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Daily Horoscope

Daily Horoscope for Your Zodiac Sign

June 8, 2024
June 9, 2024
June 10, 2024
Aries by Astrology.TV

Aries (March 20 - April 19)

Anticipate a challenging day ahead. If you're a sensitive soul, consider stepping back rather than reacting impulsively. Not every issue demands a counteroffensive. Opt for tranquility over retaliation. Navigate this situation with discernment, allowing wisdom to guide your choices. Through the fog of difficulty, remember that clarity often emerges as the guiding light. By choosing restraint over knee-jerk responses, you cultivate an environment where understanding prevails. As you traverse this trying landscape, keep in mind that the strength to choose peace amid turmoil reflects an enduring wisdom that shapes both your journey and the world around you.
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Taurus by Astrology.TV

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

In the forthcoming 48 hours, make room for others' needs. Reciprocity thrives in this give-and-take. Embrace the spirit of generosity, for the rewards are magnificent when imbued with sincerity. Extend your hand in kindness, a gesture that weaves threads of harmony. Through your actions, you pave the path for abundance to flourish. Remember, your benevolent influence ripples outward, touching lives and inviting positivity. As you navigate this window of time, keep in mind that your thoughtful gestures don't just foster connection, but also inspire a world brimming with the richness of shared goodwill and shared fortunes.
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Gemini by Astrology.TV

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

In the approaching days, duplicity weaves around possessions. Familiar abundance grows redundant. Graciously decline unwarranted excess from well-intentioned yet persistent givers. Let integrity steer your course. Channel your focus towards authentic prosperity rather than superficial accumulation. Amid this dance of appearances, remember that it's your genuine wealth—of character, relationships, and meaningful experiences—that holds lasting significance. As you navigate the landscape of these times, keep in mind that the path to fulfillment lies in embracing what truly enriches your life and choosing authenticity over the allure of mere appearances.
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Cancer by Astrology.TV

Cancer (June 21 - July 21)

Welcome the journey as it unfurls. Your business acumen is a reservoir for the days ahead. Decipher the strategies embedded. Both creativity and intuition surge vigorously. Capture the insights of the present moment. Your skills stand as a compass. Traverse this path guided by your intuition, for opportunities are plentiful for those who discern. Amid the currents of change, remember that your ability to perceive beyond the surface and your creative aptitude converge to map a course where each step resonates with purpose and potential. Let your inner compass be your guide as you harness the tides of opportunity.
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Leo by Astrology.TV

Leo (July 22 - August 22)

For a brief span, adopt convention. Norms amplify prominence within 48 hours. Set aside capricious inclinations. A resolute stance ensures acknowledgment. Navigate with assurance, tracing the well-trodden route. Your brilliance emanates through unwavering steadiness. Amid this temporal alignment with tradition, remember that your steadfast approach and adherence to established norms create a platform that commands attention. By following the familiar path with confidence, you illuminate the landscape with your stability and reliability, proving that it's in consistency that the seeds of recognition and success are sown.
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Virgo by Astrology.TV

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

The expansiveness of your heart facilitates adaptation. Cooperation flows effortlessly. In the days ahead, potential expenditures arise. Maintain vigilance and be mindful of your outlays. Strive for equilibrium, blending your inherent generosity with fiscal prudence. In this interplay between open-heartedness and financial mindfulness, remember that your ability to adapt and collaborate is mirrored in your wise management of resources. Navigate this phase with both flexibility and practicality, as your choices today weave the fabric of stability and growth for tomorrow. Through your adaptive spirit and financial acumen, you craft a future marked by both compassion and stability.
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Libra by Astrology.TV

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Steer clear of assigning labels. Contemplate daring endeavors that lie ahead. Aim for concrete advancement in the present moment. Grand accomplishments are within reach. Concentrate on your unique trajectory, disregarding external comparisons. Embrace your audacious undertakings with ownership. As you journey towards your objectives, remember that it's your resolute focus on tangible strides that defines your narrative. Amid the noise of opinions, your genuine progress stands as a testament to your commitment. Embrace your path with boldness, celebrating your individual journey and allowing your actions to speak louder than any labels ever could.
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Scorpio by Astrology.TV

