I wouldn't get the cool prizes from LFC at the end of term.

    Schools have so many cool things to do, I even found out they have their own park at All Saints - it's wicked.

    I'm well looking forward to the game on Saturday because I get to go to the Family Park again and a special friend is coming to visit!". 

    Visiting Alder Hey Hospital

    21st November 2012

    "I've been touring the wards at Alder Hey Hospital this week.  I cheered so many people up and I also got to show off my dancing skills as well as posing for loads of photos. Everyone was well excited to get a personal signature from me.

    Was boss to see Bill Bygroves again, he always has cool songs to sing and rocks on his guitar!

    My wings are still aching from all the celebrations after the game on Saturday. 3 points for LFC after beating Wigan 3 nil at Anfield! Great result lads and welcome back Pepe Reina".

    Seeing my School Pals

    13th November 2012

    "Made-up! I was invited back to see all my friends at Anfield Infants, Anfield Juniors and All Saints School. 

    We had loads of fun playing games in the playground before school started. We played hop scotch, number ladders and alphabet swirl. Because everyone was at school on time we all got a sticker to put in our special school season ticket.  It was another picture of me which made everyone really happy!  

    It was brilliant to see Glen Johnson back on the pitch on Sunday and I was buzzing after watching Luis 'game-changer' Suarez help us  finish on a 1-1- draw". 

    Scoring like Suarez

    5th November 2012

    "It's a shame that the weekend has to pass so quickly. There always so much fun, especially when my favourite team are playing at Anfield!. 

    Yesterday was the best.  I was at the Family Park before kick-off having a game of footy with my mates and LFC's Foundation Community Coach was the ref.  Strange thing was our score was 1-1 just like the 1st teams score - although I will have to work on my goal scoring to produce a stunning goal like Luis Suarez.

    Looking forward to watching some fireworks tonight, must wrap up warm it's going to be freezing". 

    Meeting my Friends at Liverpool One!

    29th October 2012

    "Why does the week have to go so fast when you don't have to be at school? I have enjoyed the late nights and the late mornings! I was allowed to stay in bed till 10am (I needed it after a full day in the park). My BMX has had loads of days out to, riding through all the muddy puddles was boss!

    The highlight of my week though was being invited to the Official Liverpool Store in Liverpool One. I spent 3 hours there signing my name on a cool new photo card. I must have seen over 200 people all trying to get a sneaky snapshot of my fiery feathers, I couldn't blame them really. After that I was straight to the ground enjoying the pre-match activities at the family park and soaking up the excitement of another win for the Reds against Anzhi YNWA".


    Weeks of Action!

    25th October 2012

    "Another action packed week for me, well worth having aching feet from it! At the start of the week I visited 3 very special schools in Anfield, Liverpool.  I started at All Saints Catholic Primary School then went onto Anfield Infants before finally flying into Anfield Juniors.  I'd heard that the LFC foundation had chosen them and me to be part of an unbelievable programme to win cool prizes.  All they have to do is turn up to school 'on time' with their special school season ticket and they will get a sticker - easy! The best part was that the sticker has a photo of me on it!". 

    Liverpool v Reading on Saturday 1- 0 win - get in!

    "The pre match activities in the family park were amazing (like always) but this week I was given a new t-shirt to wear and stickers to hand out.  I had the same t-shirt as ALL the players. This was to show the clubs involvement with 'Kick it Out'.  Well done to everyone involved in this amazing campaign". 

    "Looking forward to this week, must rest now". 

    Football Fun at The Boot Room

    15th October 2012

    "Well I am one lucky bird. I was invited to the Boot Room Sports Cafe at Cheshire Oaks for the launch of their amazing new goal simulator.  Although I practiced really hard I didn't get the highest score, John Aldridge did! Yeah I know lucky or what? Got my picture taken with him and all my new friends that I made whilst I was there. I will definitely go back and try and try until I get the highest score! 

    They asked me to stay for a birthday party so I played with more party people until my feathers couldn't take anymore - Phew!! What a great day."

    Shopping at Liverpool One

    16th September 2012

    "Glad I've been in school this week, I have been practicing loads of different sports in P.E. I showed off my new skills at the 24 hour Footy match at Williamson Square. I definitely impressed them and kept them entertained whilst they were raising money for Alder Hey!! 

    The best bit was when I got invited down to the L1 store to see the new LFC boys collection. I am definitely putting that stuff on my Christmas list. Well maybe not all of it but most of it!". 

    LFC New Family Park Fun

    2nd September 2012

    "Wish it was still the school holidays , there was so much more time to go out and explore. I played footy almost every day too.

    The best thing has been going to watch the Liverpool home games at Anfield. Not only are there loads of people singing and shouting, they have opened an amazing area called the 'Family Park' on Anfield Road!! There are loads of cool things to do there.  Theres a speed cage, penalty shoot-out area, 5 a side footy pitch, table footballs and loads more. And if that wasn't enough I got to see Ian Rush open it with a lucky Junior member who had won the Monthly Dream Draw.

