Daily Horoscope | AstrologyTV | Kelli Fox Astrologer
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Daily Horoscope

Daily Horoscope for Your Zodiac Sign

May 27, 2024
May 28, 2024
May 29, 2024
Aries by Astrology.TV

Aries (March 20 - April 19)

You possess a remarkable blend of tolerance and playfulness. Today, life unfolds as a boundless game, where every corner holds the potential for positive outcomes. With your optimistic outlook, you see possibilities everywhere and exude a sense of lightheartedness that's contagious. Embrace the day's limitless opportunities with a joyful spirit, knowing that your attitude has the power to shape your experiences. By approaching challenges with enthusiasm and a willingness to explore, you set the stage for exciting discoveries and memorable moments. Your open-mindedness and playful demeanor infuse each step with positivity and potential.
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Taurus by Astrology.TV

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

The specter of vulnerability lingers, particularly in the presence of certain individuals. Today, it might be wise to create a temporary buffer, allowing you to shield your emotions and maintain a sense of inner balance. By seeking solace in solitude, you can give yourself the space needed to navigate these emotions without external influence. While interactions with others can be enriching, acknowledging when to step back and preserve your emotional well-being is equally important. Embrace the quiet moments, allowing yourself to regroup and find clarity within your own thoughts.
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Gemini by Astrology.TV

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Confidence emanates from you today, creating an aura of assurance that draws others in. Your resolute and focused stance resonates strongly, capturing the attention and respect of those around you. Embrace this opportunity to imprint your certainty onto the atmosphere, leaving no room for doubt to linger in their perceptions. By exuding unwavering self-assuredness, you not only inspire confidence in your abilities but also pave the way for successful interactions. Your steadfast demeanor sets a powerful example, encouraging others to approach challenges with a similar level of conviction and determination.
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Cancer by Astrology.TV

Cancer (June 21 - July 21)

In the face of others' drama, your response is met with a subtle eye-roll of knowing amusement. You choose to dazzle and engage with a combination of concrete facts, creative flair, and compelling figures. Your diligence and dedication to accuracy shine through, and it's this meticulous approach that ultimately leads to well-deserved rewards. Your confident demeanor, grounded in irrefutable information, leaves an indelible mark on any conversation or situation you encounter. Your ability to navigate the intricacies of the situation while maintaining composure and poise showcases your strength and expertise, earning you both respect and admiration.
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Leo by Astrology.TV

Leo (July 22 - August 22)

Radiant and refined, your allure shines brilliantly, casting an irresistible glow that draws others in. The demand for your company is exceptionally high, with invitations pouring in for meetings and outings alike. Today finds you gracefully navigating through a multitude of engagements, each moment fully occupied by your magnetic and charismatic presence. Your ability to captivate and enchant is unparalleled, and as you gracefully move through each interaction, you effortlessly leave an indelible mark on those fortunate enough to be in your company. Your energy and charm illuminate every setting, turning ordinary moments into extraordinary memories.
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Virgo by Astrology.TV

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Perseverance proves itself as the ultimate victor today, propelling you forward with unwavering determination. However, it's essential to exercise caution against exerting excessive force in your endeavors. Consider the wisdom of easing up a bit, allowing room for flexibility and adaptability in your approach. Redirect your surplus energy into a productive workout, letting the physical exertion shed any lingering irritations through sweat and movement. By striking this balance between unwavering determination and the release of built-up tension, you ensure that harmony prevails and that you navigate the day with both resilience and grace.
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Libra by Astrology.TV

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

A craving for adventure and an insatiable zest for life draw you towards the allure of swift journeys today. As you embark on these paths, remember to fiercely protect the freedom that accompanies them. Embrace this vibrant phase with a passionate spirit, knowing that its vivacity is both compelling and fleeting. Revel in the exuberance of the moment, allowing yourself to fully immerse in the joy that it brings. As you navigate through these speedy journeys, let your heart be guided by the thrill of exploration and the appreciation of life's lively offerings.
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Scorpio by Astrology.TV

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

The façade of insincere warmth holds no weight today. Instead, consider embracing a measured emotional distance. By honoring your genuine feelings, regardless of their nature, you create an environment where authenticity reigns. This authenticity has the power to resonate deeply, fostering connections that are truly meaningful. Allow your emotions to be expressed truthfully, for it is in this honesty that the foundation for genuine bonds is laid. By being true to yourself and your emotions, you not only nurture your own well-being but also inspire others to connect on a more profound level.
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Sagittarius by Astrology.TV

