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Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher
Blücher, holding the cellar's key.
Voiced by Emanuel (@emanuelghoost)
Affiliation Prussia
Occupation Prussian Field Marshal
Species Human
Gender Male
Status Deceased
Appears In Kaub
Debut At the top of Pfalzgrafenstein Castle.


Gebhard Lebrecht von Blücher is a Prussian Field Marshal featured in Kaub. He appears at the top of Pfalzgrafenstein Castle, and gives the players the Key to the Cellar, ordering them to clear out the cellars to ensure a safe retreat for the Prussian Army.


"Take it, now!"
"Nimm es, jetzt!"

"Finish this!"
"Beende es!- "

"Finish this for Prussia!"
"Beende es für Preußen!"

"These devils are trapped in the cellar."
"Diese Teufel sind im Keller eingesperrt."

"Only when you capture the castle will we secure the way for the rest of the army!"
"Sobald ihr das Schloss erobert, werden wir den weg für die Rest der Armee sichern!"


Blücher exclusively appears on Kaub, however, he is mentioned in the Hougoumont Newspaper.


Upon ascending Pfalzgrafenstein Castle, players will enter a room with an officer of the 1. Garde zu Fuss, and Field Marshal Blücher. Blücher is in the late-stages of infection and can be seen coughing up blood. Within only a few short moments, he succumbs to the infection, taking the life of his accompanying officer with him.


In the Hougoumont Newspaper, from the Brittania Herald which can be found on the desk in the entrance building, there is an anonymous tip listed under the section titled BRITISH ARMY MOBILIZES TO AID HER ALLIES. It says the following:

"English forces are to march to the south of Brussels. There, they will meet Blucher and his men, but utmost shockingly Napoleon Bonaparte and his forces will attend with them. From there, the armies will tear through the Plague and liberate Europe."



  • Blucher's mention in the Hougoumont Newspaper implies that he was supposed to still be alive prior to the creation of this map.
  • Blucher's accompanying officer assumes he has a cold, which is why he can be seen handing Blucher tea.