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

The demeanor of an athlete suits you well. Exhibit grace in the face of defeat and kindness when triumphant. In the upcoming 48 hours, harness your energy with discernment. Approach challenges with resilience, welcoming accomplishment. Let the scales of balance and the lamp of wisdom illuminate your path. As you embody the spirit of a sportsman, remember that your actions echo beyond the finish line. Whether confronted with adversity or achievement, it's your composed attitude and thoughtful responses that engrave your character upon the tapestry of experiences, inspiring others through your example.
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Sagittarius by Astrology.TV

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 20)

Sagittarius, your distinctive approach radiates its brilliance, yet your wit could waver momentarily. Having a Plan B is prudent at this juncture. Be prepared to adapt, ensuring you glide through challenges with finesse. Your inherent flexibility will be your ally as you chart your course. Remember that even when your initial strategy falters, your ability to pivot showcases your resourcefulness. In the dance of adaptation, your distinctive charm and nimble thinking will guide you towards overcoming obstacles, reinforcing the idea that your journey is marked not just by your successes, but also by the ingenious ways you navigate setbacks.
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Capricorn by Astrology.TV

Capricorn (December 21 - January 19)

Allow your tenderness to radiate fleetingly. Over the next two days, display your human side. Stand firm, don't falter, and don't let anyone down. Forge profound connections that unveil the depth of your heart. In this short span, let authenticity be your guiding light. Remember, it's through these moments of genuine vulnerability that you create bridges of understanding and empathy. As you interact, keep in mind that your ability to be authentic and emotionally present has the potential to leave a lasting impact, a testament to the beautiful interplay of shared humanity.
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Aquarius by Astrology.TV

Aquarius (January 20 - February 17)

You're perceived uniquely by others. Tend to their ease and familiarity. Over the next two days, engage in contemplation. Reach out to bridge divides and dispel uncertainties. Your endeavor holds significance in nurturing mutual comprehension. As you navigate these moments, remember that your approach has the power to dismantle barriers and illuminate shared ground. By recognizing the perspectives of others and making the effort to connect, you contribute to a tapestry of understanding woven with empathy. Through your actions, the gaps of misunderstanding can be narrowed, fostering a world where harmonious relationships thrive.
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Pisces by Astrology.TV

Pisces (February 18 - March 19)

Balance strength with affability. Sidestep confrontations. Embrace patience over aggression. The power of subtlety prevails. Your gentle yet persistent manner is a catalyst for building bridges and diffusing tensions. As you navigate interactions, remember that it's your composed demeanor and steadfast but understated determination that can mend frayed edges. Through your delicate touch, conflicts can transform into conversations, and opposition can evolve into understanding. Your capacity to harmonize opposing forces demonstrates that true strength isn't in forceful confrontation, but in the art of crafting harmony through persistent and gentle means.
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Aries by Astrology.TV

Aries (March 20 - April 19)

Your restlessness is a part of your nature. Evade sinking into despair. For the next two days, refrain from internalizing external matters. Put your ego aside, and seek growth amidst adversity. The lens through which you view challenges determines your course. As you navigate this period, remember that your reactions can shape outcomes. By maintaining a balanced perspective and not allowing personal attachments to cloud your judgment, you open the door to discovering lessons within the turmoil. Through these insights, your unsettled energy can be channeled into propelling you towards greater wisdom and eventual tranquility.
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Taurus by Astrology.TV

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

With Mars in Taurus, seize the moment for action. Underestimate not the potency of routine. In the days ahead, anticipate forward movement. Merge your creative impulses with established habits to craft a recipe for triumph. Embrace transformation within the confines of familiarity. As you navigate this cosmic influence, remember that your ability to infuse your everyday patterns with innovation can yield remarkable results. The alignment of Mars and Taurus provides a canvas where disciplined actions, enriched by imaginative sparks, create a symphony of progress and achievement. Let this energy guide you towards a harmonious dance of creativity and routine.
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Gemini by Astrology.TV