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 20)

Your exceptional flexibility becomes a beacon of light today. Fueled by a positive mindset, your willingness to embrace teachability stands out. As you embark on the journey of learning, remember to welcome openness and humility. Your innate adaptability is the fertile ground for growth to flourish. Approach the acquisition of new knowledge with a blend of enthusiasm and grace, for it is through this balance that you'll extract the most profound insights. By embodying this spirit of learning, you not only enrich yourself but also inspire those around you to embrace the joy of growth.
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Capricorn by Astrology.TV

Capricorn (December 21 - January 19)

Despite clinging to a strident stance, your knowledge may be rusted and outdated. Now is the time to peel back the layers of illusion and welcome the unfiltered reality. Ground yourself in the present moment, seeking the clarity that emerges from acknowledging the truth. Authenticity will be your guiding light, enabling you to transcend the surface and foster genuine understanding. By embracing this commitment to truth, you not only liberate yourself from outdated beliefs but also create a foundation for meaningful connections built on honesty and authenticity.
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Aquarius by Astrology.TV

Aquarius (January 20 - February 17)

Restlessness can be a catalyst for creativity, but beware of letting confidence tip into arrogance. While it's important to believe in your potential, be cautious of becoming overly confident about the outcomes. Balance your ambition with humility, recognizing that success is a collaborative effort. As you cultivate new ideas and explore uncharted territory, keep your feet firmly on the ground. Avoid making assumptions and remain open to feedback and learning. By nurturing your creativity with a dose of humility, you'll be better equipped to navigate challenges and turn your restlessness into meaningful accomplishments.
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Pisces by Astrology.TV

Pisces (February 18 - March 19)

Pisces, maintain your composure amidst external influences. Don't let others' actions distract you from your path. Redirect your energy towards self-improvement and personal growth. Your unwavering demeanor is your strength, enabling steady progress. Seize this moment to invest in your own endeavors, nurturing your skills and passions. By focusing on your own journey, you'll find the resilience to rise above distractions and make meaningful strides towards your goals. Your inner strength will guide you towards success, regardless of external circumstances.
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Aries by Astrology.TV

Aries (March 20 - April 19)

Amidst interactions, be wary of sharp words that may emerge. Sensitivity could be fleeting, so exercise caution and respect others' emotions. Nurture your bonds with patience, understanding that repairing any damage may take time. Redirect your energy to the gym, channeling any tension into constructive physical activity. This will not only help release stress but also provide a healthier outlet for any negativity. By navigating conversations with care and focusing on positive outlets, you can navigate the challenges of the day while maintaining your relationships and well-being.
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Taurus by Astrology.TV

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Opportunities for rapid learning are abundant. Soon, you'll begin to comprehend how local actions hold implications on a global scale. Your efforts invested in understanding these dynamics are valuable and will yield returns. As you delve deeper, you'll uncover the intricate connections that tie localized experiences to broader contexts. Through dedicated exploration, you'll witness the blooming of wisdom that arises from this expanded perspective. Embrace this journey of discovery and learning, for it has the potential to broaden your horizons and contribute to your personal and intellectual growth.
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Gemini by Astrology.TV

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Make your health a top priority. If your diet and exercise plan isn't on track, consider revamping it. If you're overdue for a physical exam, don't delay – schedule one promptly. Consistent commitment to your health regimen ensures not only vitality but also overall well-being. Taking proactive steps towards maintaining your health will empower you to lead a more fulfilling and energetic life. Remember, a healthy body is the foundation for achieving your goals and enjoying life to the fullest.
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Cancer by Astrology.TV

Cancer (June 21 - July 21)

Blend the realms of science and sentiment seamlessly today. Let your creative energy ignite the flames of progress. Embrace the inspiration that the day offers, for it holds the potential to propel you forward. As you deepen your understanding, your confidence will naturally flourish, paving the way for remarkable achievements. By harmoniously uniting your analytical and emotional faculties, you'll find the power to make meaningful strides towards your goals. Trust in the synergy of your capabilities and let the day's momentum guide you to success.
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Leo by Astrology.TV

Leo (July 22 - August 22)

Maintain your diligence and sense of style as you navigate this calm day. Your finesse and elegance are your standout qualities, so let them shine brightly. Take the opportunity to impress the right individuals with your poised demeanor and refined approach. As you showcase your abilities, remember to take pride in your accomplishments and relish the satisfaction that comes from your hard work. This is a day to confidently display your talents and relish in the recognition they bring.
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Virgo by Astrology.TV

