Are the World of Warcraft servers live with Dragonflight patch 10.2.7? Yes!
WoWMay 7, 2024 4:45 pm CT

Are the World of Warcraft servers live with Dragonflight patch 10.2.7? Yes!

Dragonflight patch 10.2.7 is live! Maintenance finished a little early, and the Dark Heart is ready to be found by Alleria and the player.

Patch 10.2.7 is the final patch before The War Within prepatch, and its biggest feature is the introduction of WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria mode, launching on May 16. This comprehensive leveling experience through Pandaria is a way to reintroduce players to the Mists experience by creating a Chromie Time-like experience up to max level in preparation for The War Within. There will be early flying, the return of Pandaria scenarios, dungeons, and raids, and a new cloak that’ll unlock Ordos for those who never got the chance to during Mists of Pandaria. In addition, the slew of new rewards (32 mounts!) is guaranteed to get collectors running the content, with everything available to purchase with a new Bronze currency.

The Troll and Draenei Heritage Armor and their associated quest chains will also become available with the patch. The real question becomes whether it means we’re finally going to get a repaired Exodar — or perhaps even a new capital city for the Draenei. While this may not have been expected a year ago, the recent reclamation of Gilneas City alongside the establishment of Bel’amath as a new hub for the Night Elves makes it seem a lot more likely the Draenei will have a stable structure to call home after their Heritage Armor quest chain. A new city for the Trolls feels unlikely as the Echo Isles are pretty established; while it’s not completely out of the question a new Troll settlement will emerge, it seems more likely the quests will be Vol’jin-centric. We won’t know more until the patch is released as the Heritage quest chains are not being tested on the PTR.

It’s not a surprise that in a patch titled “Dark Heart” there will be Harbinger Quests as a lead-in to The War Within. The Dark Heart was confirmed during the patch 10.2.5 epilogue quests to be the object retrieved by Iridikron in the Dawn of the Infinite megadungeon, and with it generally accepted that Xal’atath was present to receive it in the cinematic (plus it’s been confirmed that Xal’atath is the Harbinger) players should expect these quests to reveal what Xal’s plans for the Dark Heart are. A pre-released cinematic shows that Khadgar is concerned and needs Alleria’s help so expect to spend plenty of time alongside her.

The amount of content in patch 10.2.7 is designed to tide us over until The War Within pre-patch, but sadly the ReMists experience won’t be available right away. Hopefully the Harbinger Quests and Heritage Armor quest chains will be impressive — and more importantly, doable — now that the servers are back up.

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