帽子的英文單字,帽子的英文是什麽 - 英漢詞典


  • cap
    蓋; 帽子; 軍帽; 求交運算;
  • chapeau
  • tag
    加標簽於; 附加; 起訴; 緊跟;
  • label
    標簽; 稱標記,符號; [建] 門或窗戶上面的線腳;
  • hat
    帽子; (帽子所表示的)職位,職務;


黑帽子Black Hat




帽子構造Hood Configuration

帽子紳士Max Gentlemen

帽子戲法hat-trick ; a hat trick ; OT Call Me ; Top-Hat Flash

品牌帽子branded cap ; branded cap or hat ; Brand hats ; Dsquared Cap

搶帽子scalp ; Scapling ; Scingping ; Scasping



  • 他從抽斗柜上跳下來,拿起他的帽子

    he leaped down from the commode and seized his hat.

  • 通過時明時暗的光線,我能夠辨別出來,這里或那里有槍、帽子、軍褲、靴子、胡子、又一支槍和白色旗幟。

    in the fading light i could make out here and there guns, hats, combat trousers, boots, a beard, another gun and a white flag.

  • 她拿起她爸爸以前戴著跳舞的舊帽子,試著帶到自己頭上。

    she tried on some of the old hats that her daddy used to wear while dancing.

  • 在這種情況下,解雇他們就像是被扔掉一頂帽子一樣隨便”。

    in this scenario they [are] laid off at the drop of a hat.

  • 艾米:對啊,看這些帽子還有面具。

    amy: yes. look at the hats and the masks.

  • 自那以后,他就把這條鯊魚的一顆牙齒戴在脖子上,此外,還戴了一個環形大耳環和一頂澳大利亞的帽子

    he wore a tooth from that shark round his neck ever after, as well as one big hoop earring and an australian hat.

  • 我們以15美元出售黑藍色的帽子.

    we have black and blue hats for $ 15.

  • 他給這些廢料們戴上帽子與手套。

    and he clapped on these materials hats and gloves.

  • 這家商店出售最新式的帽子

    this store sells the latest styles in hats.

  • 在我們的職業生涯中,很多人戴過各種各樣的帽子,最好可以把注意力放在其中一頂,或者說一個明確的職位。

    while many of us wear many hats throughout our careers, it’s best to focus on only one hat, or specific job title, for the resume.

  • 女士們在音樂會上脫下帽子

    ladies remove their hats in a concert.

  • 今天上午我看見她戴了一頂滑稽的、看上去像個燈塔的帽子

    this morning i saw her wearing a funny hat which looked like a lightouse.

  • 可他們必須把科學家的帽子扔一邊去。

    but they have to put aside their scientist hats.

  • 你認為我的新帽子怎么樣?

    what do you think of my new hat?

  • 不過我還有皮毛帽子

    then i have all the hats.

  • 我們用它們裝帽子,圍巾和手套。

    we use them for hats, scarfs and gloves.

  • 你喜歡那頂桔黃色的帽子嗎?

    do you like that orange hat?

  • 你為了那頂帽子花了五十美元? 你一定是捉狂到不行.

    you paid $ 50 for that hat? you must be stark raving mad!

  • 您為什么要戴一頂這么舊的帽子

    why do you wear old hats like this!

  • 我的帽子是黃色的,她的是紅色的。

    my hat is yellow, and hers is red.

  • 以孟加拉為例, 她擅長於出口帽子, 在2000年對美國出口的帽子價值為 75億 美元.

    bangladesh, for example, is good at exporting hats, having sold $ 175 m - worth to american in 2000.