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Relationships flourish, and a stream of harmony courses through interactions. Fresh connections usher in profound comprehension. Welcome the two upcoming serene days with open arms. Revel in the tranquil plateau, allowing its soothing embrace to permeate your heart. Amid this interplay of connections and stillness, remember that it's through the quality of your engagements that bonds deepen and understanding flourishes. As you savor this tranquil interval, let your openness be the bridge that carries you into meaningful moments, enriching your connections and infusing them with the warmth of authenticity and shared experiences.
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Cancer by Astrology.TV

Cancer (June 21 - July 21)

Resist complacency with the familiar. Employ your knowledge to venture into uncharted realms. Greet change with a novel approach, infusing it with freshness. Your delightful surprise lingers on the horizon, ready to unfurl. Amid this quest for novelty, remember that your willingness to transcend the confines of the known paves the way for discovery. As you harness your existing wisdom to tread unexplored pathways, you open doors to revelations that lie just beyond the bend. Through this journey of embracing change with ingenuity, your potential for unexpected marvels awaits, ready to reveal itself.
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Leo by Astrology.TV

Leo (July 22 - August 22)

As Mars shifts, remain unfazed. A hint of nostalgia suits this momentary phase. Your sociable self flourishes within it. Seek solace in the comforts of home, for they hold significance now. Refrain from stressing over progress; instead, bask in the embrace of coziness. Amid this celestial transition, remember that a touch of nostalgia can be a soothing balm, connecting you to cherished memories. Your thriving social spirit finds its rhythm within the walls of familiarity. By embracing this period of equilibrium, you create a space where both personal growth and the joys of home converge harmoniously.
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Virgo by Astrology.TV

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

The Mars shift heralds a period of ease. Over the next two days, exude reliability and numerical acumen. Your inherent value radiates, transcending mere intentions. Extend your outreach—moments of joyful conversations lie in wait. The horizon promises a stretch of untroubled waters. Amid this celestial transition, remember that your ability to bring stability and your proficiency with numbers stand as your pillars of strength. Through your interactions and connections, you paint a canvas where reliability and joy intertwine, illuminating your path towards a harmonious period marked by both steadiness and elation.
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Libra by Astrology.TV

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Free yourself from the clutches of the past. You possess the power to mold change. Your value is resolute, your deeds imbued with intent. Embrace the present moment. Delve into the depth of your influence. The present is pregnant with possibilities; grasp them. Amid this journey of transformation, remember that your ability to let go of the past's constraints empowers you to shape your own trajectory. Through your actions and choices, you infuse the present with purpose, enabling you to chart a course that echoes with fulfillment. As you navigate this juncture, seize the potential that the present holds.
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Scorpio by Astrology.TV

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

The Mars shift kindles passion within. Temporarily unveil your emotions, daring to immerse in profound care. Invest your authenticity genuinely, inviting positive energies. Abundance unfurls as you nurture authentic connections. Amid this celestial transformation, remember that the ignition of passion can be a catalyst for deeper bonds. By opening yourself to vulnerability and investing in connections with sincerity, you set the stage for a tapestry woven with the threads of genuine relationships. As you navigate this phase, allow your emotions to guide you towards a space where your authenticity attracts the abundance of meaningful interactions and heartfelt reciprocity.
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Sagittarius by Astrology.TV

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 20)

Dispel discomfort arising from ambiguity. Politeness widens the spectrum of possibilities. Foster positivity in the days ahead. Your endeavors serve as catalysts for refinement. Opt for kindness as your compass on the journey towards meaningful advancement. In this endeavor to clear pathways and facilitate progress, remember that your approach holds the potential to alleviate unease and promote understanding. Through your choice of kind interactions, you pave the way for improvements that extend beyond the surface. As you traverse this phase, let your actions resonate with the power of positivity and compassion, infusing your path with meaningful enhancements.
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Capricorn by Astrology.TV

Capricorn (December 21 - January 19)

With the Mars shift, a methodical approach emerges. Harmonize ambition with unwavering commitment. Brief emotional investment is acceptable. The significance of matters is evident. Practicality and steadfast dedication become your guiding lights. Amid this celestial transition, remember that a structured method amplifies your endeavors. By finding equilibrium between your aspirations and your resolute dedication, you carve a path of efficiency and achievement. Let your emotional interludes be brief, allowing them to complement your practical pursuits. Through your measured actions, you illuminate a route that balances ambition with steady pragmatism, leading to a realm of consistent progress.
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Aquarius by Astrology.TV

