go on a tour - Traducci�n al espa�ol – Linguee

Diccionario ingl�s-espa�ol

Fuentes externas (espa�ol → ingl�s)(ES → EN)

After the Congress, the
[...] exhibition will go on tour in more than twenty [...]
cities in Spain and Latin America.
Tras el Di�logo, la exposici�n
[...] deb�a realizar una gira por m�s de 20 ciudades [...]
de Espa�a y Am�rica Latina.
We also propose that the top two or three researchers in the countries
from the two most recent waves of
[...] enlargement should go on a tour of the top five [...]
universities and research centres in Europe.
Proponemos igualmente que los dos o tres mejores
investigadores de los pa�ses de las dos
[...] �ltimas ampliaciones visiten las cinco principales [...]
universidades y centros de investigaci�n de Europa.
Wonderland Group was the first Company in Spain
[...] that decided to go on tour with a large [...]
scale Musical for more than 30 Spanish theatres.
Fue la primera empresa que decidi� sacar por m�s de 30 teatros espa�oles un musical de gran formato, cambiando el modelo de
[...] negocio del mundo del teatro en Espa�a.
I also go on tour surrounded by my people, my [...]
daughter, my husband, my mother, my family, like flamenco performers.
Yo tambi�n viajo de gira rodeada de mi gente, [...]
con mi ni�a, con mi marido, con mi madre, con mi familia, como los flamencos.
During the first day of the festival, what has become a classic activity during
the children's' school vacation time,
[...] the Mayor will go on a tour around the different [...]
locations of the festival beginning
by the stand the Institut Barcelona Esports (IBE) has in order to motivate the youth to practise sports.
En la primera jornada del festival, todo un cl�sico de las vacaciones
escolares de los ni�os de Barcelona, el
[...] alcalde realizar� una gira por los diferentes [...]
espacios de la muestra, empezando por
el stand que ha montado el Institut Barcelona Esports (IBE) para incitar a los j�venes a que practiquen deporte.
It will then go on tour to fifty other [...]
German towns until 3rd October.
Viajar� a continuaci�n, hasta el 3 de [...]
octubre, por cincuenta ciudades alemanas.
Barry White heard
[...] us and hired us to go on tour with him as part [...]
of the Love Unlimited Orchestra.
Barry White nos oy� y
[...] nos contrat� para ir de gira con �l como parte [...]
de la Love Unlimited Orchestra.
For the time being, we have only performed together twice, but
[...] we would like to go on tour when our commitments [...]
allow it.
De momento s�lo hemos hecho dos funciones, pero
[...] nos gustar�a hacer una gira cuando nos lo permitan [...]
nuestros compromisos.
In addition to film and television, the Belgian Shooting Star continues his work on
[...] stage and is about to go on tour with Pushkin's Onegin.
Adem�s de televisi�n y cine, la Shooting Star belga contin�a recorriendo los escenarios de los
[...] teatros y vuelve de gira con On�guine, de Pouchkine.
One day everything came into focus for her too: she saw that she wanted to start
[...] singing again and to go on tour with the Strauss [...]
Y un d�a ella misma lo vio totalmente claro ante sus ojos: quer�a volver
[...] a cantar e ir de gira con la orquesta Johann [...]
So I was very proud that when she immediately
[...] said yes when I asked her if she would like to go on tour with me to conquer hearts all over the world [...]
with her glittering diamond voice!
Y por eso me siento muy orgulloso de que
enseguida dijera s� cuando le
[...] propuse ir con nosotros de gira para �conquistar por todo el mundo el coraz�n de la gente con su brillante [...]
voz de diamante!
Musicians that go on tour all the time complain that life on the road is miserable.
Las cantantes que salen de gira todo el tiempo se quejan de que la vida en la ruta es [...]
We have lots of success stories:
[...] pianists who fly in five days before they go on tour, get their injection, and go on tour," reports Dr. Plotkin.
Tenemos muchas historias de �xito: Pianistas
[...] que volar�n en cinco d�as antes de que salgan de gira, se aplican su inyecci�n de Botox y est�n listos", reporta [...]
el Dr. Plotkin.
Their formation is far longer and then, once ordained, many decide that they now want to do work that Brothers can, could and should be doing; e.g. get another degree; maybe in
finance, computer science, hospital
[...] chaplaincy, work at the UN, study music or dance and go on tour as a musician, etc., etc.
Su formaci�n es mucho m�s larga y despu�s de la ordenaci�n muchos deciden que quieren hacer el trabajo que los Hermanos pueden y deben hacer; por ejemplo, obtener otros t�tulos, en finanzas, ciencia de la
computaci�n, capellan�a del
[...] hospital, trabajar en las Naciones Unidas, estudiar m�sica o ir de gira como m�sico, etc. etc.
Mothers' reactions to their daughters' participation have generally been positive,
[...] and the girls' opportunity to go on tour to Norway to play in the Youth [...]
Cup - where the under-14-year-olds won their age
championship - has also helped overcome the determined objections of some fathers.
En general, la reacci�n de las
madres a la participaci�n
[...] de sus hijas fue positiva y la oportunidad de que viajaran a Noruega para [...]
la Copa de la Juventud -donde las ni�as menores de 14 a�os ganaron el
campeonato correspondiente a esa edad- tambi�n contribuy� a superar las pertinaces objeciones de algunos padres.
