The Godfather is considered one of the greatest movies ever made and is universally recognized as a monumental staple in cinema history. Directed by Francis Ford Coppola, The Godfather is based on Mario Puzo's best-selling novel by the same name and went on to win several Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Adapted Screenplay. While the film features unforgettable characters and phenomenal performances by the overall cast, it's also one of the most quoted movies of all time.

Without question, The Godfather is one of the most quotable gangster movies and has been referenced throughout countless movies and television shows, including The Sopranos and American Gangster. Some are more popular and memorable than others, but out of the dozens of incredible quotes and one-liners, these are the 10 best quotes from The Godfather, ranked.

The Godfather (1972)

Don Vito Corleone, head of a mafia family, decides to hand over his empire to his youngest son, Michael. However, his decision unintentionally puts the lives of his loved ones in grave danger.

Release Date
March 14, 1972
Francis Ford Coppola
Marlon Brando , Al Pacino , James Caan , Richard S. Castellano , Robert Duvall , Sterling Hayden
175 minutes
Main Genre

10 "A man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man."

- Vito Corleone

Johnny Fontane and Don Vito Corleone in 'The Godfather'
Image via Paramount Pictures

During Connie's wedding, Vito meets with his godson and famous singer, Johnny Fontane (Al Martino), who needs his godfather's help in getting him a part in a movie that could put him back on top. After listening to Fontane's dilemma and shouting at him for breaking down into tears, his oldest son, Sonny (James Caan), enters the room and as he asks Fontane if he's been spending time with his family, he gives a quick glance at Sonny, who isn't exactly the upstanding family man.

Vito's line about what defines a "real man" speaks volumes about his own personal morals and values, as well as its reference to Sonny, which makes it one of the best quotes in the film. While the question is directed at Fontane, it is a jab at Sonny, who has been fooling around with his mistress (and Connie's maid of honor) at his sister's wedding. Although he loves his son, he is ashamed of Sonny's extra-marital affair and ignoring his duty as a husband and a father, making his point clear without addressing the issue directly.

9 "I don't like violence, Tom. I'm a businessman; blood is a big expense."

- Virgil "The Turk" Sollozzo

Al Lettieri scrunching his face in The Godfather (1972)
Image via Paramount Pictures

When Vito survives being shot several times, Virgil "The Turk" Sollozzo (Al Lettieri) has his men pick up Tom Hagen (Robert Duvall) in hopes that he can cool Sonny down and try to bring peace between the Five Families. He tries to sway Hagen's opinion of him by revealing his true intentions of trying to figure out a solution instead of resorting to violence while also threatening him in the same breath.

Sollozzo's line is one of the best lines in The Godfather as it reveals the character's diplomatic side, but also, at the same time, serves as a warning that he's prepared to come after Vito and the Corleone family again if it comes to that. He isn't someone who wants to resort to violence because of what it would cost him, but if all else fails, he's willing to use it if it's a means to an end.

8 "In Sicily, women are more dangerous than shotguns."

- Calo

Al Pacino and Franco Citti sitting at a table in The Godfather (1972)
Image via Paramount Pictures

After Sollozzo and Captain McClusky are killed, Michael is sent to Sicily for his own safety and hides out there until the dust settles, and it's safe for him to return. While Michael still thinks about Kay (Diane Keaton) who has relentlessly tried to contact him, fate steps in when he meets a beautiful Sicilian woman, Apollonia (Simonetta Stefanelli) and it appears they both have been struck by Cupid's arrow. As Michael can't take his eyes off her, his friend, Calo (Franco Citti), gives him some words of advice.

Calo's quote about Sicilian women is an enduring warning to Michael about their father's and husband's fierce loyalty and protectiveness over them, making them seemingly untouchable by Michael or anyone else. Michael understands this and doesn't approach Apollonia but instead, speaks to her father about meeting her under the supervision of her family, revealing Michael's upstanding honor and respect.

7 "Mr. Corleone never asks a second favor once he's refused the first. Understood?"

- Tom Hagen

Robert Duvall sitting at a dinner table with a napkin in his hand in The Godfather (1972)
Image via Paramount Pictures

After Connie's wedding, Vito sends Tom Hagen to California to meet with director, Jack Woltz (John Marley), who is directing the movie Fontane wants a part in. Hagen's initial meeting with Woltz doesn't go over too well, but when Woltz finds out who Fontane's godfather is, he quickly changes his tune and invites Hagen over for dinner. Woltz refuses to give Fontane a part in his upcoming movie but says he's willing to do any other favor for Don Corleone.

Hagen is typically a calm, cool, and collected guy, but when Woltz offers to do something else for Vito, Hagen snaps back, reminding Woltz of who he's refusing with one of the best quotes in The Godfather. His line is also a subtle warning to Woltz that once he's made his decision, there's no going back with Vito and if he asked a second favor, it would give Vito the reputation of being a pushover.

6 "I want somebody good - and I mean very good - to plant that gun. I don't want my brother coming out with just his di*k in his hand."

- Santino "Sonny" Corleone

James Caan as Sonny Corleone in 'The Godfather'
Image via Paramount Pictures

While Vito is recovering in the hospital, Michael (Al Pacino) discovers that Sollozzo is still trying to kill him and sits down with Sonny and the others to try and figure out a plan. They decide that Michael will agree to meet with Sollozzo and Captain McClusky and kill them with an ingenious plan of planting a gun in the restaurant bathroom before they arrive. As they sort out the details, Sonny realizes the potential danger his younger brother could be stepping into if anything goes wrong.

