The Big Picture

  • Jack Black and Jason Momoa celebrate Minecraft's 15th anniversary on set of upcoming film adaptation, set to be released in 2025.
  • The Minecraft screenplay was written collaboratively by Chris Bowman, Hubbel Palmer, Allison Schroeder, and Peter Sollett.
  • The cast of Minecraft movie includes stars like Danielle Brooks, Emma Myers, and Jennifer Coolidge, along with Black and Momoa.

Fifteen years ago, Minecraft changed the landscape of the video game industry by allowing players to build worlds of their own design, filling them with impressive structures, creatures and portals to different worlds. And today, Jack Black and Jason Momoa have celebrated the occasion from the set of the film adaptation based on the popular title created by Markus Persson. The upcoming project is set to be released in theaters on April 4, 2025, allowing audiences to see the world they know and love coming to life in unexpected ways. The plot of Minecraft might still be under wraps, but as the release date comes closer, more details about this quest might be revealed by Warner Bros.

The video features Black and Momoa holding a sword and a pickaxe that look exactly like the ones seen in Minecraft, as they approach a cake that has been dedicated to the fifteen years the video game has entertained countless players from all over the world. In the background, viewers can take a brief look at one of the sets built for the upcoming adaptation directed by Jared Hess, as the world awaits for the first look at Jack Black as Steve, the human protagonist who's been a part of the video game since it was launched so many years ago.

The screenplay for Minecraft was a collaborative effort, with Chris Bowman, Hubbel Palmer, Allison Schroeder and Peter Sollett working together to figure out a narrative that could translate the magic of the video game to the big screen. Bowman and Palmer previously worked as a team on Masterminds, a comedy starring Owen Wilson and Kristen Wiig. When it comes to Schroeder, the screenwriter has previously worked on titles such as Frozen II and Christopher Robin, as the team takes Steve through an unpredictable quest.

The Cast of 'Minecraft'

Jack Black and Jason Momoa won't be the only stars exploring the world of Minecraft on the big screen, with the upcoming adaptation also featuring performances from Danielle Brooks, Emma Myers and Jennifer Coolidge. Brooks is known for portraying Tasha Jefferson in Orange is the New Black, the successful Netflix comedy about the inmates of Litchfield Penitentiary. And before she was ready to step into the world of Minecraft, Coolidge was praised for her performance as Tanya in The White Lotus. It's time for the talented cast of Minecraft to step into a reality that could be welcoming to visitors. But at the same time, danger could be lurking behind every virtual block.

You can check out the new video from the set of Minecraft below, before the film opens in theaters on April 4, 2025:

Minecraft Movie Temp Poster
Minecraft: The Movie

The malevolent Ender Dragon sets out on a path of destruction, prompting a young girl and her group of unlikely adventurers to set out to save the Overworld.

Release Date
April 4, 2025
Jared Hess
Jason Momoa , Jack Black , Danielle Brooks , Emma Myers
Main Genre
Chris Bowman , Hubbel Palmer , Markus Persson