Aquarius (January 20 - February 17)

The Mars shift might hinder others' pace. Flexibility emerges as the victor. Refrain from imposing desires hastily. Allow events to unfold organically—asserting control is not imperative. Embrace adaptability as your ally; gratifying results often ensue. Amid this cosmic transition, remember that your willingness to yield to circumstances rather than forcing outcomes can lead to a smoother course. By adjusting your sails to the wind's direction, you navigate more gracefully. Through your embrace of adaptability, you welcome the potential for outcomes that align harmoniously with the currents of change, illustrating the beauty of a natural and unhurried evolution.
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Pisces by Astrology.TV

Pisces (February 18 - March 19)

A robust foundation has been established. Prolonged struggle isn't required. Nurture harmony in the days ahead. Lay the bricks for a legacy of benevolence. Cultivate an atmosphere of peace, for beginnings bear influence. Amid this period of stability, remember that your initial efforts have paved a solid path. Avoid unnecessary battles; rather, channel your energy into fostering unity and understanding. By creating an environment where tranquility thrives, you set the stage for a legacy marked by compassion and progress. As you navigate this juncture, embrace the power of peaceful beginnings, shaping a future grounded in harmony and goodwill.
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Aries by Astrology.TV

Aries (March 20 - April 19)

In the days that lie ahead, embody the brilliance of a sunbeam. Let your joyful spirit emanate, and your love for fun knows no bounds. Envision life as a tapestry of perpetual sweetness. Bask in the radiance you exude. Amid this vibrant stretch, remember that your capacity to radiate positivity can transform ordinary moments into extraordinary experiences. By embracing the luminosity within you, you infuse each day with a touch of magic. As you navigate this period, allow your effervescent energy to light up your path, and savor the kaleidoscope of delights that life offers.
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Taurus by Astrology.TV

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Radiating allure and magnetism, yet exercise caution against extravagance. Possessions could inadvertently hinder your journey. Temporarily suspend the enticement of excess. Redirect your focus towards inner substance rather than surface. Genuine worth resides beneath appearances. Amid this interplay between attraction and moderation, remember that it's your authentic essence that truly shines. By embracing the richness within, you redefine your relationship with materialism. As you traverse this path, let your inner light illuminate the way, guiding you towards a landscape where your true value is illuminated not by external possessions, but by the radiance of your authentic self.
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Gemini by Astrology.TV

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Guard your aspirations closely, for their alignment can be advantageous. A span of 48 hours presents an opportunity to radiate. Grasp this moment with fervor. In a confined domain, your prominence could be undeniable. Amid this temporal alignment of circumstances, remember that your aspirations hold the potential to propel you forward. By seizing this window of time, you pave the path towards recognition within a limited scope. As you journey through this phase, let your ambitions serve as your compass, guiding you towards a realm where your efforts are illuminated, and your influence is magnified.
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Cancer by Astrology.TV

Cancer (June 21 - July 21)

Rekindle compassion, understanding, and desire. In a mere two days, there's ample opportunity. Foster the bonds that tie you to others. Harmonize the past and present, letting nostalgia coexist with the present moment. Cultivate relationships with care, nurturing the connections that thread through time. Amid this journey of reconnection and equilibrium, remember that it's the intertwining of empathy, comprehension, and longing that forges lasting relationships. By embracing both memories and the present, you weave a tapestry of harmonious interactions. As you traverse this brief yet meaningful phase, let your actions reflect the beauty of empathy and connection.
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Leo by Astrology.TV

Leo (July 22 - August 22)

Curious minds chase excitement. Your abilities come alive in playful pursuits. Don't squander potential by overlooking chances. Seize what's rightfully yours today. Amid this search for exhilaration, remember that your openness to new experiences fuels your growth. As you channel your skills into enjoyable endeavors, you unlock a realm of possibilities. By embracing the opportunities that cross your path, you harness the potential that lies within you. As you journey through this time, let your actions echo the spirit of exploration and embrace the gifts that rightfully belong to you, creating a mosaic of fulfillment and accomplishment.
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Virgo by Astrology.TV