Sonny's line is both comical and memorable, as it speaks to Sonny's genuine concern about his brother without appearing weak or emotional. He knows Michael can handle the job, but only if everything goes according to plan, and whoever plants the gun has to know exactly what they're doing to ensure nothing goes wrong.

5 "Never tell anyone outside the family what you're thinking again."

- Vito Corleone

Sonny Corleone sitting next to Vito Corleone as he talks to another man in The Godfather (1972)
Image via Paramount Pictures

When Sollozzo meets with Vito and the Corleone family, he isn't pleased when Vito passes on his offer and as Sollozzo tries to reason with him, Vito begins to respond, but is abruptly interrupted by Sonny. As Vito puts his hand out, Sonny understands what his father is saying and shuts up. After the meeting, Vito scolds his son about his outburst with one of the best lines in The Godfather.

Vito is one of the greatest gangster characters by playing his cards close to his chest and only says what needs to be said. Sonny has a reputation for being impulsive and, while his intentions may have been good, his father makes a valid point to him about refraining from revealing his personal plans or information to his opponent, which, unfortunately, is one major quality of Sonny's that leads to his downfall.

4 "Don't ever take sides with anyone against the family again. Ever."

- Michael Corleone

Al Pacino as Michael Corleone sitting in a chair, looking up in The Godfather Part II
Image via Paramount Pictures

Now acting boss, Michael Corleone travels to Las Vegas to meet with fellow mobster, Moe Greene (Alex Rocco), who essentially built Sin City and allowed Michael's older brother, Fredo (John Cazale), to join his operation. While Michael is greeted by his cheery brother and a joking Greene, the tone of the room sours as Michael offers to buy Greene out. During their argument, Fredo pipes in defending Greene, which doesn't change his brother's mind but only angers him.

After Greene storms out, Michael coldly turns to his older brother and gives him a warning that ultimately foreshadows Fredo's biggest mistake in The Godfather: Part II, making it one of the best quotes in the film. Vito had always instilled the importance of the family being united and Michael reminded his brother of this critical lesson. The family needs to present themselves as a unified force, because if you give in to petty arguments and bickering, you could lose the upper hand.

3 "It's not personal, it's strictly business."

- Michael Corleone

Al Pacino in The Godfather (1972)
Image via Paramount Pictures

After Vito is gunned down in the streets and miraculously survives, Sollozzo asks to meet with Michael to propose a potential deal, which Sonny immediately shoots down. While Sonny is more than willing to go to war, Tom thinks they should hear Sollozzo's offer, pointing out that this is a matter of business, not personal. As the two brothers get into a heated argument, Michael agrees to the meeting, supporting Tom's point as well as Sonny's, and decides to kill Sollozzo and McClusky.

Tom is right that the hit was driven by business matters, but Sonny is also partially right, as Sollozzo went after their father and patriarch of the family and ignited this conflict. Michael's response to Sonny echoes Tom's initial statement and is considered to be one of the absolute best lines in the movie that remains relevant throughout Michael's journey. Michael supports Sonny's decision to kill Sollozzo, not because of the hit, but because it would ensure the safety of their business as well as their family.

2 "Leave the gun, take the cannoli."

- Peter Clemenza

Richard Castellano talking to someone in front of a car next to a cornfield in The Godfather (1972)
Image via Paramount Pictures

Once the family figures out it was Paulie who went against the family, Sonny tells Peter Clemenza to take care of it sooner rather than later. When Paulie and Rocco pick up Clemenza in the morning, Clemenza's wife reminds him not to forget the cannoli which he picks up when the three of them go to check out a place on the West Side. On the drive back, Clemenza tells Paulie to pull over and gets out of the car to relieve himself. While outside in front of the silent cornfield, Rocco shoots Paulie and as Clemenza returns to the car, he delivers one of the greatest lines in movie history.

"Leave the gun, take the cannoli," is hands down one of the best and most memorable lines of The Godfather that has been referenced in movies and shows for decades. The line essentially tells Rocco to leave everything, including the gun as well as the car and the horrific scene, but to take the cannoli, which his wife would be expecting. Clemenza is wise, as he would much rather run into problems with the police than have trouble with his wife.

1 "I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse."

- Vito Corleone

Marlon Brando speaking to someone in The Godfather (1972)
Image via Paramount Pictures

During Connie's wedding, Michael tells a story about his father helping Fontane get out of his contract and explains that he made the band leader an offer he couldn't refuse. He explains that the offer was a gun to the head and two options; either release Fontane from the contract or be shot. Later, after Vito agrees to help Fontane get the part in the movie, he tells his godson not to worry as he will make him an offer he can't refuse, foreshadowing a potential similar encounter with Fontane's band leader.

There's no question that Vito's iconic line, "I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse," is the best quote from The Godfather. In 2005, the American Film Institute ranked the famous line as the second-best movie quote of all time, and it is considered by many movie fans to be an epic one-liner. Aside from being one of the most famous movie quotes, the line serves as a subtle warning, revealing to audiences exactly how powerful the Corleone family is and that no one has ever refused an offer from them and lived to tell the tale.

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