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Allow your creativity to flow freely today. Channel your imaginative energies into crafting something that exudes both intelligence and class. Whether it's a piece of art, a thoughtful gesture, or a professional project, aim to astonish a friend, admirer, or client with your innovative approach. Consider this day as your personal canvas, waiting for your strokes of brilliance to bring it to life. Embrace the opportunity to showcase your unique talents and leave a lasting impression that reflects your creative spirit and ingenuity.
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Libra by Astrology.TV

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Practice restraint and temper your enthusiasm today. Steer clear of making grandiose promises that might lack substance. Show respect for the patience and perspectives of those around you. Embrace the idea of allowing others their independence and space while you concentrate on your own path and pursuits. Strike a balance between your ambitions and the respect you give to the autonomy of those you interact with. By acknowledging the importance of individual journeys, you can navigate the day with a more harmonious and considerate approach.
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Scorpio by Astrology.TV

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Harness your focus and inner strength today. Direct your energy towards a goal that holds personal significance. Your determination is a powerful force, so use it to take a substantial step forward in your chosen endeavor. Whether it's a project, a task, or a personal aspiration, your drive will fuel your progress. Embrace this opportunity to make a tangible impact, and let your actions speak volumes about your dedication and determination. By channeling your energy wisely, you can achieve meaningful results that align with your goals.
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Sagittarius by Astrology.TV

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 20)

While your quirky actions might raise a few eyebrows, today is the perfect opportunity to bring order to chaos. Your ability to focus and organize will effectively clear up any confusion that might have arisen. Aim to avoid making puzzling or perplexing moves, as your stability and grounded approach will shine through, reassuring others that you have a handle on the situation. By channeling your energy into creating structure and clarity, you can navigate challenges with finesse and demonstrate your competence in managing even the most intricate of circumstances.
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Capricorn by Astrology.TV

Capricorn (December 21 - January 19)

Amidst life's cluttered vibe, consider taking the time to tidy up not only your physical space but also your emotional and relational landscapes. Reflect on your bonds, both old and new, and take steps to refresh your connections. By cleaning up and decluttering, you can bring clarity to your surroundings and your mind. Just as a clean space allows for better focus and productivity, a clear emotional and social environment fosters growth and positive interactions. Embrace the opportunity to sweep away what no longer serves you and invite a renewed sense of purpose and vitality into your life.
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Aquarius by Astrology.TV

Aquarius (January 20 - February 17)

Amidst a peak of sensitivity, you might find yourself surrounded by potential friction. Rather than diving into conflicts, take a step back to assess the roots of your unease. Identify the triggers that might be causing heightened emotions. By understanding what's causing these feelings, you can find a better balance within yourself. Once you've gained clarity, engage in conversations or situations with a calmer perspective. This approach allows you to navigate challenges with a clearer understanding, ultimately bringing a sense of harmony to what might have initially seemed chaotic.
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Pisces by Astrology.TV

Pisces (February 18 - March 19)

In your pursuit of wholesomeness, remember to also embrace moments of joy. Prioritize self-care as an essential component of your well-being. Don't deny yourself simple pleasures that can bring happiness. You deserve to feel good and find joy in various aspects of life. While striving for a balanced and wholesome lifestyle, it's important to recognize that you're entitled to experience happiness and enjoyment. Find the equilibrium between living healthily and indulging in moments that bring you genuine happiness, ensuring that your overall well-being is nurtured and fulfilled.
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Aries by Astrology.TV

Aries (March 20 - April 19)

Aries, curb impulsive scolding tendencies today. Embrace the power of apology when it's due. Remember, feeling inadequate at times is entirely normal—accepting this truth brings inner peace. Instead of being overly critical, try embracing the imperfections of the world around you. Growth and personal development often stem from a place of understanding and compassion, both for others and yourself. By cultivating this perspective, you not only contribute positively to your own growth but also foster harmonious interactions and relationships with those around you.
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Taurus by Astrology.TV

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

A silent visionary emerges from within you today. Your grasp of situations and concepts surpasses that of many around you. As you share your insights, do so gently and with consideration. Your deep understanding has the power to enlighten those who are willing to listen. Patience is key as you convey your thoughts, allowing others to absorb and appreciate the depth of your perspective. Use your ability to unveil hidden truths and layers, offering a fresh and profound outlook that can inspire positive change and growth in those fortunate enough to engage with your wisdom.
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Gemini by Astrology.TV

