TWIN DAGGERS | MarcyKate Connolly


Blink YA/Harper Collins
Release Date: 8.25.2020
Hardcover, ebook, audiobook
Young Adult Fantasy

Aissa’s life is a web of carefully constructed lies. She and her twin sister, Zandria, are Magi spies, a magical people most believe to be extinct. And they’re on a mission for revenge. 

This action and adventure spy thriller—a fantasy spin on “Romeo and Juliet” from New York Times bestselling author MarcyKate Connolly—is perfect for fans of Marissa Meyer and Elly Blake and is about to become your new obsession!

By day, Aissa and Zandra play the role of normal young Technocrats eager to fulfill the duties of their new apprenticeships. By night, they plot their revenge to retake their city from the Technocrats. But then Aissa is given a new mission: find and kidnap the heir to the Technocrat throne, who is rumored to be one of the Heartless—a person born without a working heart who survives via a mechanical replacement—and has been hidden since birth.

Aissa is more likely to be caught than to be successful, but she’s never been one to turn down an assignment, even if the hunt is complicated by a kind Technocrat researcher who is determined to find a cure for the Heartless. But when Zandria is captured by the Technocrats, Aissa will do anything to get her sister back. Even if it means abandoning all other loyalties and missions … and risking everything by trusting her sworn enemies.

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"A taut, emotionally arresting fantasy."


“Open this book and be transported into a world of magic, machines and espionage. Twin Daggers is a riveting story about the length two sisters will go for each other. And be prepared—they will steal your heart.”

Rebecca Ross

Author of Sisters of Sword and Song

"Twisting and face-paced, Twin Daggers is an exciting new fantasy series filled with charming magic, harrowing politics, and the bittersweet struggle of star-crossed lovers. Be careful, dear reader, for Aissa and Aro are sure to steal your heart."

Mindee Arnett

Author of Onyx & Ivory

"A lost library and a mysterious locked door that won’t open, even with magic? I was hooked from the beginning. Add in forbidden love and I could not turn the pages fast enough! Twin Daggers aim(s) true—add this one to your must-read list now."

Stacey Kade

Author of Finding Felicity

"Connolly offers a richly ambiguous world."

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