Amateur Night In The Big Top by Shaun William Ryder Reviews and Tracks - Metacritic
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Mixed or average reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews What's this?

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 12 Ratings

  • Summary: 'Amateur Night' marks the first solo release for the former frontman of the Happy Mondays and Black Grape. Cabaret Voltaire's Stephen Mallinder co-produced.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 5
  2. Negative: 2 out of 5
  1. Uncut
    Another wildly implausible Shaun Ryder comback. Just when we needed one. [Aug 2003, p.98]
  2. Mojo
    The results career from interesting to neglibile. [Aug 2003, p.95]
  3. Sure, it's more interesting than the still-born, awkward second Black Grape album Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, largely thanks to its intricate, layered production, but the end result is calculated without reaping the rewards of its precision.
  4. It's the state of the great man himself that's truly depressing. If the slurring on 'Murder' (pronounced muurrrerrr) is an attempt to sound like a stroke victim, it's worryingly convincing.
  5. Q Magazine
    Most disappointing of all... is the drab nature of Ryder's contribution: slurred, incoherent, and largely based around drug stories and lots of swearing. [Aug 2003, p.103]
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 8
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 8
  3. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. DaveF
    Mar 2, 2007
    Bang on, what Pat J said in fairness, goes from piss funny to serious in the blink of an eye. The last tune, in 1987 is one of the best told Bang on, what Pat J said in fairness, goes from piss funny to serious in the blink of an eye. The last tune, in 1987 is one of the best told stories ive heard in years if you get it. Expand
  2. moschops
    Nov 17, 2005
    An overlooked classic in my opinion. Big, squelchy dubby basslines and Shaun Ryder, sounding the worse for wear, but always witty and An overlooked classic in my opinion. Big, squelchy dubby basslines and Shaun Ryder, sounding the worse for wear, but always witty and entertaining, recounting tales of excess from the Madchester era. What's there not to like about this record? Expand
  3. PatJ
    Sep 19, 2003
    I don't think Q have heard the album I've been listening to. But then again they would have told us to ignore the sex pistols. I don't think Q have heard the album I've been listening to. But then again they would have told us to ignore the sex pistols. Ryder is that rariety that has the courage to ignore the conservative and sadly conservative approach of todays music industry. The album is as personally powerful as Lennon's debeut solo album & Neil Young's "tonights the night". This is an album that you need to spend time with. Amateur night is loaded with some of the most powerful lyrics you'll hear all year. Finally an album that's got something real to say. Expand
  4. simono
    Mar 2, 2006
    One of his best ever songs.No doubt
  5. Olly
    Feb 22, 2004
    brilliant album, shaun my look like hes about to die at any minute, but he can still cut it makin music
  6. ravethenineties
    Sep 29, 2006
    Still going strong. Shaun Ryder delivers another hour of fun. Got me thinking of the good old days. Thanks man. Rave on!
  7. AledD
    May 16, 2004
    Its absolutely fantastic. Great to see Shaun Ryder back especially on this form

See all 8 User Reviews