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Today, exercise wisdom in your financial decisions. Resist the urge to indulge in lavish splurges that could lead to trouble down the line. Instead, prioritize security and stability by choosing prudence over excess. Whether you're dealing in dollars or euros, consider each expense as an investment in your peace of mind. Tempt fate by making smart choices that align with your long-term goals and financial well-being. By spending wisely now, you can navigate your financial path with confidence and build a more secure and prosperous future.
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Cancer by Astrology.TV

Cancer (June 21 - July 21)

Elevate your perception of yourself today. Release the need for constant concessions and let go of the martyr role. Instead, embrace your inherent self-worth and step into your true identity. It's time to evolve unapologetically, standing strong in your authenticity. You're perfectly positioned for growth and positive change. As you strengthen your identity and shed limiting beliefs, you'll move forward with unwavering confidence, making progress on your own terms. Embrace your journey towards self-discovery and empowerment, for you are capable of achieving great things.
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Leo by Astrology.TV

Leo (July 22 - August 22)

Today, grant yourself the gift of releasing worries. Embrace an agreeable spirit that welcomes the potential of destiny. Open your arms to the opportunities that come your way. As you shift your attitude towards positivity, you'll find yourself naturally embodying kindness and understanding. Embrace the flow of life, allowing it to carry you towards outcomes that are not only favorable but also aligned with your highest good. Trust in the unfolding of events and embrace the journey with an open heart.
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Virgo by Astrology.TV

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Today, there's a beautiful convergence of minds and spirits. Embrace the power of vulnerability, allowing yourself to open up and connect with others on a deeper level. Engage in meetings and interactions with an open heart, and you'll find that they bring about goodness and positivity. Be receptive to the essence of those around you, valuing their unique perspectives. The connections you forge today will lead to positive outcomes, as the synergy of collective energies amplifies the impact of your endeavors. Embrace this harmonious flow of interaction and collaboration.
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Libra by Astrology.TV

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Embrace the virtue of honesty, but exercise it with wisdom. Prioritize tact over harsh critique, and let your honesty be a tool for self-improvement rather than an avenue for excessive judgment. Focus on your own journey of growth and self-discovery, while still remaining open to the perspectives of others. Strike a balance between speaking your truth and being kind in your interactions. Remember that honesty can foster personal growth when it's coupled with empathy and understanding, both for yourself and for those around you.
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Scorpio by Astrology.TV

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Your balanced approach to life shines brightly, earning applause from both your boss and your family for your exceptional efficiency. The alignment of life, love, and work reflects your sensible decisions. As a well-deserved break beckons, allow yourself to relax and rejuvenate, fully embracing the opportunity to enjoy the time off you've rightfully earned. This moment of rest will not only recharge your energy but also remind you of the importance of maintaining a harmonious equilibrium between your various responsibilities and personal well-being.
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Sagittarius by Astrology.TV

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 20)

Your firm stance and slight cynicism towards change have their place, but today, consider embracing open-mindedness to reap potential rewards. Don't shy away from surprises; instead, greet them with curiosity. Flexibility becomes your ally, revealing new and exciting possibilities that may have been hidden before. By shifting your perspective and allowing yourself to be astonished by the unexpected, you open doors to growth and enrichment that you might not have anticipated. Embrace the unpredictability of the day with a sense of wonder and enthusiasm.
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Capricorn by Astrology.TV

Capricorn (December 21 - January 19)

Today, focus on the simple yet impactful actions that can restore your well-being. Nourish your body with wholesome foods, engage in physical movement that energizes you, and remember the importance of adequate rest. By prioritizing self-care, you realign the balance that might have been disrupted by life's demands. Embrace the healing power of these choices and let them guide you towards a state of health and harmony. Remember, it's the small steps taken today that pave the way for greater well-being in the days to come.
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Aquarius by Astrology.TV

Aquarius (January 20 - February 17)

In the face of provocation, choose the path of serenity. Employ humor as a tool to defuse tensions and maintain poise. By ignoring the bait of conflict, you steer clear of unnecessary disputes and keep your relationships intact. Focus on cultivating meaningful connections and nurturing harmony. Your ability to rise above provocations strengthens bonds and paves the way for smoother interactions. Remember, your composed demeanor has the power to transform potential conflict into a space of understanding and cooperation.
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Pisces by Astrology.TV

