SkyRama: Your online airport management game ''
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Online browser fun! Set up your own mega airport!
Your online airport! Take control of the skies and dispatch your fleet around the world!
Dispatch your planes to locales far and wide, and drop by friends' airports.
Welcome to the cute airport game, SkyRama! A buzzing airport game that offers a new way to play with your friends and travel the world. Welcome to the cute airport game, SkyRama! A buzzing airport game that offers a new way to play with your friends and travel the world. SkyRama emphasises cooperative gameplay – with players sharing flights, cargo, and air shows on an MMO scale. SkyRama emphasises cooperative gameplay – with players sharing flights, cargo, and air shows on an MMO scale. SkyRama provides casual strategy – with multiple resources, airport micromanagement, and flight planning to keep you challenged. SkyRama provides casual strategy – with multiple resources, airport micromanagement, and flight planning to keep you challenged. SkyRama provides casual strategy – with multiple resources, airport micromanagement, and flight planning to keep you challenged. SkyRama offers lots of cool aircraft, landscapes, decorations, and souvenirs to keep you busy collecting and customizing. SkyRama offers lots of cool aircraft, landscapes, decorations, and souvenirs to keep you busy collecting and customizing. SkyRama’s graphics and story immerse you in a fascinating world - with cute animations and engaging characters.