Calculate unit costs for eligible travel costs - European Commission Skip to main content

Calculate unit costs for eligible travel costs

Commission Decision C(2021)35, as amended by Commission Decision C(2023)4928, authorises the use of unit costs for the reimbursement of eligible travel costs awarded under any action or programme financed by the Union budget under the 2021-2027 MFF period. This page provides two calculators to allow the granting authority calculate the relevant distance for identifying the correct unit cost under point 5.1 of the Decision (Amounts for return air, rail and combined air/rail journey).

The unit cost to be paid depends on the distance between the place of departure and place of arrival. The two calculators below can be used to calculate this distance. The appropriate unit cost for a return trip will be determined by comparing the distance from the calculator to the distance bands listed in table 1 and table 2 below. The table to be used will depend on the date of opening of the relevant call and the end date of the project (see explanations under table 1 and table 2 below).  

Rail calculator

For rail travel of more than 400km:

Flight calculator

For flights of more than 400 km:

Table 1: Unit cost per distance band (reference Commission Decision C(2021)35)

for calls with an opening date before 26/07/2023 and for projects with end date on 31/12/2022 or before, or ongoing on 01/01/2023 and where the beneficiary has voluntarily opted not to use the increased amounts listed in table 2.

Distance Band (in km) Amount in EUR per return trip
400-600 196
601-800 209
801-1200 221
1201-1600 230
1601-2000 295
2001-2500 343
2501-3500 433
3501-4500 527
4501-6000 637
6001-7500 720
7501-10000 961
10001-Max 1.101

Table 2: Unit cost per distance band (reference Commission Decision C(2023)4928)

for all calls with opening date as of 26/07/2023, and for projects ongoing on 01/01/2023 or with start date after that and where the beneficiary has voluntarily decided to use the amounts increased from those published in the original call and listed in table 1.

Distance Band (in km) Amount in EUR per return trip
400-600 245
601-800 261
801-1200 276
1201-1600 288
1601-2000 369
2001-2500 429
2501-3500 541
3501-4500 659
4501-6000 796
6001-7500 900
7501-10000 1.201
10001-Max 1.376