Pisces (February 18 - March 19)

Embrace this unpredictable phase of life. Transition from a cynic to a devoted lover of all emotions. Allow yourself to fully experience the spectrum of feelings within you. Dive into the depths of your emotional landscape, exploring the richness of each expression. Just as the tides of the ocean ebb and flow, your moods and sentiments transform. Embrace this dynamic journey, for it is within the changing tides of your emotions that you discover the true depth and authenticity of your being.
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  • ★★★★★
    I am overwhelmed by the level of your concerns and ability to make me relevant. God bless you abundantly in all your ways
    Ahmed Oluwatobiloba Olarewaju Sulaimon
  • ★★★★★
    Kel ur the best astrologer I've ever known. U have been my astrologer since 2001. U helped me in a time I was scared for my life. U have no idea what u did for me . I've tried other astrologers during which time u were away because of ur accident but never found any one like u. Thank u for ur services.
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you Kelli thank you for all your readings and caring for me you don't beat around the bush but you don't tell me all the negatives you tell me the positives and I appreciate that I need guidance and you guide me so thank you and God bless you we all need a little guidance. Your eternal friend Steve.
    Stephen Lynn Wood
  • ★★★★★
    I enjoy receiving my horoscope in the mail it is always interesting and positive and fun. Thank you!
  • ★★★★★
    Let's just say that when I see your email, I can't help but smile and quickly go check out my horoscope. I'm learning so much about the "potentials" that the stars, the planets, and you (as a guide, an interpreter) allow me to align with (or not 😁❤️‍🩹).
    Greta Godaert
  • ★★★★★
    Great 😃 information , and research, I rely on my decisions.....
  • ★★★★
    I found your "Weekly Astro Weather for Feb. 18th-25th" to be very informative and an easy read. Thank you very much for inviting me to read it.
  • ★★★★★
    Thanks for all the astrological messages that are related to my life .I always got help when I read your messages.
  • ★★★★★
    Hello, I'm donalding in California. I was elated to get your text message and your challenge to make a video testimonial. I'm at a huge crossroads and starting over and I am the oldest person in the dorms at West Hills College and California. I'm going to study and get smarter and figure a way out of this little mess. I didn't know about Pisces or any of these things coming into my life and I definitely need to avoid bullying. There are and things are going to be just fine. We are interconnected, we are, we are loving, we are not competitive, and we are not.
    Don Spalding
  • ★★★★★
    Wonderful content, Often helped a lot. Thank you 💖
    Katja Alexandra
  • ★★★★★
    Hi, guys. Me and the cat here say hello, Kitty. I think anytime you got a real person that you can see talking to you is better. I think just video in general makes everything better. It's more entertaining, it's easier than reading. So if you do your own fair share of reading, it's good to just be able to listen for a change. So I think it's a good thing. I don't know if I'm answering, really what you wanted me to address, but keep up the good work. I'm enjoying it anyways. Bye, guys. Bye.
    Todd Marnie
  • ★★★★★
    Hello. How you doing? Good morning. I just like to appreciate all the encouraging things and basically, like, being. Hitting everything on in the head, what goes on through my life and everything, you know, I'm a firm believer, and it's just a real blessing to have someone like you all to, you know, with the heads up, with the presence, just everything. And I just wanted to let you know, greatly appreciate of you, you all. And, um, like, I know I have a special calling in life. Just through various things just went on in my life. I could tell. It's like, you know, I haven't been through a lot. I've been through a lot, but I always let my good outweigh my bad, always keep me a positive head. And, you know, I do my best to speak life into my situations instead of doubt and complain most of the time because I know God's got my back regardless, through anything. But I just like to thank you for all you have done. And at times, I may even forget to look on, look on here. But when I do go back and look, I catch what need to be caught, you know, it's just that, you know, it's a busy point in my life right now. Like, it's real busy and. But I still make time through it all. I just like to say I thank you and I appreciate you all for each and everything. And when I do be able to receive the funds and start investing in this and help out, I will. Until then, thank you. I love you. Thank you. Bye.
    Antowin Porter
  • ★★★★★
    Nice to not get gimmick's. You're in a class by yourself.
