The Beau Brummels - The Beau Brummels, Volume 2 - Reviews - Album of The Year

The Beau Brummels, Volume 2

The Beau Brummels - The Beau Brummels, Volume 2
Critic Score
Based on 1 review
User Score
Based on 4 ratings
August 1965 / Release Date
LP / Format
- / Label
Pop Rock, Folk Pop / Genre
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Track List

  1. You Tell Me Why
  2. I Want You
  3. Doesn't Matter
  4. That's Alright
  5. Sometime At Night
  6. Can It Be
  7. Sad Little Girl
  8. Woman
  9. Don't Talk To Strangers
  10. I've Never Known
  11. When It Comes to Your Love
  12. In Good Time
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Added on: May 25, 2020