Aquarius Daily Horoscope | Astrology Answers

Aquarius Daily Horoscope

Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Jun 03, 2024 - You’ve been plodding along for quite some time with your inner work, but the Universe is about to change up the planetary program so get ready for a huge energy shift to come your way. Messenger Mercury has spent the last few weeks on his annual tour through your foundational 4th House of feelings and family, a highly charged and emotional transit that probably found you dealing with more than one major issue on the home front.

Now, however, the mood lifts as Mercury waves goodbye to this sector of your chart and dives into Gemini and your fun-loving 5th House of passion and creativity. This sector of your chart rules your artistic pursuits and anything where you get to let your imagination run wild, so don’t be afraid to take an unusual approach to old problems right now. This House rewards courage so take a chance and let the Muse inspire you; your creations could turn out to be worth more than you’d ever expect.

Jun 03, 2024 - Do you know how to just relax with your partner at home and still manage to enjoy yourself just as much as if you were to go out and do something fun? Is it easy or hard for you to be in stillness with…

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Jun 03, 2024 - How much do you allow yourself to rest? Do you permit yourself time to just be, relax and rejuvenate? The Moon is in Taurus and in your 4th house, and is asking you to reflect on those things. If you're the kind of person…

Jun 03, 2024 - Aquarius, differentiate between your financial desires and necessities. While the road ahead may lack clarity, trust that it will unfold as it should. Find clarity by turning inward. Nature offers wisdom through reflection; spend time outdoors for insight. Allow yourself the freedom to explore…

Jun 03, 2024 - You may feel that things are changing for you, Aquarius, and you would be right. A conversation with someone can provide new enlightenment in regard to your health goals. Trust in yourself and go with the flow. Remember that everything happens for a reason.

Jun 03, 2024 - Life has probably felt a little intense lately, but I’m happy to tell you the Universe is about to change up the planetary program so get ready for a huge energy shift to come your way. Messenger Mercury has spent the last few weeks…

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