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you for taking care of us and the time to share your amazing gifts so appreciated xx
  • ★★★★★
    Kelli, I have come to RELY upon your dailies (Cancer), especially your unique Rating System! Feel LOST on those rare days when I don't have that going for me! So what has become of your daily "extras"? Are you taking a break and someone is subbing for you lately? I certainly hope that is the case and that you are well! Praying for you, love you! - Lou
  • ★★★★★
    I just want you to know I absolutely love you. I rely on you. If I get rich, I'm taking you with me. I'm going to have you with me every day of my life just because it's kind of weird. It's kind of scary how dead on you are all the time. But you want to know what? I love you. Thank you for finding your way in my life. I love all your emails and everything. And sometimes it scares me and I just try to be like, okay, let me just steer away because I always feel like I'm missing out on something, being occupied by stuff I'd rather not be occupied by, entertaining people and stuff that shouldn't be, getting people blocking my blessings, I guess you'd say. But besides that, I just need to take a leap of faith and just go all in it because I know who I am, what I want and I can't get it when I'm sitting in the house not doing anything because I'm all depressed because of the people that I have, people that suck my energy away. I don't know how to explain it. Just people that front row cheer me on to fail. But seriously, I love you. Thank you. I appreciate you. Bye.
    Dani Q
  • ★★★★
    Thank you.
  • ★★★★★
    Astrology has given me the best for life made me to understand what I am under life and to live on this planet I'm so happy for this deep wisdom I'm grateful.
    Oolapho Williams
  • ★★★★★
    Hello Kelli, thank you so much for being there in dark times & providing guidance! I find your readings very accurate compared to others!! Kindly accept my gratitude!!!
    Jaspreet Dullet
  • ★★★★
    Spot on. Thanks
  • ★★★★★
    Hi there. I'm Kumpul. I have listened to my predictions and it correctly says that confidence in me and yeah, it was really nice production and I'm looking forward really nice, amazing productions from my end. And I also wanted to know about the career wise predictions and, yeah, thank you.
  • ★★★★★
    Always on point. Every word about cancer and full moon is everything my love interest is going through. We are both Cancers. Thank you Kelli.
  • ★★★★★
    I have been following Kelli Fox for over a decade. Her readings are percise and quite accurate. I have also gotten quite a bit of insight from her additional reading and chart reviews. Thank you Kelli!
  • ★★★★★
    This message is right on time.
    Tiffony McCall
  • ★★★★★
    I love everything I saw today!
    Oolapho Williams
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you!
    Zachary Colombo
  • ★★★★★
    Ms. Kelli Fox. YOU Have Got It Going On Dear. YOUR Horoscopes are AMOUNGST ONE Of The BEST I've EVER SEEN On The Internet! , They're Accurate , Beautifully Written , & Beautifully Displayed , I Simply LOVE Reading YOUR Astrology Articles & Horoscopes , Keep Up The Awesome Work Ms. FOX.
  • ★★★★★
    They are very accurate & have helped me a lot.
  • ★★★★★
    For twelve years I keep visiting Kelli Fox to see whats up for my day, week, month and year. She explains astrology in a language I relate to.
    Shannon Laws
  • ★★★★★
    Hello, thank you so much.
    kiarash zabeti
  • ★★★★★
    I have visited your sites and shared your readings many times without knowing the work involved or the work behind it all. Thank you for your generosity and expertise. Your contributions are valuable to myself and many others. You have contributed to my personal growth, my understanding of the world and my deep compassion for all creatures. You are appreciated.
    Aurora Clair
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you so much.
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you so much for you work Kelli <3
    Tyshawn Braxton
  • ★★★★★
    Hey, Kelly. I am ready. If I had known I was going to be recording this, I would have worn some makeup. So anyway. Oh, that's my vanity speaking. Sorry about that. But anyway, I do love listening to you and I always acquire a lot of knowledge. I've been studying astrology since I was about eleven years old. I love it and I can't get enough of it. But I just wanted to let you know that I loved that quote from Eleanor Roosevelt that you put on there. It's so true. We need to live life while we have it and make the best of it. And astrology will help us lead the way. I'm assured of that. Anything we can learn when it comes to astrology will only help us to live a better life. And by your volunteering all your information, I thank you a million times over. You are such an asset. And I know the stars and the planets are shining down upon you and I listen to you all the time on YouTube and your Zoom channel and have a wonderful Thanksgiving and I hope your throat feels better. Kelli keeps drinking some hot. Thank you for everything you do. My name is Judith and I'm from Greensboro, North Carolina, and I'm a cancer and I love all of what you have to say. Thank you. Bye.