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Cultivate trustworthiness. Let truth shine, unfettered by distortion. The path is clear; evade the snare of deceit. Embrace authenticity, unburdened by pretense, for a span. Your landscape is painted with hues of honesty. Amid this commitment to sincerity, remember that your unblemished truth resonates powerfully. By steadfastly adhering to authenticity, you weave a tapestry of trust that stands the test of time. As you traverse this phase, let your actions echo the essence of transparency, contributing to a world where the bonds you forge are imbued with the strength of your unwavering veracity.
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Libra by Astrology.TV

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Seize the moment; let your emotions steer. Your charisma lends a helping hand. Embrace the present for a series of gratifying days. Embrace chances that arise, listening to the whispers of your heart. An existence marked by contentment beckons. Amid this juncture where action and sentiment converge, remember that your emotional compass is a valuable guide. By embracing opportunities with genuine enthusiasm and heeding your inner desires, you pave the path towards a life infused with fulfillment. As you navigate this phase, let your actions mirror the harmony of your heart, creating a canvas colored with happiness and purpose.
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Scorpio by Astrology.TV

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Forge a foundation of humble resilience. Trials briefly assess your mettle. Persist without faltering. Authentic involvement in the righteous pursuit culminates in triumph. Your struggle is righteous. Amid this period of trial and determination, remember that your ability to withstand challenges with humility and perseverance shapes your character. By engaging wholeheartedly in pursuits aligned with virtue, you set the stage for victory. As you navigate this battlefield, let your actions echo the conviction of your cause, for it's through your resolute efforts that the seeds of accomplishment take root and blossom into a triumph worth cherishing.
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Sagittarius by Astrology.TV

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 20)

A fervent spark ignites the days ahead. Effuse with joy, commemorating life's wonders. Embrace leisurely pursuits or dance with unbridled glee. Immerse yourself in the exuberance of the moment. The glow of happiness beams through your being. Amid this period of animated enthusiasm, remember that your capacity to relish life's pleasures amplifies its brilliance. By celebrating each moment and embracing the spirit of delight, you paint your journey with vibrant hues. As you navigate this phase, let your actions resonate with the melody of jubilation, creating a tapestry woven with the threads of happiness and mirth.
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Capricorn by Astrology.TV

Capricorn (December 21 - January 19)

Capricorn, your insight sets you apart. Confidence intertwined with impatience reigns. It's time to span the divide. Communication becomes the cornerstone for fostering comprehension. Cultivate a landscape of shared understanding. Amid this dynamic interplay, remember that your ability to bridge the gap rests on your willingness to communicate effectively. By nurturing dialogue and mutual empathy, you pave the way for a realm where differences dissolve and unity flourishes. As you navigate this juncture, let your actions mirror the harmony you aim to create, cultivating connections that transcend boundaries and deepen the fabric of understanding.
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Aquarius by Astrology.TV

Aquarius (January 20 - February 17)

Does fondness signify love? Their expectations turn toward you in the near future. Still, whether your heart forms a genuine connection remains uncertain. While your presence is a certainty, the depth of your emotions remains shrouded in doubt. Amid this intricate interplay, remember that feelings often unveil themselves over time. By being present and open, you create a space for understanding and emotional clarity to flourish. As you navigate this phase, let your actions echo your authenticity, allowing the threads of connection to weave their way into the fabric of your interactions.
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Pisces by Astrology.TV

Pisces (February 18 - March 19)