After its staging in to Madrid, that will be closing the flamenco cycle of the
Veranos de la Villa (18th to 23rd of August),
[...] the show will go on tour around Spain [...]
and will then go on to Latin America.
Tras su paso por Madrid, ciudad en la que clausurar� el ciclo flamenco de los Veranos de la
Villa (del 18 al 23 de agosto), el
[...] espect�culo iniciar� una gira por toda Espa�a [...]
y dar� el salto posteriormente a Latinoam�rica.
The inhabitants still keep the tradition of fishing with atarraya, small boats and canoes. If you have time and some
money and you like adventures, the hostel Divanga Bed & Breakfast
[...] can assist you to go on a tour to Tayrona National Park.
Sus pobladores a�n mantienen la tradici�n de la pesca con atarraya, de peque�os botes y canoas Si dispones de tiempo y algo de dinero y te
gusta la aventura el hostel Divanga Bed & Breakfast te puede
[...] orientar para tomar excursiones al Parque Nacional [...]
While the Cup season itself is much shorter, the leading Acts ensure meaningful, dramatic, America's Cup racing
takes place each year, and allows the
[...] America's Cup to go 'on tour', visiting different [...]
venues, and bringing the excitement
and spectacle of this wonderful event to new audiences.
Los Louis Vuitton Acts aseguran el drama y la intensidad de la competici�n con regatas de la America's Cup cada
a�o. El nuevo sistema permite, adem�s, que
[...] la America's Cup viaje por distintas sedes [...]
(Marsella, Malm�-Skane y Trapani), acercando
la emoci�n y el espect�culo de este incre�ble evento a nuevos p�blicos.
There are also two monasteries, St John's, known as a
[...] [...] pilgrimage site, and St George's. In the following 3 days, visitors can go on a tour of the famous monasteries on the UNESCO cultural heritage list.
Adem�s, les recomiendo dos monasterios - el de San Juan, conocido por las romer�as que se organizan ah� y el de San Jorge o la Iglesia Mirautilor.
As part of being members of our dance and musical
groups, some of our children also
[...] have the opportunity to go on tour in October to the U.S. in [...]
communities such as Seattle,
Arizona, Chicago, and Minnesota.
Algunos de nuestros ni�os, miembros de los grupos de
danza y m�sica tienen
[...] la oportunidad de ir de gira a Estados Unidos en octubre. Visitan [...]
comunidades tales como Seattle, Arizona, Chicago y Minnesota.
After this preparatory work Sovanna Phum then arranged for
[...] the artists to go on tour with the performances [...]
in urban and rural areas in the provinces of Cambodia.
Despu�s de este trabajo preparatorio, Sovanna
[...] Phum organiz� una gira de presentaciones [...]
de los artistas enreas rurales de Camboya.
The Airbus 'See the Bigger Picture' exhibition can be
[...] seen from today in the French capital, Paris, and will go on tour to various cities in the world throughout this year.
La exposici�n de Airbus "See the Bigger
[...] Picture se puede visitar, a partir de hoy, en la capital francesa, Par�s, y a lo largo del a�o ir� recorriendo varias ciudades [...]
de todo el mundo.
The area comprises the splendor of the Provinces of C�rdoba and San Luis. Visiting this piece of land, you will find a wide range of attractions when deciding to go on a tour.
Pol�ticamente comprende casi todo el esplendor de las provincias de C�rdoba y San Luis y al conocer este terru�o el turista se encuentra con un significativo potencial de atractivos a la hora de realizar actividades.
True to that philosophy, she now plans to add
another commitment to her busy
[...] agenda: She's preparing to go on tour in the United States, in [...]
what will be the first tour of her life.
Fiel a esa filosof�a, ahora planea incorporar otro compromiso a su
abultada agenda laboral, dado que se
[...] prepara para salir de gira por Estados Unidos, en lo que ser� [...]
el primer tour de su vida.
The play won a prize and went on tour in the region.
La obra fue premiada y se hicieron giras por la regi�n.
After the
[...] premiere in Phnom Penh, the theatre production will go on tour for three weeks in at least ten villages, performing [...]
in the khmer language.
Despu�s del estreno en Phnom Penh, la obra har� una gira de tres semanas al menos por diez aldeas y se presentar� en la lengua khmer.
Podapop will go on tour for the first [...]
time in USA.
Podapop deleitar�
[...] al p�blico estadounidense en octubre.
In 1994 she gives birth to the
[...] company "Pasion Gitana", gathering together spanish and italian artists whom she will go on tour with in the most prestigious dance festivals in Italy.
En el 1994 crea la
[...] compa��a Pasi�n Gitana con la cual participar� a los m�s prestigiosos festivales italianos, reuniendo contempor�neamente artistas italianos y espa�oles.
Be matched to the
[...] perfect band in the country of your choice and go on tour.
Es emparejado a la
[...] banda perfecta en el pa�s de su elecci�n y pasa la visita.
Last year, Houston Party Records kicked off the
concert series We Used to Party,
[...] inviting gifted musicians/bands to go on tour with a tribute to a record of [...]
their choice.
El a�o pasado Houston Party Records inici� el ciclo
[...] We Used to Party con artistas actuales que van de gira con un disco cl�sico [...]
de su elecci�n.
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