    Judith Bleiberg
  • ★★★★★
    Mahalo nunui Kelli for caring & guiding me through the darkest times. I am blessed to have you.
    Cheryl Bautista
  • ★★★★★
    Hey, the experience has been really wonderful. It gives me an insight on who I am, who I want to be. Can't wait to hear the rest. Thanks. Bye.
    Angela Cates
  • ★★★★★
    Kelli, you amaze me about how well you are reading me and my loved one so well.
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you so much, Kelli Fox, for being my astrologer. I’m always so happy and grateful to hear from you. ❤️ Winnie
    Winnie Elise
  • ★★★★★
    Growing and evolving everyday. Thanks for the guidance. Finally on the right path for the first time. My life changed once I found who I am. Had to lose everything to find who I was supposed to be. The universe has a wild way of reaching you when you're lost!
    Charley Cash
  • ★★★★★
    Glenn Twum
  • ★★★★★
    Thanks for always keeping me updated. Even sometimes i get lazy of checking my emails but this is truly helpful to me.
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you Kelli.
    Maria Nelia Vieira de Nobrega
  • ★★★★★
    I'm grateful for all your passion that enriches us. Lots of thanks and best wishes
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you for remembering my birthday! You're the only one. The images in the video were beautiful; & I really enjoyed the music.
    Georgia Gabet
  • ★★★★★
    Hello, Kelli. Thank you very much for your emails and for yourself. And I must say I take full advantage of your emails. With pleasure. And also from Numerology, of course. And you are really a lovely person. Thank you very much. Bye.
  • ★★★★★
    You are always right!!!
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you for the message it was spot on!
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you Kelli for the inspiration, guidance, and help. Much love and appreciation.
  • ★★★★
    You're right on with so much accuracy that it was crazy and incredible at the same time!! Almost like you was in my head at times.. Def enjoyed all the insight as well and looking forward to what the future holds.. The sky is the limit.. 💫✨💫✨
    Crystal Markland
  • ★★★★★
    I found the best Astrologer. Thank you Kelli for being my mentor . I see things more clearly & trust me my thinking abilities are skyrocketing.
    Arvind kumar
  • ★★★★★
    I remember what happened in 2015, it will happen again. Thank you Kelli, I know now what to do. You are on the spot again.
    Viviane Banoun
  • ★★★★★
    You were so on point with this information , as if you were reading my mind.
  • ★★★★★
    I have been studying astrology for 40 years and this site is particularly knowledgeable and well-written.
  • ★★★★★
    I'm feeling highly blessed to be with you. You changed my life.
  • ★★★★★
    It's pretty accurate. Thank you. And I'm glad to come across you. Have a great day.
  • ★★★★★
    Hello. Thank you so much. You're always helping me with your astrological knowledge. Thanks. Please pray for me. Thank you very much, Kelli.
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you very much. I love it.
    Alexandra Momirovic
  • ★★★★★
    Yeah thanks Kelli I do so much appreciate your reading - it is real. I love it!
    Anthony Appiagyei
  • ★★★★★
    Hi, Kelli. I'm so appreciate of all your readings they are true. I like your readings. Thanks so much.
    Anthony Appiagyei
  • ★★★★★
    Hello, Ms. Fox. This is Sally Haynes. I enjoy reading your message and the way I've been feeling different for the last two days. I don't feel like myself. I feel a different person. And I love it. You have a blessed night, Ms. Fox. Bye.
    Sally Haynes
  • ★★★★★
    Hello, Ms. Fox. This is Sally Haynes. I enjoy reading your message and the way I've been feeling different for the last two days. I don't feel like myself. I feel a different person. And I love it. You have a blessed night, Ms. Fox. Bye.
    Sally Haynes
  • ★★★★★
    Hello, Ms. Fox. This is Sally Haynes. I enjoy reading your message and the way I've been feeling different for the last two days. I don't feel like myself. I feel a different person. And I love it. You have a blessed night, Ms. Fox. Bye.
    Sally Haynes
  • ★★★★★
    It was very nice to listen to you. Some things I really don't understand in English, but I try to put together it's very nice to listen to you. I like it very much.
  • ★★★★★
    Amazing and so in depth. You give joy and inspiration to all those who read your horoscopes.
    Helen Cooper
  • ★★★★★
    I love this has really been helpful and it gives wisdom to understand life.
    Pascal Destiny
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