    Can't wait to go back again. Don't have that much fun at school". 

    Still Off School

    29th August 2012

    "Having so much fun whilst I'm off school. I have been able to learn some great new skills with the LFC Foundation Coaches at their soccer clinics - they even gave me a certificate signed by the players! That's going up on my bedroom wall.
    Enjoyed the LFC v Man City game to. The noise from the crowd is amazing, you can't get that anywhere else!". 

    Really Cool Week

    24th August 2012

    "I had a really cool time this week, no school again!! Had loads of time to practice my footy skills & learn some tricks on my skateboard.

    My friends from Standard Chartered Korea filmed me for a new Korean television programme, I took them to the new family area on the concourse at Anfield, they loved it! 

    Then to finish my week I was invited to help raise money for Alder Hey at Springfield Park. I ate loads of ice cream there! Mint choc chip's my favourite.

    Yesterday I joined some new friends at the Boot Room Cheshire Oaks for a party - A great way to end a fab week. Thanks everyone! Off for more adventures now".



    Meeting Changy

    13th August 2012

    "I had a great time meeting Changy (Evertons #1 fan!) this week. We are both looking forward to the Big Heart Race next month. I think Alan Kennedy will make it a 4-1 lead for the reds this year!".

    Loving the Olympics

    6th August 2012

    "I've been resting my feathers after a very hot and busy tour in the USA. So glad I'm not at school, lie in's and staying up late to watch the Olympics is so much better. I reckon I could get a Gold Medal in sateboarding, footy or on my BMX!". 



    Legends delight kids in Boston

    24th July 2012

    Mighty's had the best day ever! I made 400 new American friends, got to show them all my boss dance moves, played footy all day, and best of all I did it with my two new pals Robbie Fowler and Ian Rush at Camp Harbour View in Boston. 

    I felt like a rock star as I had all the kids singing along with me - and they even sung my special theme tune. It was a hot day in Boston, but my dance moves were much hotter and I couldn't let the chance pass to play some pranks on the people at the camp. I hope they don't put me in the detention nest! 

    I also made a new friend in Linda Pizzuti, who said I was very cheeky - I'm definitely taking that as a compliment!

    Flying to the States/Airport Adventure

    24th July 2012

    "I'm so excited! A few days ago, some of my wingless friends from the LFC Foundation told me I'd be flying this week - and they'd be flying with me. I was a little bit confused, and also worried because I have been eating a lot of candy floss at all the parties I've been to recently and not really practiced my flapping. 

    But it turns out I was flying on a plane for the first time ever - and not only that, I'd be flying with the Liverpool team to North America for their pre-season tour! Now I don't know whether the plane is better than me at flying, but this was certainly a great adventure for me and I barely slept a wink in my bed the night before. 

    At the airport, I joined the Liverpool players and managed to take a cheeky photo of Charlie Adam on my phone - he was trying to hide from me after he'd heard rumours I was planning to challenge him to a dance off. America here comes Mighty!". 

    Staff Party at Anfield

    1st January 1970

    "It seems like I'm the talk of the LFC offices after I received a special request to fly over to Anfield and meet some of the clubs staff and their kids today. Now I don't get nervous - only excited - but the thought of who could be at the party meant I had to give my feathers a good wash. 

    The party had already started when I got there, but I made sure everyone noticed me. I entered The Trophy Room flapping my wings and busting out some moves as You'll Never Walk Alone was played (the dance version of course). I managed to catch my reflection in all of the silverware on display in the room - I looked boss! I made more great friends to and even had a dance off with some of the kids. Another great day for me".

    Alder Hey Visit

    23rd July 2012

    "Another busy day for me as I visited some of the wards at Alder Hey children's hospital to show off my boss dance moves, have a bit of a singsong and hand out some special presents I'd brought along. My mate Bill Bygroves was there to playing his guitar - I now have my very own Mighty chant! Thanks Bill and gang!

    I think I also ruffled a few of the nurses' feathers when I took a cheeky opportunity to answer the phones behind the desk, but sometimes I can't help it, I'm a mischievous bird!". 

    Meeting my new LFC friends at Anfields boot room cafe

    23rd July 2012

    "This was a massive day for me as I was recognised as Liverpool's No.1 fan!

    After becoming the Reds' newest signing, I went to Anfield for a special party where I made friends with over 50 young fans at the Boot Room Sports Cafe. 

    Now anyone who knows me knows I like to take centre stage, so after a quick stretch of my wings I made my entrance to the party by busting out a few of my signature dance moves.

    They seemed to go down really well, and some of the kids had almost as much energy as me - almost. It was a great party and I managed to get my beak around some delicious candy floss. This was definitely better than school!".