Prepare for two days of turbulence. Choose between adapting to or resisting change. Steer with the aid of recognizable landmarks. The common ground you share serves as your compass. Amid this period of instability, remember that flexibility holds the key to navigating uncertainty. By allowing familiarity to guide your choices and embracing the middle ground you share, you find stability within the storm. As you traverse this tempest, let your actions reflect your adaptability, allowing the winds of change to propel you forward while standing firm on the solid ground of your shared experiences.
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  • ★★★★★
    I am overwhelmed by the level of your concerns and ability to make me relevant. God bless you abundantly in all your ways
    Ahmed Oluwatobiloba Olarewaju Sulaimon
  • ★★★★★
    Kel ur the best astrologer I've ever known. U have been my astrologer since 2001. U helped me in a time I was scared for my life. U have no idea what u did for me . I've tried other astrologers during which time u were away because of ur accident but never found any one like u. Thank u for ur services.
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you Kelli thank you for all your readings and caring for me you don't beat around the bush but you don't tell me all the negatives you tell me the positives and I appreciate that I need guidance and you guide me so thank you and God bless you we all need a little guidance. Your eternal friend Steve.
    Stephen Lynn Wood
  • ★★★★★
    I enjoy receiving my horoscope in the mail it is always interesting and positive and fun. Thank you!
  • ★★★★★
    Let's just say that when I see your email, I can't help but smile and quickly go check out my horoscope. I'm learning so much about the "potentials" that the stars, the planets, and you (as a guide, an interpreter) allow me to align with (or not 😁❤️‍🩹).
    Greta Godaert
  • ★★★★★
    Great 😃 information , and research, I rely on my decisions.....
  • ★★★★
    I found your "Weekly Astro Weather for Feb. 18th-25th" to be very informative and an easy read. Thank you very much for inviting me to read it.
  • ★★★★★
    Thanks for all the astrological messages that are related to my life .I always got help when I read your messages.
  • ★★★★★
    Hello, I'm donalding in California. I was elated to get your text message and your challenge to make a video testimonial. I'm at a huge crossroads and starting over and I am the oldest person in the dorms at West Hills College and California. I'm going to study and get smarter and figure a way out of this little mess. I didn't know about Pisces or any of these things coming into my life and I definitely need to avoid bullying. There are and things are going to be just fine. We are interconnected, we are, we are loving, we are not competitive, and we are not.
    Don Spalding
  • ★★★★★
    Wonderful content, Often helped a lot. Thank you 💖
    Katja Alexandra
  • ★★★★★
    Hi, guys. Me and the cat here say hello, Kitty. I think anytime you got a real person that you can see talking to you is better. I think just video in general makes everything better. It's more entertaining, it's easier than reading. So if you do your own fair share of reading, it's good to just be able to listen for a change. So I think it's a good thing. I don't know if I'm answering, really what you wanted me to address, but keep up the good work. I'm enjoying it anyways. Bye, guys. Bye.
    Todd Marnie
  • ★★★★★
    Hello. How you doing? Good morning. I just like to appreciate all the encouraging things and basically, like, being. Hitting everything on in the head, what goes on through my life and everything, you know, I'm a firm believer, and it's just a real blessing to have someone like you all to, you know, with the heads up, with the presence, just everything. And I just wanted to let you know, greatly appreciate of you, you all. And, um, like, I know I have a special calling in life. Just through various things just went on in my life. I could tell. It's like, you know, I haven't been through a lot. I've been through a lot, but I always let my good outweigh my bad, always keep me a positive head. And, you know, I do my best to speak life into my situations instead of doubt and complain most of the time because I know God's got my back regardless, through anything. But I just like to thank you for all you have done. And at times, I may even forget to look on, look on here. But when I do go back and look, I catch what need to be caught, you know, it's just that, you know, it's a busy point in my life right now. Like, it's real busy and. But I still make time through it all. I just like to say I thank you and I appreciate you all for each and everything. And when I do be able to receive the funds and start investing in this and help out, I will. Until then, thank you. I love you. Thank you. Bye.
    Antowin Porter
  • ★★★★★
    Nice to not get gimmick's. You're in a class by yourself.
