Pray for the Persecuted Church | Open Doors Canada



prayer Request

Central Asia

Praise God that Muhit* has found Christ in a society where Christians are persecuted. Pray for our new brother’s strength and wisdom as he risks his life to follow Jesus. Pray also for the small Christian community that led Muhit to Christ. They meet in secret every week. Pray for their protection as they build the Kingdom in these Muslim-dominated areas. *Name changed for security reasons.

Prayer Resources

When Open Doors partners connect with our persecuted family around the world, the number one request we receive is that we continue to pray for them. You can use these resources to help you pray for your brothers and sisters where faith costs the most. 

Prayer Calendar

Our Prayer Calendar is published once a month. You can take time each day to pray for the persecuted church with a request from a specific person, country, or situation listed for that day. Use the prayer calendar for your church, your family, or your personal prayer time! Looking for next month's calendar? Click here.

World Watch List Prayer Meeting Toolkit

Download this toolkit to find everything you need to hold your own prayer meeting for the persecuted church - visual aids, information kits, and more.

The PAUSE Initiative

When your church signs up for Pause, you receive a toolkit each month with everything you need to pause once a month during your service to pray for the persecuted church. The toolkit includes a video explaining a current prayer request, related graphics, and more. Available in both English and French.

Monthly Zoom Prayer Meeting

Join us on the first Tuesday of each month as we pray for the persecuted church. We'll gather together and lift up the latest requests from the persecuted church. Join us at either 7 pm ET or 7 pm PT.


Your gift is strengthening your brothers and sisters
in the face of oppression and persecution.

More Christians need help than ever before.

As we close out 2023, the number of persecuted Christians is higher than ever. With greater persecution comes greater need. Your year-end gift will help – including providing more Bibles, more discipleship, and more relief aid.

Our year-end goal is $500,000 to help our persecuted family. Will you prayerfully give a gift today?
