St Ninian's High School

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Dress Down Day - Thursday 30th May
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This Thursday will be a 'Glad Rags' non-uniform day. Money raised through Glad Rags Days throughout the year supports our epraise rewards and the epraise charity fund. The epraise charity fund is allocated according to student votes at the end of the year for the charities which have been nominated…

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Year 13 Leavers' Ceremony
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Friday was a day of mixed emotions as we said goodbye to a fantastic year group. First thing in the morning, the year group shared a nostalgic assembly, followed by some time with their tutors. Students, staff and tutors then enjoyed an informal brunch. This was followed by a formal celebration in…

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Bon Voyage to Mrs Warrilow
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This week we said a sad farewell to Mrs Warrilow, one of our Student Support at Lower School. We are very sad to see her leave, but wish her and her family all the very best for her new life in Australia.

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Core Skills Enterprise Project
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Year 8 students have been working on their Core Skills Enterprise Projects. For this, student groups are loaned £30 and have to come up with an idea for a business. They buy the materials and then make and sell their product. They end the project with a presentation to four judges. The judges also…

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Best Wishes to Year 11
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Friday 26th April seen a day of mixed emotions as we joined our expectational Year 11 students to reflect on their time at St. Ninian's. Mr. Coole, Mr. Smith and our Chair of Governors, Mrs Brereton joined the students for the formal celebrations and presentation for their Record of Experience fold…

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MTB success for Sapphire Ashcroft!
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Over the last weekend in April, the first round of Tweedlove Bike festival was held at Laggan Wolftrax Trail Centre, Cairngorms incorporating the first round of the British National Enduro Series. St. Ninian's Sixth Form student Sapphire Ascroft, previously 2022 BNES champion, fired into action and…

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