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you for taking care of us and the time to share your amazing gifts so appreciated xx
  • ★★★★★
    Kelli, I have come to RELY upon your dailies (Cancer), especially your unique Rating System! Feel LOST on those rare days when I don't have that going for me! So what has become of your daily "extras"? Are you taking a break and someone is subbing for you lately? I certainly hope that is the case and that you are well! Praying for you, love you! - Lou
  • ★★★★★
    I just want you to know I absolutely love you. I rely on you. If I get rich, I'm taking you with me. I'm going to have you with me every day of my life just because it's kind of weird. It's kind of scary how dead on you are all the time. But you want to know what? I love you. Thank you for finding your way in my life. I love all your emails and everything. And sometimes it scares me and I just try to be like, okay, let me just steer away because I always feel like I'm missing out on something, being occupied by stuff I'd rather not be occupied by, entertaining people and stuff that shouldn't be, getting people blocking my blessings, I guess you'd say. But besides that, I just need to take a leap of faith and just go all in it because I know who I am, what I want and I can't get it when I'm sitting in the house not doing anything because I'm all depressed because of the people that I have, people that suck my energy away. I don't know how to explain it. Just people that front row cheer me on to fail. But seriously, I love you. Thank you. I appreciate you. Bye.
    Dani Q
  • ★★★★
    Thank you.
  • ★★★★★
    Astrology has given me the best for life made me to understand what I am under life and to live on this planet I'm so happy for this deep wisdom I'm grateful.
    Oolapho Williams
  • ★★★★★
    Hello Kelli, thank you so much for being there in dark times & providing guidance! I find your readings very accurate compared to others!! Kindly accept my gratitude!!!
    Jaspreet Dullet
  • ★★★★
    Spot on. Thanks
  • ★★★★★
    Hi there. I'm Kumpul. I have listened to my predictions and it correctly says that confidence in me and yeah, it was really nice production and I'm looking forward really nice, amazing productions from my end. And I also wanted to know about the career wise predictions and, yeah, thank you.
  • ★★★★★
    Always on point. Every word about cancer and full moon is everything my love interest is going through. We are both Cancers. Thank you Kelli.
  • ★★★★★
    I have been following Kelli Fox for over a decade. Her readings are percise and quite accurate. I have also gotten quite a bit of insight from her additional reading and chart reviews. Thank you Kelli!
  • ★★★★★
    This message is right on time.
    Tiffony McCall
  • ★★★★★
    I love everything I saw today!
    Oolapho Williams
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you!
    Zachary Colombo
  • ★★★★★
    Ms. Kelli Fox. YOU Have Got It Going On Dear. YOUR Horoscopes are AMOUNGST ONE Of The BEST I've EVER SEEN On The Internet! , They're Accurate , Beautifully Written , & Beautifully Displayed , I Simply LOVE Reading YOUR Astrology Articles & Horoscopes , Keep Up The Awesome Work Ms. FOX.
  • ★★★★★
    They are very accurate & have helped me a lot.
  • ★★★★★
    For twelve years I keep visiting Kelli Fox to see whats up for my day, week, month and year. She explains astrology in a language I relate to.
    Shannon Laws
  • ★★★★★
    Hello, thank you so much.
    kiarash zabeti
  • ★★★★★
    I have visited your sites and shared your readings many times without knowing the work involved or the work behind it all. Thank you for your generosity and expertise. Your contributions are valuable to myself and many others. You have contributed to my personal growth, my understanding of the world and my deep compassion for all creatures. You are appreciated.
    Aurora Clair
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you so much.
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you so much for you work Kelli <3
    Tyshawn Braxton
  • ★★★★★
    Hey, Kelly. I am ready. If I had known I was going to be recording this, I would have worn some makeup. So anyway. Oh, that's my vanity speaking. Sorry about that. But anyway, I do love listening to you and I always acquire a lot of knowledge. I've been studying astrology since I was about eleven years old. I love it and I can't get enough of it. But I just wanted to let you know that I loved that quote from Eleanor Roosevelt that you put on there. It's so true. We need to live life while we have it and make the best of it. And astrology will help us lead the way. I'm assured of that. Anything we can learn when it comes to astrology will only help us to live a better life. And by your volunteering all your information, I thank you a million times over. You are such an asset. And I know the stars and the planets are shining down upon you and I listen to you all the time on YouTube and your Zoom channel and have a wonderful Thanksgiving and I hope your throat feels better. Kelli keeps drinking some hot. Thank you for everything you do. My name is Judith and I'm from Greensboro, North Carolina, and I'm a cancer and I love all of what you have to say. Thank you. Bye.
