GOOD AFTERNOON - Traducción al español -
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¿Cuál es la traducción de "good afternoon" en Español?

en good afternoon = es buenas tardes

"good afternoon" en español

Traducciones al español proporcionadas por Oxford Languages

good afternoon exclamation

buenas tardesMonolingual examplesPeople entering a restaurant will greet fellow diners and, on leaving, wish them a good afternoon.BritishWell then, now that we've got that settled I'll wish you a good afternoon and be on my way.North AmericanMr Powell, good afternoon to you, and good afternoon, everyone.BritishGood afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, and a very good afternoon to you, Chief Constable, to you and your colleagues.BritishLadies and gentlemen, good afternoon.North AmericanPolitely muttering some pleasantry, I paid for the chocolate bar (something new, exotic and way too sweet), and we bade each other a good afternoon.Canadian

good afternoon {interjección}

good afternoon (también: good evening)
buenas tardes, Señor López
(SL) Good afternoon, Madam President, Commissioner, Mr Carlgren, ladies and gentlemen and visitors, including those of you who have come from Slovenia.
(SL) Buenas tardes, señora Presidenta, señor Comisario, señor Carlgren, Señorías y visitantes, incluidos los que vienen desde Eslovenia.

English Spanish Ejemplos contextuales de "good afternoon" en Español

Estos enunciados provienen de fuentes externas y pueden ser poco precisos. no es responsable de su contenido.

good afternoon, Mr López
Number two: we congratulate Ingo Friedrich and thank him for taking over the report and, hopefully, bringing it to a good end this afternoon.
Número dos: felicitamos a Ingo Friedrich y le agradecemos que se haga cargo del informe y, esperemos, lo lleve a buen fin esta tarde.
(SL) Good afternoon, Madam President, Commissioner, Mr Carlgren, ladies and gentlemen and visitors, including those of you who have come from Slovenia.
(SL) Buenas tardes, señora Presidenta, señor Comisario, señor Carlgren, Señorías y visitantes, incluidos los que vienen desde Eslovenia.

English Cómo usar "good afternoon" en una frase

Good afternoon, and thanks for being here today.
Good morning money, good afternoon money, good evening money...
But if you want to have a good afternoon walk while enjoying the view, it wouldn't hurt to use your feet.
First of all, good afternoon and thanks for the opportunity to be with you.

Sinónimos (inglés) para "good afternoon":

good afternoon

Traducciones similares para good afternoon en español

afternoon sustantivo
afternoon adjetivo
good sustantivo
good adjetivo
good adverbio