Final Fantasy XII - Walkthrough - Barhiem Passage
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Barheim Passage

Only some of Barheim Passage will be open to you at the moment, dont be afraid to pick up all the urns in here as none of them are Zodiac Spear urns . Basch will now fight along side you as a Guest. Head down the stairs and take your first right to a room with three treasure urns in all containining gil, next go halfway down the next flight of and on your left is a Timeworn Device examine it to find out it doesnt work, its name will now change to Power Relay. Head down to the bottom of the stairs to the Bangaa on the floor, called Burrogh who will give you a Tube Fuse to put in the Timeworn device. You can also buy quite a few useful stuff from him. You should prioritize the Blizzard spell first as most enemies ahead are weak to it, secondly buying Poisona and Blinda at this moment, will save you Gil as you won't need to buy Eye Drops and Antidotes. thirdly if you can afford it buy Protect also. Lastly is the Gambit targets, Burrogh sells two of these, they will both save you MP as they will let you choose how frequently your players cure when using Gambits, the choice is yours. Now make sure you have the Lincences for these, or enough LP to obtain the neccessary Licences.

Return to the Power Relay and put the Fuse Tube in, this will restore power to the Passage. Take note of the Charge gauge at the top right of the screen, this will start depleting uunder certain conditions, go back down and press the Gate Switchboard next to Burrogh. you'll notice the energy Gauge reduce to 70%. As long as no Battery Mimics are feeding on open conduits it will slowly return back to 100%.

Battery Mimic
Level: 7LP:2
HP: 520MP: 130
Vulnerable: BlizzardImmune/Absorb: Thunder
1/2 Dmg: N/A
Drop: Eye Drops, Ironscrap, Storm Stone, Mage's Habit Steal: Ironscrap, Storm Stone, Alarm Clock

In this next room you will have your first encounter with a Battery mimic, you should always focus on the Battery Mimics, if you dont and the energy gauge falls below 50% you will have to fight a horde of Zombies aswell. If you want to level up quicker though you might want to let the Zombies spawn, they may use poison but if you bought poisona you should be fine.

After defeating your first Battery Mimic, turn left and go down the stairs dispatching enemies along the way, at the bottom there should be another Battery Mimic for you to dispatch in tyhe corner of the room behind the pilar is a treasure urn

In this next area there are 4 coduits. If you open your map you will see yellow exclaimation points in a orange diamond these are the conduits. The first is facing the stairs to your right, after saving your energy gauge form the battery mimics go through the archeway to your right and head to the split in the road you will notice that the energy gauge is still depleting you need to go down the right tunnel to the second conduit and take care of the battery mimic feeding off of it. Now double back on yourself an go down the other tunnel. You will come to another split, this time go down the left tunnel first for the third conduit and battery mimic, again double back and go down the other tunnel, as the tunnel opens out you should see another tunnel right next to the tunnel you just came down, go down it and for the map of barheim passage. Now again you need to back down the tunnel and head onwards to the very end and the last conduit in this area of the map. Now there is another 2 battery mimics and conduits in the room to the right, one to your immediate right and the other at the bottom of the stairs. now move into the next area

Walk ahead and you should come to a T junction, with a Battery mimic, further ahead is a gate which you will not be able to get past, to open this gate you need to go down the passage to your right, as you get to the threshold flans will spawn, we reccomend using the flee button to get past the flans that spawn and go to the next room and deal with the battery mimic who is feeding on the next conduit in the left corner first. There are 2 treasure urns one in the bottom right hand corner next to the pillar and the second in the top left hand corner inbetween the pillar and the stairs. Now go up the stairs and into the opening to the right and on to the next area. as soon as you reach the balcony you will notice the battery mimic to your immediate left feeding on yet another conduit, there are 2 treasure urns in this first room one up the stairs to the left and the other down the passage to the right. Now go down the stairs and to the passage on your right follow it around to the next conduit and battery mimic, and around again to the next opening, the is a trasure urn on the right as soon as you come into the room. Go up the stairs and press the Gate Switchboard, again your energy gauge will go down to 70%, but the gate will now be open for you to proceed, now head back to the gateand go through it.

As you enter next area there is a cutscene showing Basch getting equipment, after the cutscene there is a save crystal, thats all move on to the next area. As you enter there may be another urn, you then arrive at another T junction but you cant go down to the right until you have the barheim key. As you proceed there is a battery mimic to your left and the treasure urn next to it is a mimic in disguise. on the other side there are 3 more urns, one near the gat you need the Barheim key for one in the middle which is another Mimic in disguise, and one just before you exit to the next area in the south.

NOTE: This next area is a great area to gain some good EXP especially since Basch is now fully equipped, by letting the battery mimics Drain the power from the Energy Gauge, and let undead such as Skeletons and Skull Defenders, if you build your Battle Chain up you can get better loot also. Stay close to the area with the save crystal though.

As soon as you enter there are two battery mimics to the right, they will run for two diferent conduits defeat them as soon as possible. As you are fighting these another mimic will spawn up the path to the left if you run straight to it and pass the Surandier(Big Toad) you can get to this battery mimic just as your energy gauge reaches 90%, if you dealt with the other two battery mimics fast enough. There is another teasure urn just before the exit of this area.

There is only a Save crystal in this area so head down the stairs save and head onwards to the next area for a Boss fight.

Mimic Queen
Level: 10LP:5
HP: 4073MP: 315
Vulnerable: BlizzardImmune/Absorb: Thunder
1/2 Dmg: N/A
Steal: Knot of rust, Storm Magicite, Rose Corsage

As the same with the battery mimics the mimic queen is weak to Blizzard so you should attack using that. Also make sure one of your pary is running around taking care of the mimics that the Mimic Queen spawns. If you are feeling good about your chances of surviving you can try and steal the rose corsage off of her.

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