    Judith Bleiberg
  • ★★★★★
    Mahalo nunui Kelli for caring & guiding me through the darkest times. I am blessed to have you.
    Cheryl Bautista
  • ★★★★★
    Hey, the experience has been really wonderful. It gives me an insight on who I am, who I want to be. Can't wait to hear the rest. Thanks. Bye.
    Angela Cates
  • ★★★★★
    Kelli, you amaze me about how well you are reading me and my loved one so well.
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you so much, Kelli Fox, for being my astrologer. I’m always so happy and grateful to hear from you. ❤️ Winnie
    Winnie Elise
  • ★★★★★
    Growing and evolving everyday. Thanks for the guidance. Finally on the right path for the first time. My life changed once I found who I am. Had to lose everything to find who I was supposed to be. The universe has a wild way of reaching you when you're lost!
    Charley Cash
  • ★★★★★
    Glenn Twum
  • ★★★★★
    Thanks for always keeping me updated. Even sometimes i get lazy of checking my emails but this is truly helpful to me.
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you Kelli.
    Maria Nelia Vieira de Nobrega
  • ★★★★★
    I'm grateful for all your passion that enriches us. Lots of thanks and best wishes
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you for remembering my birthday! You're the only one. The images in the video were beautiful; & I really enjoyed the music.
    Georgia Gabet
  • ★★★★★
    Hello, Kelli. Thank you very much for your emails and for yourself. And I must say I take full advantage of your emails. With pleasure. And also from Numerology, of course. And you are really a lovely person. Thank you very much. Bye.
  • ★★★★★
    You are always right!!!
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you for the message it was spot on!
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you Kelli for the inspiration, guidance, and help. Much love and appreciation.
  • ★★★★
    You're right on with so much accuracy that it was crazy and incredible at the same time!! Almost like you was in my head at times.. Def enjoyed all the insight as well and looking forward to what the future holds.. The sky is the limit.. 💫✨💫✨
    Crystal Markland
  • ★★★★★
    I found the best Astrologer. Thank you Kelli for being my mentor . I see things more clearly & trust me my thinking abilities are skyrocketing.
    Arvind kumar
  • ★★★★★
    I remember what happened in 2015, it will happen again. Thank you Kelli, I know now what to do. You are on the spot again.
    Viviane Banoun
  • ★★★★★
    You were so on point with this information , as if you were reading my mind.
  • ★★★★★
    I have been studying astrology for 40 years and this site is particularly knowledgeable and well-written.
  • ★★★★★
    I'm feeling highly blessed to be with you. You changed my life.
  • ★★★★★
    It's pretty accurate. Thank you. And I'm glad to come across you. Have a great day.
  • ★★★★★
    Hello. Thank you so much. You're always helping me with your astrological knowledge. Thanks. Please pray for me. Thank you very much, Kelli.
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you very much. I love it.
    Alexandra Momirovic
  • ★★★★★
    Yeah thanks Kelli I do so much appreciate your reading - it is real. I love it!
    Anthony Appiagyei
  • ★★★★★
    Hi, Kelli. I'm so appreciate of all your readings they are true. I like your readings. Thanks so much.
    Anthony Appiagyei
  • ★★★★★
    Hello, Ms. Fox. This is Sally Haynes. I enjoy reading your message and the way I've been feeling different for the last two days. I don't feel like myself. I feel a different person. And I love it. You have a blessed night, Ms. Fox. Bye.
    Sally Haynes
  • ★★★★★
    Hello, Ms. Fox. This is Sally Haynes. I enjoy reading your message and the way I've been feeling different for the last two days. I don't feel like myself. I feel a different person. And I love it. You have a blessed night, Ms. Fox. Bye.
    Sally Haynes
  • ★★★★★
    Hello, Ms. Fox. This is Sally Haynes. I enjoy reading your message and the way I've been feeling different for the last two days. I don't feel like myself. I feel a different person. And I love it. You have a blessed night, Ms. Fox. Bye.
    Sally Haynes
  • ★★★★★
    It was very nice to listen to you. Some things I really don't understand in English, but I try to put together it's very nice to listen to you. I like it very much.
  • ★★★★★
    Amazing and so in depth. You give joy and inspiration to all those who read your horoscopes.
    Helen Cooper
  • ★★★★★
    I love this has really been helpful and it gives wisdom to understand life.
    Pascal Destiny
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