Romantic Guide to Lost Places (Guida romantica a posti perduti) - Cineuropa

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by Giorgia Farina


Romantic Guide to Lost Places is an unusual road movie that ranges across Europe looking for forgotten places, during which two strangers, both trapped in lives of deceit, come to terms with their own pasts. Benno and Allegra: he's over fifty, English, and drinks like a fish; she's twenty years younger, a travel blogger with lots of imagination. They both live off their lies and have no intention of stopping now. Next-door neighbors who had never met until the day he wound up on the wrong landing, and nothing would ever be the same. Sheer chance leads this odd couple on a flight towards lost or forgotten places, where their mutual support makes for self-discovery.

international title: Romantic Guide to Lost Places
original title: Guida romantica a posti perduti
country: Italy
sales agent: RAI Com
year: 2020
genre: fiction
directed by: Giorgia Farina
film run: 107'
screenplay: Giorgia Farina, Carlo Salsa
cast: Clive Owen, Jasmine Trinca, Irène Jacob, Andrea Carpenzano, Teco Celio, Edoardo Gabbriellini
cinematography by: Timo Salminen
film editing: Paola Freddi
art director: Alessandro Vannucci
costumes designer: Massimo Cantini Parrini
music: Emanuele De Raymondi
producer: Anastasia Michelagnoli, Rita Rognoni
production: Oplon Film, RAI Cinema, Lucky Red, IBC Movie
distributor: Lucky Red

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