You are currently viewing Colony Inn Channel Letter and Pole Sign Retrofits
The Colony Inn's building now shines with modern, eye-catching channel letters, improving visibility and brand appeal.

Colony Inn Channel Letter and Pole Sign Retrofits

Channel Letters & Pole Sign Refresh: How the Colony Inn Revitalized Their Branding

In the heart of North Hollywood, a historic hotel is getting a modern sign retrofits facelift – one sign at a time. The Colony Inn, a beloved destination for travelers and locals alike, recognized that their dated acrylic sign and pylon sign wasn’t aligned with their commitment to providing a contemporary, comfortable experience. Their existing signage, once a prominent landmark, had begun to blend into the bustling North Hollywood landscape. With the help of Premium Sign Solutions, they embarked on a signage refresh to breathe new life into their brand and attract a new generation of guests, ensuring the hotel stood out once again, like a modern monument sign in a historic district.

Bold red channel letters with white trim on the Colony Inn building in North Hollywood.
The building’s new channel letters create a cohesive brand image across both Colony Inn locations.

The Client: Colony Inn

The Colony Inn is a timeless establishment, offering comfortable accommodations, a welcoming atmosphere, and a touch of old Hollywood glamour. They’ve been a staple in North Hollywood for decades, but they recognized that their signage needed to evolve to match their commitment to contemporary hospitality.

Worn-out pole sign with faded logo and lettering at the Colony Inn in North Hollywood needing sign retrofits
The Colony Inn’s pole sign was in need of a retrofit to enhance its appeal and visibility.

Illuminating a New Era with Channel Letters

The heart of the transformation lies in the two eye-catching channel letter signs. The first sign, adorning their 1990 building, boasts bold, 27-inch-tall red channel letters spelling out “COLONY INN.” The second sign, on their 1964 building, features the same vibrant design, ensuring brand consistency across both properties.

These signs aren’t just beautiful; they’re strategic. Illuminated with energy-efficient LEDs, they ensure the Colony Inn’s name shines bright, even after the sun sets. The crisp white acrylic face of each letter, paired with a glossy red trim cap, creates a bold and modern aesthetic that’s impossible to miss.

Pole Sign Retrofits: A Nod to History

To honor the history of their 1964 building, the Colony Inn chose to retrofit their existing pole sign rather than replace it completely. We carefully replaced the outdated sign faces with vibrant new acrylic lettering and updated the lighting with efficient LEDs. The result? A classic pole sign with a modern twist, preserving the hotel’s heritage while giving it a fresh look.

Parking Guidance with a Branded Touch

Beyond the main signs, we also updated the Colony Inn’s parking signage. Clear directions, along with branded elements like the hotel’s logo and signature red color, create a seamless and positive experience for guests from the moment they arrive.

Refurbished channel letters with bright logo and lettering at the Colony Inn in North Hollywood.
The Colony Inn’s revitalized channel letters now stands tall with a fresh look, welcoming guests with a modern, illuminated design.

A Signage Refresh with Real Results

The Colony Inn’s signage transformation isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s a strategic investment in their brand. The new signage has not only increased visibility but also elevated its brand image. Guests have commented on the fresh look and modern feel, proving that even small changes can make a big difference.

The Colony Inn building in North Hollywood has old, faded channel letters.
The original channel letters on the building of The Colony Inn were worn out and did not offer good visibility.

FAQs About Sign Retrofits

What are the benefits of retrofitting existing signs instead of replacing them entirely?
Retrofitting saves on costs is faster than a full replacement, and can be a more sustainable choice.

How can I determine if my sign needs to be retrofitted or replaced?

Consider visibility, functionality, and brand consistency. A sign professional can help assess your needs.

What types of signs are typically retrofitted?

Channel letters, pole signs, light boxes, and monument signs are common candidates for retrofits.

How much does it cost to retrofit a sign?

Costs vary depending on the size, type of sign, and the extent of the retrofit. Contact us for free sign retrofits quote!

Do you offer neon sign repairs?

We do not specialize in neon sign repair, however, we can recommend local shops that do.

Old, faded channel letters on the Colony Inn building in North Hollywood need sign retrofits.
The Colony Inn’s original channel letters on their building were worn and lacked visibility.

Ready to Revitalize Your Brand with a Sign Retrofits?

Contact us today – we’re offering cost-effective solutions that tie in with potential searches for “sign repair near me.” So if you ever need sign repair, we offer that service as well!

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