Individual, Relationship and Couple Counselling Swindon

Relationship and Couples Counselling

What is: Relationship Counselling, Couples Counselling and Marriage Counselling?

Two faces

You bring the agenda which can be:

  • Preparing for a longer term relationship including civil partnership or marriage,
  • In a relationship that is experiencing difficulties,
  • Going through a transition - a new born, children leaving home, mid-life crisis, the menopause, or significant illnesses,
  • Ending a relationship.

Difficult feelings that are often experienced are:

  • Anger,
  • Not being heard, being ignored or isolated,
  • Feeling depressed,
  • Lack of satisfaction in the Relationship,
  • Losses, such as bereavement, separation, redundancy or retirement,
  • A lack of self confidence or self-esteem within the relationship,
  • A lack of intimacy, sexual issues and how these affect the relationship.
Fierce face
In safe hands

I will work with you to gain a clearer understanding and perspective of the issues in the relationship. In a safe and confidential space, I will explore with you, the relationship and the difficulties you are experiencing.
At times issues from our past can impact on the present, and in the session I will support you to think, and reflect, on how these events and experiences may have impacted on your relationship. I aim to work with both of you, to support you to meet your stated needs.
Where it arises in the sessions that individual counselling is appropriate, then this can be facilitated, and the work is then integrated within the couple work.

Please go to my FAQ page which will help to inform you about our practice, and responses to frequently asked questions: click here. Our links pages are to help you to access further information.

I'm happy to answer any queries by telephone or email; click here if you would like to do this.